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The baobab milk and fermented baobab/acha flour mixtures were analyzed chemically for their proximate, ascorbate, mineral and antinutrient composition. The dry pulp scraped from baobab fruits was kneaded, made into solution, extracted through cheese-cloth and stored frozen until analyzed. The acha and baobab grains were cleaned, fermented for 24 to 120 hours, dried and hammermilled into fine flours. The unfermented flours served as controls. The standard assay methods of AOAC were selected for use for the analysis of the nutrients and the antinutrients. The mixtures were composed of 70% acha and 30% baobab flours (70:30 protein basis). The baobab milk contained more protein (1.5%) and minerals (Fe, 17.8 mg; Ca 134.2 mg) than those of human milk (protein, 1.3%, Fe, 0.2 mg, Ca 30 mg) and cow milk (Fe, 0.1 mg; Ca 1.20 mg) and most leading national commercial infant formulas e.g. cerelac (Fe, 10.0 mg). The composite flours contained more nutrients than the baobab or the acha flour alone. The BF96 had greater advantage over other BF flours as a supplement to acha. The mixtures are within the reach of lower income group and can be incorporated into their diets.  相似文献   
Summary Since 1967, Lapwood's (1965) tuber slice test has been used in a modified form by workers of the Institute of Potato Research Gross Lüsewitz for testing more than 2000 clones a year for resistance to late blight. At a sample size of eight slices per clone differences of ≥1.7 scores can thus be distinguished. The tests are best done at between 18 and 19°C. Both the pathotype and the spore suspension concentration influence the resistance response. Since 1972, two compatible pathotypes and two concentrations have always been used on each clone tested. Seven-and twelve-year test results have shown that variations of up to six scores in the 9-score scheme would occur in the resistance of one clone. It is suggested that clones in main trials (candidate cultivars) should be tested for three years using two randomised replications of 2×8 tubers each.
Zusammenfassung Seit dem Jahre 1967 wird der Scheibentest nach Lapwood (1965) in Gross-Lüsewitz zur Prüfung von Zuchtmaterial angewendet (Abb. 1). Methodische Untersuchungen führten zu ?nderungen. Je Zuchtstamm werden zwei Proben à acht Knollen genommen, die in dreiw?chigem Abstand mit zwei verschiedenen Pathotypen geprüft werden. Je Knolle werden zwei Scheiben geschnitten, die zwei verschiedenen Konzentrationen der Suspension zugeordnet sind. Sie werden mittels in Zoosporensuspension getr?nkter Filterpapierscheiben inokuliert, nach 24 h umgedreht. Die Bewertung der Luftmyzelbildung erfolgt nach fünf (a) und sieben Tagen (b) mit Noten von 9 (keine Symptome) bis 1 (total bewachsen). Auch die Verbr?unung wird nach sieben Tagen benotet (c). Nach der Formel 2a+b+c=Bs errechnet sich die Wertzahl Bs. Insgesamt gehen in das Ergebnis eines Prüfungsjahres also 96 Einzelwerte ein. 8 Sorten wurden bei Temperaturen von 13, 17, 19 und 21°C geprüft. Die fünf Pathotypen 0, 1.3, 1.3.4, und und deren Gemisch wurden an drei Sorten verglichen. An 96 Proben wurde die Standardabweichung s und Grenzdifferenz GD ermittelt. Siebenj?hrige Ergebnisse waren von 10 Klonen, zw?lfj?hrige von sechs Sorten verfügbar. Bei 19°C erwiesen sich die Prüflinge am anf?lligsten, gleichzeitig war die beste Unterscheidbarkeit gegeben (Abb. 2). Die Wechselwirkungen der Temperatur mit dem Pathotyp und der Sorte sind signifikant. Es sollte bei 18–19°C geprüft werden. Die Wechselwirkung Pathotyp/Sorte war nicht gross, jedoch statistisch gesichert (Abb. 3). Es trat eine Wechselwirkung Pathotyp/Konzentration zutage (Tab. 1). Abbildung 4 zeigt den Einfluss der Sporenkonzentration auf das Resistenzverhalten. Auch die Wechselwirkung Sorte/Konzentration war gesichert. Aus der Berechnung