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Tropical Animal Health and Production - Livestock-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (LA-MRSA) is a cause of zoonotic infections in many countries. People with occupational...  相似文献   
Elevated levels of nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) in the surficial aquifer above the drinking water quality standard, i.e. maximum contaminant limit (MCL; 10 mg L−1), have been reported in some part of central Florida citrus production regions. Soils in this region are very sandy (sand content >95%), hence are vulnerable to leaching of soluble nutrients and chemicals below the rooting depth of the trees. The objective of this research was to develop N and irrigation best management practices for citrus in sandy soils to maintain optimal crop yield and quality, and to minimize potential leaching of nitrate below the root zone. Six years of field experiment was conducted in a high productive (mean fruit yield > 80 Mg ha−1yr−1) >20-year-old ‘Hamlin’ orange trees [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck] on ‘Cleopatra mandarin’ (Citrus reticulata Blanco) rootstock grown on a well drained Tavares fine sand (hyperthermic, uncoated, Typic Quartzipsamments) in Highland county, FL. Nitrogen rates ranged from 112 to 280 kg ha−1 yr−1 applied as fertigation (FRT), water soluble granular (WSG), 50:50 mix of FRT and WSG, and controlled-release fertilizer (CRF). Tensiometers were used to monitor the soil water content as a basis to schedule optimal irrigation. Fruit yield response over the entire range of N rates was greater for the FRT and WSG sources as compared to that for the WSG + FRT or CRF sources. Using the regression analysis of the fruit yield in relation to N rate, the optimum N rate appeared to be at 260 kg ha−1 yr−1. Based on fruit production response in this study, the N requirement for production of 1 Mg of fruit varied from 2.2 to 2.6 kg across four N sources. This study demonstrated an increased N uptake efficiency, as a result of best management of N and irrigation applications. The optimal N and K concentration in the 4–6-month-old spring flush leaves were 26–30, and 15–18 g kg−1, respectively. However, fruit yield response showed no significant relationship with concentrations of P in the 4–6-month-old spring flush leaves over a range of 0.8–2.4 g kg−1. The results of fate and transport of N in soil and in soil solution with application of different rates and sources of N, and components of citrus tree N budget, are reported in a companion paper.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To compare efficacy and safety of paste formulations of firocoxib and phenylbutazone in horses with naturally occurring osteoarthritis. DESIGN: Randomized controlled clinical trial. ANIMALS: 253 client-owned horses with naturally occurring osteoarthritis. PROCEDURES: Horses were treated with firocoxib (0.1 mg/kg [0.045 mg/lb], PO, q 24 h) or phenylbutazone (4.4 mg/kg [2 mg/lb], PO, q 24 h) for 14 days. Physical examinations and lameness evaluations were performed prior to treatment and after 7 and 14 days. Clinical improvement was defined as a reduction of at least 1 lameness grade or a combined reduction of at least 3 points in scores for pain during manipulation or palpation, joint swelling, joint circumference, and range of motion. RESULTS: Proportion of horses clinically improved on day 14 for the firocoxib group (104/123 [84.6%]) was not significantly different from the proportion for the phenylbutazone group (103/119 [86.6%]). Proportion of horses that were improved on day 14 was significantly greater for horses treated with firocoxib than for horses treated with phenylbutazone with regard to score for pain on manipulation or palpation (P = 0.028), joint circumference score (P = 0.026), and range of motion score (P = 0.012), but not for overall lameness score or joint swelling score. No direct treatment-related adverse effects were detected during the study. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggested that overall clinical efficacy of a paste formulation of firocoxib in horses with naturally occurring osteoarthritis was comparable to efficacy of a paste formulation of phenylbutazone.  相似文献   
Water, Air, &; Soil Pollution - Application of soluble forms of nitrogen (N) fertilizers to citrus trees in sandy soils of central Florida may cause leaching of NO 3 ? below the rooting...  相似文献   
Sorption, persistence and transport of herbicides in soils depend on the relative saturation of soils with cations from various soil amendments. Current research was conducted to study the effect of preequilibration of a Candler fine sand (Hyperthermic uncoated typic Quartzipsamments; 0–30 cm depth) with AlCl3, CaCl2, CuCl2, FeCl3, or KCl salt solutions on sorption in bromacil, simazine, norflurazon, and diuron herbicides commonly used in Florida citrus groves. Preequilibration of the soil with either FeCl3, or AlCl3 significantly decreased the sorption and therefore increased internal leaching potential, of all four herbicides as compared to their sorption in untreated soil. This decrease in sorption was much greater for bromacil and simazine (24 to 35%) than for norflurazon and diuron (7 to 8%). The desorption of bromacil and diuron in 1M NH4OAc was also significantly lower in soils preequilibrated with FeCl3 or AlCl3 than the untreated soil. However, the reverse was true in the case of simazine and norflurazon. Preequilibration of the soil with CuCl2, KCl, and CaCl2 resulted in a significant decrease in sorption of norflurazon, diuron, and simazine but did not affect bromacil sorption. Accordingly, the species of adsorbed cation had varying effects on the sorption/desorption of each of the herbicides and varied their leaching potential.  相似文献   
