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SUMMARY: A crossbreeding experiment was carried out in Egypt using a local breed (Baladi Red, BR) and New Zealand White (NZ) to estimate direct heterosis, maternal additive effects and direct sire effects on some growth and carcass traits in rabbits. Data of body weight (at 5, 6, 8, 10, 12 weeks) and daily gains (at intervals of 5-6, 6-8, 8-10, and 10-12 weeks) on 2153 weaned rabbits were collected. Carcass performance at 12 weeks of age (weight and percentages of carcass, giblets, head, fur, blood and viscera) on 213 male rabbits was evaluated. Estimates of coefficients of variation (CV) for most growth and carcass traits were high and ranged from 10.0 to 40.2%. Sire-breed was of considerable importance in the variation of growth traits and some carcass traits, while dam-breed contributed little. Sire-breed × dam-breed interaction affected (P<0.01 or P<0.001) most body weights and gains studied, while it contributed little to the variation of carcass traits. The purebred NZ resulted in rabbits with heavier weights and carcass and with lighter non-edible carcass (blood and viscera) compared to the BR. Heterosis percentages for most growth traits were significant and ranged from 2.5% to 5.0% for body weights and from 0.7% to 9.5% for daily gains. Insignificant positive direct heterosis was observed for most carcass traits. Crossbred rabbits from NZ sires with BR dams were superior to from the reciprocals. Maternal-breed effects on most weights and gains were insignificant, while sire-breed contrasts for some weights and gains proved significant. Postweaning growth and carcass performances of BR-mothered rabbits generally surpassed the NZ mothered, while NZ-sired rabbits were superior at later ages. High edible carcass was observed for BR-sired rabbits, while more non-edible carcass wastes (blood and viscera) for NZ-sired rabbits. Maternal-breed effects appeared to be less important than paternal-breed effects in influencing most weights, gains and carcass traits studied. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Heterosis, maternale und direkte Wirkungen bei Wachstums- und Schlachtk?rpermerkmalen in Kaninchenkreuzungen Der Kreuzungsversuch wurde mit lokalen ?gyptischen Rassen (BR) und Neuseeland Wei?en (NZ) zur Sch?tzung direkter Heterosis, maternaler additiver Wirkungen, direkter Vater-Wirkung auf einige Wachstums- und Schlachtk?rpermerkmale von Kaninchen durchgeführt. Angaben über K?rpergewicht (5, 6, 8, 10, 12 Wochen) und Zuwachs (Intervalle 5 bis 6, 6 bis 8, 8 bis 10, 10 bis 12 Wochen) wurden von 2153 abgesetzten Kaninchen gewonnen. Die Schlachtk?rperleistungen bei 12 Wochen Alter (Gewicht und Anteil von Schlachtk?rper, Kopf, Pelz, Blut und Innereien) stammen von 213 m?nnlichen Kaninchen. Sch?tzungen der Variationskoeffizenten (CV) für meiste Wachstums- und Schlachtk?rpermerkmale waren hoch und bewegten sich zwischen 10 und 40,2%. Vaterrasse hatte erheblichen Einflu? auf Unterschiede in Wachstumsrate und einige Schlachtk?rpermerkmale, w?hrend die Mutterrasse weniger beigetragen hat. Interaktion zwischen beiden beeinflu?te die meisten K?rpergewichts- und Zuwacnsleistungen, w?hrend sie wenig zur Variabilit?t der Schlachtk?rpermerkmale beigetragen hat. Reinrassige NZ waren schwerer und hatten weniger nicht nutzbare Schlachtk?rperteile (Blut und Eingeweide) verglichen mit BR. Heterosis-Prozente für die meisten Wachstumsmerkmale waren signifikant und schwankten zwischen 2,5 und 5% für K?rpergewicht, 0,7 bis 9,5% für Zuwachs. Insignifikante positive direkte Heterosis wurde für die meisten Schlachtk?rpermerkmale beobachtet. Kreuzungskaninchen von NZ V?tern waren den reziproken überlegen. Maternale Wirkungen auf meiste Gewichtsmerkmale waren insignifikant, w?hrend Vaterrassenkontraste hierfür signifikant waren. Zuwachs- und Schlachtk?rperleistung von BR ges?ugten Kaninchen haben im allgemeinen die von NZ ges?ugten übertroffen, w?hrend von NZ B?cken gezeugte in sp?teren Altersabschnitten überlegen waren. Hohe Werte für Schlachtk?rper wurden für BR ges?ugte Kaninchen gefunden, w?hrend mehr nicht verzehrbare Abf?lle (Blut und Eingeweide) bei NZ gezeugten vorhanden war. Maternale Rassenwirkungen schienen weniger wichtig als paternale zu sein.  相似文献   
