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The phosphorus (P) release characteristic of Ogun rock phosphate (OPR) acidulated with cashew nutshell liquid (CNSL), an industrial waste, was studied under laboratory conditions for ten weeks. The results showed that the acidulation of phosphate rock with cashew nutshell liquid at a ratio of 4 to 1 released the highest quantity of available P. There was a general increase in the amount of P extracted from the phosphate rock under the influence of cashew nutshell liquid and this was more spontaneous in alkaline media. The peak of phosphorus release occurred at the 56 days of incubation following a form of stoichiometric order. We found the use of the cashew nutshell liquid in this regard as a win-win approach to not only recycle a major waste of cashew processing industries, which will help to maintain a healthy environment, but to deploy the complementary use of this waste in crop production.  相似文献   
Forests in Africa support the livelihoods of millions of people through provision of timber and non-timber forest products, food and nutrition, energy and payment of environmental services. However, mismanagement of forests has resulted in deforestation and forest degradation, thereby contributing to the increased emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This special issue highlights some of the research outcomes presented at a pre-congress workshop organised by the African Forest Forum and partners at the 2015 World Forestry Congress. In this issue, the main drivers of land degradation are highlighted vis-à-vis population growth, agricultural expansion, climate variability, drought and energy needs. Promising traditional management practices are identified including age-old farmer-managed natural regeneration and exclosures. In addition, research presented indicates that age-old systems such as native non-browse shrubs in Ethiopia are important in that they facilitate regeneration of late-successional tree species. Furthermore, opportunities for using forests to mitigate climate change are highlighted with a case study on the economics associated with carbon markets. The issue also highlights the methodological challenges of quantifying carbon in African forests. The effect of climate change on threatened forest species and biodiversity in general is discussed, and the associated human disturbances impacting on the population structure of a threatened species, e.g. Afzelia africana in West Africa, is presented. The important role of non-timber forest products in income generation for the rural communities and the associated challenges of commercialisation is emphasised with examples from two important tree species: shea (Vitellaria paradoxa) and baobab (Adansonia digitata). Finally, the issue covers a people-centred approach in tree planting and management where studies demonstrated that there are still problems of poor participation of local communities due to poor implementation of enabling policies, lack of involvement in initial planning and subsequent lack of clear benefit-sharing mechanisms.  相似文献   
Developing reservoir tillage technology for semi-arid environments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Arable farming on suitable land in semi‐arid environments is hampered by low and erratic rainfall and droughts. To use this land effectively, techniques, such as water harvesting may improve soil water storage and increase agricultural productivity. Laboratory experiments were conducted to assess two reservoir tillage methods under different slopes, rainfall intensities and soil densities. A commercial trailed tillage tool (Aqueel) was used to form discrete soil depressions by compression of the soil and a soil scooping device with similar dimensions was used to make depressions in shear by lifting the soil out. The results show that, for the sandy loam used in this study, reservoir tillage is an effective method of harvesting water under high‐intensity rainfall of short duration common in semi‐arid areas. It reduced surface run‐off by 95% on 10° slopes when depressions were staggered and positioned with their long axis across slope. However, high initial soil bulk densities lead to a significant reduction in the volume of the depressions formed in compression and to internal compaction. Increasing vertical load on the Aqueel resulted in an increase in depression volume without an increase in internal compaction but at high bulk densities the depression volumes remained small and high implement load damaged the depression function and stability. This suggests a need for a pre‐loosening tillage operation for compacted soils and the need to design new implements to form depressions in shear.  相似文献   
