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Community forest management helps in mitigating deforestation and forest degradation by addressing the negative aspects of rural livelihoods such as poverty and social exclusion. It is important in regulating global climate by encouraging sequestration of carbon in shoots, roots and soils. We studied the status of community forest management, forest resource harvest and carbon stocks in two community forests of the mid hill region of central and western Nepal. The study was based on primary and secondary data collected through carbon stock measurement from field visits and allometric equations, household surveys, focus group discussions, key informant interviews, and review of past studies. Socioeconomic variables such as gender, age group, livestock and landholding status were related to resource utilization, conservation, and management of community forest. Forest resources such as timber, firewood, fodder and leaf litter were harvested in sustainable ways. People were involved in forest thinning, co-management meetings, guarding and planting trees for forest conservation and management. Density and carbon stock of trees increased gradually in comparison to a previous study. We recommend further research on other community forests for more accurate and better results. 相似文献
Ingrid Seynave Alain Bailly Philippe Balandier Jean-Daniel Bontemps Priscilla Cailly Thomas Cordonnier Christine Deleuze Jean-François Dhôte Christian Ginisty François Lebourgeois Dominique Merzeau Eric Paillassa Sandrine Perret Claudine Richter Céline Meredieu 《Annals of Forest Science》2018,75(2):48
Key message
The diversity of forest management systems and the contrasted competition level treatments applied make the experimental networks of the GIS Coop, a nationwide testing program in the field of emerging forestry topics within the framework of the ongoing global changes.Context
To understand the dynamics of forest management systems and build adapted growth models for new forestry practices, long-term experiment networks remain more crucial than ever.Aims
Two principles are at the basis of the experimental design of the networks of the Scientific Interest Group Cooperative for data on forest tree and stand growth (GIS Coop): contrasted and extreme silvicultural treatments in diverse pedoclimatic contexts.Methods
Various forest management systems are under study: regular and even-aged stands of Douglas fir, sessile and pedunculate oaks, Maritime and Laricio pines, mixed stands of sessile oak, European silver fir, and Douglas fir combined with other species. Highly contrasted stand density regimes, from open growth to self-thinning, are formalized quantitatively.Results
One hundred and eighty-five sites representing a total of 1206 plots have been set up in the last 20 years, where trees are measured regularly (every 3 to 10 years). The major outputs of these networks for research and management are the calibration/validation of growth and yield models and the drawing up of forest management guides.Conclusion
The GIS Coop adapts its networks so that they can contribute to develop growth models that explicitly integrate pedoclimatic factors and thus also contribute to research on the sustainability of ecosystems under environmental and socio-economic changes.83.
Susanne Brandl Tobias Mette Wolfgang Falk Patrick Vallet Thomas Rötzer Hans Pretzsch 《Annals of Forest Science》2018,75(2):56
Key message
Static site indices determined from stands’ top height are derived from different forest inventory sources with height and age information and thus enable comparisons and modeling of a species’ productivity encompassing large environmental gradients.Context
Estimating forest site productivity under changing climate requires models that cover a wide range of site conditions. To exploit different inventory sources, we need harmonized measures and procedures for the productive potential. Static site indices (SI) appear to be a good choice.Aims
We propose a method to derive static site indices for different inventory designs and apply it to six tree species of the German and French National Forest Inventory (NFI). For Norway spruce and European beech, the climate dependency of SI is modeled in order to estimate trends in productivity due to climate change.Methods
Height and age measures are determined from the top diameters of a species at a given site. The SI is determined for a reference age of 100 years.Results
The top height proves as a stable height measure that can be derived harmoniously from German and French NFI. The boundaries of the age-height frame are well described by the Chapman-Richards function. For spruce and beech, generalized additive models of the SI against simple climate variables lead to stable and plausible model behavior.Conclusion
The introduced methodology permits a harmonized quantification of forest site productivity by static site indices. Predicting productivity in dependence on climate illustrates the benefits of combined datasets.84.
