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The endotoxic activity of Fusobacterium necrophorum bov 5 was investigated. The supernatant (S) fluid and cell wall (CW) preparation, obtained after differential centrifugation of the ruptured cell mass, were lethal for mice. The toxicity of the S fluid was stable during prolonged storage, treatment with formalin, and heating for 15 minutes at 80, 100, and 121 C, but was destroyed by alkaline hydrolysis with 0.25 N NaOH. The toxic factor was found in a high molecular weight (MW) fraction after gel filtration. The properties exhibited by the toxic S fluid resembled those of endotoxic lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Extracted and partially purified LPS (endotoxin) from F necrophorum bov 5 demonstrated a mouse median lethal dose (mouse LD50) of 16.8 mg/kg of body weight. The toxic LPS material, a high molecular weight moiety as estimated by gel filtration, was resistant to ribonuclease (RNase), deoxyribonuclease (DNase), and pronase treatment. A positive Shwartzman reaction (median skin lesion dose (SLD50) equal to 3.32 mug/kg of body weight) and biphasic fever response (minimal dose required to produce a fever index of 40 sq cm which falls on the linear portion of dose-response curve (FL40) equal to 0.41 mug/kg of body weight) further indicated the toxin was endotoxin in nature. The LPS from F necrophorum bov 5 was less toxic than Salmonella typhimurium LPS; but had considerable toxicity for experimental animals. The toxic activity of the partially purified F necrophorum bov 5 endotoxin was separated into 2 fraction regions by diethylaminoethyl (DEAE)-cellulose chromatography. The data provide evidence for the production of a potent endotoxin, possibly composed of more than one toxic component, which may be released upon cell disruption.  相似文献   
Lesions induced in each of 9 young colostrum-deprived calves closely resembled lesions seen in naturally occurring "weak calf syndrome" of eastern Idaho and southwestern Montana. The disease was experimentally induced by intravenous injection of bovine adenovirus type 5 that had been isolated from a calf with weak calf syndrome...  相似文献   
Female adult American cockroaches, Periplaneta americana L., showed definite age-dependent changes in levels of activity of the microsomal mixed-function oxidases. Cytochrome P-450 levels, EPN-detoxication, and p-nitroanisole O-demethylation activities were very low in young adult insects but increased steadily reaching a natural peak at about 100 days in fat body and at about 90 days in midgut and hindgut. The activities then declined rapidly reaching levels of young insects at about 130 to 140 days of age. NADPH-neotetrazolium-reductase activity was high in young insects, declined later in adult life, and returned to a peak at about 100 days.Injections of chlorcyclizine, a known microsomal enzyme inducer, significantly increased levels of cytochrome P-450, EPN-detoxication, p-nitroanisole O-demethylation, and NADPH-NT-reductase activities in young cockroaches. The drug injections were effective, however, only before the natural activity peak was reached. Beyond this point the injections had no inductive effect indicating that the microsomal oxidases in this insect are uninducible when normal enzyme levels are falling.NADPH-NT-reductase activity in male cockroaches, while being somewhat higher than in females, showed a similar age-dependent curve with the peak occurring at about 120 days.Age-dependent carbaryl resistance in male and female insects tended to follow levels of the microsomal oxidase activities. Fifty to 60-day-old insects, however, tended to be more resistant to the insecticide than microsomal enzyme levels would indicate.RNA levels of normal female insects showed age-dependent curves similar to those of the microsomal enzyme activities, being low in young adults and reaching a peak at about 100 days. Chlorcyclizine injections had little or no effect on total microsomal RNA levels.  相似文献   
The formation of roots and shoots on root segments of Rubus procerus P.J. Muell was prevented by soaking the segments for 24 h in a 10?4M solution of 2,4,5-T or a 10?5M solution of picloram. Shoot numbers were significantly increased after treatment with 10?9M and 10?10M 2,4,5-T, but picloram did not cause a significant increase in shoot numbers. Measurement of the concentration of 2,4,5-T in the extracambial tissue showed that roots treated with 10?4M 2,4,5-T contained 5× 10?8 mmole 2,4,5-T per mg dry weight, and by extrapolation, roots treated with 10?9M 2,4,5-T contained 2× 10?10 mmole/mg dry weight. Action du 2,4,5-T et du piclorame sur la régénération de la ronce (Rubus procerus P.J. Muell) è partir de fragments de racines La formation de racines et de tiges è partir de fragments de racines dc Ruhus procerus P.J. Muell a été supprimée par trempage des fragmenls pendant 24 heures dans une solution a 10?4M et de 2.4,5-T, ou dans une solution 10?5M de piclorame. Le nombre de pousses s'est accru significativement après traitement avec le 2,4,5.