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为确定金铁锁适宜的种植密度和垄作栽培方式,采用正交设计L16(43),研究沟宽(A)、垄宽(B)、密度(C)对金铁锁产量和质量的影响。结果表明,不同密度和垄作方式对金铁锁产量和质量的影响不同,3个因素对金铁锁根产量影响依次为C、A、B,对质量的影响依次为C、B、A。综合考虑产量和质量,金铁锁最佳垄作栽培方式为沟宽20~30 cm,垄宽60~80 cm,密度8 cm×10 cm或8 cm×15 cm。  相似文献   
The plant-specific WUSCHEL-related homeobox(WOX) genes are crucial for plant growth and development.Here,we systematically identified the MdWOX gene family in apple at the genome-wide level,and analyzed the phylogenetic relationships,conserved motifs,gene structure,and syntenic relationships of the MdWOX genes.A total of 18 MdWOX genes were identified and phylogenetic analysis placed them into three clades.The phylogenetic relationships among the WOXs were further supported by the analyses of ge...  相似文献   
AIM: To demonstrate the susceptibility of cell apoptosis varies during the progress of cell malignant transformation from human being in vitro. METHODS: A SV40T-transfected human bronchial epithelial immortalized cell line (called M) was selected in this work, which has acquired some characteristics of malignant transformation at the later passage. The alterations of apoptosis and bcl-2, P53 genes between early and later passage of M cells were investigated by means of TDT labeling in situ, chromosome FISH, RNA and protein testing, etc. RESULTS: Incidence of apoptosis induced by cis-platin was significantly lower in later than in early passages of M. Levels of bcl-2 mRNA and protein in later passages were higher than early passages of M, and overexpression of bcl-2 was accumulated following the development of cellular malignancy. P53 protein level was as high in early as in later passages. CONCLUSION: Overexpression of bcl-2 decreases the cellular sensitivity to apoptotic inductors plays an important role during progress of carcinogenesis in human bronchial epithelial cancers. The inactivation of P53 protein in the SV40-T transfected M cell line may be one of reasons of bcl-2 overexpression, but not associated with the accumulation of bcl-2 expressed level during cell transformation.  相似文献   
AIM and METHODS:To clarify the role of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in the regulation of blood pressure,in the present study, we examined the effect of aminoguanidine (AG), a selective inhibitor of iNOS on the hemodinamical response of Dahl salt-sensitive (DS) and Dahl salt-resistant (DR) rats to low (0.3%) or high (8%) sodium chloride (NaCl) infusion by chronical in vivo hemodynamic experiment, and the effect of NaCl or NaCl plus AG infusion on urinary nitrate (NO3)/nitrite (NO2), the end product of nitric oxide (NO), excretion by Greiss Reaction. Furthermore, NOS activity assay was also carried out to probe the effect of NaCl and AG on calcium-dependent or independent NOS activity in renal tissue. RESULTS:1. High or low NaCl-infused DR rats and low NaCl-infused DS rats have no hemodinamical response to AG, however, the hypertensive effect of high NaCl (8%) infusion on DS rats were greatly amplified by co-infusion of AG. 2. Administration of high NaCl significantly elevated the iNOS activity of renal tissue, and greatly increased urinary NO3/NO2 excretion. CONCLUSION:Inducible NOS is an important modulator of arterial pressure, especially in case of higher blood pressure.  相似文献   
民勤绿洲是以农业为主的经济实体,绿洲生态环境局部好转、总体恶化,可持续发展形势严峻,在绿洲内部进行现代农业生产,尤为重要和关键。本文分析了民勤绿洲农业发展的优劣势和现代农业发展中存在的问题,提出了民勤绿洲现代农业发展的具体对策,以期为当地可持续发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   
35个粳稻品种SSR指纹图谱的构建及遗传相似性分析   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
用68对SSR引物扩增了35个粳稻品种(系)的基因组DNA,结果有46对引物在35个品种间具有稳定多态性.有6个品种可用单一特异的SSR标记加以识别,其余29个品种则需要不同的SSR指纹组合才能识别.用12对核心引物构建的SSR指纹图谱能将35个粳稻品种逐一区别开来.35个粳稻品种间遗传相似系数的变异范围为0.27~0.98.采用类平均法进行聚类分析,在相似系数0.82处,可将35个粳稻品种分为4类.聚类分析结果基本上反映了依据系谱分析的品种间亲缘关系.  相似文献   
根据农村电网的特点,建立了综合考虑全年网损、电压质量和补偿设备投资的无功优化规划数学模型.应用自适应遗传算法改进了传统遗传算法的遗传算子和终止判据等,提出了一种配电网无功优化的改进型遗传算法,其收敛速度和求解精度均有提高.算法实例表明,改进遗传算法的优化效果优于传统遗传算法.  相似文献   
河蟹养殖及蟹文化④一龄蟹种的培育技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当蟹苗在培育池中蜕完3次壳成为Ⅲ期仔蟹(约2万只/kg)时,即可将其转移到二级培育池中进行一龄蟹种的培育.而如果是5月中旬购入的人工蟹苗,则可培养至Ⅳ期仔蟹(约8000只/kg)再移入二级培育池培育.其目的是提高一龄蟹种(扣蟹)的成活率,保持蟹种的规格均匀,防止产生小绿蟹.  相似文献   
栉孔扇贝与海胆和海参混养的净化水质作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在容水40 L、放养5个海参、混养10、20或30个海胆的水槽中分别加入0、1、2、4或6个壳长(6.65±0.30)cm的栉孔扇贝,研究了扇贝密度对净化海胆和海参混养池水质的作用。结果表明:扇贝密度极显著影响水体的叶绿素、氨氮、颗粒有机物(POM)和悬浮颗粒含量(P<0.01);显著影响水体的总颗粒物(TPM)含量(P<0.05)。每升水放养0.05个扇贝的水槽(即2个/水槽)中叶绿素的含量[(0.282±0.060)μg.L-1]显著高于其他各组(P<0.05),POM[(3.68±0.61)mg.L-1]和TPM[(13.47±0.92)mg.L-1]含量显著低于其他组(P<0.05)。扇贝放养后第2-3 d氨氮、POM、TPM和悬浮颗粒的含量显著增加,第3 d后保持相对平稳。  相似文献   
针对近年来商用车侧翻事故的凸现,提出了一种利用空气悬架提高车辆倾翻阀值,减小车辆倾翻危险的方法,编写了控制器,在MATLAB中SIMULINK下建立了七自由度车辆模型,并进行了仿真。仿真结果表明,半主动空气悬架能够有效提高车辆倾翻阀值,提高车辆抗侧翻能力。  相似文献   
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