One-year-old yellow-cedar (Chamaecyparis nootkatensis (D. Don) Spach) seedlings and rooted cuttings were taken from cold-storage facilities and grown in aerated water in a controlled environment room for 21 days. Root areas of seedlings and rooted cuttings were initially comparable, but after 21 days seedlings had produced more than twice as much new root area as rooted cuttings. Water flow resistance through the plant-atmosphere continuum decreased in both stock types over the 21-day period. In both seedlings and rooted cuttings, transpirational flux density increased in a curvilinear manner as new root area increased. Root resistance to water movement decreased sharply with increasing new root area up to 20 cm(2) in both seedlings and rooted cuttings. Further increases in new root area did not result in further changes in root resistance of either stocktype. Plant water movement was measured by both the whole plant and the root system pressurization methods with results differing between the two techniques. 相似文献
The relationship between fluoride content of needles and decrease in yield in conifer forests subject to fluorine pollution . In conifer forests (Picca abies Lk.), subject to fluoride pollution, a logarithmic correlation exists between the F-content of unwashed needles and the decrease in wood production. 相似文献
Gyrinops walla Gaertn. is the only species growing in Sri Lanka that belongs to the agarwood family,Thymelaeaceae. Although agarwood resin induction and extraction from Aquilaria species of the same family have been practised for many decades in Southeast Asian region,the ability of producing agarwood resins in G. walla was discovered recently. Since previous studies were on agarwood resins formed due to natural causes, the present study was conducted to identify the potential fungal species that are capable of artificially inducing agarwood resin formation in G. walla. Since this is the first ever study conducted on artificial inducement of agarwood resin formation in G.walla, Aspergillus niger and Fusarium solani were selected owing to their high abundance in the naturally formed agarwood resinous tissues collected from 25 G. walla trees.Both fungal species were separately grown in yeast extract glucose agar and used to inoculate healthy G. walla trees under aseptic conditions. Three holes were made for each tree and 2 g of fungal culture including the medium were placed in each hole. Tissue discoloration, characteristic aroma, resin content and resin constituents were checked at10 cm intervals above and below the inoculation points for a period of 1 year. Results revealed that tissue discoloration and resin content were higher in the trees inoculated with A. niger. Other than at 10 cm above and below the inoculation points, samples collected at all locations had significantly higher resin contents when inoculated with A. niger compared to F. solani. Sixteen agarwood resin constituents, which were also recorded in Aquilaria species, were identified from the discolored tissues using GC–MS analysis. Jinkohol, agarospirol and 2(2-phenyl)chromone derivatives were found in all discolored tissues collected at 10-cm intervals of the trees inoculated with both fungi. b-Seline, c-eudesmol and valerenal were found in nine of 10 sample points on the stem. c-Elemene was recorded only in one sample. The characteristic aroma during burning was stronger for dark-colored tissues than the light-colored ones. The present study confirmed the potential use of certain fungal species to induce agarwood resin in G. walla and that A. niger is more effective than F.solani. 相似文献
The variation in extractives content in sapwood and heartwood was investigated among 12 trees in each of four commercial plantations of Eucalyptus globulus in central Portugal. The study was carried out at the 15% height level and extractions used successively dichloromethane, ethanol and water. At all sites, heartwood had significantly more extractives than sapwood, on average 3.8 and 2.4%, respectively. Most extractives consisted of ethanol soluble material (on average 52% of total extractives). Among the sites, there was a statistically significant difference in the content of extractives but the most important source of variation was the within-tree variation between sapwood and heartwood. Differences in the content of extractives were also observed among trees. A strong relation between extractives content and heartwood proportion was found. The potential loss of pulp yield and problems associated with accumulation of extractives are directly related to the heartwood proportion in the eucalypt stems. Forest management should take into account heartwood development and selection for minimising heartwood extractives. 相似文献
