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Weed populations were monitored for 4 years on two experiments designed to compare the effect of different primary tillage treatments on winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cropping. Ploughing was compared with deep and shallow tine cultivation and with no tillage on both a clay loam and a silt loam over chalk. Soil-acting residual herbicides were used to control weeds, especially Alopecurus myosuroides Huds. and Avena fatua L. Dicotyledonous weeds were uncommon on the clay loam but on the silt loam, in a year when no residual herbicide was used, they were most numerous where the soil was disturbed most. In other years there was little difference in the number emerging. Six species were reduced in number by reduced cultivation or no tillage, whilst four species, including two grasses, were increased. At both sites, A. myosuroides was more numerous on direct drilled and tine cultivated plots than on ploughed. Herbicides gave good control on the silt loam but failed to control the weed on the clay loam. On the clay loam, A. fatua was most numerous on tine cultivated plots and a combination of herbicides and roguing produced a decline in the population.  相似文献   
Abstract— Studies of the distribution of orf antigen in ovine skin following scarification and infection indicate that the virus does not immediately replicate in the damaged epithelium; antigen first appears immediately under the stratum corneum at the centre of a newly-formed epidermis which develops to cover the wound. It now seems likely that the virus initially infects the cells of the stratum basale at the margins of the wound and is transferred to the daughter cells which traverse across the exposed dermis to form the basis of the new epidermis. Replication appears to begin during differentiation of the new epidermis at a stage which has still to be identified. The infection spreads laterally and uniformly from the new epidermis, initially in the outer stratum spinosum and subsequently throughout the entire depth of the epidermis except the stratum basale. A similar pattern of spread occurs in the hair follicle but only to a level above that of the sebaceous gland duct. Résumé— Les études sur la distribution de l'antigène de l'ecthyma dans la peau de mouton après scarification et infection indiquent que le virus ne se réplique pas immédiatement dans l'épithélium endommagé; l'antigène apparaît d'abord immédiatement sur la couche cornée au centre d'un épidemic néoformé qui se développe pour recouvrir la blessure. Il apparaît maintenant probable que le virus infecte initialement les cellules de la couche basale aux marges de la blessure et qu'il est transmis aux cellules filles qui franchissent le derme mis à nu pour former la base du nouvel épiderme. La réplication semble commencer durant la différentiation du nouvel épiderme à un stade qui n'est pas encore identifié. L'infection s'étend latéralement et uniformément à partir du nouvel épiderme, au départ dans la partie externe de la couche de Malpighi puls ensuite à travers toute l'épaisseur de l'épiderme sauf la couche basale. Un phénomène d'extension similaire se produit dans le follicule pileux mais seulement au dessus du niveau des canaux sébacés. Zussammenfassung— Untersuchungen über die Verteilung von orf-Antigenen in der Haut von Schafen nach Skarifikation und Infektion zeigen, daß sich das Virus nicht safort im beschädigten Epithel vermehrt; Antigen ist zuerst direkt uriter dem Stratum corneum im Mittelpunkt einer neu gebildeten Epidermis, die sich zur Abdeckung der Wunde bildet, zu finden. Es scheint jetzt wahrscheinlich, daß das Virus zunächst die Zellen des Stratum basale im Randbereich der Wunde infizieret und dann auf Tochterzellen übertragen wird, die die exponierte Dermis überqueren, um eine neue Epidermis zu bilden. Die Replikation scheint während der Differenzierungsphase der neuen Epidermis zu einem Zeitpunkt zu beginnen, der noch genauer bestimmt werden muß. Die Infektion breitet sich lateral und gleichmäßig von der neuen Epidermis aus, und zwar anfänglich im äußeren Bereich des Stratum spinosum und anschließend durch die gesamte Tiefe der Epidermis mit Ausnahme des Stratum basale. Ein ähnliches Ausbreitungsmuster gibt es im Haarfollikel, jedoch nur bis oberhalb des Ausführungsganges der Talgdrüse. Resumen Los estudios realizados sobre la distributión del antígeno orf en la piel de oveja después de infección mediante escarificación indican que el virus no se replica de forma inmediata en el epitelio lesionado; el antígeno aparece en primer lugar debajo del estrato córneo en la región central de un epitelio neoformado que se desarrolla para cubrir la zona herida. Parece ser que el virus incialmente infecta las células del estrato basal de los márgenes de la herida y que después es transferido a las células hijas que se desplazan por encima de la dermis para formar la nueva epidermis. La replicación parece inciarse durante la diferenciación de la nueva epidermis, en un estadío que todavía no se ha identificado. La infección se extiende lateralmente de una forma uniforme a partir de la nueva epidermis, en principio en el estrato espinoso y posteriormente a toda la epidermis excepto al estrato basal. Un patrón similar de extensión se observa en los folículos pilosos, aunque sólo por encima de la glándula sebacea.  相似文献   