der Standardabweichung ergibt sich nach B?tz et al. (1972) eine Grenzdifferenz von 4,2 (Wertzahl) bzw. 1,7 (Noten) für den Mittelwertvergleich der Sorten (Tab. 2). Zw?lfj?hrige Prüfungsergebnisse werden in Tabelle 3 mitgeteilt, siebenj?hrige in den Tabellen 4 und 5. Bei geringer Variationsbreite der Jahresmittelwerte schwankten die Sortenwerte von Jahr zu Jahr bis zu sechs Noten, obwohl an einem Beispiel eine gute Reproduzierbarkeit der Ergebnisse demonstriert wird. Es wird empfohlen ab E-Stamm je zweimal acht Knollen aus zwei Wiederholungen des Feldanbaus statt bisher nur aus einer zu entnehmen. Die Resistenzeisch?tzung sollte erst nach dreij?hriger Prüfung erfolgen. Zur Selektion sollten m?glichst zweij?hrige Ergebnisse vorliegen.

Résumé Le test sur tranche de pomme de terre de Lapwood (1965) a été utilisé à l'Institut pour la Recherche sur la Pomme de terre de Gross Lüsewitz depuis 1967 (fig. 1), pour apprécier la valeur du matériel génétique. Des études méthodologiques ont conduit à effectuer certaines modifications de ce test. Deux échantillons de huit tubercules chacun sont prélevés dans chaque cl?ne, pour être ensuite testés à trois semaines d'intervalle à l'égard de deux pathotypes différents. Deux tranches prélevées à partir de chaque tubercule, sont testés à deux concentrations différentes de suspension de zoospores. Ces tranches sont inoculées au moyen de disques de papier filtre trempés dans la suspension de zoospores. Les tranches sont retournées 24 heures après inoculation. La formation du mycélium aérien est notée après cinq jours (a) et sept jours (b) d'incubation, selon une échelle allant de 9 (absence de sympt?mes) à 1 (tranche antièrement recouverte). Le brunissement des tissus fait aussi l'objet d'une notation après 7 jours (c). Le facteur Bs est calculé à l'aide de la formule 2a+b+c=Bs. Ainsi, 96 valeurs individuelles sont rassemblées dans le résultat du test pour une année. Huit variétés ont été testées aux températures de 13, 17, 19 et 21°C. Les cinq pathotypes: 0, 1.3, 1.3.4, et, ainsi que leur mélange ont été étudiés sur trois variétés de pomme de terre. L'écart type a été établi pour 96 échantillons. Les résultats ont été obtenus pendant une période de sept ans pour 10 cl?nes et une période de 12 ans pour 6 variétés. Tous les critères étudiés sont très sensibles à 19°C; cette température semble fournir de meilleur pouvoir de discrimination (fig. 2). Les intéractions températures-pathotypes et températures-variétés sont significatives. Les tests devraient être réalisés de préférence à 18–19°C. L'intéraction pathotypes-variétés n'est pas très forte mais demeure significative statistiquement (fig. 3). Une intéraction pathotypes-concentrations est également mise en évidence. La figure 4 montre l'influence de la concentration de spores sur la résistance. L'intéraction variétésconcentration est également significative. A partir du calcul de l'écart type, une différence critique de 4,2 (facteur) ou 1,7 (note moyenne) pour la comparaison des valeurs moyennes des variétés (tableau 2) concorde avec les données de B?tz et al. (1972). Les résultats obtenus sur une période de douze ans sont présentés dans le tableau 3; Les tableaux 4 et 5 fournissent les résultats de 7 années de tests. L'échelle de variation des valeurs moyennes annuelles est petite, mais les valeurs des variétés varient énormément. Jusqu'à 6 points—entre les années—bien que l'on ait pu démontrer une bonne reproductibilité des résultats dans un exemple. Il est recommandé, d'après l'essai avec les cl?nes de prélever 2 échantillons de 8 tubercules cules chacun à partir de 2 répétitions au champ au lieu d'une seule comme c'était fait de fa?on pratique auparavant. La résistance pourrait être évaluée après seulement trois années de test. La sélection pourrait être basée sur les résultats de deux années de test.