Experiments at two sites growing winter wheat show that in order to manage a wheat canopy more effectively, the use of specific remote sensing techniques both to monitor crop canopy expansion, and to determine variable nitrogen applications at key timings is required. Variations in seed rate were used to achieve a range of initial crop structures, and treatments were compared to standard farm practice. In the first year, the effect of varying seed rate (250, 350 and 450 seeds m−2) on crop structure, yield components and grain yield, was compared to the effects of underlying spatial variation. Plant populations increased up to the highest rate, but shoot and ear populations peaked at 350 seeds m−2. Compensation through an increased number of grains per ear and thousand grain weight resulted in the highest yield and gross margin at the lowest seed rate. In later experiments, the range of seed rates was extended to include 150 seeds m−2, each sown in 24 m wide strips split into 12 m wide halves. One half received a standard nitrogen dose of 200 kg [N] ha−1, the other a variable treatment based on near ‘real-time’ maps of crop growth. Both were split into three applications, targeted at mid-late tillering (early March), growth stages GS30-31 (mid April) and GS33 (mid May). At each timing, calibrated aerial digital photography was used to assess crop growth in terms of shoot population at tillering, and canopy green area index at GS30-31 and GS33. These were compared to current agronomic guidelines. Application rates were then varied below or above the planned amount where growth was above- or below-target, respectively. In the first field, total nitrogen doses in the variable treatments ranged from 188 to 243 kg [N] ha−1, which gave higher yields than the standards at all seed rates in the range 0·36–0·78 t ha−1 and gross margins of £17 to £60 ha−1. In the second field, variable treatments ranged from 135 to 197 kg [N] ha−1 that resulted in lower yields of −0·32 to +0·30 t ha−1. However, in three out of the four seed rates, variable treatments produced higher gross margins than the standard, which ranged from £2 to £20 ha−1. In both fields, the greatest benefits were obtained where the total amount of applied nitrogen was similar to the standard, but was applied variably rather than uniformly along the strips. Simple nitrogen balance calculations have shown that variable application of nitrogen can have an overall effect on reducing the nitrogen surplus by one-third.  相似文献   
Information on the spatial distribution of soil texture and soil water is vital in understanding crop yield variation. Such information allows improved management of all agricultural inputs. One of the limiting factors in the mapping of soil texture information, however, is cost.Confusion matrix analysis was used to determine whether bulk apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) data derived from electro-magnetic induction (EMI) scanning at field capacity, and clustered using a k-means algorithm, accurately delineates soil textural boundaries in a field containing clay loam and sandy loam soils.The ECa map was compared to two soil surveys, the first conducted at one sample per hectare and the second at four to eight samples per hectare. Using confusion matrix analysis a significantly stronger relationship was measured between the ECa map and soil units of the more intensive soil map, than with the lower sampling density soil survey. This relationship was between two classes of soil with a difference in clay content of 12% and two clusters with a difference in mean ECa of 16·9 mS m−1.  相似文献   

Grassland silage management is generally semi-organised with no conscious attempt to re-use wheel ways as with arable fields. The total number of machine passes can be 15 or more with normal traffic (NT) systems resulting in potentially large areas of a field suffering from direct damage to the crop and soil. Literature suggests there can be grass dry matter yield reductions of 5 to 74% under NT through compaction and sward damage, with a mean of 13% in the UK. Commercially available grass forage equipment with widths of 3 to 12 m set up for controlled traffic farming (CTF) could reduce trafficked areas (which is typically 90% to 80% for NT) to 40% to 13% for CTF. This study compared grass dry matter yield between CTF and NT for a three-cut silage system based on a 9 m working width in a permanent silage field in the southwest of Scotland, UK in 2015. Results showed a 13.5% (0.80 t ha?1) increase in yield for CTF for the 2nd and 3rd cuts combined. The CTF trafficked area covered was 57% less than the NT system (30.4% compared to 87.4%) over the three silage cuts. An economic analysis based on a 13% increase in dry matter yield (for 2- and 3-cut systems) and a reduction in trafficked area from 80% (for NT) to between 45% and 15% (for CTF), increased the yield by between 0.53 t ha?1 and 1.36 t ha?1 for 2- and 3-cut systems, respectively with an equivalent grass value of between £38 ha?1 and £98 ha?1. Introducing CTF for a multi-cut grass silage system is cost-effective by increasing yields due to a reduction in compaction and sward damage.

