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为了提高草原红牛的生产性能,1985年开始在翁牛特旗海金山种牛场进行了草原红牛导入丹麦红牛血液试验。初步试验结果表明:丹红F_1毛色基本同草原红牛;尻部宽、长而平,原有斜尻缺点已明显得到改进;各阶段体重、体尺均有明显提高,尤以体躯的重量、宽度、高度和后躯的提高更为显著;适应性与草原红牛无差别;其产肉性能和产奶性能比草原红牛亦有明显提高。  相似文献   
本病为雏鹅的一种病毒性传染病,病毒为球形,无囊膜,直径为76-86nm大小的颗粒,属于呼肠孤病毒科鹅呼肠孤病毒。能在发育良好的鹅胚等禽胚内复制,致死胚胎,并具有特征性病变。患病雏鹅以出血性坏死性肝炎为特征性的大体病理变化和显微病理变化。  相似文献   
Impaired polymorphonuclear neutrophil leukocyte (PMN) function around parturition has been associated with increased clinical mastitis in dairy cows. Rolling and attachment of PMN to the endothelium is the first step in the recruitment process and is accomplished by interaction between L-selectin on PMN and its ligand on endothelial cells. Furthermore, tyrosine phosphorylation is involved in the initiation of many PMN functions. The objective of this work was to determine changes in expression of L-selectin and tyrosine phosphorylation in the perinatal period. Eight clinically healthy Holstein cows were used as PMN donors at d-21, -14, -7,0 (calving), +1, +2, +7, +14, +28. Evaluation of L-selectin expression was carried out on activated and resting PMN. Anti-bovine L-selectin monoclonal antibody (MAB) and flow cytometric analysis were used to measure the percentage of PMN fluorescing and receptor expression (log mean fluorescent channel, LMFC). Activated and resting PMN showed similar trends in % PMN fluorescence and LM FC. The percentage of PMN fluorescing tended to decrease at parturition, followed by a significant increase at d +14 and +28 (P < 0.02). For LMFC a decrease was observed on d +1 followed by an increase through d +28 (P < 0.01). Protein tyrosine phosphorylation of lysates prepared from PMN isolated throughout the study was detected by electrophoresis and western blotting using anti-phosphotyrosine MAB. Several protein bands were tyrosine phosphorylated. Two of these bands (42-44 kDa and 90 kDa) varied in intensity over time. The intensity of the 42-44 kDa band gradually increased from d -7, peaked at d +7 (P < 0.03), and steadily decreased to d +28 (P < 0.02). Antibody to activated mitogen protein kinase reacted with the 42-44 kDa band. Reduced PMN function during the periparturient period could be related to reduced L-selectin adhesion molecules on the cell surface, and to modulation in the phosphorylation of functionally important molecules.  相似文献   
本研究于2014、2015年连续两年选用两个品种的光敏型高丹草(Sorghum bicolor×S.sudanense)"大卡"和"海牛"在黄土高原雨养农业区,采用全膜平铺穴播的方式,以8.33万、12.50万和16.67万穴·hm-2 3个种植密度进行种植,比较了各处理的生长发育指标和草产量的异同。结果表明,在生育期方面,品种间从孕穗期开始后差异明显。在农艺性状方面,"海牛"两年的分蘖数和全株叶片数均高于"大卡",其他各性状均以"大卡"最高;两个品种的茎粗、分蘖数、全株叶片数、节间数、单株鲜重、单株叶重和单株茎重连续两年均随着密度的加大而减小,呈负相关关系;主茎叶片数随密度的增加呈先上升后下降的趋势。在产草量方面,连续两年"大卡"的鲜草产量和干物质产量均高于"海牛";鲜草产量均在8.33万穴·hm-2处理下最高,且呈现出随着密度的增加鲜草产量下降的趋势;干物质产量丰水年2014年在16.67万穴·hm-2处理下最高,欠水年2015年在12.50万穴·hm-2处理下最高。综上所述,在黄土高原雨养农业区采用全膜覆盖方式种植光敏型高丹草时,品种应选择"大卡",在有灌溉条件或降水较多的地区,以16.67万穴·hm-2种植密度为宜;而在降水较少且无灌溉条件的地区,以12.50万穴·hm-2种植密度为宜。  相似文献   
王旭盛  罗涵夫  张巨明 《草业科学》2018,35(6):1451-1458
