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Cytokines produced by T helper (Th) cells are important in orchestrating the immune response during health and disease. Recent reports indicated that cytokine mRNA expression in foals is often quantitatively lower than that of adult horses suggesting that foal T cells are not fully mature. Here, peripheral blood mononuclear cells from foals and adult horses were stimulated with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate and analyzed for intracellular interferon-gamma (IFN-γ), interleukin-4 (IL-4) and IL-10 production, representing the Th1, Th2 and regulatory TR1 cell phenotypes respectively, by flow cytometry. In agreement with previous reports, all three cytokines were quantitatively reduced in foals compared to adults. However, the balance between Th1 and Th2 cytokines (IFN-γ/IL-4 ratio) showed a clear Th1-biased response in foals by 6 and 12 weeks of life, while similar IFN-γ/IL-10 ratios were found in foals and adult horses. By day 5 after birth, intracellular IFN-γ production by foal CD4+ and CD8+ T cells resembled that in adults. Overall, IL-4 production was low in foals. IL-4+ cells peaked at day 5 of age when IL-4 was mainly produced by IgE+ cells. Relative percentages of IL-4+ Th2 cells were significantly lower in foals at all time points. The data suggested that equine neonates and young foals have an impaired Th2 response, that the immune response of foals is Th1 biased, that IFN-γ production by Th and cytotoxic T cells is qualitatively similar to adult horses, and regulatory IL-10 production by T cells is developmentally mature in foals during the first three months of life.  相似文献   
基于“有限理性经济人”假说,以农户对户用沼气技术的选择为例,实证分析了农户在不确定条件下的决策过程,探讨了影响农户技术选择行为的因素.研究结果表明,农户对技术的意愿选择和实际选择具有较高的一致性,实际选择受到意愿选择和农户禀赋及决策环境的共同影响.因此,现阶段改变农业技术推广模式和改善农户相关资源约束状况,将是推动我国农业技术推广的重要途径.  相似文献   
Taylorella equigenitalis is a gram-negative coccobacillus and the causative agent of a transmissible venereal disease in horses known as contagious equine metritis. Outbreaks of contagious equine metritis have been documented in various countries since 1977, with the most recent discovery in the United States in December 2008. During disease occurrences, culturing semen samples for T equigenitalis before breeding may help to prevent transmission of this disease; however, little is known about the antimicrobial activity of equine semen extenders against the organism. The purpose of this study was to investigate the infectivity levels of T equigenitalis in three equine semen extenders inoculated with known concentrations of the organism. The semen extenders used for this study included INRA 96, E-Z Mixin BF, and VMDZ. In addition, Timentin was added to INRA 96 at three different concentrations (0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 mg/mL) to investigate possible synergistic effects of antibiotic supplementation of extenders. Results were based on the visual counting of the colonies on chocolate Eugon agar plates. Both INRA 96 (with added Timentin) and VMDZ (as supplied by the manufacturer) significantly reduced the numbers of T equigenitalis isolated from semen extenders as compared with INRA 96 (as supplied by the manufacturer) or the antibiotic free E-Z Mixin BF. Our findings indicate that INRA 96 (with added Timentin) or VMDZ may significantly decrease the growth of T equigenitalis in extended semen; however, it is also important to consider the possible effects of antibiotic supplemented extenders on sperm longevity and fertility in addition to eliminating specific pathogens in semen.  相似文献   
Veterinarians are often directly involved in clinical studies or requested for information to help interpret their results. Therefore, it is reasonable to examine the reservoir of study methods. This article transfers methodological considerations from clinical research into veterinary medicine. The study question determines the appropriate study method. Recently a ten-step procedure was suggested for selection of appropriate study designs in humans. Based on this approach, a pragmatic study design was adapted to the conditions prevailing in interventional studies in dogs and cats with disturbed behaviour. The different concepts for clinical studies are introduced. Whether or not the design and the evaluation of pragmatic studies in dogs and cats with disturbed behaviour has been maintained and the prerequisites have thereby been fulfilled so that the obtained results are suitable to be applied under everyday conditions can be tested in eight steps. Using the pragmatic design the superiority of complex interventions can be investigated. The results of pragmatic studies help to substantiate a value judgement, i. e., the recommendation or rejection of a specific therapeutic intervention for a defined disease entity in a specific therapeutic setting. The goal of pragmatic studies is to obtain results appropriate for use in everyday situations. In conclusion, the suggested procedure is useful for the selection of the appropriate study designs for specific questions. This procedure is also suitable to test whether the conclusions of published study results coincide with the chosen methods.  相似文献   
Profiles of blood cell counts were evaluated for 15 calves from three different farms. These calves showed petechia in the mucous membranes and in the skin and prolonged secondary bleeding after puncture. The clinical course of the disease could be observed in eleven calves. With exception of one case, the blood cell counts indicated a severe anaemia, leukocytopenia and thrombocytopenia. Out of these 15 calves, six calves survived and the other nine calves died or had to be euthanized due to the severity of the disease. Necropsy of these nine calves revealed petechia in the skin, subcutis, muscles, in inner organs and all serous membranes. Pathohistological examination showed a depletion of the bone marrow and lymphatic tissue in eight calves. These findings confirmed the diagnosis of bovine neonatal pancytopenia (BNP) for eight of these nine calves. Bluetongue virus serotype 8 was tested negatively using PCR. Bovine virus diarrhoea virus (BVDV) was negatively tested using immunofluorescence and cell culture and salmonella species were negatively tested in seven dissected calves. A cluster of toxins was negatively tested in one of the dissected calves. All 15 calves had high antibody titres for BVDV. The BVDV-antibody titres from twelve dams with affected calves were positive in six cases and not detectable in the other six cases. In three of the six dams with not detectable BVDV-antibody titres, calves were fed with colostrum of a further dam with high BVDV-antibody titres. In the further three dams without detectable BVDV-antibody titres, we could not ascertain which colostrum has been fed to the calves. BVDV-specific antigen could not be detected in any of the samples from the calves and dams tested. Using the activity of the gamma-glutamyl-transferase, we assumed a sufficient supply with colostrum for the examined calves.The cause for the occurrence of these BNP cases was due to bone marrow depletion.The reason for the bone marrow depletion remained unclear. However, it was obvious that the BNP described here is highly likely caused by colostrum from cows with positive BVDV-antibody titres.  相似文献   
