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Abstract— A 6-year-old spayed female domestic shorthair cat with a paranasal cutaneous mass caused by Mycobacterium avium is reported. Recurrence after cryosurgery and nonresponsiveness to dapsone necessitated surgical removal. The cat remained clinically normal for 14 months when the occurrence of multiple facial nodules with acid-fast bacilli present caused the owner to elect euthanasia. Résumé— Le cas d'une chatte européenne castrée de six ans présentant une masse périnasale due àMycobacterium avium est rapporté. La rechute après cryochirurgie et l'absence de réponse à la dapsone a nécessité une ablation chirurgicale. Le chat est resté apparemment sain 14 mois après l'opération, jusqu'à l'appartion de nodules multiples sur la face avec des baciles acid-alcolorésistants. L'animal a été euthanasié. Zusammenfassung— Beschrieben wird eine kurzhaarige Hauskatze, sechs Jahre alt, weiblich, kastriert, mit einer paranasalen kutanen Zubildung, die durch Mycobacterium avium verursacht wurde. Eine Wiederauftreten nach Kryochirurgie und ein Nichtansprechen auf Dapson zwang zu einer chirurgischen Entfernung. Die Katze blieb 14 Monate lang klinisch gesund bis das Auftreten von multiplen fazialen Knoten mit histologisch nachweisbaren säurefesten Bazillen dazu führte, daß der Besitzer sich für die Euthanasié des Tieres entschied. Resumen En este artículo se estudia una gata castrada de seis años de raza moméstica de pelo corto, con una masa cutánea paranasal causada por el Mycobacterium avium. La masa fue removida quirürgicamente después del tratamiento con dapsone y la aplicación de criocirugía con la consiguiente reaparición de la misma. Por un periodo de 14 meses la gata permaneció clínicamente normal, pero después el animal desarrolló nódulos faciales multiples con la aparición de bacilos que podian ser teñidos con tinturas ácidas, ante lo cual el dueño decidió terminar con la vida del animal.  相似文献   
Distraction osteogenesis was used to treat five dogs with limb deformities or limb shortening. The affected bones underwent osteotomy, and modified external fixators were attached. Complications included pin loosening, implant breakage, and soft-tissue contracture. Adequate limb length was attained in all cases, but clinical results varied from poor to excellent. Two dogs were not lame after the procedure, two dogs had improved function but were still lame, and one dog had complications necessitating amputation.  相似文献   
Traumatic atlanto-occipital luxation was diagnosed in a cat that presented with right hemiparesis. The luxation was reduced by manipulation, and the head and neck immobilized for eight weeks with a splint formed from aluminum rod. Clinical neurologic recovery was complete.  相似文献   
Subcutaneous pedicle flaps were created in 21 dogs, 1) with an intact underlying panniculus muscle, 2) with a severed panniculus muscle, and 3) devoid of an underlying panniculus muscle. The survival rates of the resultant grafts were evaluated over a minimum of ten days. All 19 subcutaneous pedicle flaps survived when the underlying panniculus muscle was intact. Nineteen of 23 flaps with a severed panniculus muscle, however, developed necrosis. The survival rates between these two groups were significantly different (p < 0.01). Eight of 14 flaps developed without an underlying panniculus muscle underwent necrosis. Their survival rate was significantly different from flaps with an intact panniculus muscle (p < 0.01) but not significantly different from flaps without an intact panniculus muscle (p < 0.1). Four of 23 subcutaneous pedicle flaps with severed panniculus muscles and six of 14 flaps without an underlying panniculus muscle survived, despite apparent vascular compromise. Six of these grafts survived by accidental incorporation of a direct cutaneous artery and vein beneath the graft. Results from this experiment indicate that subcutaneous pedicle flap development in the dog has a high incidence of necrosis unless a panniculus pedicle to the overlying skin is preserved. As such, they have no advantage in the dog over safer and simpler closure techniques, which preserve the cutaneous circulation.  相似文献   
Caudal Sartorius Muscle Flap in the Dog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An anatomic study was performed on canine cadavers to define the blood supply to the caudal sartorius muscle. The vascular supply to this muscle was segmental with the saphenous artery and vein providing a distal vascular pedicle. Anastomotic channels existed between distal and proximal capillary beds within the muscle belly. This anatomic information was used to determine the feasibility of performing caudal sartorius muscle flaps in dogs. The caudal sartorius muscle was transposed to the medial tibial region in four dogs. The muscle flap was based on a singular vascular pedicle of the saphenous artery and vein. The muscle transpositions were all successful on day 14 as evidenced by gross appearance and results of histologic examination. Grossly, the muscles were well adhered to the recipient sites and were covered by connective tissue. Histologically, the specimens were characterized by viable skeletal muscle fibers, large amounts of granulation tissue, varying degrees of inflammatory response, and small foci of myocyte necrosis (2 cases). Seroma formation was a consistent postoperative complication.  相似文献   
