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Canola cultivars positively responded to sulphur fertilization in term of seed yield and oil quality. Oscar cultivar increased seed yield 53% as compared to control plots. Sulphur @ 45 kg ha–1 increased seed yield, biological yield, and quality of rapeseed. Number of days to flowering (76), number of pods plant–1 (372), number of seeds pod–1 (24), plant height (173 cm), biological yield (15547 kg ha–1), seed yield (2209 kg ha–1), harvest index (19%), glucosinolate (μmol g–1) content (31.03 μmol g–1) and oil content (45.81%) was enhanced significantly with sulphur treated @ 45 kg ha–1 applied plots as compared to delayed flowering (78 days), shortest plant (151 cm), pods formation (298 pods), seed pod–1 (21), biological yield (11090 kg ha–1), seed yield (1436 kg ha–1), and oil content (42.62%) in control plots. Among cultivars “Oscar” ranked first in different growth stages and attain more plant height (164 cm), and examined substantial number of pods plant–1 (359), seeds pod–1 (24), seed yield (2005 kg ha–1), biological yield (14298 kg ha–1), harvest index 17%, and oil content (46.29%) as compared to other sowed cultivars. On the basis of the result it is recommended that cultivar “Oscar” treated with sulphur @ 45 kg ha–1 should be applied for higher yield and quality of rapeseed under the agro-climatic condition of swat valley.  相似文献   
A green atmosphere and interaction with nature (plants and flowers) can considerably improve the human senses and sanity by decreasing the stress associated with anxiety, depression, neurotic impairment, and other psychologic symptoms. The current paper reports a therapeutic horticultural study’s findings regarding the effect of indoor foliage plants and flower arrangements on health prospects of surgical patients. Two surgical wards, ward A (with foliage plants and arranged flowers) and ward B (without foliage plants and flowers), were selected for the study. A total of 270 patients were randomly assigned to either ward to give 135 patients in each. Patients admitted to ward A had significantly more optimistic and promising health improvements than those in ward B. Provision of foliage plants and flower arrangements to the patients in ward A resulted in shorter postoperative stays, lower intake of analgesics, lower pain intensity, less stress fatigue, and improved vital signs (blood pressure, heart rate, respiration rate, body temperature) as compared to patients in ward B. Moreover, analyses showed that patients in ward A had a stronger psychologic frame of mind regarding their recovery from surgery and had more positive emotions and feelings regarding their stay in the hospital. They also felt that the ward atmosphere was more calming, pleasant, and satisfactory. Additionally, small group discussions and focal interviews with ward doctors and nurses confirmed the findings of the questionnaire that foliage plants & flower arrangements create a cherished environment in the ward, reduce patients’ stress, improve medical and psychologic status of patients, and also conveye positive messages of the hospital. These findings confirm the therapeutic value of horticultural activities, particularly in surgical patients in a stressed hospital setting.  相似文献   
Manganese (Mn) deficiency is prevalent in rice-growing regions resulting in poor paddy yield and human health. In this study, role of Mn, applied through various methods, in improving the productivity and grain biofortification of fine grain aromatic rice was evaluated. Manganese was delivered as soil application (SA) (0.5 kg ha?1), foliar spray (FA) (0.02 M Mn), seed priming (SP) (0.1 M Mn) and seed coating (SC) (2 g Mn kg?1 seed) in conventional (puddled transplanted flooded rice) and conservation (direct seeded aerobic rice) production systems at two different sites (Faisalabad, Sheikhupura) in Punjab, Pakistan. Manganese application, through either method, improved the grain yield and grain Mn contents of fine grain aromatic rice grown in both production systems at both sites. However, Mn application as SC and FA was the most beneficial and cost effective in improving the productivity and grain biofortification in this regard. Overall, order of improvement in grain yield was SC (3.85 t ha?1) > FA (3.72 t ha?1) > SP (3.61 t ha?1) > SA (3.36 t ha?1). Maximum net benefits and benefit–cost ratio were obtained through Mn SC in flooded field at Faisalabad, which was followed by Mn SP in direct seeded aerobic rice at the same site. However, maximum marginal rate of return was noted with Mn SC in direct seeded aerobic rice at both sites. In crux, Mn nutrition improved the productivity and grain biofortification of fine grain aromatic rice grown in both conventional and conservation production systems. However, Mn application as seed treatment (SC or SP) was the most cost effective and economical.  相似文献   
Cropping systems in farmland areas of Iran are characterized by continuous cultivation of crops with consumption of chemical fertilizers leading to serious soil erosion and fertility decline. Information regarding the simultaneous evaluation of crop rotation and fertilization on the canola is lacking. Hence, field experiments were conducted during 2007-2010 using split-split plot design. Three crop rotations: chickpea, sunflower, wheat, and canola (R1); green manure, chickpea, green manure, wheat, green manure and canola (R2); canola, wheat, and canola (R3) were used as main plots. Sub plots were consisted of six methods of fertilization including (N1): farmyard manure (FYM); (N2): compost; (N3): chemical fertilizers; (N4): FYM + compost and (N5): FYM + compost + chemical fertilizers; and control (N6). Four levels of biofertilizers consisted of (B1): phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB); (B2): Trichoderma harzianum; (B3): PSB + T. harzianum; and (B4): without biofertilizers were arranged in the sub-sub plots. Results showed that green manure application in canola rotation (R2) increased grain yield and nutrient uptake. Combined application of FYM, compost and chemical fertilizers (N5) elevated the nitrogen uptake rate and grain oil yield. Simultaneous use of PSB and T. harzianum (B3) resulted in the increase of nitrogen and sulfur contents of grain. R2 rotation with regard to its biological and environmental efficiencies accompanied with FYM + compost and B3 (PSB + T. harzianum) is suggested as a low input system to obtain a more sustainable and productive farming in canola.  相似文献   
