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The temporal pattern of cod landings in the inshore trap fishery off the east coast of Newfoundland and Labrador is examined in this study. Unlike previous studies which have been broad scale or of a localized nature, this analysis looks at variations within fishing seasons and among fishing areas in trap landings. A significant relationship between water temperature and the weekly pattern is demonstrated. Significant spatial patterns in weekly landings are described and related to longshore differences in the seasonal variation in temperature.  相似文献   
Biological soil crusts are widely distributed in arid and semiarid regions. They have an important eco- logical role, especially by modifying physical and chemical properties of soils. Biological crusts may also modify seed germination and seedling establishment. The effects vary widely according to the type of crust and the vas- cular plant species. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of moss-dominated biological soil crusts on the emergence, biomass and survival of Poa ligularis Nees ex Steud. under different irrigation regimes. We col- lected seeds of P. ligularis and biological soil crusts composed of two species of mosses: Syntrichia princeps (De Not.) Mitt and Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid. from an area in the Monte of Argentina. The result showed that seedling emergence of P. ligularis was higher in treatments with bare soil than in soil covered by crusts, and also in those with watering to field capacity. Mean emergence time was higher in treatments with bare soil and watering to field capacity. Seedling biomass also showed significant differences between treatments. These results suggest that biological soil crusts dominated by mosses do not promote P. ligularis emergence, although they would not affect its survival.  相似文献   
Within the context of economic and social change in rural Australia, this paper identifies four structural dimensions of non‐metropolitan communities that are shown to influence a range of areal and socio‐demographic characteristics. The analysis shows that such influence is essentially maintained whether the social catchments forming the database are subdivided by State or by an equivalent number of landscape types. Also, although the dimensions influence both the urban and dispersed elements of the communities, the strength of the relationships is substantially greater if those elements are considered as a symbiotic whole. Throughout, net rural local density (as opposed to gross density) is shown to be a consistently important dimension of rural communities in relatively sparsely settled lands such as those of south‐eastern Australia, supported by the important subsidiary influence of relative settlement dispersal and town size. The paper concludes with a discussion of the processes involved in the impact of those structural dimensions upon rural society.  相似文献   
Abstract This prospective study evaluated the cause(s) of dermatitis in a series of cats with signs suggestive of allergic skin disease. Twenty cases completed the díagnostic evaluation, which included intradermal skin testing, a rigorous flea-control programme, and a 4-month stabilization period on a restricted protein source commercial diet, followed by rechallenge with the cat's original diet. The most common final díagnoses included flea allergic dermatitis (seven cases), and flea allergic dermatitis together with atopy (seven cases). Three additional cases which did not complete the study were also considered to be atopic. No cases were considered to be primarily associated with food hypersensitivity, an observation supporting previous data indicating this to be a rare cause of allergic skin disease in the cat. These observations emphasize the value of a rigorous flea-control programme as part of the management of many cases of feline allergic dermatitis. Résumé Une étude étiologique prospective a été réalisée dans une population de chats suspects de dermites allergiques. Des tests cutanés intradermiques ont été réalisés ainsi qu'un contrôle antipuce rigoureux et un régime d'élimination, faisant appel à une alimentation du commerce restreinte en protéines pendant 4 mois, suivi par une réintroduction de l'alimentation initiale du chat. Le díagnostic le plus fréquent est la Dermite par Allergie à la Piqûres de Puce (DAPP) (7 cas), une DAPP associée à une atopie (7 cas). Trois cas supplémentaires sont atopiques. Aucun cas n'est en rapport avec seulement une allergie alimentaire. Cette observation montre que l'allergie alimentaire est une cause rare de dermite allergique chez le chat. Ces observations confirment par ailleurs l'intérêt d'un contrôle antipuce rigoureux dans la gestion thérapeutique des dermites allergiques du chat. [O'Dair, H.A., Markwell, P.J., Maskell, I.E. An open prospective investigation into aetiology in a group of cats with suspected allergic skin disease (Etude étiologique prospective ouverte dans une population de chats suspects de dermite allergiques). