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[Objective] The aim of this study is to evaluate nitrogen efficient cotton germplasms and improve nitrogen use efficiency. [Method] Eighty cotton germplasms were selected and evaluated in the hydroponic experiment under low (0.25 mmol·L-1) and high (5 mmol·L-1) nitrogen concentration. Different traits for screening were identified and nitrogen use efficiency types were classified. Field experiments were also performed for comparison and confirmation of the identified germplasms. [Result] The results showed that there were significant differences in the total plant dry matter, shoot nitrogen accumulation and nitrogen absorption efficiency in cotton germplasms at the two nitrogen levels. Based on coefficient of variation, principal component analysis and correlation, six traits including total plant dry matter, shoot dry matter, root dry matter, total nitrogen accumulation, shoot nitrogen accumulation and nitrogen absorption efficiency were used as screening indicators. According to the Heatmap clustering analysis and the nitrogen efficiency comprehensive index, two germplasms (Lu05R59 and CCRI 69) were identified as low nitrogen tolerant and nitrogen efficient, and two germplasms (Coker 201 and Xinluzhong 30) as low nitrogen sensitive and nitrogen inefficient. The results of field experiment were consistent with the results of the hydroponic culture at the seedling stage. [Conclusion] It was finally determined that Lu05R59 and CCRI 69 were the low nitrogen tolerant and nitrogen efficient germplasms, and Coker 201 and Xinluzhong 30 were low nitrogen sensitive and nitrogen inefficient germplasms. The results of these studies provide the possibility for screening and rapid identification of nitrogen use efficiency in cotton at the seedling stage, and provide the ideal materials and theoretical basis for further study of cotton nitrogen efficient.  相似文献   
Cotton is one of the major field crops which are seriously threatened by pests and diseases. In recent years, the ecological management of cotton pests and diseases with intercropping has become to be an interesting approach. Intercropping possibly increases the population of natural enemies and finally reduces the population density of pests as a result of changes in ecological structure and environmental conditions of farmland. Intercropping thus has been considered an important alternative in controlling pests and diseases. However, cotton field intercropping also has some limitations in controlling pests and diseases. Unreasonable intercropping system has many risks such as increasing labor input, increasing the difficulty of pests’ control, and aggravating pests and diseases. In this paper, the effects and the underlying mechanisms of cotton intercropping on cotton pests and diseases were reviewed. The possible risks and countermeasures used for ecological control of intercropping were also put forward, and the future and application of ecological management of cotton pests and diseases with intercropping were prospected.  相似文献   