Phosphorus is a nonrenewable resource, which is required for crop growth and to maintain high yields. The soil P cycle is very complex, and new model approaches can lead to a better understanding of those processes and further guide to research gaps. The objective of this study was to present a P-submodel, which has been integrated in the existing Carbon Candy Balance (CCB) model that already comprises a C and N module. The P-module is linked to the C mineralization and the associated C-pools via the C/P ratio of fresh organic material. Besides the organic P cycling, the module implies a plant-available P-pool (Pav), which is in a dynamic equilibrium with the nonavailable P-pool (Pna) that comprises the strongly sorbed and occluded P fraction. The model performance was tested and evaluated on four long-term field experiments with mineral P fertilization, farmyard manure as organic fertilizer and control plots without fertilization. The C dynamics and the Pav dynamics were modelled with overall good results. The relative RMSE for the C was below 10% for all treatments, while the relative RMSE for Pav was below 15% for most treatments. To accommodate for the rather small variety of available P-models, the presented CNP-model is designed for agricultural field sites with a relatively low data input, namely air temperature, precipitation, soil properties, yields and management practices. The CNP-model offers a low entry threshold model approach to predict the C-N and now the P dynamics of agricultural soils.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) is a limited resource and its efficient use is a main task in sustainable agriculture. In a 3-year field experiment the effects of catch cropping [oil radish (Raphanus sativus), buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum), serradella (Ornithopus sativus), ryegrass (Lolium westerwoldicum), and phacelia (Phacelia tanacetifolia)] of organic fertilization (cattle manure and biowaste compost) and of inorganic fertilization (Triple-Superphosphate) on plant and soil parameters were investigated on a P-poor loamy sand in Northeast Germany. The catch crops were sown in September and remained on the plots until next spring. Then the main crops oilseed rape (Brassica napus), spring barley (Hordeum vulgare), or spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) were cultivated. The yield and P uptake of the main crops were determined. Furthermore, in the soil the organic matter content, pH, phosphorus (P) in soil solution (Psol), double-lactate and oxalate P content, P sorption capacity, and degree of P saturation were measured. All applied forms of fertilizer affected the P contents in soil and the yields and P uptakes of main crops. For green fertilization especially phacelia was found to contribute to the P supply of the main crops, since it increased the P uptake as well as the P contents in soil significantly. The cultivation of ryegrass led to a reduction of the P availability in soil. For example, in average of the three years the Psol content was 0.35 mg L? 1when phacelia was cultivated and 0.22 mg L? 1 when ryegrass was cultivated. The cultivation of phacelia had a comparable effect on soil and plant parameters as the organic and mineral fertilization. An improved P availability and P utilization by catch cropping can reduce the need for external P input which may help to save the limited P resources worldwide.  相似文献   
Recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) and insect bite hypersensitivity (IBH) are allergic conditions that are commonly encountered in the horse. Whilst complete allergen avoidance is an effective management strategy for both diseases, this may not be achievable in all cases and treatment options are therefore required. The inflammatory response is the main therapeutic target for glucocorticoids given to horses with RAO and severe cases of IBH, whilst the bronchodilators used in RAO primarily target airway smooth muscle. Such drugs are effective in most but not all individuals and there may be unwanted adverse effects. This article will review how knowledge of drug action and the pathogenesis of RAO and IBH can be utilised to identify potential targets for novel therapeutic agents that, in the longer term, may be safer and/or more effective in managing the allergic horse.  相似文献   
According to climate change scenarios, central Europe may expect extending drought periods during summer. Lower water availability may influence the ruminal digestion of individual forage legume species differently. To test this hypothesis, Lotus corniculatus L. (var. Bull), Medicago lupulina L. (var. Ekola), Medicago falcata L. (wild seeds) and Trifolium repens L. (var. Rivendel) were each grown in parallel lots of control and drought‐stressed monocultures. Rainout shelters (installed in May 2011 on a regrowth after first cut until harvest in mid of June) withheld rainfall of 40 mm in the drought stress treatment. Samples of dried (60°C) and milled (5 mm screen) forage legumes were incubated in a simulation experiment using Rusitec to assess drought effects on parameters for microbial metabolism. Degradability of dry matter and organic matter as well as methane production decreased in incubations with drought‐stressed compared to control variants of legume species. Degradability of crude protein, neutral detergent fibre, acid detergent fibre and residual organic matter including non‐fibre carbohydrates and lipids were affected by interactions between drought stress and species. Significant interactions were also found for ammonia concentrations, molar SCFA proportions and the microbial communities. It is concluded that drought stress for growing forage legumes influences their ruminal degradation and fermentation as well as the ruminal microbial communities of Bacteria and Archaea differently in a legume species‐dependent manner.  相似文献   
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