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The development of postattenuation neurologic signs (PANS) is a poorly understood and potentially devastating complication after surgical attenuation of congenital portosystemic shunts in dogs. Postattenuation neurologic signs include seizures but also more subtle neurologic signs such as depression, behavioral changes, tremors, and twitching. They most commonly occur within 7 days postoperatively and are typically unrelated to hyperammonemia, hypoglycemia, or electrolyte disturbances. This narrative review summarizes the findings of 50 publications from 1988-2020 that report occurrence of PANS. While most published reports included only dogs affected by postattenuation seizures (PAS), others included dogs with any form of PANS. Overall, PANS (including PAS) affected 1.6%-27.3% of dogs, whereas incidence of PAS ranged from 0%-18.2%. The etiology of PANS remains unknown; however, several theories have been proposed. Risk factors include preoperative hepatic encephalopathy, increasing age, and possibly certain breeds and extrahepatic shunt morphology. There is increasing evidence that prophylactic antiepileptic drugs do not prevent PANS. Treatment is centered around controlling neurologic signs with antiepileptic drugs and providing supportive intensive care. The 30-day survival rate in studies that included a minimum of four dogs affected by PANS was 0%-100% (median, 50.0%) and 0%-75.0% (median, 37.5%) for those with PAS. Mortality associated with PANS was typically related to occurrence of generalized seizure activity. Prognostic factors positively associated with short-term survival included having a history of preoperative seizures and development of focal seizures only. If affected dogs survived to discharge, survival for several years was possible, and the majority of neurologic signs manifested as part of the phenomenon of PANS appeared to resolve.  相似文献   
Our primary objective was to present and test a new technique for in vitro estimation of respiration of cores taken from old trees to determine respiratory trends in sapwood. Our secondary objective was to quantify effects of tree age and stem position on respiratory potential (rate of CO2 production of woody tissue under standardized laboratory conditions). We extracted cores from one to four vertical positions in boles of +200-, +50- and +15-year-old Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws. trees. Cores were divided into five segments corresponding to radial depths of inner bark; outer, middle and inner sapwood; and heartwood. Data suggested that core segment CO2 production was an indicator of its respiratory activity, and that potential artifacts caused by wounding and extraction were minimal. On a dry mass basis, respiratory potential of inner bark was 3-15 times greater than that of sapwood at all heights for all ages (P < 0.0001). Within sapwood at all heights and in all ages of trees, outer sapwood had a 30-60% higher respiratory potential than middle or inner sapwood (P < 0.005). Heartwood had only 2-10% of the respiratory potential of outer sapwood. For all ages of trees, sapwood rings produced in the same calendar year released over 50% more CO2 at treetops than at bases (P < 0.0001). When scaled to the whole-tree level on a sapwood volume basis, sapwood of younger trees had higher respiratory potential than sapwood of older trees. In contrast, the trend was reversed when using the outer-bark surface area of stems as a basis for comparing respiratory potential. The differences observed in respiratory potential calculated on a core dry mass, sapwood volume, or outer-bark surface area basis clearly demonstrate that the resulting trends within and among trees are determined by the way in which the data are expressed. Although these data are based on core segments rather than in vivo measurements, we conclude that the relative differences are probably valid even if the absolute differences are not.  相似文献   
20世纪90年代初,由一些国家的企业、环境与社会方面的非政府组织和致力于提高森林经营水平与木材供应渠道透明度的人士,共同发起了森林认证行动,鼓励人们以购买通过森林认证的木材产品,也就是购买贴有认证标签、证明其产品是来自经营良好森林的木材的实际行动,来保护人类赖以生存的森林,该行动得到广泛的支持。人们已达成森林认证可促进森林的可持续经营和保证产品的市场准入的共识。 目前,森林认证,尤其是森林管理委员会(FSC)体系内的森林认证,正在全球兴起,至今已有46个国家的2368.9万hm~2森林进行了森林认证。 森林认证在我国刚刚起步,了解者甚少。随着我国加入WTO的临近,为了将我国的木材产品立足于国际市场,为了我国森林的可持续发展,森林认证工作应尽快在我国开展。可喜的是,今年已由非政府组织、木材生产企业、科研单位、政府部门、森林经营单位等成立了森林认证工作组;国家林业局已专门设立了抓森林认证工作的相应机构;中国林科院科信所也承担了森林认证的科研项目。森林认证工作在中国正式启动。 森林认证与社区林业密切相关。在森林认证的原则和标准中,在参与性上,与社区林业强调当地群众参与森林管理的主导思想一致。在原则和标准中强调了明确林地的所有权和使用权;强调了尊重包括当地社区在  相似文献   