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 193–202.] Resumen Este estudio prospective evalúa la(s) causa(s) de dermatitis en un grupo de gatos con sintomas sugestivos de dermatosis alérgica. Se evaluó el díagnóstico de veinte casos, incluyendo pruebas cutáneas intradérmicas, programa riguroso de control de pulgas y un periodo de cuatro meses de estabilización con una dieta comercial con fuente de proteina restringida, seguido de una re-exposición a la dieta original del gato. El díagnóstico final más frecuente fue de dermatitis alérgica a las pulgas (siete casos) y dermatitis alérgica a las pulgas con atopia (siete casos). Tres casos más que no completaron el estudio fueron también considerados atópicos. Ninguno de los casos fue considerado estar principalmente asociado a una hipersensibilidad alimentaria, lo que apoya hallazgos previos indicativos de que este tipo de hipersensibilidad es poco frecuente en el gato. Estos hallazgos resaltan la importancia de un programa rigurosos de control de pulgas en el protocolo de manejo de muchos casos de dermatitis alérgica felina. [O'Dair, H.A., Markwell, P.J., Maskell, I.E. An open prospective investigation into aetiology in a group of cats with suspected allergic skin disease (Investigacion prospectiva abierta de la etiologia en un grupo de gatos sospechosos de dermatosis alérgica). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 193–202.] Zusammenfassung Diese prospektive Untersuchung wertete die Fälle von Dermatitis bei einer Reihe von Katzen aus, die Symptome aufwiesen, welche auf eine allergische Hautkrankheit deuteten. Zwanzig Fälle wiesen eine vollständige díagnostische Untersuchung äuf, die intradermale Hauttests, striktes Flohbekämpfungsprogramm und eine viermonatige Stabilisierungsphase mit einer kommerziellen Diät mit begrenzten Eiweißquellen, gefolgt von einer Provokation mit dem bisher üblichen Katzenfutter, beinhaltete. Die häufigste endgültige Diagnose bestand in Flohbißdermatitis (sieben Fälle) und Flohbißdermatitis zusammen mit Atopie (sieben Fälle). Drei weitere Fälle durchliefen die Studie nicht vollständig, wurden aber als atopisch angesehen. Kein Fall wurde primär in Verbindug mit Futtermittelhypersensibilität gesehen, eine Beobachtung, die frühere Daten unterstützt, die dies als seltene Ursache bei allergischen Hautkrankheiten der Katze nennt. Diese Beobachtungen betonen die Bedeutung des genauen Flohbekämpfungsprogramms als Teil des Management vieler Fälle von allergischen Hautkrankheiten bei der Katze. [O'Dair, H.A., Markwell, P.J., Maskell, I.E. An open prospective investigation into aetiology in a group of cats with suspected allergic skin disease (Offene prospektive Untersuchung über die Ätiologie bei einer Gruppe von Katzen mit Verdacht auf allergische Hautkrankheiten). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 193–202.]  相似文献   
Abstract— Generalized congenital hypotrichosis is reported in a female Rottweiler. This is only the second report of this genodermatosis in a female dog. The dog was predominately hairless except for bilaterally symmetric tufts of hair on the head, dorsal midline and umbilical region. Most skin biopsy sections revealed a total lack of epidermal appendages representing a complete failure of follicular development. Occasionally, small rudimentary follicular structures were subtended by melanophages and vertically oriented collagen suggesting the possibility of previously more extensive development followed by subsequent involution. According to a new classification scheme for ectodermal dysplasia proposed by Dr Carol Foil, this dog would be classified as 1–4 defect, cogenital hypotrichosis. Résumé— Une hypotrischose congénitale généralisée chez une chienne Rotweiler est rapportée. Il s'agit du second cas de cette génodermatose décrit chez une chienne. Le chien était nu exception faite de touffe de poils sur les flancs et la tête, la ligne du dos et la region ombilicale. La plupart des biopsies ont révélé une absence totale d'annexe et de développment folliculaire. Parfois quelques structures folliculaires rudimentaires étaient subtentés par la présence de mélanophages et une orientation verticale des fibres de collagène. En suivant la nouvelle classification des dysplasies ectodermiques proposée par le Dr Carol Foil, cet animal a été classé en hypotrychose congénitale de défaut 1–4. Resumen En éste artículo se describe un caso de hipotricosis congénita de tipo generalizado en una hembra de la raza Rottweiler. Éste es el segundo caso de genodermatosis reportado en una perra. Éste animal padecía de una pérdida de pelo general exceptuando algunas mechas aisladas en la cabeza, línea media dorsal y región umbilical, de una manera bilateral y simétrica. La mayoría de las biopsias cutáneas revelaron una falta total de apéndices cutáneos, lo cual representaba una fallo completo en en desarrollo del folículo. De manera espóradica, se observaron estructuras foliculares rudimentarias ínvadidas de melanófagos y con fibras de colágeno orientadas verticalmente sugiriendo la posibilidad de desarrollo previo mas extensivo seguido de posterior involución. De acuerdo con la nueva clasificación de displasia ectodérmica propuesta por Foil, éste animal sería clasificado con un defecto de 1–4 de hipotricosis congenital.  相似文献   
