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Hydroxyl ion release by maize (Zea mays L.) roots under acidic conditions was investigated with a view to develop a bioremediation method for ameliorating acid soils in tropical and subtropical regions.

Materials and methods

Two hydroponic culture experiments and one pot experiment were conducted: pH, nitrogen state, and rhizobox condition, which investigated the effects of different nitrogen forms on hydroxyl release by maize roots under acidic conditions.

Results and discussion

The pH of the culture solution increased as culture time rose. The gradient of change increased with rising NO3 ?/NH4 + molar ratios. Maize roots released more hydroxyl ions at pH 4.0 than at pH 5.0. The amount of hydroxyl ions released by maize roots at a constant pH was greater than those at a nonconstant pH. Application of calcium nitrate reduced exchangeable acidity and increased the pH in an Ultisol rhizosphere, compared with bulk soil. The increasing magnitude of soil pH was greater at higher doses of N. The absorption of NO3 ?–N increased as the NO3 ?/NH4 + molar ratios rose, which was responsible for hydroxyl ion release and pH increases in culture solutions and rhizosphere.


Root-induced alkalization in the rhizosphere resulting from nitrate absorption by maize plants can be used to ameliorate acidic Ultisols.  相似文献   
高产奶牛血清镁含量分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为调查南宁地区某奶牛场奶牛血清镁含量及其是否与该场奶牛蹄病有关,选取40头健康奶牛和46头蹄病奶牛,采用原子吸收分光光度法分析每头牛血清镁含量,结果表明全部被检牛血清镁平均含量为22.72±3.11mg/L;健康组与蹄病组奶牛血清镁含量分别为23.02±3.19mg/L和22.45±3.09mg/L,两组间差异不显著(P>0.05).  相似文献   
砒砂岩区沙棘定植株与萌蘖株生长指标间的关联分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
砒砂岩区为中国自然生态环境最为恶劣的地区之一。多年来的科学研究和生产实践均证明,沙棘为适应这一地区的最佳先锋植物。2~8a沙棘定植株的平均高、地径分别与萌蘖株高、冠幅间存在着较好的正相关关系;中等盖度(40%~70%)的沙棘人工林分,其萌蘖能力最高。生产实践中可充分利用沙棘萌蘖性能强的优势,有效降低种植密度,减少种植成本,实现砒砂岩区快速、经济、高效恢复植被的目的。  相似文献   
6种龙船花的光合特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对6个龙船花品种叶片的形态特征、光合作用日变化和光响应曲线进行测定与分析,结果表明:6种龙船花的光合能力差异不显著,LSP和LCP均较低,说明利用强光的能力较差,耐阳性较弱,而对弱光利用能力较强,具有较强的适应弱光的能力;且它们的WUE也比较低,在0.89~1.37μmol/mmol间,表现出耐荫喜湿的特性。因此在生产上应注意适当遮荫和水分的管理,其中龙船花(I.chinensis)能适应较强的阳光。6种龙船花的Pn均与PAR、Tr、Ci极显著相关,但品种不同,其主导因子也不一样。龙船花和大王龙船花的Pn与Gs、Ci、Tr、VpdL、PAR呈极显著相关;大黄龙船花、橙红龙船花、杏黄龙船花的Pn与Ci、Tr、VpdL、PAR呈极显著相关,而与Gs不相关;洋红龙船花的Pn与Gs、Ci、Tr、PAR呈极显著相关,而与VpdL不相关。  相似文献   
Heat stress in poultry is deleterious to productive performance. Chlorogenic acid (CGA) exerts antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary supplemental CGA on the intestinal health and cecal microbiota composition of young hens challenged with acute heat stress. 100-day-old Hy-line brown pullets were randomly divided into four groups. The control group (C) and heat stress group (HS) received a basal diet. HS + CGA300 group and HS + CGA600 group received a basal diet supplemented with 300- and 600-mg/kg CGA, respectively, for 2 weeks before heat stress exposure. Pullets of HS, HS + CGA300, and HS + CGA600 group were exposed to 38°C for 4 h while the control group was maintained at 25°C. In this study, dietary CGA supplementation had effect on mitigate the decreased T-AOC and T-SOD activities and the increasing of IL-1β and TNFα induced by acute heat stress. Dietary supplementation with 600 mg/kg CGA had better effect on increasing the relative abundance of beneficial bacterial genera, such as Rikenellaceae RC9_gut_group, Ruminococcaceae UCG-005, and Christensenellaceae R-7_group, and deceasing bacteria genera involved in inflammation, such as Sutterella species. Therefore, CGA can ameliorate acute heat stress damage through suppressing inflammation and improved antioxidant capacity and cecal microbiota composition.  相似文献   
Du  Wei  Liu  Xinmin  Li  Rui  Tian  Rui  Ding  Wuquan  Li  Hang 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2019,19(4):1839-1849
Journal of Soils and Sediments - Incomplete ion exchange state in charged heterogeneous systems has been observed for a long time, but no general theory to describe this seemingly ordinary yet...  相似文献   
在饲料中添加质量分数0.4%LYCD喂养南美白对虾Penaeus vannamei,可显著提高机体的抗氧化和SOD酶产生的能力,实验组内脏团SOD酶活性表现出极显著差异(P<0.01),肌肉SOD酶显著高于对照组;MDA的量显著降低,内脏团呈现极显著差异(P<0.01),肌肉呈现显著差异;同时LYCD还可使细胞吞噬指数明显增加(P<0.01).  相似文献   
李丹  马贵阳  杜明俊  范立华  黄腾龙 《油气储运》2012,31(7):530-532,96,97
油气水三相介质具有的不同物理化学性质,使得其混合物在时间和空间上存在一个相态与分布均不确定的混合界面。采用多相流VOF模型研究了集输管道内油气水三相混输过程,并对其流型进行识别,通过研究初始含气率对流型的影响,得到工程实际中常见的泡状流和塞状流,进而分析了流速对泡状流中气泡分布的影响。结果表明:对于泡状流,气泡的分布与液体流速直接相关,流速越低,气泡的分布越不均匀;模拟结果与相关理论吻合较好,可为工程实际提供一定的理论指导。  相似文献   
根据北方地区免耕作业的农艺要求,设计了2BQM-6型气吸式免耕播种机,实现了破茬、开沟施肥、播种及覆土镇压等联合作业。在此基础上,针对免耕条件下作业地面平整度较差等因素所造成的播种深度变动大的问题,研究了播种深度调节机构和相应的参数。通过ADAMS软件对播种单体进行建模分析,研究其仿形机构不同参数对仿形效果的影响,寻求最佳仿形时的最优参数范围,以满足不同农作物种植深度不同的要求。该调节装置具有调节范围广、灵活及易于操作等特点。  相似文献   
接骨木属植物分种 研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
接骨木属植物种的划分比较困难,目前还没有定论。接骨木的种过渡型和种间的交叉比较多,研究这个问题的人又少。本文就吉林省分布的接骨木属的分种进行了研究,找出了稳定性状和特征作为分类依据,并将吉林省接骨木属划分为六个种。  相似文献   
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