SUMMARY: The biological basis for meat production in livestock animals is localized in the muscles, where lean meat production is under the genetic control of tissue-specific and more ubiquitously operating genes. The muscle tissue-specific MyoD gene family is at the centre of the genetic regulation of myoblast proliferation and differentiation into myofibres. The regulation of embryonic muscle tissue formation (development) by the MyoD genes is duscussed in the context of livestock animals used in meat production. The possibility that the MyoD genes could be useful candidate genes for breeding is discussed. It is concluded that marker assisted selection (MAS) using markers in functional genes is advantageous over MAS using associated markers. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Genetische Regulierung der Fleischproduktion bei der embryonalen Muskelbildung - Ein Literaturüberblick Die biologische Grundlage für Fleischproduktion, lokalisiert in den Muskeln, steht unter genetischer Kontrolle durch gewebsspezifische una mehr ubiquit?r arbeitende Gene. Die gewebsspezifische MyoD Genfamilie in den Muskeln befindet sich im Zentrum der genetischen Regulierung des Prozesses der Myoblastteilung und Differenzierung zu Myofasern. Die Ubersicht betrifft Regulierung der Bildung des embryonalen Muskelgewebes (Entwicklung) mit Hilfe der MyoD Gene. Die M?glichkeit, da? MyoD Gene erfolgreiche Kandidatengene für Tierzüchtung sein k?nnen, wird besprochen. 'Marker-assisted selection' (MAS) mit Hilfe von Markern funktioneller Gene sollte vorteilhafter sein als MAS mit gekoppelten DNA-Sequenzen. RéSUMé: Régulation génétique de la production de viande par la formation embryologique des muscles - un résumé La base biologique de la production de viande dans les animaux d'élevage se situe dans les muscles, là où la production de viande maigre est sous contr?le génétique de gènes générals et tissu-spécifiques. La famille des gènes muscle-spécifiques MyoD forme le centre de la régulation des procès de prolifération des myoblastes et de différenciation vers les myofibres. Le but de cet article rétrospectif est de situer la discussion sur la régulation de la formation embryologique des muscles par les gènes MyoD dans le cadre de l'élevage. La possibilité que les gènes MyoD soient des gènes candidats utiles pour l'élevage sera discutée. La conclusion faite est que 'marker assisted selection' (MAS) en employant des marquers situés dans des gènes fonctionnels a plus d'avantages que MAS avec des marquers associés.  相似文献   
Populations of intracellular symbiotes declined significantly in brachypterous females of the brown planthopper,Nilaparvata lugens (Stål), which were stressed during nymphal development by caging them on IR20 rice plants treated with 3% neem oil, 5% neem seed kernel aqueous extract, or 10% neem cake aqueous extract. In addition, nymphs grew poorly and symbiote populations in prospective females declined, when reared on rice plants grown in soil treated with neem cake; this indicates systemic action of bioac-tive neem constituents. Addition of custard-apple oil to neem oil did not enhance the inhibitory effects. The effects of neem derivatives on the symbiotes may be either host-mediated — possibly through disturbed neuroendocrine homeostasis, or direct — leading to perturbations of host-symbiote equilibrium.  相似文献   
Pathogenic mechanisms of caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Goats infected with caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (CAEV) show chronic arthritis and cachexia, which are progressive in nature. The immunopathogenic mechanisms responsible for these progressive clinical symptoms have not been fully elucidated. Various haematological and immunological parameters were evaluated in experimentally-infected goats showing typical signs of CAEV-induced disease. Infected goats showed recurrent lymphocytosis that may be due to constant presentation of antigen by infected cells of a monocyte/macrophage lineage. The serum alkaline phosphatase and -glutamyl transferase concentrations were elevated in infected goats, a characteristic of hepatic and bone disorders. All other serum chemistry parameters were similar between infected and control goats. Importantly, the serum tumour necrosis factor- (TNF-) levels were higher in infected goats. The cachexia seen in infected goats may be at least partly due to altered metabolism as a result of prolonged elevation of serum TNF- levels. Depressed natural killer cell activity was observed in infected goats and may contribute towards the establishment of a persistent infection with CAEV.Abbreviations AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome - CAEV caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus - GGT -glutamyl transferase - HBSS Hanks' balanced salt solution - HIV human immunodeficiency virus - NK natural killer - PBMC peripheral blood mononuclear cells - PCR polymerase chain reaction - SAP serum alkaline phosphatase - TNF tumour necrosis factor  相似文献   
1. The amino acid requirements of laying type pullets during the growing period can be estimated by measuring the growth of different components of the body and making use of nutritional constants that define the amount of each amino acid that is required for the production of the tissues being formed.

