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环保阻燃胶的开发   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了改善人造板的阻燃性能及降低人造板游离甲醛释放量,在引进国外先进技术基础上,历经两年的消化、吸收、创新工作,开发出一种集环保、阻燃、抑烟、胶粘于一体的环保型阻燃胶。实验室及福州人造板厂生产性试验结果表明,这种胶粘剂符合中密度纤维板生产的要求,可生产出低游离甲醛释放的阻燃中密度纤维板。初步的成本分析表明,与常用阻燃剂相比,这种阻燃胶在价格上极具优势。  相似文献   
为掌握人工诱导四倍体毛泡桐保持多倍体特性情况及毛泡桐截干再生特性,笔者以5a生四倍体及二倍体毛泡桐截干再生苗为材料,对截干再生苗的倍性、出芽数、生长速率、叶片特性、叶绿素含量及光合特性等进行研究.结果表明:四倍体毛泡桐截干再生苗能很好地保持其多倍体倍性,相对于二倍体来说,出芽数较少,生长较缓慢;气孔增大,气孔密度降低;...  相似文献   
鹅掌楸属杂交测定林的生长状况进行分析,结果表明5 a生树高、胸径、材积年平均生长量为1.92 m,2.5 cm,0.009 2 m3;生长最快杂交组合是T11×C8,其平均年生长量分别为2.39 m,3.4 cm和0.018 3 m3。3个生长性状杂交组合间都呈极显著的差异,为优良杂交组合的选择奠定基础。树高、胸径和材积的杂交组合(家系)遗传力分别为0.501,0.631和0.687,分别进行优良杂交组合选择,其现实遗传增益为16.3%,32.9%和116.1%。几种交配模式之间的材积生长比较结果是T×CC×TT自由授粉C自由授粉C×CT×S。优良杂交组合T11×C8、T12×C8、C9×T12的杂种优势率分别为108.7%,64.3%和110.7%。  相似文献   
林地重金属污染来源解析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
森林对维持生态系统平衡和物种多样性以及净化环境起着重要作用。然而近年我国第1次全国土壤污染状况调查研究表明,我国林地土壤污染超标率高达10%,其中主要污染物为重金属砷、镉等。但目前针对森林生态系统污染的研究相对较少,特别是针对森林生态系统重金属的来源及其特征的综述性报道更少。文中总结了森林生态系统重金属的主要来源,包括大气沉降、工业活动和交通运输、施肥和污泥林用、矿山开采等; 讨论了重金属对森林生态系统所产生的危害。旨在揭示重金属进入林地的途径和污染过程及其危害,为合理保护森林生态提供科学依据,也为林地土壤环境质量管理提供参考。  相似文献   
PHD(Plant Homeodomain Finger)基因家族编码一类锌指转录因子,广泛参与植物的生长发育和逆境应答过程。通过全基因组鉴定获得了95个大豆PHD家族蛋白。通过共线性分析、进化树构建、基因结构和功能结构域鉴定、GO注释分析、不同组织间和非生物胁迫下表达分析等,获得了大豆PHD家族基因复制、家族进化、保守结构域及基因表达等信息。结果表明,大豆PHD基因在家族进化、基因结构和保守结构域上存在较大变异,可能参与Zn 2+结合、DNA结合及表观遗传调控等分子过程,参与调控植物生长发育和逆境应答。这些结果为进一步研究大豆PHD家族在生长发育和逆境应答中的生物学功能提供重要线索。  相似文献   
‘龙回红’脐橙由‘纽荷尔’脐橙芽变而来,2012年经江西省农作物品种审定委员会认定的脐橙新品种,其变异株系适应性强,多数生物学性状均优于其母本‘纽荷尔’脐橙。为更全面了解该脐橙品种在果实发育成熟阶段的外观品质及内在营养成分的动态变化情况,本研究以‘龙回红’脐橙及其母本‘纽荷尔’脐橙为试材,对以上两个脐橙品种果实发育后期的相关生理生化指标进行测定,结果表明:随着果实的发育成熟,‘龙回红’和‘纽荷尔’的外观品质(单果重及横,纵径,果皮色差指数)呈逐渐上升的变化趋势;可溶性固形物(total soluble solid, TSS)、总糖、维生素C (vitamin C, Vc)含量呈先上升后下降的趋势,可滴定酸(titratable acid,TA)含量呈逐渐下降的变化趋势。‘龙回红’脐橙果实的红绿色差a*、色差指数(citrus colour index, CCI)、TSS、总糖含量、单果重及横、纵径均高于‘纽荷尔’脐橙,TA和Vc含量低于‘纽荷尔’,其外观品质和果实风味优于‘纽荷尔’脐橙。  相似文献   
Wool fabric was treated with liquid ammonia at -40 °C for 30 and 60 s prior to the application of polypyrrole (PPy). The polymer was deposited on wool fiber using the chemical oxidation method with 0.02 and 0.05 mol/l (Py) monomer concentration and FeCl3 as a catalyst. Functional groups of wool samples were analyzed using FT-IR, and surface morphology was investigated using SEM micrographs. Properties such as water absorbency, surface resistivity, abrasion resistance, weight add-on, and air permeability of coated specimens were explored. The FT-IR outcomes revealed the liquid ammonia pre-treatment changed the amount of amide I (NH), cystic acid, cystic monoxide, and dioxide content of the fiber. SEM micrographs revealed the descaling of wool surface after pre-treatment and smooth coating of polymer. Pre-treatment of wool in liquid ammonia improved absorbency of wool fabric with respect to the treatment duration. The surface resistivity of wool fabric decreased with the increase of monomer concentration and pre-treatment duration. The results of abrasion resistance confirmed that the pre-treated fabric exhibited lower loss of polymer after 200 cycles of abrasion. The weight of the fabric was increased and air permeability decreased when the monomer concentration and liquid ammonia pre-treatment duration was increased.  相似文献   
A water and dye-free heat treatment method was used to color wool fibers. The heat effect changed wool fibers to different colors from white in a nitrogen atmosphere. The influences of heating temperature and time on the colors of wool were investigated and the mechanical property of colored wool fibers was evaluated. The color strength of wool fibers increased as heat treatment temperature and time increased. The tensile strength retention rate of wool fiber was relatively high (≥90 %) when the heat temperature was below 200 °C. The surface morphologies of wool fibers scarcely changed during the heat treatment. The carbon content of fibers was found to reduce by heat treatment, indicating oxidization of components in the wool fibers in the process of coloration. Heat treatment may provide a water and dye-free approach to color wool and other textile fibers, albeit within a limited color range.  相似文献   
通过在江汉平原开展中山杉6个品系的引种造林试验。结果表明,引进的6个品系中山杉无严重病虫害发生,各生长指标均大于池杉,11 a生中山杉平均胸径为17.61 cm、树高为11.06 m、材积为0.1297 m^3,表明中山杉在江汉平原的引种试验基本成功,其中中山杉502和中山杉118最为突出,适合在江汉平原推广造林,丰富江汉平原造林树种。  相似文献   