Dietary strategies to enhance the content and bioavailability of iron and zinc in vegetarian diets were compiled. Strategies included increasing promoters and decreasing antagonists of iron and zinc absorption, adopting food preparation and processing methods which hydrolyze the phytate content of cereals and legumes, and using iron cookware. These strategies were used to devise two vegetarian menus based on food consumption patterns derived from three day weighed food records of 78 Canadian lacto-ovo-vegetarian adolescents. The iron and zinc, as well as calcium, phosphorus, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin A, protein and energy content of the devised menus were all higher than the actual intakes and the corresponding Canadian recommended nutrient intakes. Results show the overall nutrient adequacy of the recommended vegetarian menus and indicate that young lacto-vegetarian women can potentially meet their estimated dietary requirements for absorbed iron and zinc through modest modifications to the diet. Laboratory studies designed to measure the total amount of iron and zinc absorbed from these diets by young vegetarian women are needed to verify the efficacy of the devised menus.  相似文献   
The storage stability of melon milk at room (30 ± 2 °C)and refrigeration (10 ± 2 °C) temperatures was determined by analyzing changes in the chemical, microbial andsensory properties of the milk stored for 7 days. Theresults showed that at both storage temperatures, solublesolids and pH of the milk decreased while titratableacidity increased with storage. The standard plate countsincreased appreciably while coliforms were absent in themilk with storage at both storage temperatures. The overallacceptability score of the melon milk dropped duringstorage, the drop being faster at 30 ± 2 °C than at 10 ± 2 °C. The milk samples stored at 30 ± 2 °C and 10 ± 2 °C were acceptable only within one and three days, respectively; thereafter, theywere unacceptable.  相似文献   
The distribution of alpha -amylase, protease, lipoxygenase, polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase in wheat roller flour mill streams was studied. Break flours had relatively less alpha -amylase and protease activity than reduction flours both on flour weight and a protein basis. Among the different flour streams, the 5thand 6threduction passage had the highest alpha -amylase activity, while the 4threduction passage had the highest protease activity. The lipoxygenase activity was concentrated mostly in the last break and the reduction streams, whereas polyphenol oxidase activity was highest in break flour streams. Peroxidase activity was distributed unevenly among the different mill streams. The lipoxygenase, polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase were highly concentrated in different bran fractions. Except for protease, the other enzymes were concentrated in the «atta», a milling by-product comprising refined flour, bran and shorts; and are least active in semolina (farina).  相似文献   
The oxalate, hydrocyanic acid, phytic acid and phosphorus contents of twelve leafy vegetables were determined. The values ranged from 47.7–194.3 mg/100 g DM, 4.32–23.8 mg/100 g DM, 90–260 mg/100 g DM and 215–1110 mg/100 g DM, respectively. The ratio of phytic acid to phosphorus ranged from 13.9–90.7. The leaves contained low levels of hydrocyanic acid, while the oxalate, phytic acid and phosphorus contents were high. The results are discussed in terms of their clinical implications and nutritive values.  相似文献   
The elevated presence of metal(loid)s in the environment significantly impacts ecosystems and human health and is generally largely due to industrial and mining activities. Thus, in the current study, we investigated and proposed an environmentally friendly method (phytomanagement) aimed at reducing the negative impacts associated with metal(loid) pollution through the use of soil amendments (biochar and compost) to permit Ailanthus altissima growth on a highly contaminated mining Technosol, with arsenic (As) and lead (Pb) contents of 539.06 and 11 453 mg kg-1, respectively. The objective was to examine the impacts of three biochars and compost on i) the physicochemical characteristics of soil, ii) metal(loid) immobilization in soil, and iii) A. altissima growth. We revealed that the application of biochar as a soil amendment improved soil conditions by increasing soil electrical conductivity, pH, and water-holding capacity. Moreover, concomitantly, we observed a large reduction (99%) in Pb mobility and availability following application of the hardwood biochar in combination with compost (HBCP). Thus, this combined soil amendment was most effective in promoting A. altissima growth. In addition, the HBCP treatment prevented As translocation in the upper parts of plants, although soil pore water As concentration was not diminished by amendment application.  相似文献   