E. David Dickens David J. Moorhead Charles T. Bargeron Lawrence A. Morris Lee A. Ogden Bryan C. McElvany 《Agroforestry Systems》2012,86(3):315-321
Forest landowners in the southeastern United States have the opportunity to manage their loblolly, longleaf and slash pine stands for pine straw (fresh undecomposed needles; the litter layer) for non-timber revenues. Pine straw is used primarily as mulch in landscaping and has grown in revenues paid to landowners in Georgia from $15.5 million in 1999 to $81 million in 2009. Pine straw is typically sold by the acre or by the bale. Selling pine straw by the acre may be advantageous to absentee landowners. Selling pine straw by the bale can generate more annual income, but bale counts need to be accurate and bale dimensions defined. For both methods, recent (2005–2010) pine straw multi-year revenues range from $50 to $150 per acre annually. Longleaf pine straw commands the highest price per bale, followed by slash pine, and lastly loblolly pine. Per rake yields from loblolly stands tend to be 15–30?% greater than slash and longleaf pine. Pine straw raking typically starts at canopy closure continuing to the first thinning, generating from $300 per acre to over $1000 per acre in new income. This paper summarizes pine straw yields and economics in loblolly, longleaf, and slash pine stands. 相似文献
Mikaela Schmitt-Harsh Tom P. Evans Edwin Castellanos J. C. Randolph 《Agroforestry Systems》2012,86(2):141-157
Tree removal in Latin American coffee agroforestry systems has been widespread due to complex and interacting factors that include fluctuating international markets, government-supported agricultural policies, and climate change. Despite shade tree removal and land conversion risks, there is currently no widespread policy incentive encouraging the maintenance of shade trees for the benefit of carbon sequestration. In facilitation of such incentives, an understanding of the capacity of coffee agroforests to store carbon relative to tropical forests must be developed. Drawing on ecological inventories conducted in 2007 and 2010 in the Lake Atitlán region of Guatemala, this research examines the carbon pools of smallholder coffee agroforests (CAFs) as they compare to a mixed dry forest (MDF) system. Data from 61 plots, covering a total area of 2.24 ha, was used to assess the aboveground, coarse root, and soil carbon reservoirs of the two land-use systems. Results of this research demonstrate the total carbon stocks of CAFs to range from 74.0 to 259.0 Megagrams (Mg)?C ha?1 with a mean of 127.6?±?6.6 (SE)?Mg?C ha?1. The average carbon stocks of CAFs was significantly lower than estimated for the MDF (198.7?±?32.1?Mg?C?ha?1); however, individual tree and soil pools were not significantly different suggesting that agroforest shade trees play an important role in facilitating carbon sequestration and soil conservation. This research demonstrates the need for conservation-based initiatives which recognize the carbon sequestration benefits of coffee agroforests alongside natural forest systems. 相似文献
Bark beetles of the genus Dendroctonus are natural inhabitants of forests; under particular conditions some species of this genus can cause large-scale tree mortality. However, only in recent decades has priority been given to the comprehensive study of these insects in México. México possesses high ecological diversity in Dendroctonus–Pinus associations. The geographic coexistence of 12 Dendroctonus species suggests greater vulnerability or threat of tree mortality relative to other areas. We use a biogeographic strategy to identify and rank the areas most vulnerable to tree mortality caused by bark beetles in México. We aim to define the areas that might experience high impact by these insects and also to provide a geographic database useful to forest resource management and conservation policies in México. Using collection records of bark beetles and pines, we develop a quantitative estimate of the threat of beetle infestation of forest areas based on factors including pine and beetle species density, host preference and level of mortality caused by beetle species. A quantitative estimate of forest area vulnerability, the Bark Beetle Threat Index (BBTI) was calculated. Despite the vast area of geographic coincidence of Pinus and Dendroctonus in México, the regions of highest bark beetle pressure are restricted to small zones within some mountain systems. The region that has been most affected by this insect group during the past hundred years is the Transverse Volcanic Belt, followed by the Sierra Madre Occidental and Sierra Madre del Sur. Pine diversity is the major determining factor of BBTI at the regional level, while disturbances from extensive logging and ecosystem change are the key factors behind high BBTIs at the local level. 相似文献