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岩溶高原地区小流域土壤厚度的空间变异特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
土壤厚度是制约石漠化地区生态修复的重要因子。在贵州省金沙县乌箐河小流域,通过实地调查土壤厚度,结合地统计学和经典统计学方法,研究岩溶高原地区小流域中3种典型土地利用类型下土壤厚度的空间变异及其分布格局。结果表明:研究区土壤厚度总体呈中等强度空间变异,个别样地属强度变异,具有良好的半方差结构,其变异趋势大致为随着坡位的降低而逐渐减小,而土壤厚度随坡位的降低逐渐变厚。坡耕地土壤厚度空间相关性相对较好,存在一定的连续性;荒山和意大利杨树林地土壤厚度的空间变异程度均较大,斑块状分布明显。除个别样地可以用高斯模型和球状模型拟合外,其余样地均可用指数模型拟合,且拟合效果较好(R^2≈0.8)。研究结果加深了对岩溶高原地区土壤厚度的认识,为石漠化综合治理工程的合理布局和土地资源的有效开发利用提供重要依据。  相似文献   
茶多酚对家兔C-BSA肾炎的治疗作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
考察了茶多酚对家兔C-BSA肾炎的治疗作用.结果表明:茶多酚大(306 mg/kg)、中(102 mg/kg)、小(34mg/kg)剂量组及地塞米松阳性对照组均能明显降低C-BSA肾炎模型免的尿蛋白和血清肌酐(P<0.05或P<0.01);减轻肾小球肿胀、细胞增生、血栓形成及白细胞浸润,修复肾小球病理改变;降低血清循环免疫复合物(P<0.05).茶多酚大剂量的作用优于阳性对照药地塞米松(0.1 mg/kg,P<0.05),并且大、小剂量间差异显著,有明显的剂量相关性.结果提示:茶多酚对家免C-BSA肾炎模型具有明显的疗效.  相似文献   
基于江苏省农科院粮食作物研究所对外宣传和展示信息化的需求,选择构建该所的网站,对其功能、栏目、体系结构以及运行情况进行详细介绍。网站的实施将极大地提高粮食作物研究所的软实力,增强其综合竞争力。  相似文献   
我国部分麦区 2011-2012年小麦白粉病菌小种及毒力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解我国部分春麦区和冬麦区小麦白粉病菌小种和毒力状况,2011-2012年对采自辽宁、黑龙江等东北春麦区及山东、湖北、四川等冬麦区的小麦白粉病菌标样进行生理小种鉴定和群体毒性频率测定.结果表明,2011-2012年东北春麦区优势小种均为411号小种,而山东、湖北等冬麦区的优势小种为377号小种,四川麦区的则为317号小种.小麦白粉病菌毒性基因V3b、V5、V7、V8、V1+2+9、V17毒力频率较高(>90.0%),而V2、V4a、V4b、V12、V13、V16、V18-V23、V5+6毒力频率较低(<31.4%),表明目前含有Pm2、Pm4a 、Pm4b、Pm12、Pm13、Pm16、Pm18-Pm23、Pm5+6等抗病基因的品种在我国部分麦区育种中仍有较高的利用价值.  相似文献   
The effects of external factors such as temperature, humidity, pesticide formulation, and pesticide concentration on the contact angle of pesticide droplets on rice leaf surfaces were analyzed. The experiments showed that there were significant differences in the contact angles of droplets on the leaf surfaces under different temperatures and humidity. As the ambient temperature increased, the contact angle first decreased and then increased, reaching a minimum value at 25°C. With a gradual increase in humidity, the contact angle significantly increased and reached a maximum at 100% humidity. Finally, it was concluded that both the formulation and concentration of the pesticide had a significant effect on the contact angle of droplets on rice leaf surfaces. The experiments also illustrated that the effects of the pesticide formulation and concentration on the contact angle were more significant than those of temperature and humidity.  相似文献   
菜园土壤氮磷钾硫养分状况的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
试验对哈尔滨市7 个重点蔬菜产区共 59 个耕层土样进行分析有机质, 全氮、磷、钾、速效氮、磷、钾和有效硫的含量。结果表明: 菜园土壤有机质, 全氮、磷, 速效氮、磷和硫的含量高于相邻粮田。全钾和速效钾的含量与相邻粮田相比, 增加的幅度很小, 并有一半反而下降。粮田土壤的有效硫指数 ( S A I) 大部分属于低级。菜田土壤的 S A I大部分属于中级。  相似文献   
【目的】明确云烟121健康与患黑胫病烟株根系及根际土壤丛枝菌根真菌(Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,AMF)侵染特征的差异,为后续AMF在缓解烟株土传病害方面的应用打下理论基础。【方法】以云烟121健康和患黑胫病烟株根系及根际土壤为试验材料,采用显微形态观察法对2种烟株根系AMF侵染水平及根际土壤AMF孢子密度进行测定,应用Illumina高通量测序技术对烟株根系AMF多样性和群落结构进行分析,并应用冗余分析(RDA)和Spearman相关性系数揭示根际土壤理化性质对AMF属水平相对丰度及AMF多样性的影响。【结果】在云烟121健康和患病烟株根系及根际土壤中均检测到AMF的存在,且健康烟株根际土壤AMF孢子密度和根系AMF侵染率均明显高于患病烟株。基于高通量测序结果,在烟株根系中共检测到1410个AMF-OTUs,分属于1纲4目5科6属。在不同分类阶层上,健康与患病烟株根系AMF的优势目、科和属种类均不相同。与患病烟株相比,健康烟株根系AMF的ACE、Shannon和Chao指数更高,Simpson指数更低,差异均达显著水平(P<0.05)。PCA分析表...  相似文献   
文章以用户参与为理论基础,以融入科研管理为实践目标,创新性地提出一种适合科研院所的机构知识库建设模式,并以江苏省农业科学院为例进行了实证研究,该模式兼具传统机构知识库功能,又能体现科研机构特色、解决科研机构成果管理问题.在此基础上,还分析明确了适用于科研院所成果管理和共享的数据审核流程、元数据标准规范、功能模块、系统架构、管理运行机制等.  相似文献   
Ephemeral gully erosion is an important process in the black soil region, Northeast China and can be responsible for severe damage to agricultural lands. However, little research on gully formation in this area has been published. The study described in this paper attempted to quantify soil losses, the spatial distribution and morphology of the gullies, and the factors that control their development. Ephemeral gullies were measured in spring and summer of 2005 in two small catchments. The critical periods for ephemeral gully formation were late spring and summer in the study area. Mean soil losses due to ephemeral gully erosion were 0.40 and 0.43 kg m−2 year−1 for only croplands despite low slope gradients, and this loss is above the tolerable erosion rates of 0.20 kg m−2 year−1. The erosion rates were greater in spring because the topsoil thawed before deeper layers, reducing infiltration into the soil, and the bare vegetation cover provided no barriers to surface flow. In contrast, summer erosion occurred primarily in response to intense rain events. Development of the gullies was promoted by freeze-thaw cycles in spring and was affected by the type of agricultural operations and crops in summer. A linear regression model for the prediction of ephemeral gully length at the catchment level was established using field data, and although it did not successfully predict the length of individual gullies, it explained 55% of the variation in ephemeral gully length.  相似文献   
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