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In each of two dairy herds (A and B), rising yearling heifers (Trial 1) and adult cows (Trial 2) were assigned to three treatment groups. Untreated animals were compared to animals treated with either two or four intra-ruminal pellets containing 3 g of elemental selenium. The administration of pellets at the recommended dose (two pellets per animal) was effective in elevating whole blood glutathione peroxidase activity and selenium concentration to over 10 times those of control animals. In Trial 1, a 15% response in liveweight gain (p<0.001) occurred in yearling heifers in the herd with the lowest pre-treatment selenium status. In Trial 2, cows receiving two pellets produced a greater milk volume (p=0.06) and more milk solids (p=0.02) than untreated controls; an increase in volume of 5.4% and 8%, and in milk solids of 6.5% and 6.4%, were noted in herds A and B respectively. There was a trend towards decreasing somatic cell counts in milk from the treated cows when compared to controls, the four-pellet group in Herd A and the two-pellet group in Herd B being significantly different from their respective control group. No between-group differences were noted in calving-first service or calving-conception intervals, nor in the proportion of animals pregnant to first or all services. The administration of selenium at twice the recommended dose rate yielded no additional response above that noted after the administration of the recommended dose. The results of this study support the use of currently recommended Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries selenium reference ranges in cattle for the prediction of a response to supplementation.  相似文献   
The design, construction and use of a device to detect changes in deer pedicle volume are described. The device is highly sensitive for detecting the initiation of pedicle growth. Between-sample differences of 170 mm3 in the pedicle volume of live deer were detected (triplicate measurements) using the detector; these correspond to a change in height of the pedicle of at most 0.67 mm. The within sample coefficient of variation was 1.4%. The pedicle growth detector enables more precise measurements to be obtained for identifying the onset of pedicle development to the nearest week than is currently possible with palpation.  相似文献   
SUMMARY: Ambiguous paternity can be incorporated into the mixed model equations (MME) by including the average numerator relatinship matrix (average A), which averages the true sire-offspring relationship over the putative sires. A previous study has shown that some overestimation of genetic trend results from this substitution. A population of 40 breeding females and 2 breeding males was simulated 1,000 times with either random mating or sequential selection continuing for 8 breeding cycles. In the selection case candidates were ranked on estimated breeding values (EBVs) calculated from the MME with an animal model and the average A. Variances of the EBVs and prediction errors were computed. The results showed the average A incorrectly perceives both the variance of family sizes among males and the variance loss due to selection to be smaller. This will lead to an overestimation of genetic trend. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Folgerungen aus der Anwendung einer durchschnittlichen Verwandtschaftsmatrix bei der Zuchtwertsch?tzung für eine Population mit mehreren V?tern in einer Paarungsgruppe In den Mischmodellgleichungen kann eine unklare v?terliche Abstammung durch die Verwendung einer durchschnittlichen Verwandtschaftsmatrix, die die Abstammung zu gleichen Teilen über die m?glichen V?ter aufteilt, berücksichtigt werden. Eine frühere Arbeit hat gezeigt, da? diese Ma?nahme zu einer gewissen übersch?tzung des genetischen Fortschritts führt. Eine Population mit 40 weiblichen und 2 m?nnlichen Tieren wurde 1000mal über 8 Paarungsperioden simuliert und zwar mit und ohne gerichteter Selektion. Im Falle der Selektion wurden die Tiere aufgrund der mit einem Tiermodell und der durchschnittlichen Verwandtschaftsmatrix gesch?tzten Zuchtwerte geordnet. Die Varianzen der Zuchtwerte und der Sch?tzfehler wurden berechnet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, da? durch eine durch-schnittliche Verwandtschaftsmatrix die Varianz der Gr??e der Nachkommensgruppen der V?ter und der Verlust an genetischer Varianz aufgrund der Selektion untersch?tzt wird. Dies führt zu einer übersch?tzung des genetischen Fortschritts.  相似文献   