A test involving infection of seedlings in a glasshouse was evaluated for potential use in screening breeding material by comparing the results with those of field tests. The two tests correlated well for some resistant selections, particularly those closely related to Jet Neuf, and for very susceptible selections. However, two small groups of selections were resistant in the field but consistently susceptible in the glasshouse. Inoculation of mature plants in the glasshouse resulted in similar discrepancies and therefore gave no advantage over the seedling test. These discrepancies limit the usefulness of glasshouse techniques for routine resistance screening. A very high correlation was found overall between internal and external canker symptoms of the crown in nine field trials. Significant differences were found, however, between selections and cultivars in the relative severity of these two symptoms. Upper stem canker and crown canker were found to be very poorly correlated for individual plants, but highly correlated for eultivar means. The significance of these observations is discussed with respect to scoring canker in the field.  相似文献   
R MARSHALL  S R MOSS 《Weed Research》2008,48(5):439-447
Several UK populations of the grass weed Alopecurus myosuroides were identified where high proportions of individuals showed resistance to the acetolactate synthase (ALS)‐inhibiting herbicides, mesosulfuron‐methyl + iodosulfuron‐methyl sodium mixture and sulfometuron‐methyl. Screening with sulfometuron, followed by DNA sequencing of the ALS gene from resistant and susceptible individuals, led to the identification of eight populations where a single point mutation segregated with resistance to sulfometuron. All highly resistant individuals from seven of eight populations showed a single‐nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the first position of the Pro197 codon of an A. myosuroides ALS gene, conferring a predicted proline to threonine target‐site change. One population showed resistant individuals with single‐nucleotide polymorphism in the second position of the Trp574 codon, conferring a predicted tryptophan to leucine substitution. No other mutations segregating with resistance were found. Enzyme assays confirmed that resistance was due to an altered form of ALS enzyme, which was less susceptible to inhibition by sulfonylureas, making this one of the first fully characterised cases of ALS target‐site resistance in a European grass weed. Increased information regarding the nature and distribution of ALS target‐site mutation may help support sustainable management strategies, allowing continued use of mesosulfuron + iodosulfuron against this weed in the UK.  相似文献   
In pot studies, seeds of Alopecurus myosuroides were less dormant when produced under warm and dry, than under cool and wet conditions. The temperature to which plants were exposed had a greater effect on seed dormancy than soil moisture. The timing of temperature stress had a big impact on initial seed dormancy. The critical period was during seed maturation, irrespective of temperature conditions during the earlier phase of panicle emergence and anthesis. A much higher proportion (57–62%) of seeds collected from fields in 2001, 2003 and 2005 were non‐dormant than in 2002 and 2004 (22–28%). Meteorological records showed that the mid‐June to mid‐July periods in England for 2001, 2003 and 2005 were warmer than average but in 2002 and 2004 were cooler than average. Consequently, results for samples collected from fields support those from experiments conducted under more controlled conditions. Studies in outdoor micro‐plots showed that the differences in seed dormancy recorded with freshly produced seed did affect the rate of germination in the field, 2–3 months after shedding.  相似文献   
A review of positive Jockey Club “dope tests” during the 12 years from 1970 to 1981 inclusive is presented and a comparison made with certain overseas racing authorities for varying periods between 1975 and 1981. Urinary pH of post race urine samples is predominantly acidic (although varying in a significant manner throughout the year) and thus favours excretion of the generally more potent basic drugs. The proportion of positive results was about the same in winners and non-winners, ie, one in 400 horses sampled. Drugs found fell mainly into four categories: methylxanthines; non-steroidal anti-inflammatories; local anaesthetics and anabolic steroids. Evidence indicates that deliberate “doping” is relatively rare. This contrasts with certain overseas authorities where evidence of “doping” is usually much stronger and occurs more frequently (about one in five; one in 50 and one in 240 in the three authorities cited) and where sympathomimetic amines are relatively frequent. Evidence of the deterrent effect of routine testing is presented.  相似文献   
Meningioangiomatosis is a rare proliferative disorder of the central nervous system. It occurs sporadically in dogs and is characterized by a leptomeningeal plaque that extends from the subarachnoid space along the perivascular spaces into the adjacent parenchyma. We describe the clinical presentation, magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and neuropathologic characteristics of two additional dogs with meningioangiomatosis, and document involvement of the thoracolumbar spinal cord, a site not previously described for this condition. MR imaging findings were different from those previously described, most likely reflecting the degree of vascularity and collagen deposition. The MR imaging features of meningioangiomatosis are not specific.  相似文献   
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