The DSSAT-CSM-CERES-Wheat V4.0 model was calibrated for yield and irrigation scheduling of wheat with 2004–2005 data and validated with 13 independent data sets from experiments conducted during 2002–2006 at the Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) farm, Ludhiana, and in a farmer's field near PAU at Phillaur, Punjab, India. Subsequently, the validated model was used to estimate long-term mean and variability of potential yield (Yp), drainage, runoff, evapo-transpiration (ET), crop water productivity (CWP), and irrigation water productivity (IWP) of wheat cv. PBW343 using 36 years (1970–1971 to 2005–2006) of historical weather data from Ludhiana. Seven sowing dates in fortnightly intervals, ranging from early October to early January, and three irrigation scheduling methods [soil water deficit (SWD)-based, growth stage-based, and ET-based] were evaluated. For the SWD-based scheduling, irrigation management depth was set to 75 cm with irrigation scheduled when SWD reached 50% to replace 100% of the deficit. For growth stage-based scheduling, irrigation was applied either only once at one of the key growth stages [crown root initiation (CRI), booting, flowering, and grain filling], twice (two stages in various combinations), thrice (three stages in various combinations), or four times (all four stages). For ET-driven irrigation, irrigations were scheduled based on cumulative net ETo (ETo-rain) since the previous irrigation, for a range of net ETo (25, 75, 125, 150, and 175 mm). Five main irrigation schedules (SWD-based, ET-driven with irrigation applied after accumulation of either 75 or 125 mm of ETo, i.e., ET75 or ET125, and growth stage-based with irrigation applied at CRI plus booting, or at CRI plus booting plus flowering stage) were chosen for detailed analysis of yield, water balance, and CWP and IWP. Nitrogen was non-limiting in all the simulations.Mean Yp across 36 years ranged from 5.2 t ha−1 (10 October sowing) to 6.4 t ha−1 (10 November sowing), with yield variations due to seasonal weather greater than variations across sowing dates. Yields under different irrigation scheduling, CWP and IWP were highest for 10 November sowing. Yields and CWP were higher for SWD and ET75-based irrigations on both soils, but IWP was higher for ET75-based irrigation on sandy loam and for ET150-based irrigation on loam. Simulation results suggest that yields, CWP, and IWP of PBW343 would be highest for sowing between late October and mid-November in the Indian Punjab. It is recommended that sowing be done within this planting period and that irrigation be applied based on the atmospheric demand and soil water status and not on the growth stage. Despite the potential limitations recognised with simulation results, we can conclude that DSSAT-CSM-CERES-Wheat V4.0 is a useful decision support system to help farmers to optimally schedule and manage irrigation in wheat grown in coarse-textured soils under declining groundwater table situations of the Indian Punjab. Further, the validated model and the simulation results can also be extrapolated to other areas with similar climatic and soil environments in Asia where crop, soil, weather, and management data are available.  相似文献   
A fundamental component of adopting the concept of precision farming in practice is the ability to measure spatial variation in soil factors and assess the influence of this on crop variability in order to apply appropriate management strategies. The aim of this study was to appraise potential methods for measuring spatial variability in soil type, nutrient status and physical properties in practical farming situations. Five fields that are representative of more than 30% of soils used for arable production in England and Wales were selected for use as case studies. Maps of soil type were generated from a conventional hand-auger survey on a 100 m grid and the excavation of targeted soil profile pits. These were compared with those refined using a mechanised soil coring device and scans of electromagnetic inductance (EMI) carried out while the soil could reasonably be considered to be at, or near, field-capacity moisture content. In addition, soil sampling for nutrient analyses was conducted on a 50 m grid to examine the spatial variation in nutrient status. Conventional methods for sampling soil were found to be appropriate for identifying soil types at specific locations within the field sites, however, they were time-consuming to perform which placed an economic and therefore a practical limitation on the sampling density possible. The resulting data were considered to be too sparse for demarcating soil-type boundaries for use in the context of precision farming. The location of soil boundaries were refined by using the mechanised soil corer, however, the limitation of this was found to be the time required to analyse the soil cores produced. Maps of soil variation generated from EMI scans conducted at field capacity appear to reflect the underlying variation in soil type observed in maps generated using the mechanised soil corer and, therefore, this approach has potential as a cost-effective, data-rich, surrogate for measures of soil variability. Results from analyses of soil samples for measurement of nutrient status indicated that whilst there was considerable variation in macro- and micro-nutrient levels in each field, with the exception of pH, these levels were above commonly accepted agronomic limits. Results, however, did demonstrate the potential for addressing variation in critical factors such as pH at specific locations, however, there is a need to develop protocols for targeting sampling in order to reduce costs.  相似文献   
Wheat, canola and alfalfa were subjected to simulated acidic precipitation with pH ranging from 5.6 to 2.6 under controlled growth room conditions. The number of simulated precipitation events were 12, 10 and 21 for wheat, canola and alfalfa, respectively. In this short-term experiment, wheat, canola and alfalfa do not appear to be sensitive to the simulated acid rain treatments used. Wheat and canola showed no visible symptoms of injury with any of the treatments. The pH 2.6 resulted in whitish spots on alfalfa leaflets. The economic yield was not affected at any of the acidity levels used in this tudy. Dry weight of the aboveground vegetative parts of wheat and canola was stimulated by the most acidic treatment (pH 2.6), apparently as a result of the higher nutrient content of the simulated acidic rain. Although below ground biomass for any of the species tested was not affected by rain acidity, the shoot: root ratio was significantly higher at pH 2.6 than with the control. Chorophyll a concentration in alfalfa leaves was reduced at only the highest acidity treatment. Chlorophyll b was not affected. While K levels in alfalfa leaves were significantly reduced at pH 2.6, no change in the concentration of Ca, Mg and P was noted. Sulfur and N concentrations increased, mainly at pH 2.6, reflecting the composition of the simulated rain solution.  相似文献   
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