Previous research suggests that potato cultivars offer little aphid resistance. However, few studies have measured the effects of host cultivar on aphid age dependent life table statistics or related these measures to field performance. In this study, laboratory and field studies assessed four commercial potato cultivars (Anya, Desiree, Pink Fir Apple, Santé) for resistance to Myzuspersicae. Cultivars were found to show considerable differences in resistance. In the laboratory, the intrinsic rate of increase (rm) and effective fecundity of M. persicae was lowest on cv. Anya and highest on cv. Desiree. Aphids also took longer to develop to adults and were smaller in size on Anya compared with Desiree. Field studies over two seasons found that M. Persicae infestations started earlier on Desiree than on Anya and that the greatest weekly counts were recorded on the former.  相似文献   
采集塔克拉玛干沙漠北缘肖塘观测站附近的土壤,应用Mastersizer-2000激光粒度仪测定土壤粒径,按照伍登-温德华粒级标准进行土壤成分分类,发现土壤类型并非均质沙土,在0~30 cm深度的浅层存在10%~24%的黏土,根据土壤成分比例对Noah陆面模式的土壤参数重计算,然后利用肖塘站2011年3月22日至7月25日的观测数据驱动Noah模式,对比修正土壤参数前后的模拟效果。结果表明:更新土壤参数后10 cm土壤温度模拟偏差减少0. 62℃,土壤热通量偏差减小10. 47 W·m^-2,感热通量偏差减少7. 02 W·m^-2,地表净辐射偏差减少5. 48W·m^-2,且效率系数达到更高的接受程度。通过泰勒图分析了土壤参数修正对Noah模拟效果的整体作用,表明修正土壤参数后的模式中热量传输扩散有一定的优化作用,10 cm土壤温度和热通量土壤温度模拟效果得到改进。  相似文献   
Oxidative damage by free radicals has been implicated in the pathogenesis of several diseases. In this study, the antioxidative effect of dietary garlic on rainbow trout was examined. Trout fingerlings were fed on diets containing 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 g garlic powder kg?1 diet. Serum lipid peroxides and activities of antioxidant enzymes were measured. Serum thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) assay showed that garlic consumption that resulted in a significant decrease in lipid peroxidation. The lowest levels of TBARS were observed in fish fed diet supplemented with 30 g kg?1 garlic. However, higher doses of garlic (40 and 50 g kg?1 diet) caused no further reduction in serum TBARS. The results showed a significant increase in superoxide dismutase in all of the garlic‐treated groups compared with the control. Ingestion of 10, 20 and 30 g kg?1 dietary garlic resulted in a significant reduction in the catalase activity compared with all but the 10 g kg?1 group. There was no significant difference in glutathione peroxidase activity among the different groups. Serum alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase levels increased significantly in trout‐fed diets containing 40 and 50 g kg?1 garlic powder. These results suggest that dietary garlic may improve the antioxidant status of rainbow trout. However, undesirable effects of higher doses of garlic should be considered.  相似文献   

The first objective of the present study was to evaluate if the antibodies induced by the live LaSota and killed Newcastle disease (sub-genotype VIIi) vaccines protect the chickens against exposure with pathogenic avian avulavirus-1 (AAvV-1) of chicken and/or pigeon origins. The second objective was to study the effect of vaccines on stressed birds (dexamethasone, aflatoxin, and heat stressed) with respect to antibody production and protection against pathogenic AAvV-1 challenge. Sixty-one-day-old Hubbard chickens were divided into six groups (gA–gF) with ten animals each. All the groups received LaSota (105 EID50, 0.1 ml per chick) on days 7 and 27 via eye drop and one intramuscular injection of a killed vaccine (sub-genotype VIIi) (107.5 EID50, 1 ml) on day 18, except the control birds received the PBS only. Moreover, group gC-DEX received dexamethasone intramuscularly at a dose rate of 1-mg/kg body weight daily; gD-AFLA had received aflatoxin as oral gavage at a dose rate of 30 ppb daily, and gE-HEAT was kept under heat stressed (38 °C) till challenged. All the groups were challenged with AAvV-1 strain of chicken origin of sub-genotype VIIi, except the group gA-pigeon was challenged with pigeon-origin strain (sub-genotype VIm). The result showed that the gA-pigeon and gB-chicken vaccinate showed 100% and 80% protection. The immunosuppressive birds produced low pre-challenge HI titer, and protection was observed at 40%, 50%, and 70% in gC-DEX, gD-AFLA, and gE-HEAT, respectively. Our findings suggest the stress factors such as aflatoxin in the feed and dexamethasone are immunosuppressive in nature and suppress the immune response and its associated protective role during infection.

The foraging technique and prey‐handling time of the black‐necked stork (Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus) was studied in Dudhwa National Park, India, from January 1996 to June 1997. The habitat in which the storks foraged played an important role in selecting a particular technique to procure food. Black‐necked storks mostly foraged using a tactile technique (>90%), but sometimes foraged visually. When the water level was estimated to be less than 60 cm, the storks foraged using tactile techniques. There was no difference in the feeding techniques of male and female storks. Foraging attempt rates varied between the sexes in summer (May) and during late winter (February) in 1997. The search time for prey increased when the water level was high and fish were widely distributed. Decreases in water level resulted in concentration offish in certain areas and this contributed to high fish‐catching rates by black‐necked storks. Males had a higher success rate offish capture than females. However, females captured longer fish than males. Prey‐handling time increased in both sexes as fish length increased. Fish 4–6 cm long were most frequently taken by the foraging storks.  相似文献   
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