Axial pattern flaps based upon the genicular branch of the saphenous artery and medial saphenous vein were developed in eight dogs. On one hind limb of each dog, the experimental flap was raised and immediately transferred to a cutaneous defect created over the lateral aspect of the lower limb distal to the stifle. A control flap was elevated and transferred on the opposite hind limb with the genicular branches of the saphenous artery and vein ligated and divided at the base of the flap. Eighty-nine per cent of the length of the flap survived in those flaps in which the genicular vessels were left intact, whereas only 54% of the flap's length survived in the control flaps. Postoperatively, all dogs were bearing weight on the limbs normally. The genicular axial pattern flap may have special clinical application in cases of cutaneous defects involving the lateral aspect of the tibia.  相似文献   
Muscle surface capillary blood flow was measured in the biceps femoris and lateral head of the triceps brachii muscles in six horses before and during halothane anesthesia by using laser Doppler flowmetry. During 90 minutes of anesthesia, muscle surface capillary blood flow was reduced to 20% to 40% of preanesthetic values. Muscle surface capillary blood flow tended to be lower in dependent muscles than in nondependent muscles, and this disparity was greater in the forelimbs than in the hind limbs.  相似文献   
Evaluation of Canine-Derived Fibrin Sealant as a Hemostatic Agent   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this study was to determine whether canine-derived fibrinogen concentrate applied with bovine thrombin was a safe and effective topical hemostatic agent. A canine liver biopsy model was selected to test this product. Cryoprecipitate was prepared from frozen canine plasma using two freeze/thaw/centrifugation cycles. Six healthy adult dogs (weighing more than 18 kg) were used in the fibrin sealant study, and an additional three dogs were used as controls for the liver biopsy. A 1 × 3 cm liver biopsy specimen was obtained, digital pressure was applied to reduce bleeding, and the fibrinogen concentrate was immediately sprayed on the bleeding surface simultaneously with bovine thrombin (1,000 IU/mL). The mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM) blood pressure at time of biopsy was 98 ± 9 mm Hg, and the rate of hemorrhage from the cut liver edge was 8.0 ± 1.1 mL/min. The total blood loss during fibrin sealant application was 37 ± 9 mL and total time for hemostasis was 5.5± 1.3 minutes. There was no additional hemorrhage after application of the fibrin sealant. In the three control dogs, fibrin sealant was not applied and only digital compression was used to decrease hemorrhage. Before digital compression, the rate of hemorrhage from the cut liver edge was 13.1 ±3.1 mL/min. Bleeding had not stopped after 10 minutes of compression and the mean postcompression rate of hemorrhage was 4.0 ± 2.6 mL/min. Signs of secondary bleeding after fibrin sealant was applied were not evident during the immediate postoperative period or over the next 14 days. The coagulation profile, alanine amino transferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (AP), and bile acids were not significantly different on day 14 from preoperative values, suggesting that the liver was only mildly affected. The dogs were euthanatized and gross and histological examinations of the biopsy site were performed on day 14. There were minimal or no adhesions at the biopsy site. In all dogs, the hepatic capsule was less than 1 mm thick and histological signs of secondary bleeding, hepatocellular damage, thrombosis, infection, or inflammation were not observed. In this study, canine-derived fibrin sealant was a safe and effective topical hemostatic agent.  相似文献   
We examine poverty's effect in two ways. First, we study the relationship between poverty and capacity for innovation in the U.S. states; second, we study the combined effects of poverty and innovation capacity on U.S. state economic output and employment. Because many of the relationships among poverty, innovation capacity and economic performance are simultaneous, we employ the Arellano Bond Difference GMM estimator to estimate various models using panel data (1980–1999). The findings reveal a negative indirect effect of socio‐economic need (poverty) on human and U.S. state and local financial innovation capacity, though there is no empirical link between poverty and federal financial capacity. We find no statistically significant evidence of the contemporaneous effect of poverty on state economic performance, holding innovation capacity constant. This suggests that poverty primarily affects state economic performance indirectly through reduction of innovation capacity. Overall, our findings suggest that U.S. officials ought to be concerned about the role poverty plays in diminishing their state economies' capacity to innovate.  相似文献   
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