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Abbas Rezaeizad Benjamin Wittkop Rod Snowdon Maen Hasan Valiollah Mohammadi Abbas Zali Wolfgang Friedt 《Euphytica》2011,177(3):335-342
Association mapping identifies quantitative trait loci (QTLs) by examining the marker-trait associations that can be attributed
to the strength of linkage disequilibrium between markers and functional polymorphisms across a set of diverse germplasm.
In this study, association mapping was performed to detect QTL-linked and genome wide SSR markers linked to phenolic compounds
of extraction meal in a population of 49 genetically diverse oilseed rape cultivars of dark-seeded, winter-type oilseed rape
accessions. Correction for population structure was performed using 559 genome wide SSR markers. Results showed that seed
colour is an important contributor to seed meal quality. Totally, 52 SSR markers linked to phenolic compounds were detected,
five of them being QTL linked markers. Some of these markers were already mapped on Brassica napus chromosomes that contain known QTL controlling oilseed rape meal quality traits. Our results demonstrate that association
mapping is a useful approach to complement and enhance previous QTL information for marker-assisted selection. 相似文献
Erich Inselsbacher Nina Hinko-Najera Umana Markus Gorfer Katrin Ripka Rebecca Hood-Novotny Wolfgang Wanek 《Soil biology & biochemistry》2010,42(2):360-372
Agricultural systems that receive high amounts of inorganic nitrogen (N) fertilizer in the form of either ammonium (NH4+), nitrate (NO3−) or a combination thereof are expected to differ in soil N transformation rates and fates of NH4+ and NO3−. Using 15N tracer techniques this study examines how crop plants and soil microbes vary in their ability to take up and compete for fertilizer N on a short time scale (hours to days). Single plants of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Morex) were grown on two agricultural soils in microcosms which received either NH4+, NO3− or NH4NO3. Within each fertilizer treatment traces of 15NH4+ and 15NO3− were added separately. During 8 days of fertilization the fate of fertilizer 15N into plants, microbial biomass and inorganic soil N pools as well as changes in gross N transformation rates were investigated. One week after fertilization 45-80% of initially applied 15N was recovered in crop plants compared to only 1-10% in soil microbes, proving that plants were the strongest competitors for fertilizer N. In terms of N uptake soil microbes out-competed plants only during the first 4 h of N application independent of soil and fertilizer N form. Within one day microbial N uptake declined substantially, probably due to carbon limitation. In both soils, plants and soil microbes took up more NO3− than NH4+ independent of initially applied N form. Surprisingly, no inhibitory effect of NH4+ on the uptake and assimilation of nitrate in both, plants and microbes, was observed, probably because fast nitrification rates led to a swift depletion of the ammonium pool. Compared to plant and microbial NH4+ uptake rates, gross nitrification rates were 3-75-fold higher, indicating that nitrifiers were the strongest competitors for NH4+ in both soils. The rapid conversion of NH4+ to NO3− and preferential use of NO3− by soil microbes suggest that in agricultural systems with high inorganic N fertilizer inputs the soil microbial community could adapt to high concentrations of NO3− and shift towards enhanced reliance on NO3− for their N supply. 相似文献
Gisela Höflich Erik Tappe Günter Kühn Wolfgang Wiehe 《Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science》2013,59(4):323-333
In mehrjährigen Feldversuchen (1990–1995) in Nordostdeutschland wurde der Einfluß selektierter assoziativer Rhizosphärenbakterien auf den Ertrag und die Nährstoffaufnahme bei Mais untersucht. Der Trockenmasse‐ und Kolbenertrag zur Siloreife bzw. der Samenertrag wurde durch die Bakterienstämme Pseudomonas fluorescens (PsIA12), Agrobacterium rhizogenes (A1A4), Rhizobium trifolii (R39) und z.T. durch Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (PsIB2) in den Jahren 1990 bis 1995 auf lehmigen Sandböden wiederholt signifikant, auf sandigem Lehm zum Teil signifikant erhöht. Maissorten können unterschiedlich auf die Bakterieninokulation reagieren. Die Bakterien stimulierten insbesondere bei Jungpflanzen die Wurzelentwicklung und die Nährstoffaufnahme (N, P, K) aus dem Boden. Sie bildeten Phytohormone (Auxine und z.T. Cytokinine) und überlebten, auch unter Feldbedingungen, im Rhizosphärenraum von Mais während der gesamten Vegetation. 相似文献
Christian Hansmann Günther Weichslberger Wolfgang Gindl 《Wood Science and Technology》2005,39(6):502-511
A combination of bulk and surface modification of wood could lead to a product that shows the advantages of both treatments.