-T è 10?9M et 10?10M, mais le piclorame n'a pas provoqué d'accroissemcnt significatif du nombre de pousses. La mesure de la concentration de 2,4,5-T dans le tissu extra-cambial a montré que les racines trailées avec du 2,4,5-T è 10?4M contenaient 5×10?8 mmole de 2.4,5-T par mg de poids sec et par extrapolation, quc les racines traitées avec du 2,4,5-T k 10?9M devaient contenir 2 × 10?12 mmole/mg de poids sec. Die Wirkiing von 2,4,5-T und Picloram auf den Wuchs der Wurzehegmenten von Bromheeren (Rubus procerus P.J. Muell). Die Bildung von Wurzeln und Sprossen aus Wurzelsegmen-ten von Ruhu.i procerus P.J. Muell wurde durch 24-stündiges Einlegen der Wurzelstücke in 10?4M 2,4,5-T bzw 10?5M Picloram verhindert. Die Anzahl neugebiideter Sprosse wurde nach Einlegen in 10?9M und 10?10M 2,4,5-T, nicht jedoch durch Picloram, signifikant erhöht. Im extracambialen Gewebe von Wurzeln, die mit 10?4M 2,4,5-T behand-elt worden waren, wurden 5×10?8mMol 2,4,5-T je mg Trockengewiclu bestimmt. Durch Extrapolation wurde ermittclt. dass mit 10?9M 2,4,5-T behandelte Wurzeln 2× 10?12mMol/mg Trockengewicht cnthielten.  相似文献   
Root-treated alfalfa absorbs, translocates, and metabolizes [phenyl-14C]isopropyl carbanilate ([14C]propham). After 7 days of root treatment, the distribution of radiolabel was 73% for shoots and 27% for roots. Shoots and roots were extracted and separated into the polar, nonpolar, and solid residual components using a mixture of chloroform, methanol and water. The insoluble residues accounted for approximately 40% of the 14C found in shoots and roots. The nonpolar fraction (6.1% of the radiolabel in shoots and roots) was not characterized, but was shown to be some component other than parent propham. Propham was not found in either shoots or roots. The polar metabolites were partly purified on Amberlite XAD-2. Cellulase-liberated aglycones were derivatized and separated by high-performance liquid and gas-liquid chromatography. The infrared, nuclear magnetic resonance, and mass spectral data showed that the polar metabolites of alfalfa shoots and roots were glycoside conjugates of isopropyl 2-hydroxycarbanilate (2-hydroxypropham) and isopropyl 4-hydroxycarbanilate (4-hydroxypropham). Conjugated 4-hydroxypropham accounted for 45.9% of the 14C in the shoots and 3.4% of the 14C in the roots. Conjugated 2-hydroxypropham accounted for 3.4% of the 14C in the shoots and 1.4% of the 14C in the roots.  相似文献   
As plants mature it has been observed that some become more resistant to normally virulent pathogens. The ability to manifest the Age-Related Resistance (ARR) response in Arabidopsis to Pseudomonas syringae pathovars tomato (Pst) coincided with the transition to flowering in plants both delayed and accelerated in the transition to flowering. ARR was also associated with a change in PR-1 gene expression, such that young plants expressed PR-1 abundantly at 3 days post inoculation (dpi) while mature plants expressed much less. The Arabidopsis ARR response requires SA accumulation via isochorismate synthase (ICS1) [24]. ICS1 was expressed one dpi with virulent and avirulent Pst in both young and mature plants. The ARR response was also effective versus avirulent Pst providing an additional 4-fold limitation in bacterial growth. Arabidopsis ARR was found to be ineffective against two necrotrophs, Erwinia carotovora subspecies carotovora (bacterium) and Botrytis cinerea (fungus) and one obligate biotroph, Erysiphe cichoracearum (fungus). However, mature wild type, SA-deficient sid2 and NahG plants supported little growth of the obligate biotrophic oomycete, Peronospora parasitica. Therefore ARR to P. parasitica appears to be SA-independent, however the level of ARR resistance was somewhat reduced in these mutants in some experiments. Thus, there may be numerous defence pathways that contribute to adult plant resistance in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   
Agrobacterium vitis causes crown gall disease on grapevines. It also induces a specific necrosis on grape roots and a hypersensitive response (HR) on tobacco that are regulated by a complex quorum-sensing regulatory system. Strain F2/5 produces at least six N-acyl-homoserine lactones (AHLs) that function as signal molecules in quorum-sensing. The AHLs differ in acyl side chain length (8–16 carbons) as determined by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Mutant derivatives of F2/5 differ in ability to cause necrosis and the HR and show variable AHL profiles as determined by a thin-layer chromatography/biosensor assay. All wildtype A. vitis strains revealed the presence of long-chain AHLs regardless of tumorigenicity or ability to cause the HR. Whereas genes encoding long-chain AHLs are predicted to reside on the F2/5 chromosome, the determinants for short-chain AHLs were shown to be located on conjugal plasmids.  相似文献   
Introduction:  MOPP chemotherapy is useful for relapsed canine lymphoma. This study evaluates the efficacy of this protocol after substitution of CCNU (lomustine) or BiCNU (carmustine) for mechlorethamine (C/B‐OPP).
