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目的研究不同投喂频率(2次/d、3次/d)和水平(即每日投喂量占试验鱼体重的比例,2%、4%、6%、8%、10%)对长吻鮠幼鱼消化酶和肝胰脏脂肪代谢酶活性的影响,为长吻鮠的人工养殖提供更健康的养殖模式。方法采用SPSS 17.0软件进行双因素方差分析后采用Duncan多重比较检验,显著水平为0.05。结果(1)当每日投喂频率为3次、投喂水平为6%时,长吻鮠幼鱼消化酶中的肠道蛋白酶、肠道淀粉酶和胰蛋白酶的活性最高,显著高于每日投喂频率为2次、投喂水平为10%的试验组以及每日投喂频率为3次、投喂水平为2%和10%的试验组(P<0.05)。(2)当每日喂频率为3次、投喂水平为6%时,肝胰脏脂肪代谢酶中的肉毒碱脂酰转移酶(CACT)、乙酰辅酶A羧化酶(ACC)、脂蛋白酯酶(LPL)和肝脂酶(HL)的活性最高,显著高于每日投喂频率为2次、投喂水平为2%的试验组以及每日投喂频率为3次、投喂水平为8%和10%的试验组(P<0.05)。结论最适宜投喂频率和水平分别是3次/d和6%,更适合长吻鮠幼鱼的健康养殖。  相似文献   
Nylon 4, which can be synthesized by anionic ring-opening polymerization, has good mechanical properties and a very high affinity for water owing to its high polarity. On the other hand, despite its high melting temperature, the polymer has not been commercialized because of its low thermal stability. In this study, copolymerization of 2-pyrrolidone (C4) with 2-piperidone (C5) was performed to reduce the melting temperature of Nylon 4 homopolymer. The copolymerization reaction was controlled by changing the comonomer content, catalyst content, temperature, initiator content, and reaction time. The Nylon copolymers were characterized by 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, and thermogravimetric analysis. The hydrophilic properties of Nylon 4 and its copolymers were evaluated by surface free energy analysis and moisture regain measurement. The intrinsic viscosity and polymerization yield of Nylon 4 increased with increasing catalyst concentration until 5 mole% and decreased with further increases in catalyst loading. The proton NMR spectrum revealed the composition of the Nylon 4/5 copolymer to be 62.5 % C4 moiety at a 5:5 comonomer feed ratio. The melting temperature of the Nylon 4/5 copolymers decreased considerably according to the composition. The moisture regain of the Nylon 4/5 copolymer was higher than 6.4 % even at 77.3 % C4 in composition.  相似文献   
By quantitatively comparing a variety of macromolecular surface coating agents, we discovered that surface coating strongly modulates the adhesion and morphogenesis of primary hippocampal neurons and serves as a switch of somata clustering and neurite fasciculation in vitro. The kinetics of neuronal adhesion on poly-lysine-coated surfaces is much faster than that on laminin and Matrigel-coated surfaces, and the distribution of adhesion is more homogenous on poly-lysine. Matrigel and laminin, on the other hand, facilitate neuritogenesis more than poly-lysine does. Eventually, on Matrigel-coated surfaces of self-assembled monolayers, neurons tend to undergo somata clustering and neurite fasciculation. By replacing coating proteins with cerebral astrocytes, and patterning neurons on astrocytes through self-assembled monolayers, microfluidics and micro-contact printing, we found that astrocyte promotes soma adhesion and astrocyte processes guide neurites. There, astrocytes could be a versatile substrate in engineering neuronal networks in vitro. Besides, quantitative measurements of cellular responses on various coatings would be valuable information for the neurobiology community in the choice of the most appropriate coating strategy.  相似文献   
美国白蛾新天敌—蠋敌捕食能力的初步观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首次报道美国白蛾Hyphantria cunea(Drury)的一种捕食性天敌——蠋敌Arma chinensis(Fallou),简述了蠋敌的生物学特性。在商河县,蠋敌在美国白蛾幼虫网幕枝中的分布率为2.33%~17.86%;记述了蠋敌的捕食习性和规律,经室内饲养,统计出各龄若虫和成虫的捕食量,从若虫到成虫,最大捕食量为2头3龄、7头4龄、5头5龄、23头6龄共37头白蛾幼虫;最小取食量为4头2龄、8头3龄、1头4龄、1头5龄、2头6龄共16头白蛾幼虫;分析并指出蠋敌对美国白蛾具有较强的控制能力,是自然界中影响美国白蛾种群密度的重要因子。  相似文献   