R. Cohen    Y. Burger    C. Horev    U. Saar    M. Raviv 《Plant Breeding》2008,127(4):424-428
The effect of peat moss on fusarium wilt of melon ( Cucumis melo L.) was studied in order to improve the selection process of resistant melons during breeding programmes. Disease symptoms were evident earlier and disease progress was faster in seedlings that were transplanted to peat following inoculation than in those transplanted to sand. The resistant breeding line used as a control did not show any wilt symptoms in either medium. Mixing the peat with sand or perlite reduced the disease development rate and the final disease incidence. The effects of peat and sand on disease progress were evaluated with two segregating melon populations in which the expected susceptible : resistant ratio was 25 : 75. In both populations, disease incidence was higher in the peat, which enables breeders to identify resistant plants and to lower the risk of using escapees as resistant plants. The mechanism of disease enhancement may include both biotic and abiotic components. There is an indication that peat induces plant susceptibility before inoculation. Melon seedlings germinated in peat and transplanted into sand exhibited significantly greater wilt incidence than those that germinated in sand and were transplanted into sand following the inoculation. Disease progress in sterile peat was significantly slower than that in non-sterile peat, which suggests the possible involvement of microbial activity.  相似文献   
Irrigation with saline–sodic water imposes sodic conditions on the soil and reduces the soil’s productivity. We hypothesized that replacing saline–sodic irrigation water with lesser saline–sodic treated waste water (TWW), albeit with higher loads of organic matter and suspended solids, might help sodic soils regain their structure and hydraulic conductivity. We studied hydraulic conductivity (HC), aggregate stability and clay swelling of a soil from the Bet She’an Valley, Israel using samples taken from a non-cultivated field (control), and plots irrigated with TWW, saline–sodic Jordan River (JR) water, and moderately saline–sodic spring (SP) water. Soil samples were taken at the end of the irrigation season (autumn 2005) and at the end of the subsequent rainy season (spring 2006). In the HC and the aggregate stability determinations, for both sampling seasons, the TWW-irrigated samples gave significantly higher values than the SP- and JR-irrigated samples, but lower than the samples from the control plot. The autumn samples exhibited, generally, higher HC and lower swelling levels compared with the spring samples. Conversely, aggregate stability of the spring samples was higher than that of the autumn samples. These seasonal changes in the results of the three tests were associated with seasonal changes in the salinity and sodicity of the soils. Contributions from the Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet-Dagan 50250, Israel. No. 601/2007 series.  相似文献   
Pan coefficient (K pan) is the important factor for computation of reference evapotranspiration (ET o ) from pan evaporation (E pan). In this paper, the approaches proposed by Cuenca (Irrigation system design: an engineering approach. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1989), Snyder (J Irrig Drain Eng 118(6):977–980, 1992), Orang (Potential accuracy of the popular non-linear regression equations for estimating pan coefficient values in the original and FAO-24 tables. Unpublished Report, Calif. Dept. of Water Resources, Sacramento, 1998), Raghuwanshi and Wallender (J Irrig Drain Eng 118 (6):977–980, 1998) and Pereira et al. (Agric Water Manage 76:75–82, 1995) were evaluated for a semi-arid region. By comparing with the FAO 56 Penman-Monteith (F-PM) method the Snyder (J Irrig Drain Eng 118(6):977–980, 1992, 1992) approach was best suited for the semi-arid region.  相似文献   
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