This study evaluates the penetration of melamine resin into acetylated and silylated cell walls and possible side effects
of melamine impregnation on this bulk treatment in order to clarify the feasibility of a combination of the chosen bulk modification
(acetylation or silylation) and surface treatments (hardening by melamine modification). UV microscopy confirmed that melamine
resin penetrates into wood cell walls even after acetylation and silylation treatment. Energy dispersive X-ray analysis showed
that the melamine treatment did not lead to substantial washing out of silyl groups with the silylation reagent used. The
possibility of a combination of the selected bulk and surface modification methods is given. 相似文献
Phosphorus NMR spectra were recorded of the A horizons of a soil catena under vital stands of Liberian tropical high forest. Organic P compounds play a major part in the total P reserves (ca. 1/2 of total extractable P which is 1/5 of total soil P). Thereof, between 3.3 and 5.3 kg orthophosphate diester P per hectare participate in the plant available nutrient pool; similar amounts were calculated for the calcium acetate-lactate soluble fraction. Persistent orthophosphate monoester P makes up an even greater percentage of soil P (10 to 25 kg ha?1). Mineral fertilizer requirements are in the range of 25 to 50 kg per hectare for 10 cm depth (based on a 48 hrs. adsorption experiment) when a soil solution concentration of 0.02 mg L?1 is considered adequate for the P supply of plants. P sorption can be explained by the amorphous fractions of Al and Fe hydroxides and the percentage of clay. The apparent vitality and absence of P deficiency symptoms of forest trees suggest the existence of an intact, however delicate, natural P cycle. 相似文献
Formation of Humic Substances during Composting Wheat Straw During composting straw (with and without N-addition) in a model-compostreactor with continuous progress of rotting it comes to an increase of the fraction of humic acids under simultaneousness decrease of their prestages. The synthesis of humic acids is strongly marked in the thermophilic area. Compared with the untreated variant up to 30% more of the humic acids are formed in the N-treated plots. After the maximum temperature the formation of humic acids break down. A direct relation exists between the microbiological decomposition of the organic matter and the formation of humic acids. IR-spectroscopic measurements show no qualitative differences either between or within the compost variants. 相似文献
Charcoal and smoke extract stimulate the soil microbial community in a highly weathered xanthic Ferralsol 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Christoph Steiner Keshav C. Das Marcos Garcia Bernhard Frster Wolfgang Zech 《Pedobiologia》2008,51(5-6):359-366
The influence of charcoal and smoke condensates (pyroligneous acid, PA) on microbial activity in a highly weathered Amazonian upland soil was assessed via measurements of basal respiration (BR), substrate-induced respiration (SIR), and exponential population increase after substrate addition. PA extracts are commonly used for fertilizer or as pest control in Brazil, where phosphorus (P) availability and nitrogen (N) leaching are among the most severe limitations for agriculture. Microbes play an important role in nutrient cycling and solubilizing of phosphate. BR, microbial biomass, population growth and the microbe's efficiency (expressed by the metabolic quotient) increased linearly and significantly with increasing charcoal concentrations (50, 100 and 150 g kg−1 soil). Application of PA caused a sharp increase in all parameters. We suppose that the condensates from smoke contain easily degradable substances and only small amounts of inhibitory agents, which could be utilized by the microbes for their metabolism. 相似文献
Frost tolerance is a main component of winter-hardiness and improving it would promote faba bean (Vicia faba L.) cropping in cool-temperate regions. In many species, leaf fatty acid composition was found to be related to frost tolerance.
The objective of this study was to determine, in a representative sample of genotypes, the effect of hardening on leaf and
stem (1) frost tolerance and (2) fatty acid composition, and to seek correlations between them. First leaf, second leaf and
stem of 31 faba bean genotypes were analyzed after hardening and without hardening. High frost tolerance of known winter genotypes
and several experimental lines was shown. Hardening had a significant, positive effect on frost tolerance of all three organs.
Stems were on average more frost tolerant than leaves. Hardening induced significant changes in the fatty acid composition:
oleic acid decreased significantly in leaves by 3.24% and in stems by 1.77%, whereas linolenic acid increased in leaves by
6.28% and in stems by 9.06%. In stems, correlations between frost tolerance and fatty acid composition were not significant.
Correlation coefficients strongly indicated that non-hardened oleic acid content, changes in oleic acid and in linoleic plus
linolenic acid content in leaves partly explained their frost tolerance; 0.347 (P < 0.1) < |r| < 0.543 (P < 0.01). The results corroborate the importance of using genetic differences in the fatty acid metabolism in breeding grain
legumes for frost tolerance. 相似文献