蘑菇褐腐病菌菌丝生长和分生孢子萌发适宜温度为24~25℃,低至10℃,高达35℃,孢子停止萌发,在35℃和40℃恒温中,分别经5天和1天,菌丝均失去生活力;高湿有利于菌丝生长和孢子萌发,100%相对湿度下分生孢子萌发率最高;菌丝生长和分生孢子萌发最适宜pH值分别为6和6.4,幼嫩蘑菇煮出液最能刺激孢子萌发,该病菌在菇床初侵染源是覆盖了带有病菌的覆盖土,在夏季对覆盖土壤进行日光曝晒4~5天,覆土前7天,用36%~38%化学纯甲醛3.5kg,兑水20~30kg,喷洒于种植111m~2蘑菇的覆盖土中熏蒸48h以上,防病效果均理想;发病后及时挖除病菇,能防止病菌再侵染,减轻褐腐病的为害。  相似文献   
A seven‐month‐old, entire, male miniature schnauzer dog was referred with acute vomiting, inappetence and depression primarily as a result of a gastric foreign body (pine cones). During investigations, thoracic radiographs revealed increased volume of the right lung lobes, deviated cardiomediastinal structures and elevation of the heart from the sternum. Thoracic computed tomography revealed left cranial lung lobe hypoplasia and extension of the right cranial lung parenchyma across the midline to the left hemithorax. Branches of the right pulmonary vessels and bronchi also crossed the midline and extended to the left caudal lung lobe. These findings suggested that the right and left lungs were fused. In humans this finding is consistent with horseshoe lung, which is an uncommon congenital malformation. To the authors’ knowledge, this case represents the first report of such a pulmonary anomaly in a dog.  相似文献   
为获得一种适应番茄集约化嫁接育苗的高效嫁接方法,以中研红2号为接穗和砧木,同时播种,比较了劈接、套管嫁接和贴接3种嫁接方法对番茄嫁接工效和嫁接苗质量的影响。结果表明,贴接法的嫁接速率和嫁接成活率显著高于劈接法和套管嫁接法;3种嫁接方法的嫁接苗形态指标无显著差异;嫁接后22 d,贴接法嫁接苗相对叶绿素和可溶性糖含量显著高于劈接法和套管嫁接法。综合来看,砧木和接穗苗龄相同时,番茄贴接法的嫁接工效最高,嫁接苗质量最好,可在生产中推广应用。  相似文献   
[目的]了解不同栽植密度杏园的温湿度变化规律,为选择合理建园密度及整形修剪奠定基础.[方法]用EI-USB-2型温湿度记录仪,对不同栽植密度杏园不同部位的温湿度变化进行测定,分析其温湿度差异.[结果]杏园内部温度比外部(对照)温度低,而湿度高于外部(对照),一天中温度的变化都呈现出“低-高-低”的规律,而相对湿度的变化则反相关.杏园的株间、行间和树冠中心的温度从大到小依次为:行间>株间>树冠中心,相对湿度变化则相反.不同密度的杏园在15:00 ~ 16:00温度差异较大,温度变化从大到小依次为:8 m×8 m>4 m×8 m>4 m×6 m>4 m×4 m>2 m×4 m,湿度变化相反.[结论]不同栽植密度杏园内温湿度差异显著,栽植密度小的杏园温度小湿度大,栽植密度大的杏园温度大湿度小,4 m×6 m、4 m×8 m为较适中的栽植密度.  相似文献   
Stripe (yellow) rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst), is one of the most devastating wheat diseases worldwide. Triticum aestivum-Haynaldia villosa 6VS/6AL translocation lines carrying the Yr26 gene on chromosome 1B, are resistant to most races of Pst used in virulence tests. In order to better utilize Yr26 for wheat improvement, we attempted to screen SSR and EST-based STS markers closely linked with Yr26. A total of 500 F2 plants and the F2:3 progenies derived from a cross between 92R137 and susceptible cultivar Yangmai 5 were inoculated with race CYR32. The analysis confirmed that stripe rust resistance was controlled by a single dominant gene, Yr26. Among 35 pairs of genomic SSR markers and 81 pairs of STS markers derived from EST sequences located on chromosome 1B, Yr26 was flanked by 5 SSR and 7 STS markers. The markers were mapped in deletion bins using CS aneuploid and deletion lines. The closest flanking marker loci, Xwe173 and Xbarc181, mapped in 1BL and the genetic distances from Yr26 were 1.4 cM and 6.7 cM, respectively. Some of these markers were previously reported on 1BS. Eight common wheat cultivars and lines developed from the T. aestivum-H. villosa 6VS/6AL translocation lines by different research groups were tested for presence of the markers. Five lines with Yr26 carried the flanking markers whereas three lines without Yr26 did not. The results indicated that the flanking markers should be useful in marker-assisted selection for incorporating Yr26 into wheat cultivars.  相似文献   
介绍了位于环渤海经济圈中心地带的河北省海岸带和海洋经济概况,分析了河北省海洋生物资源的开发利用现状,并从政府管理、生态环境修复、加大海洋科技与教育投入、海洋生物资源摸底调查、海洋渔业产业结构的调整和海洋药用生物资源的开发等六个方面提出了保护和合理利用河北省海洋生物资源的对策,可为海洋生物资源的可持续利用提供参考依据。  相似文献   
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