酵母蛋白饲料培养条件的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对啤酒酵母进行发酵试验,结果表明:该酵母最优的培养条件是麦芽汁培养基稀释倍数2.5,培养时间20h,蔗糖添加量10Brix,尿素添加量0.02%,且酵母菌耐酸耐铜的性能好。  相似文献   
研究了波吉卵囊藻(Oocystis borgei)对Cu2+和Zn2+的耐受力、吸附率和吸附量的作用规律。结果表明:Cu2+和Zn2+对波吉卵囊藻的生长和叶绿素a含量影响显著(P<0.05)。Cu2+和Zn2+含量的升高,对波吉卵囊藻生长的抑制增大,使叶绿素a含量下降;当Cu2+和Zn2+的含量分别小于0.001 mg/L和0.010 mg/L时,对波吉卵囊藻的生长和叶绿素a含量增加有一定的促进作用;Cu2+和Zn2+对波吉卵囊藻生长的96h-EC50分别为0.229 mg/L和17.390 mg/L。Cu2+含量为1.000mg/L和Zn2+含量为50.000 mg/L的组合,对波吉卵囊藻生长的抑制率为103.881%。Cu2+对波吉卵囊藻的毒性大于Zn2+。波吉卵囊藻对Cu2+和Zn2+有较好的吸附效果,当藻细胞含量为2.291×108ind/L时,对Zn2+的吸附率为81.444%;含量为2.891×108ind/L时,对Cu2+的吸附率为52.521%;吸附量分别为9.469 mg/g(5.208×10-9mg/ind)和2.914 mg/g(1.603×10-9mg/ind),对波吉卵囊藻不会产生明显毒性。  相似文献   
晾烟房温湿度调节装置对马里兰烟晾制的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将专利"晾烟房温湿度调节装置"(专利号:ZL200820066396.X)应用到马里兰烟调制中,形成保温晾房,可明显提升平均温度,较标准晾房日平均温度提高1~2℃,相对湿度降低5%~10%,且保温保湿时间较长,有利于马里兰烟凋萎变色,烟叶晾制质量较好,降低烟叶含青程度和减少霉烂烟叶,提高有效产量7.6%左右,上等烟比率提高11.4%左右,上中等烟率提高5.0%左右.试验表明,保温晾房和标准晾房晾制的烟叶化学成分均较协调,保温晾房使烟碱含量提高0.13%~0.81%,总氮含量提高0.77%~1.03%.烟叶钾含量提高0.20%左右,总糖含量降低0.08%~0.34%,烟叶氟离子含量差异较小,均在0.50%左右.  相似文献   
通过室内饲养和田间调查,较系统地研究了油菜蚤跳甲的生活史,各虫态发育历期,成,幼虫习性及发生与油菜播期,种植方式,油菜品种,类型,土壤质地等条件的关系,首次报道了油菜蚤跳甲成虫秋季交配产卵习性及在室内部分孵化现象。  相似文献   
滴灌春小麦水肥耦合与产量关系试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于大田滴灌施肥条件下,观测了春小麦不同生育阶段的分蘖数和叶面积指数,测量了春小麦的实际产量,建立滴灌春小麦水肥耦合与产量的关系。分析结果表明,春小麦各生育阶段的施肥增产系数分别为:0.17(苗期—分蘖期)、0.35(分蘖—拔节期)、0.41(拔节—抽穗期)、0.07(抽穗—灌浆期)、0.11(灌浆—收获期),滴灌春小麦苗期—分蘖期、抽穗—浆期和灌浆—收获期施肥对增产的作用不大,而分蘖—拔节期和拔节—抽穗期施肥对增产的作用最大。在高频滴灌条件下,根据春小麦需肥规律在每个生育阶段都随水施肥,可以提高春小麦的产量。  相似文献   
为进一步提高兽医系统实验室检测能力,江苏省动物疫病预防控制中心组织实施了2019年度全省兽医系统实验室检测能力比对,共有12个市级、65个县级实验室参加,样品正确率分别为100%、99.17%,实验室正确率分别为100%、92.31%。结果表明:参加比对的实验室均具备正常开展主要动物疫病监测和检测的能力与条件,但有个别县级实验室的个别比对项目检测值出现较大偏差。这提示应进一步重视实验室检测能力比对工作,加强实验室管理体系建设,全面提升兽医系统实验室管理和运行水平。  相似文献   
大花蕙兰花芽分化与激素关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
为了给大花蕙兰花期调控提供理论依据,在大花蕙兰花芽分化前用不同浓度的GA3、IBA、NAA和PP333均匀喷洒大花蕙兰的叶片和假鳞茎,研究各处理对大花蕙兰花芽分化的影响,同时研究了在大花蕙兰花芽分化过程中假鳞茎内源激素含量的变化,结果表明:(1)对大花蕙兰的成品苗喷洒外源激素会影响其始花期,其中GA3和PP333促进大花蕙兰的花芽分化,使其提早开花,根据使用浓度的不同,提早开花的时间为2~12天;而不同浓度的NAA处理则抑制了大花蕙兰的花芽分化,使开花推迟了4~11天。(2)IBA处理能够明显的促进花箭的生长,PP333处理则抑制了花箭的生长;各处理对大花蕙兰的花期和单枝花朵数影响不明显。(3)在大花蕙兰花芽分化的过程中,假鳞茎中ZT和GA3含量都是先上升后下降;ABA则是缓慢的上升;IAA则表现为下降。ZT/IAA和ABA/IAA的上升有利于大花蕙兰花芽的分化。  相似文献   
【目的】叶绿素是参与光合途径最为重要的光合色素。叶绿体的发育及叶绿素的合成在很大程度上依赖于质体基因组与核基因组之间的双向信号传导来精确协调基因表达。通过对白化表型的CRISPR/Cas9-ZmpTAC2转基因阳性纯合突变材料进行RNA-seq研究,筛选和鉴定参与叶绿素合成的相关基因,为明确叶绿素的合成途径奠定基础。【方法】以CRISPR/Cas9-ZmpTAC2玉米转基因编辑纯合突变株系为研究材料,使用透射电镜观察叶绿体超微结构和分光光度法测定叶片叶绿素含量,确定叶绿体发育状态及叶绿素合成情况。对转基因阴性材料(CK)和CRISPR/Cas9-ZmpTAC2转基因纯合编辑材料(zmptac2)苗期叶片取样进行转录组测序。通过生物信息学分析,寻找CK与zmptac2间差异表达的基因;qRT-PCR对差异表达基因进行验证。通过酵母双杂交筛选与玉米pTAC2互作的蛋白质。【结果】共获得15株T0转基因植株,包括绿色植株(7株)和白色植株(8株)。绿色幼苗中3株为转基因阴性材料,4株为转基因阳性(2株为未编辑,2株为杂合编辑突变),白色植株(8株)均为转基因阳性纯合编辑。与CK相比,突变体(...  相似文献   
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