抗倒酯(Trinexapac-ethyl,TE)具有抑制草坪垂直生长,减少修剪频率的作用,近年来被广泛应用于高尔夫球场草坪,但常常因为过量使用而造成草坪伤害。为此,本研究分别对3种抗倒酯类产品(P、M、N)设置常规浓度(1mL·L~(-1))、中高浓度(1.5mL·L~(-1))、特高浓度(2mL·L~(-1))、超高浓度(10mL·L~(-1)),通过比较其对海滨雀稗(Paspalum vaginatum)草坪草屑量、生物量、颜色、密度、生长速度的影响,为抗倒酯产品的合理使用提供参考依据。结果表明,与清水对照相比,产品P、M、N在常规浓度下,草屑量分别下降70.0%、78.5%、80.0%,生长速度分别下降66.0%、51.5%、53.6%;超高浓度下,草屑量分别下降82.2%、87.8%、81.3%,生长速度分别下降71.1%、72.2%、83.6%,浓度越高下降幅度越大,但不同浓度处理间差异不显著(P0.05)。不同浓度处理对生物量影响也不显著。P、M、N这3种产品超高浓度处理使草坪草颜色分别从常规浓度处理的7.9、7.9、8.0分下降到7.3、7.2、7.2分,使草坪草密度分别从常规浓度处理的8.1、8.1、8.2分下降到7.5、7.4、7.4分。综合分析得出,在1 mL·L~(-1)常规浓度下,产品P对草坪生长速度抑制最强,且对草屑量、草坪颜色和密度影响较小,调控效果最好。过量使用抗倒酯不仅抑制效果不再明显,还会降低草坪质量。  相似文献   
经光谱、熔点和薄层分析等,自四川红桔皮(Citrus reticuiata Blano)中分离得到9种化学成分。其中5种为黄酮类化合物,分别鉴定为川陈皮素(nobiletin)、蜜桔素(tangeratin)、5—去甲川陈皮素(5—0—demethyl nobiletin)、4′,5,7,8—四甲氧基黄酮(4′,5,7,8—tetrahydroxylflavone)和异橙黄酮(isosinensetin);另两种为麝香草酚(thymol)和β—谷甾醇(β—sitosterol);还有两种化合物有待进一步鉴定。  相似文献   
欧盟是我国蜂蜜出口重要的市场,2011年下半年以来,欧盟要求检测蜂蜜中的转基因成分,我国转基因作物种植的品种和数量不断增加,转基因成分在蜂蜜中存在的风险性也不断加大。欧盟官方推荐在食品中如果使用经批准的转基因花粉含量占总花粉含量超过0.9%的蜂蜜时应当予以标识,在0.9%限量界定方面,目前倾向的鉴定方法是用PCR方法与显微镜检验相结合的方法。欧盟官方认可的QSI实验室和intertek实验室目前检测蜂蜜中转基因花粉成分时,选择的三个筛选基因为P-35S、T-NOS和FMV基因。  相似文献   
With the goal of establishing experimental protocols for cloning sika deer, various conditions for in vitro maturation (IVM) and artificial activation of sika deer oocytes were examined. In vitro maturation was evaluated in seven different culture media. The highest rate of oocyte maturation was 75.4% in 10 μg/ml follicle‐stimulating hormone (FSH), 1 μg/ml LH, 0.2 mm cysteamine and 50 ng/ml epidermal growth factor (EGF) after 24 h of IVM. The efficiency after 24 h of IVM did not differ significantly (p > 0.05) from that observed after 20 h. Cysteamine (0.2 mm ) significantly increased the maturation rates after 20 h (from 59.1% to 67.2%, p < 0.05) and after 24 h (from 63.2% to 71.6%, p < 0.05) of IVM. The IVM rates of oocytes collected during the oestrous season (75.4%) and the anoestrous season (23.3%) were significantly different at 24 h. The 20 μg/ml FSH, 2 μg/ml LH, 0.4 mm cysteamine and 100 ng/ml EGF significantly increased the maturation rates (from 23.3% to 54.2%, p < 0.01) at 24 h during the anoestrous season. For the activation experiments, the most effective method was chemical activation [ionomycin + 6‐dimethylaminopurine (6‐DMAP)], which promoted the development of sika deer oocytes to the blastocyst stage (32.4%). Our results indicate that in vitro matured sika deer oocytes are good candidates for parthenogenetic activation and that chemical treatment is needed for relatively efficient activation of the oocytes. These optimized conditions for IVM and parthenogenetic activation may be useful for efforts to restore populations of the endangered sika deer using the somatic cell nuclear transfer technique.  相似文献   
桑树多倍体育种材料遗传背景的AFLP分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
利用AFLP(Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism)分子标记技术,即扩增片段长度多态性,从DNA分子水平对19份人工三倍体桑育种材料进行了遗传背景分析,构建了指纹图谱.19份育种材料可组配70个杂交组合,各材料间AFLP相似系数大于0.750 0的有54个组合,经AFLP分析认为,它们不宜作亲本间杂交组合;AFLP相似系数小于0.750 0的有16个组合,经AFLP分析认为它们适于作亲本间杂交组合.本研究从基因组DNA分子水平上为人工三倍体桑品种选育以及杂交亲本的选择和组配提供了遗传背景依据.  相似文献   
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