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This study aims to explore the dynamics of the factors influencing soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration and stability at erosion and deposition sites.

Materials and methods

Thermal properties and dissolved aromatic carbon concentration along with Al, Fe concentration and soil specific surface area (SSA) were studied to 1 meter depth at two contrasting sites.

Results and discussion

Fe, Al concentrations and SSA size increased with depth and were negatively correlated with SOC concentration at the erosion site (P?<?0.05), while at the deposition site, these values decreased with increasing depth and were positively correlated with SOC concentration (P?<?0.05). TG mass loss showed that SOC components in the two contrasting sites were similar, but the soils in deposition site contained a larger proportion of labile organic carbon and smaller quantities of stable organic carbon compared to the erosion site. SOC stability increased with soil depth at the erosion site. However, it was slightly variable in the depositional zone. Changes in SUVA254 spectroscopy values indicated that aromatic moieties of DOC at the erosion site were more concentrated in the superficial soil layer (0–20 cm), but at the deposition site they changed little with depth and the SUVA254 values less than those at the erosion site.


Though large amounts of SOC accumulated in the deposition site, SOC may be vulnerable to severe losses if environmental conditions become more favorable for mineralization in the future due to accretion of more labile carbon. Deep soil layers at the erosion site (>30 cm deep) had a large carbon sink potential.
为进一步提高设施蔬菜生产技术水平,对涞水县设施蔬菜生产温室进行调查,通过调查设施设备、主栽作物、种植模式、销售渠道、经济效益等基本情况,发现存在基础配套设备落后、种植户管理水平差异较大等问题;通过调查涞水县温室蔬菜栽培中化肥、农药使用情况,发现存在过度依赖化学农药、施用方式粗放、缺乏合理施用方案、化肥农药安全使用意识差...  相似文献   
Landscape researchers and practitioners, using the lens of sustainability science, are breaking new ground about how people’s behaviors and actions influence the structure, function, and change of designed landscapes in an urbanizing world. The phrase—the scientific basis of the design for landscape sustainability—is used to describe how sustainability science can contribute to translational landscape research and practice about the systemic relationships among landscape sustainability, people’s contact with nature, and complex place-based problems. In the first section of this article, important definitions about the scientific basis of the design for landscape sustainability are reviewed including the six Es of landscape sustainability—environment, economic, equity, aesthetics, experience, and ethics. A conceptual framework about the six Es of landscape sustainability for designed landscapes is introduced. The interrelatedness, opportunities, contradictions, and limitations of the conceptual framework are discussed in relation to human health/security, ecosystem services, biodiversity, and resource management. The conceptual framework about the six Es of landscape sustainability for designed landscapes follows the tradition in which landscape researchers and practitioners synthesize emerging trends into conceptual frameworks for advancing basic and applied activities.  相似文献   
<正>金纹细蛾Lithocolletis ringoniella别名苹果细蛾,属鳞翅目细蛾科,是苹果树上一种重要潜叶害虫,也可为害梨、桃、李、樱桃、海棠等果树,分布于我国华北、辽宁、山东、河南、江苏、安徽、陕西、甘肃及日本和欧美国家等。20世纪90年代开始,由于苹果栽培品种、方式、结构等的影响,该虫从次要害虫上升为主要害虫(文耀东,2004)。目前对该虫生物学特性、发生及分布规律、防治方法等内容研究较多(曹春玲等,2014),但对其成虫在苹果园的分布及活动  相似文献   
The reed forests that are the subject of this study are scattered over five thanas of the Sunamganj and Sylhet Districts of the Sylhet Division of Bangladesh. Their total area is 23,590 ha and they have great ecological, economic, commercial and socio-economic importance due to the diversified resources they supply. However, the forests are commonly encroached on by local people who are perceived to be seriously depleting the resource. This paper deals with the socio-economic status of the people residing near these reed forests, and examines their dependency on the resources provided by the reed forests. A socio-economic survey, participatory rural appraisal and interviews were used to obtain baseline data of the reed forest resource and the local communities. The study reveals that the communities in the study region have higher income than other areas of Bangladesh. Most survey respondents have other occupations in addition to farming. The literacy rate is 28.8%. Among the illiterate, 68% engage in collecting reeds. Although the Forest Department has a management plan for sustainable use of the reed forests, encroachers receive backing from political leaders and local elites, so their eviction is difficult. In order to achieve long-term productivity and sustainability from the reed forests, this study recommends a strategy of developing an integrated joint management plan between the Forest Department and the local people.  相似文献   
[目的]城市边缘的浅山区是人类生产生活与自然生境的交接缓冲区,也是人居环境面对泥石流等自然灾害风险脆弱性较高的区域.相比通过工程方法降低浅山区中自然灾害威胁,防灾林选址规划作为基于生态系统的方法,可以恢复健康的生态系统,提供多样的生态系统服务并有效降低灾害风险,提高人居环境对自然灾害的抵抗力与适应力.[方法]本研究提出...  相似文献   
2019年4—8月采用线路调查和样地调查结合的方法,通过对南滇池国家湿地公园水生植物进行实地调查,建立RDA线性模型作约束化主成分分析,分析群落样方中环境因子与群落间的关系及其对群落分布的影响。结果表明:南滇池湿地公园水生植物共25科36属47种水生植物,水生植物种类及数量较以往有明显增长,植株种植密度较大,南滇池湿地公园水质情况有所改善。物种丰富度、Shannon-Wiener指数、Pielou物种均匀度指数与水体化学需氧量、总磷呈正相关,Simpson指数与pH值呈正相关。其中物种丰富度呈现出浮叶植物>挺水植物>沉水植物,物种多样性表现为沉水植物>浮叶植物>挺水植物,物种均匀度呈现沉水植物>浮叶植物>挺水植物。化学需氧量、总磷对水生植物群落物质丰富度影响显著,pH值直接影响物种多样性指数,而氨氮与总氮则与各指数呈负相关。南滇池水生植物群落与水体总磷、化学需氧量总量相关,水体富营养化程度直接影响水生植物群落多样性。  相似文献   
回顾了"十一五"期间江西省棉花生产的情况,指出了在棉花生产中存在的机械化程度低、病虫害发生严重、自然灾害频繁发生、劳动力不足、生产规模小、农技服务薄弱等问题.提出了"十二五"期间江西省发展棉花生产的思路和目标,并提出了加强政策支持、有步骤地推进植棉机械化、加强新品种选育与推广、健全农技服务体系、开展多种形式的间套作、提高棉花产业化水平、加快棉花专业合作社的发展、推进土地的合理流转、加强农田水利建设等发展对策与建议,以促进江西省棉花生产的可持续发展.  相似文献   
本文研究了液液萃取-气相色谱方法测定水体中有机氯和菊酯类农药残留的方法。用环己烷从水体中提取净化45种农药残留,运用GC-ECD进行分析。用外标法定量,加标浓度分别为0.005,0.05,0.1μg/mL时,回收率在70.36~114.96%之间,相对偏差≤10%。方法检出下限为0.001~0.005μg/mL,用该方法可实现对水体中农药残留的检测。  相似文献   
湖北省水稻大面积主栽品种对稻瘟病的田间抗性鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对湖北省14个大面积推广的主栽品种的抗稻瘟病性进行了田间自然诱发鉴定.结果表明,对叶稻瘟,除Ⅱ优725、扬两优6号、金优725表现为中抗外,其余11个品种均表现为抗到高抗;对穗颈瘟,除丰两优1号及扬两优6号表现为感病外,其余12个品种均表现为抗到高抗:品种对叶稻瘟与穗颈瘟之间的抗病性没有明显的对应性.  相似文献   
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