2. In this experiment, carcase analyses of each of three breeds of pullets were conducted at weekly intervals throughout the growth of the pullets, to 18 weeks of age. Measurements were made of body weight, gut‐fill and feather weight, and chemical analyses consisted of water, protein, lipid and ash measurements of both the body and the feathers. Each age group comprised 10 birds of each breed.

3. Gompertz functions accurately estimated the growth of both body protein and feather protein, to 18 weeks of age, from which the rate of growth of these two components of the body could be estimated. The mature weight of pullets was overestimated by the Gompertz growth curve, which may indicate that a pullet ceases to increase in body protein content once sexual maturity has been reached.

4. Using allometric relationships between the chemical components of the body and of feathers, all the components of growth could be estimated from the growth of body protein and feather protein. These components were then added together to determine the growth rate of the body as a whole.

5. The daily amino acid requirements for 4 functions were calculated, namely, those for the maintenance of body protein and feather protein, and for the gain in body protein and feather protein. These requirements were then summed to determine the requirement of pullets on each day of the growing period.

6. Using the ‘effective energy’ system, the amount of energy required by these pullets was calculated for each day of the growing period, from which the desired daily food intake of the pullets could be predicted. By dividing the amino acid requirement by this daily food intake it was possible to determine the concentration of amino acids that would be needed in the diet in order to meet the requirements of a pullet.

7. The results indicate that the ratio between the requirement for lysine and for methionine and cysteine changes dramatically during the growing period, negating the concept of a fixed ratio between all the amino acids during growth.

8. The above process is the first step in determining the optimal feeding programme for a population of pullets of a given genotype. The constraining effects, of the diet being offered and of the environment in which the pullets are housed, on the food intake and growth rate of each pullet have to be estimated, and such a theory can then be expanded to include all the individuals in the population. Only by the use: of simulation models can all these constraining effects be considered simultaneously.  相似文献   

Varying terms and criteria have been used in the veterinary literature to characterize milky opaque pleural effusions through the years. This article addresses ideas widely repeated in the veterinary and human literature upon which time, experience, diagnostic techniques, experimental data, and improved understanding of pathogenesis have cast doubt. Topics discussed include terminology, pathogenesis of chylous and pseudochylous effusions, criteria for differentiation of chylous from pseudochylous effusions, and clinicopathologic changes associated with drainage of chylous effusions.  相似文献   
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