In low Ca soils, gypsum is applied at flowering of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) to insure adequate availability of Ca in the fruiting zone (0 to 8 cm soil depth) during pod development. Effects of 15.2 cm water applied as 1, 2, 4 or 12 split applications over 28-d period following the application of gypsum on the distribution of Ca and other cations in the fruiting zone and immediately below the fruiting zone (8 to 16 cm depth) were investigated on the Lakeland and Tifton soils under controlled conditions in rainout shelter plots. In Lakeland soil, the fruiting zone Ca concentration was greater for the high frequency (15.2 cm in 4 or 12 split applications) irrigation treatments than for the low frequency (15.2 cm in 1 or 2 split applications) treatments at 7 d. Those differences became non-significant after 14 d. In Tifton soil, leaching of Ca below the fruiting zone was significantly greater for the low frequency irrigation treatments than for the high frequency treatments throughout the duration of this e experiment. High frequency irrigation of moderate quantities should result in low Ca losses from the fruiting zone. Irrigation following gypsum application decreased K and Mg concentrations in the fruiting zone for both soils. The gypsum-induced leaching of K or Mg was lower in high frequency irrigation treatments than in low frequency treatments. High frequency irrigation following gypsum application resulted in a decrease in soil pH during the initial 7 d.  相似文献   
Brucellosis has been documented in domestic water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) but published literature is limited despite the importance of this species in tropical agricultural systems. The objective of this study was to compare the virulence of Brucella abortus isolates recovered from cattle and water buffalo. Nineteen strains of B. abortus from cattle and domestic water buffalo in Trinidad were intraperitoneally inoculated into BALB/c mice. Spleens were cultured for B. abortus and histopathological severity scores were calculated based on lymphoid depletion, lymphoid necrosis, splenitis, and macrophage accumulation. A general linear model approach was used to estimate the effect of isolate source (cattle versus water buffalo) on virulence. Isolates of water buffalo origin were significantly less virulent in the mouse model based on recovered B. abortus from splenic tissues, spleen/weight ratio, and lymphoid necrosis but not overall histopathological severity scores. Further investigation of isolates recovered from water buffalo might provide the key to the development of procedures for brucellosis control in tropical environments.  相似文献   
The effect of gypsum amendment on transport of phosphorus (P) in a Pineda sand (loamy, silicious, hyperthermic Arenic Glossaqualf) was investigated in a leaching column experiment. Phosphorus was either placed on the surface of the soil or mixed with the surface 2 cm depth of soil in the column. Gypsum amendment decreased the transport of P in soil. Compared to the unamended soil, transport of P decreased by 35 and 54% in soils amended with 4.5 and 9.0 M.T./ha gypsum, respectively. The transport of P was further decreased by 74% when P was premixed with the surface 2 cm of soil. The transport of P was not influenced by the SO4 ion from gypsum amendment. Instead, formation of Ca-P precipitate appeared to be responsible for the decreased transport of P in the gypsum-amended soil.  相似文献   
Copper (Cu) phytotoxicity is closely related to pH and Cu activity in solution. The effect of pH on growth and uptake of Cu by Swingle citrumelo rootstock seedlings were investigated in solution culture with varying Cu activities. Copper activities of either 0.05, 0.5, 5, and 10 μM at pH 5 and 6 were maintained by adding copper sulfate (CuSO4) to the hydroponic solution based on the calculation by GEOCHEM computer program. After 42 days, root and shoot growth decreased significantly in solutions where Cu activities were greater than 0.5 μM. The concentration of Cu in roots are greater and the dry weights of roots and shoots were less in solutions at pH 6 than those at pH 5. A 200‐fold increase in Cu activity in solution resulted in a corresponding increase in concentration of Cu in the root but not in the shoot.  相似文献   
Evaluation of nutrient accumulation trends in fruit during fruit development and nutrient status in the leaves are important components defining nutrient requirements. Such nutrient demand should be met by nutrient supply in order to develop optimal rate and timing of fertilizer application. In a 3‐year study the citrus (orange) varieties, ‘Valencia’, ‘Parson Brown’, ‘Hamlin’, and ‘Sunburst’ were fertilized with either 168, 224, or 280 kg N ha‐1 yr‐1 as a broadcast application of N:P:K dry soluble granular fertilizer. These rates did not significantly affect the fruit nutrient status, juice quality, or nutrients concentrations in the spring flush. The concentrations of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg) in the fruit decreased with their enlargement during June through November. However, micronutrient concentrations in the fruits increased from June through August or September and then decreased. Fruit dry weight was greatest in ‘Valencia’ followed by ‘Hamlin’, ‘Parson Brown’, and ‘Sunburst’ varieties. Soluble solids concentration (SSC) were higher in ‘Valencia’ and ‘Sunburst’ fruit than in the other two varieties. Other juice quality parameters were not significantly different among the varieties. This study indicated non‐significant influence of fertilizer rates on concentrations of various mineral elements in 6‐month‐old spring flush with most of those concentrations within the optimal ranges.  相似文献   
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