A sutured tenorrhaphy technique that incorporated an autologous tendon graft was compared mechanically and histologically with a sutured tenorrhaphy at 6, 12, and 24 weeks after repair. Tenorrhaphy was performed in the forelimb tendon of the deep digital flexor muscle and the graft was taken from the hindlimb tendon of the lateral digital extensor muscle; one forelimb site included the graft, whereas the other forelimb site was not grafted. Tenotomies were made immediately proximal to the insertion of the accessory ligament into the tendon of the deep digital flexor muscle. Grafted and nongrafted tenorrhaphies were sutured with 2 polydioxanone in a modified double locking-loop pattern. Limbs were supported with a bandage and an extended elevated heel shoe that maintained the dorsal hoof wall angle at 70° to 75°; this support was removed at 12 weeks and dorsal hoof wall angle was maintained at 40° to 45° for the remainder of the study. Gap formation (2.5 ±.3 cm) was evident at all tenorrhaphy sites at 3 days on ultrasound examination. In grafted repairs, the breaking stress was increased ( P <.001) between 6 weeks (2.56 ±.44 MPa) and 12 weeks (17.69 ± 7.68 MPa), with grafted tendon having a greater breaking stress than nongrafted tendon (8.77 ± 2.5 MPa; P <.05). No differences in breaking stress were evident at 24 weeks. At 12 weeks, repair tissue in grafted tendon was histologically more mature, had less cellularity, better fibroblast orientation and more homogeneous collagen matrix than nongrafted tendon. Polydioxanone suture was still evident histologically at 24 weeks and was associated with minimal cellular reaction. Incorporation of an autologous tendon graft improved the mechanical properties and histological quality of the repair tissue in equine flexor tenorrhaphies at 12 weeks but not at 24 weeks after repair.  相似文献   
Anesthesia was induced in 14 greyhounds with a mixture of diazepam or midazolam (0.28 mg/kg) and ketamine (5.5 mg/kg), and maintained with halothane. There were no significant differences in weight, age, or duration of anesthesia between the treatment groups. Time to intubation with diazepam-ketamine (4.07 +/- 1.43 min) was significantly longer than with midazolam-ketamine (2.73 +/- 0.84 min). Heart rate, respiratory rate, PaCO2, and arterial pH did not vary significantly during anesthesia in either treatment group. Arterial blood pressures, PaO2, halothane vaporizer setting, and body temperature changed significantly from baseline values in both treatment groups during anesthesia. Times to sternal recumbency and times to standing were not significantly different. These data suggest that both diazepam-ketamine and midazolam-ketamine are useful anesthetic combinations in greyhounds. In combination with ketamine, midazolam offers little advantage over diazepam.  相似文献   
Sodium cefadroxil was administered as a single intravenous dose (25 mg/kg) to six healthy adult mares. Plasma samples were collected over a 24-h period and cefadroxil concentrations were measured by microbiological assay. The pharmacokinetic behavior of the drug was appropriately described in terms of a one-compartment open model. Values for the major pharmacokinetic terms were: extrapolated initial plasma concentration = 59.2 +/- 15.0 micrograms/ml; half-life = 46 +/- 20 min; apparent volume of distribution = 462 +/- 191 ml/kg; and body clearance = 7.0 +/- 0.6 ml/min.kg. In a subsequent study, a suspension of cefadroxil monohydrate was administered intragastrically (25 mg/kg) to the same six horses. Plasma concentrations of the drug peaked at 1-2 h but, in general, absorption was both poor and inconsistent. The data were unsuitable for determination of cefadroxil bioavailability from this oral dosage form. Ninety-nine isolates of eleven bacterial species obtained from clinically ill horses were tested for susceptibility to cefadroxil. All strains of Streptococcus equi, Streptococcus zooepidemicus, coagulase-positive staphylococci, Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis and five out of six strains of Actinobacillus suis were highly susceptible to the drug (MIC less than 4 micrograms/ml). Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Salmonella sp. showed intermediate susceptibility (MIC 4-16 micrograms/ml), while all isolates of Corynebacterium (Rhodococcus) equi, Enterobacter cloacae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa proved to be highly resistant to cefadroxil (MIC greater than 128 micrograms/ml).  相似文献   
Atlantoaxial stability was evaluated in 12 surgically stabilized dogs and 6 control dogs after odontoidectomy and dorsal atlantoaxial ligament separation. The atlantoaxial instabilities were stabilized with transarticular pins from a ventral approach. Cancellous bone grafts harvested from the proximal humerus were used to promote joint fusion. Good joint stability, alignment, and early fusion were documented clinically, radiographically, and histopathologically in stabilized dogs. Because of our consistent results despite variable pin angles, we recommend this technique for use in dogs with atlantoaxial instability requiring surgical stabilization.  相似文献   
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