We investigated effects of stem phloem girdles on apical control of branch angle, stem and branch growth and stem air content in six conifer species. A stem girdle 2 cm above a branch caused the branch to bend upward in all six species. Upward bending was associated with increased formation and action of compression wood (CW) in the lower portion of the branch. Compression wood also formed in the main stem below the branch, suggesting increased auxin production in the branch. A stem girdle 2 cm below a branch (the branch remained directly connected to the apex and distal branches) released the branch from apical control in Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr., Pinus contorta Dougl. ex Loud. and Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco. The branch bent up, but there was no CW formation in the stem. In Pinus rigida Mill., the branch exhibited increased cambial activity but did not bend up. A stem girdle > 20 cm below a branch did not release the branch from apical control in any of the species. These results support the hypothesis that branches compete with the subjacent stem for branch-produced photosynthate and that when the branch lacks this competitive sink it is released from apical control. A stem girdle 2 cm below a branch did not cause release of apical control in either Juniperus virginiana L. or Picea abies (L.) Karst. In these species, decreased shoot elongation and cambial activity above the girdle probably prevented release. A stem girdle 2 cm below a branch increased air content in the stem below the girdle in four of five species, whereas the other girdle treatments had no significant effect on stem air content. Although growth was inhibited above the girdle in the two species with the largest increase in air content, growth was not inhibited in the other species. High air content in stem segments isolated from distal auxin and carbohydrate sources is consistent with the hypothesis that a carbohydrate supply is required to refill embolized cells.  相似文献   
To record photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) simultaneously at a number of points throughout a forest canopy, we developed a simple, inexpensive (< $10 US) current-to-voltage converter that processes the current generated by a photodiode radiation sensor to a voltage range that is recordable with a miniature data logger. The converter, which weighs less than 75 g and has a volume of only 100 cm(3), is built around an ultra-low power OP-90 precision operational amplifier, which consumes less than 0.5 mA at 9 V when converting the output of a Li-Cor LI-190SA quantum sensor exposed to photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) of 2500 &mgr;mol m(-2) s(-1) or only 5 &mgr;A in low light. A small 9-V battery thus powers the amplifier for more than 1000 h of continuous operation. Correlations between photometer readings and voltage output from the current-to-voltage converter were high and linear at both high and low PAR. Sixteen Li-Cor LI-190SA quantum sensors each equipped with current-to-voltage converters and connected to a miniature data logger were deployed in the upper branches of a Panamanian tropical rainforest canopy. Each unit performed reliably during a one- or two-week evaluation.  相似文献   
Old larvae ofN. sertifer treated with SIR Bay 8514, an insect growth regulator similar to Diflubenzuron produced partly (17–24%) abnormal cocoons showing a hole or a broad fissure in their middle region. Such phenomenon was not known hitherto.  相似文献   
The Kyoto-protocol permits the accounting of changes in forest carbon stocks due to forestry. Therefore, forest owners are interested in a reproducible quantification of carbon stocks at the level of forest management units and the impact of management to these stocks or their changes. We calculated the carbon stocks in tree biomass and the organic layer including their uncertainties for several forest management units (Tharandt forest, Eastern Germany, 5,500 ha) spatially explicit at the scale of individual stands by using standard forest data sources. Additionally, soil carbon stocks along a catena were quantified. Finally, carbon stocks of spruce and beech dominated stands were compared and effects of thinning intensity and site conditions were assessed. We combined forest inventory and data of site conditions by using the spatial unions of the shapes (i.e., polygons) in the stand map and the site map. Area weighted means of carbon (C) stocks reached 10.0 kg/m2 in tree biomass, 3.0 kg/m2 in the organic layer and 7.3 kg/m2 in mineral soil. Spatially explicit error propagation yielded a precision of the relative error of carbon stocks at the total studied area of 1% for tree biomass, 45% for the organic layer, and 20% for mineral soil. Mature beech dominated stands at the Tharandt forest had higher tree biomass carbon stocks (13.4 kg/m2) and lower organic layer carbon stocks (1.8 kg/m2) compared to stands dominated by spruce (11.6, 3.0 kg/m2). The difference of tree biomass stocks was mainly due to differences in thinning intensity. The additional effect of site conditions on tree carbon stocks was very small. We conclude that the spatially explicit combination of stand scale inventory data with data on site conditions is suited to quantify carbon stocks in tree biomass and organic layer at operational scale.  相似文献   
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