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澳洲坚果引种试种研究初报 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
澳洲坚果无性系从1979年开始引入中国,并在南亚热带作物研究所(南亚所)试种,现已在南亚热带地区七省扩大试种达200hm^2,各地生长均良好,已有少量结果。南亚所植区澳洲坚果13龄树平均单株年产已达6kg(壳果),抗寒性良好,在-4℃时仍未受害,病虫害不严重(曾发生过花序枯萎病、速衰病、茎干溃疡病),但风害严重。澳洲坚果的适生温度在10℃-30℃,以最冷月(1)平均气温≤10℃,年降雨量在1000 相似文献
本文阐述了东方红60推土机座椅的振动测试方法和分析手段.得出了测试和分析结果.通过测取座椅和座椅悬挂点的自动率谱和传递函数.分析了该机座椅的动态特性.本文还简单介绍了车辆乘坐舒适性评价指标和标准 并采用ISO2631推荐的常用评价方法(疲劳—减效界限)对座椅进行了乘坐舒适性评价.结果表明.东方红60推土机的座椅舒适性尚需进一步改善. 相似文献
Four tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) strains (203, 474, 546, and 576) that are equally efficient in potassium (K) absorption, but different in efficiency of K use were studied using a continuously flowing solution culture to determine the importance of K‐transport rate from root to shoot in relation to K‐use efficiency. Strains 203 and 546 are inefficient in K use, ratios of K in shoots to roots were found to be three times higher than those of the two K‐use efficient strains 474 and 576 when grown under low‐K stress (0.1 mM). In addition, both the K concentrations and rates of K flow in xylem exudates of decapitated strains 203 and 546 were significantly higher than those of strains 474 and 576. These results suggest that high rates of K transport from roots to shoots are unrelated to K‐use efficiency in the tomato strains grown under low‐K stress. Further studies of K distributions in leaves and stems found that K concentrations in matured leaves and stems of the two efficient strains 474 and 576 were markedly lower than those of the two inefficient strains 203 and 546, while K in young and expanding leaves of the efficient strains were significantly higher than those of the inefficient strains, indicating that the ability to mobilize K from matured leaves to young and expanding leaves is an important factor that contributes to K‐use efficiency in tomato plants grown under low‐K stress. 相似文献
利用微生物的抗药性筛选抗福美双的假单胞菌株T46,然后通过亚硝基胍(NTG)化学诱变获得了对福美双敏感的三株突变株T46N10、T46N7和T46N17。利用这三个突变株作受体,通过基因克隆的方法筛选到了可使三个突变株恢复抗性的克隆,抗性基因分别被定位在7kb、2.5kb和20kb的EcoRⅠ片段上。将这三个克隆分别用(32)P标记后制成分子探针,然后分别与三个突变菌株的总DNA进行DNA-DNA分子杂交,结果表明,各突变株均存在与菌株T46的抗福美双基因克隆的高度同源性,经结合形态、生理生化等分析后证实这三株突变株均源自于出发菌株T46。 相似文献
Zhao L Zhao G Chen F Wang Z Wu J Hu X 《Journal of agricultural and food chemistry》2006,54(21):8346-8351
Both microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) and ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) have been widely applied in the extraction of a variety of biologically active compounds including carotenoids due to their lower pollution to environment, high extraction efficiency, lower cost, and shorter extraction time as compared to conventional extraction techniques. However, there are few reports on their effects on the stability of these compounds. In the present study, the stability of (all-E)-astaxanthin, one of the carotenoids, was examined under the action of both ultrasound and microwave. Results showed that microwave induced the isomerization of (all-E)-astaxanthin to its Z analogues, preferentially to (13Z)-astaxanthin as analyzed by HPLC coupled with diode array detection and LC-MS; and the percentage of the isomerization increased with increasing both treatment time and microwave power. In contrast to the microwave, the ultrasound degraded (all-E)-astaxanthin to unidentified colorless compound(s) as suggested by HPLC analysis and UV/vis measurements, and the degradation likewise increased as both treatment time and ultrasonic power increased. The results presented here emphasized that both MAE and UAE techniques should be carefully used in the extraction of unstable compounds such as (all-E)-astaxanthin. 相似文献
Dynamics of cadmium concentration in contaminated rice paddy soils with submerging time 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Jang-Hung Huang Shan-Li Wang Jhin-Hao Lin Yue-Ming Chen Ming-Kuang Wang 《Paddy and Water Environment》2013,11(1-4):483-491
This study examined the change in the speciation of cadmium (Cd) in contaminated rice paddy soils with prolonged submergence. Three Changhua soils (CH1, CH2, and CH3) from central Taiwan and three Taoyuan red soils (TY1, TY2, and TY3) from northern Taiwan with different levels of heavy metal contamination were selected for the study. The Cd, Fe, Mn, soil pH, and Eh in soil solutions were determined as a function of submerging time. During submergence, the Fe and Mn concentration increased, while the SO4 2? concentration decreased. The concentrations of Cd immediately increased in the soil solutions after a short submerging time and then decreased with further submergence. The sequential extraction showed that the exchangeable fraction decreased and the oxide-bound fraction increased after submergence. According to preliminary calculations of the MinteqA2 program, sulfate cannot be reduced to sulfite or sulfide under the soil Eh and pH values observed for the soils after prolonged submergence. Thus, the observed decreases of sulfate concentration may result from sulfate reduction in the micro-environments, which cannot be accounted for by the thermodynamic calculation. The reduction of sulfate to sulfide may subsequently result in the formation of CdS precipitate, which attributes to the decreases of Cd concentrations in the soil solutions after prolonged submergence. 相似文献
香蕉枯萎病拮抗菌筛选及其抑菌活性 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为获得对香蕉枯萎病菌具有稳定拮抗作用的微生物菌株,分别从海南省临高县南宝镇新营农场、皇桐村及美台镇美梅村采集感病土壤和健康土壤进行微生物分离,并以香蕉枯萎病菌4号小种(Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.cubense Race 4)等9种病原菌为靶标菌株,采用平板对峙法和含药介质法对拮抗菌的抑菌活性进行评价,同时根据形态特征、培养特征及生理生化特征和16S rDNA序列分析对其进行鉴定。结果表明:6个土壤样品中共分离得到具有拮抗作用的细菌93株和放线菌133株,其中T3-G-59菌株对9种病原菌具有广谱抗性,菌丝生长抑制率为43.58%~86.43%,孢子萌发抑制率为42.22%~81.11%,其中对香蕉枯萎病菌4号小种的菌丝生长和孢子萌发抑制率分别为86.43%和81.00%,经鉴定该菌株为多产色链霉菌Streptomyces polychromogenes,表明该多产色链霉菌T3-G-59菌株具有应用于香蕉枯萎病生物防治的潜力。 相似文献