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Plots of a 2-year-old sward of Merlinda perennial ryegrass received a routine dressing of 100 kg N ha−1 as compound fertilizer in March 1991, followed by further dressings of 100 kg N ha−1 after cuts 1, 2 and 3 in a simulated four-cut silage system, either the same day as cutting or with a delay of 3, 7, 10 or 14 d. Partial irrigation ensured that fertilizer could be taken up immediately. Annual total dry matter yield, the dry matter yield for the experimental cuts 2–4 and their apparent response to N showed no effect of delays of 0–10 d in reapplication of fertilizer, but a significant ( P < 0·01) reduction for 14 d delay. Significantly ( P = 0·001) higher apparent recovery of N in the cut herbage was recorded where reapplication of fertilizer had been delayed by 7 or 10 d (93% and 91% respectively) in comparison with either smaller (0 delay, 78%; 3 d delay, 87%) or greater delay (14 d, 86%). It is suggested that lower recoveries at 0 and 3 d result from the sward's reduced NO3 uptake following defoliation and that, while in practical situations the conditions may not be as rigorous as those imposed in this experiment, further experiments to determine the fate of N not recovered in the herbage are warranted, so defining management circumstances in which immediate reapplication of N might not be advisable.  相似文献   
Induced (traumatic) resin in white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) leaders resistant or susceptible to the white pine weevil (Pissodes strobi Peck) was analyzed for volatile terpenes and diterpene resin acids after simulated white pine weevil damage. Leaders from 331 trees were wounded just below the apical bud with a 1-mm diameter drill, coinciding with the natural time of weevil oviposition in the spring. Leaders were removed in the fall, and the bark and xylem from the upper and lower regions of the leader extracted and analyzed by gas chromatography. Unwounded trees had low amounts of resin in xylem compared with bark. In response to wounding, volatile terpenes and diterpene resin acids increased in the upper xylem (area of wounding), with resistant trees showing a greater increase than susceptible trees. Wounding caused monoterpenes in particular to decrease in the lower region of the leader (away from the drilled area) in greater amounts in susceptible trees than in resistant trees. In response to wounding, the proportion of monoterpene to resin acid increased in the upper and lower xylem of resistant trees, and slightly increased in the upper xylem of susceptible trees. Monoterpene-enriched resin is more fluid than constitutive resin, and probably flows more readily into oviposition cavities and larval mines, where it may kill immature weevils. Loss of resin components in the lower xylem suggested catabolism and transport of these materials to the site of wounding; however, energetic and regulatory data are necessary to confirm this hypothesis. This study provides a basis for measuring the ability of a tree to undergo traumatic resinosis that could be used to screen for resistance to white pine weevil.  相似文献   
A synthetic hexaploid, Triticum timofeevii×T. tauschii, was used to transfer disease resistance genes to the commercial cultivar Saratovskaya 29 (S29) by backcrossing. After five backcrosses the resulting derivatives still showed some traits of the synthetic, namely brown spike glumes and several gliadin components. Genetic analysis showed that the derived forms had inherited the Gli-D1 allele of the synthetic, which was found to be tightly linked to a gene for glume colour. Recombination percentages between these genes was estimated to be 2.5 ± 1.7%. The development of the derivatives was also accompanied by a rearrangement within the Gli-B1 locus, resulting in the formation of a new variant of the allele in S29.  相似文献   
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