SUMMARY: Polymorphism in the second intron of the porcine growth hormone gene of 273 Austrian Landrace and 81 Austrian Edelschwein pigs was investigated with a PCR-RFLP-technique. Results showed significantly different genotype patterns between the two breeds. The frequency of the Hae II(-) allele was significantly (P < 0,001) higher in the landrace than in the Edelschwein population (0,83 and 0,47 resp.). The Msp I(+) allele was predominant in both breeds but signifanctly higher in the Landrace (0,98 versus 0,69; P < 0,01). Analyses the Hae II/Msp I locus combination revealed also in breed specific difference. In the Landrace a very low interaction was found between the Hae II and ryr 1 locus, and between Msp I and ryr 1 locus (c. c. = 0,181 and 0,186 resp.). The correlation was slightly stronger (c. c. = 0,266) between the ryr 1 and Hae II/Msp I genotypes. No correlation was detected among the three loci in the Edelschwein population. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Variabilit?t des Somatotropin Gens in ?sterreichischen Schweinerassen genotypisiert hinsicbtlich ryr 1 An 273 ?sterreichischen Landrasse Schweinen und 81 ?sterreichischen Edelschweinen wurde der Polymorphismus am zweiten Intron des Schweinewachstumshormons mittels PCR-RFLP-Technik untersucht. Genotypen-und Genfrequenzen waren zwischen den beiden Rassen signifikant verschie- den. Die Hae II(-) Allelfrequenz war bei den Landrassetieren signifikant h?her (P < 0,001) als bei den Edelschweinen (0,83 bzw. 0,47). In beiden Rassen überwiegte das Msp I(+) Allel, das aber signifikant ?fters bei der Landrasse auftrat (0,98 bzw. 0,69; P < 0,01). Die Verteilung der Locuskombination von Hae II/Msp I zwischen den beiden Rassen war ebenfalls unterschiedlich. Bei der Landrasse konnte nur ein sehr geringer Zusammenhang zwischen dem Hae II und ryr 1 Locus (c. c. = 0,181 bzw. 0,186) und auch zwischen dem Msp I und ryr 1 Locus festgestellt werden. Die Korrelation zwischen dem ryr 1 und Hae II/Msp I Genotyp war geringfügig gr??;er (c. c. = 0,266). Bei den Edelschweinen konnte kein Zusammenhang zwischen den drei untersuchten Loci festgestellt werden.  相似文献   
Populations of intracellular symbiotes declined significantly in brachypterous females of the brown planthopper,Nilaparvata lugens (Stål), which were stressed during nymphal development by caging them on IR20 rice plants treated with 3% neem oil, 5% neem seed kernel aqueous extract, or 10% neem cake aqueous extract. In addition, nymphs grew poorly and symbiote populations in prospective females declined, when reared on rice plants grown in soil treated with neem cake; this indicates systemic action of bioac-tive neem constituents. Addition of custard-apple oil to neem oil did not enhance the inhibitory effects. The effects of neem derivatives on the symbiotes may be either host-mediated — possibly through disturbed neuroendocrine homeostasis, or direct — leading to perturbations of host-symbiote equilibrium.  相似文献   
Isolation of chicken anaemia virus from broiler chickens in New Zealand   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Chicken anaemia virus was isolated for the first time in New Zealand from the New Zealand domestic chicken population. The virus was recovered from diseased birds in five separate flocks of broiler chickens aged between 14 and 33 days of age. Six isolates were obtained from bone marrow and lymphoid tissues using the MDCC-MSB1 cell line derived from Marek's disease lymphoma. All isolates were resistant to chloroform and survived exposure to 70 degrees C for 5 minutes. The main clinical features consistently associated with the disease outbreaks were increased mortality, yolk sac infections, sub-cutaneous haemorrhages and atrophy of the thymus. Fungal pneumonia occurred in two flocks, and gangrenous dermatitis as a result of bacterial infection in another flock. Microscopic examination showed atrophy of the thymus, reduced medullary haematopoiesis and inflammation resulting from secondary infections.  相似文献   
Tuberculosis caused by Mycobacterium bovis was diagnosed in 36 of 68 (53%) brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) trapped in August 1992 from a population of exceptionally low density (trap catch <3%) on a forest-scrub margin in Westland, New Zealand. The prevalence of tuberculosis in possums, based solely on gross lesions, was at least twice that previously recorded in New Zealand, and was about seven times that recorded from the same population in 1980. More male (66%) than female (33%) possums had grossly visible tuberculous lesions. The distribution of infection appeared continuous along the forest-scrub margin. Both stoats (Mustela erminea) and one of six hares (Lepus europaeus occidentalis) trapped were also infected with M. bovis.  相似文献   
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