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羊黑疫是养羊业的常见病,由诺维氏梭菌感染所引起,感染羊主要表现肝脏的实质性损害;病原菌可产生外毒素,对组织细胞的毒害很大;本病发病非常急,常无治疗时间,死亡后尸体呈现黑紫色,故得名"黑疫";诊断本病通常采用微生物检查法,根据病原菌的生物学特征、生化特征和遗传特征可进行准确诊断;疫苗免疫可预防本病,同时还应加强羊场管理,以预防为主,将疾病控制在未病期。  相似文献   
羊链球菌病是养羊生产中常见的细菌病之一,主要由C群马链球菌兽疫亚种感染引起,主要表现全身败血症和喉咙部位下颌淋巴结肿胀;病原对外界环境抵抗力较强,耐寒不耐热,在寒冷季节发病较多;本病主要通过呼吸道和皮肤黏膜水平传播;诊断本病需要根据临床特征并配合实验室检查进行确诊;治疗本病时以注射敏感抗生素为主,对于重症患羊可进行强心和补液,并辅助局部治疗。  相似文献   
为分析我国生猪养殖、流通和屠宰等环节的生物安全水平,提升非洲猪瘟防控工作的针对性、科学性,采用问卷调查和现场调查相结合的方式,对湖南、河南、重庆、辽宁、安徽等5个省(直辖市)15个县(市、区)的196个生猪养殖场(户)、69个生猪经纪人和19个屠宰场进行调查。结果显示:截至2019年9月,调查县(市、区)养猪场(户)数较2017年减少了50%~80%;生猪饲养模式以自繁自养为主,小规模场生物安全措施实施率较低;生猪经纪人行为复杂,如经纪对象多样、活动范围广、兼营其他相关业务、同批次收购不同养殖场(户)生猪等,仍有47.8%的经纪人称还会进圈挑选猪;73.7%的屠宰场运猪车辆没有有效执行离场清洗消毒措施。结果表明,我国生猪价值链各环节的生物安全水平仍有较大上升空间。提议继续推进规范化养殖场建设,加强生猪经纪人管理,加强生猪运输车辆的清洗消毒,促进生猪产业一体化发展。  相似文献   
通过对嘉鱼县农作物病虫害专业化统防统治的现状分析,提出现阶段存在装备条件较弱、服务能力不足、认可程度不高、总体实力不强、经营格局不对称、突破瓶颈较难等诸多问题,并对今后的发展提出了相应的对策与建议。  相似文献   
笔者就大气沉降的概念、来源及其危害作了简要的概述,并对广西矿区大气沉降与稻米重金属累积的关系作简要分析,以期对广西矿区重金属沉降污染实施有效的风险预警,确保稻米安全生产提供参考。  相似文献   
This experiment was conducted to study the effects of dietary lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and fructooligosaccharides (FOS) on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and serum biochemical indices of Arctic foxes (Alopex lagopus) during early growth period. Sixty male post-litter Arctic foxes with the average body weight of (1.16±0.15) kg and at the age of (45±3) days were randomly assigned to 4 groups with 3 replicates per group and 5 foxes per replicate. The foxes were fed the following diets, respectively: basal diet (control group), basal diet+3×109 CFU / kg LAB (LAB group), basal diet+5 g / kg FOS (FOS group) and basal diet+3×109 CFU / kg LAB+5 g / kg FOS (LAB+FOS group). The experiment lasted for 30 days. The results showed as follows: 1) on the days 1 to 15, the diarrhea rate of foxes in the LAB group and LAB+FOS group was significantly lower than that in the control group and FOS group (P<0.05). On the days 16 to 30, the average daily gain of foxes in the LAB+FOS group was significantly higher than that in the control group and FOS group (P<0.05), but had no significant difference with LAB group (P>0.05); the diarrhea rate of foxes in the LAB+FOS group was significantly lower than that in the control group and FOS group (P<0.05), but had no significant difference with LAB group (P>0.05); compared with the FOS group, the feed to gain ratio of foxes in the LAB+FOS group was significantly decreased (P<0.05). 2) The dry matter digestibility of foxes in the LAB + FOS group was significantly higher than that in the control group and FOS group (P < 0.05), but had no significant difference with LAB group (P>0.05). There were no significant differences in nitrogen intake, fecal nitrogen, urine nitrogen, nitrogen deposition, net protein utilization and protein biological value among all groups (P>0.05). 3) Serum total protein (TP) content of foxes in the LAB+FOS group was significantly higher than that in the FOS group (P<0.05), but had no significant difference with control group and LAB group (P>0.05). Serum albumin (ALB) content of foxes in the LAB group was significantly higher than that in the control group and FOS group (P<0.05), but had no significant difference with LAB+ FOS group (P>0.05). Serum urea nitrogen (UN) content of foxes in the LAB+FOS group was significantly decreased compared with the control group (P < 0. 05). In conclusion, the combined supplementation of 3 × 109 CFU / kg LAB and 5 g / kg FOS in the diet is beneficial to reduce diarrhea rate, improve dry matter digestibility, improve body immune level, and promote the growth of Arctic foxes during early growth period. © 2023 Chinese Journal of Urology. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
近年来,随着马铃薯种植效益的提升,四川省马铃薯种植面积呈上升趋势,据统计,2010年四川小春马铃薯面积达到578.8万亩,比2009年增加46万亩。目前,马铃薯种植模式多为“马铃薯-玉米”模式,该模式马铃薯的产值高,  相似文献   
一、嫁接前应注意的问题 1.床土消毒 选用前茬非茄科种植土壤,最好是种植大田作物土壤,大田土与优质有机肥按比例6:4配好床土,用50%多菌灵可湿性粉剂15~20g和50%辛硫磷乳油150mL,兑水15~20kg喷洒苗床,拌匀后建堆,外盖一层旧棚膜,消毒处理15d后,建苗床并装营养钵。  相似文献   
21世纪是一个新时代,随着人们生活水平的不断提高,人们逐渐开始重视低碳环保。在全球开始倡导低碳生活的背景下,作为与民生相关的室内设计行业,也逐渐刮起一股"低碳"风。通过考察和研究出低能耗、低污染、低排放为基础的新技术、新工艺、新材料等,并成功将"低碳"理念融入住宅室内设计中将具有非常巨大的意义。  相似文献   
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