Biochars produced from different feedstocks (such as wood, pig manure) possess varying physical and chemical properties, which have influence on crack and evaporation rate of biochar-amended soil (BAS). Furthermore, influence of compaction state and drying-wetting cycles on evaporation rate and cracking of BAS has not been investigated comprehensively. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of biochar types, compaction state of BAS, and drying-wetting cycles on crack propagation and retained water (or evaporation rate).

Material and methods

An animal and plant feedstock-based biochars were produced in-house from pig manure (PM) and wood (W), respectively. In addition, nano structured chalk and wheat biochar (CWB) were also produced. Soil amended with individual biochars was compacted in petri-glass discs at two densities. Disc specimens were subjected to multiple drying-wetting cycles, and evaporation rate of specimens and crack area were monitored throughout the experimental period (70 days). Images were captured after every 24 h and processed using image processing technique to obtain the crack intensity factor (CIF).

Results and discussion

The results show that plant-based W BAS showed the high water retention, i.e., low evaporation rate and low CIF. Furthermore, the crack potential of CW BAS was seen to be higher. In dense compacted soil, maximum CIF% can be reduced from 3.9 to 0.4% for W BAS, from 3.9 to 1.7% for PM BAS, and from 3.9 to 1.6% for CW BAS.


WB was able to resist cracking more efficiently than other types of biochar. Evaporation was found to be minimal for plant-based W BAS at 10% biochar percentage. Higher biochar content in soil was seen to increase the water retention of BAS significantly. Dense state of BAS at high biochar content (i.e., 10%) was effective in reducing evaporation rate and crack progression.

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