Methods:  Patient signalment, response to chemotherapy, toxicity and survival data were abstracted from medical records of dogs from receiving C/B‐OPP between 1998 and 2004.
Results:  Fifty‐eight dogs received C/B‐OPP rescue chemotherapy during the study period. The median remission duration after initial chemotherapy, consisting of CHOP‐based therapy in 91% of dogs, was 133 days (range, 10 to 932 days). Thirty‐eight of fifty‐eight dogs (66%) responded to C/B‐OPP rescue after relapse (22 CR, 16 PR), for a median of 48 days (range, 2 to 359 days). Overall, C/B‐OPP extended survival by a median of 90 days (range, 2 to 426 days). Twenty‐four dogs (41%) experienced one or more episodes of Grade II or higher gastrointestinal toxicity. Forty‐one dogs (71%) experienced one or more episodes of Grade II or higher hematologic toxicity. Twelve dogs (20%) developed regenerative anemia with diarrhea consistent with gastrointestinal hemorrhage. Treatment delays due to hematologic toxicity occurred in 37 dogs (63%). There were 16 nonfatal treatment‐related episodes of sepsis requiring hospitalization. 5 dogs died due to sepsis and/or chemotherapy‐related complications.
Conclusions:  C/B‐OPP chemotherapy has activity against relapsed canine lymphoma which is similar to that of traditional MOPP rescue therapy. Moderate to severe hematologic toxicity was observed. Further work is warranted to optimize drug doses and scheduling.  相似文献   
We describe the spatial epidemiology of Varroa destructor infestation among honey bee apiaries in the greater Auckland area of the North Island of New Zealand. The study population was comprised of 641 apiaries located within the boundaries of the study area on 11 April 2000. Cases were those members of the study population declared Varroa-infested on the basis of testing conducted between April and June 2000. The odds of Varroa was highest in apiaries in the area surrounding transport and storage facilities in the vicinity of Auckland International Airport. A mixed-effects geostatistical model, accounting for spatial extra-binomial variation in Varroa prevalence, showed a 17% reduction in the odds of an apiary being Varroa infested for each kilometre increase in the squared distance from the likely site of incursion (95% Bayesian credible interval 7–28%). The pattern of spatially autocorrelated risk that remained after controlling for the effect of distance from the likely incursion site identified areas thought to be ‘secondary’ foci of Varroa infestation initiated by beekeeper-assisted movement of infested bees. Targeted investigations within these identified areas indicated that the maximum rate of local spread of Varroa was in the order of 12 km/year (interquartile range 10–15 km/year).  相似文献   
Forty Swiss Large White piglets of 4 weeks of age were used to determine the effect of dietary Chinese rhubarb on growth performance, as well as on energy and nitrogen metabolism by means of indirect respiration calorimetry studies. A cereal-based diet, supplemented with four different dosages of Chinese rhubarb (0.0%, 0.25%, 0.5%, 1%), was offered ad libitum to the piglets. Gaseous exchange was measured, and urine, faeces, and blood samples were taken. The addition of 0.25% dietary rhubarb increased feed intake (+32%) and daily weight gain (+67%) compared to the diet containing the greatest amount of rhubarb (1%). The piglets fed diet supplemented with 0.25% rhubarb digested and metabolised more energy and nitrogen relative to the animals of treatment 1%. As a consequence, the same group (0.25%) converted more energy and nitrogen into body protein than piglets receiving diet supplemented with 1% rhubarb. However, compared to the control group, the addition of 0.25% rhubarb to the diet resulted in not significantly alter growth performance, energy, and nitrogen metabolism of the animals.Blood parameters were not affected by the rhubarb supplementation. The dose-responding effect of Chinese rhubarb was reflected by the dry matter content of faecal samples. According to the laxative effect of higher doses of rhubarb, the addition of 1% rhubarb to the diet reduced dry matter content of faeces. This effect was well visible in practice, although not relevant in statistical terms. The addition of 0.5% dietary rhubarb had no relevant effect on growth performance or on energy and nitrogen metabolism of treated animals.  相似文献   
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