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研究了不同茬口对土壤肥力的结果表明,豌豆茬好,小麦茬差,油菜茬居中。豌豆茬、油菜茬和休闲地肥力水平接近,产量无明显差异。豌豆茬、油菜茬后作产量高,有益微生物数量多,特别是固氮菌和纤维素分解菌占优势。休闲茬有效养分虽高,但却消耗了土壤潜在的肥力。  相似文献   
在常见的农产品当中,玉米,小麦以及水稻,为人们的生存提供了更加可靠的保障。玉 米在我国分布广泛。因地域和气候的差异,使得玉米的产量也有着非常明显的差别。为促进产 量提升,应结合科学技术的发展,选择更加具备针对性和科学性的栽培技术,并且要加强对玉米 在生长过程中遇到的各种病虫害现象。  相似文献   
不同贮藏技术对板栗品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了不同贮藏方法对板栗贮藏过程中"石灰化"、水分、糖分的影响.结果表明,板栗室温散装贮藏"石灰化"发生率最高,其次是室温密装贮藏,而冷藏能大大降低板栗"石灰化"的发生.室温散装贮藏的板栗水分损失很快,含量明显低于室温密装和冷藏,而可溶性淀粉和蔗糖含量增加很快,明显高于室温密装和冷藏;室温散装和密装贮藏板栗的还原糖含量缓慢下降,而冷藏板栗却迅速增加.  相似文献   
The ex situ collection of the Israel Plant Gene Bank (IGB) aims to encompass the rich local flora and its genetic diversity with an emphasis on crop wild relatives. However, to properly establish a core collection, collection efforts must be prioritized and strategized. We previously classified local plant genetic resources into four priority groups that assisted in strategizing the collection activities. The following years of intensive collection activity yielded over 4200 banked accessions. However, these do not necessarily represent the distribution range of the target species for collection (TSC) and consequently, their genetic diversity. To best cover the latter, the collecting area was divided into botanical districts and the magnitude of the collection was determined according to prioritization group, e.g., a wild relative of an agricultural crop with a vast distribution range should be represented by a larger number of banked accessions than one with a smaller range. Continuous evaluation of specific needs shapes the collection scheme of the IGB to maximize collection efforts, better represent the presumed genetic diversity of TSC, and establish its core collection.  相似文献   
泵站正向进水前池底坎整流机理数值模拟   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
罗灿  成立  刘超 《排灌机械》2014,(5):393-398
为研究正向进水前池存在的不良流态,基于N-S方程和Realizable k-ε紊流模型,采用SIMPLE算法,数值模拟了正向进水前池中无任何措施和增设底坎整流措施的流态.CFD计算结果表明:原方案的前池两侧出现了大面积的回流区,泵站两侧机组进水条件差,水流偏斜较为明显;加底坎,且当底坎离进水池较远时,整流效果并不明显,前池内仍有大面积的回流产生,偏流依然严重;当底坎离进水池较近时,坎后旋涡直接影响到进水池的流态;通过CFD优化,底坎设在离进水池入口(7~10)D处,能明显改善前池的流态,水流能较均匀地流入各台机组;随着底坎坎高的增大,底层回流区会逐渐变小,较大回流区发生的位置也由坎后变为坎前,坎高的取值约为0.3H'时,前池内流态较好;底坎的顶宽尺寸对前池流态的影响较小.CFD计算结果与试验结果基本吻合,研究成果对正向扩散前池流态改善有借鉴价值和实际意义.  相似文献   
A study was conducted to assess the role and effectiveness of community organisers in supporting the development of people’s organisations in achieving community-based forest management objectives in Leyte Province Philippines. Community organisers were found to be effective in forming people’s organisations (POs), motivating people to participate in voluntary activities organised by POs and encouraging cohesiveness among PO members. Community organisers manage to raise the level of environmental awareness and knowledge of members of people’s organisations, develop leadership interest and skills, create various livelihood opportunities and provide direction and facilitate the establishment of large tree plantations. However, the short duration of community organisers’ contracts (typically two years) is insufficient to establish mature and cohesive POs prepared to assume management on their own, including the management of tree plantations. Further, lack of training and funding support, low wages, delayed payment of salaries and limited time to work with people’s organisations, as well as the pressure to produce tangible outputs such the establishment of large tree plantations, prevents them from placing greater emphasis on the development and empowerment of the people.  相似文献   
Perception of farmers’ about the use of pesticides and genetic erosion of tetraploid wheat landraces of Ethiopia was assessed through focus group discussions with farmers, on-farm observations, personal interviews with farmers, by using structured questionnaires of temporal and spatial methods. A total of 1496 farmers from seven provinces in the country were interviewed. Farmers’ knowledge about pesticide increases suggests that they are not happy on using chemicals because of their negative impact on farm land. About 75 % of the farmers believe that, although the use of pesticides may increase the production of wheat, it has a negative impact on (human) health and environment. Women showed a higher concern for pesticides’ harmfulness than men. Farmers’ valuation of genetic erosion was estimated as reduced importance of landraces, as shown by a the lower proportion of landraces either grown or sold on the market. The four most important factors cited for loss of landraces were reduction in land area per capita, displacement by released/modern varieties of hexaploid wheat and teff, reduced benefit from landraces, and displacement by other crops and chat. Genetic erosion of 100 % was observed for Triticum dicoccon in the provinces of Gojam and Gonder and for T. polonicum in Tigray and Gojam. Overall, genetic erosion in the country was 32.0, 35.3, 55.9, 84.4 and 84.4 % for T. durum Desf., T. turgidum L., T. aethiopicum Jakubz., T. polonicum L. and T. dicoccon Schrank, respectively.  相似文献   
[目的]研究角砾和圆砾对陡峭工程边坡入渗、产流、产沙以及水动力学特征,为青藏高原地区工程边坡土壤侵蚀预测模型与水土保持工作提供一定的理论支撑。[方法]基于青藏高原地区派墨农村公路沿线气候特征及其土质路堑边坡形态和物质组成特征,通过室内人工降雨模拟试验,研究了在强降雨(120 mm/h),大坡度(50°),3种砾石含量(30%,40%,50%)条件下圆砾和角砾坡面宏观侵蚀特征和产流产沙规律。[结果]圆砾坡面平均入渗率高于角砾坡面,平均产流率低于角砾坡面,初始产流时间明显晚于角砾坡面;圆砾和角砾坡面水流流态均属于层流,流型均为急流,圆砾坡面的径流剪切力、径流功率、雷诺数略小于角砾坡面,但弗劳德数远大于角砾坡面,流速大于角砾坡面,阻力系数小于角砾坡面,径流挟沙能力更强;圆砾坡面稳定产沙率约为角砾坡面的2倍,总产沙量比角砾坡面高出约20%。[结论]卵砾石表面光滑,与土壤间贴合不够紧密,形状更容易引起局部湍流,在强降雨条件下,陡峻冲洪积路堑边坡坡面易发育以卵砾石为中心,遍布坡面的环形小细沟,细沟发育数量和产沙量都将大于以棱角状碎块石组成的崩坡积路堑边坡。  相似文献   
Pinus tabulaeformis has been widely planted in order to conserve soil and water and improve the ecological environment in China. This study aimed to unravel how soil aggregates and soil carbon (C) stock stability of a P. tabulaeformis plantation change after 60 years of natural development and was performed in Vitex negundo var. heterophylla and Ziziphus jujuba var. spinosa shrub (shrub), a P. tabulaeformis forest (pine), and a coniferous broadleaf P. tabulaeformis mixed forest (pine-oak). Afforestation increased the stability of soil aggregates in the 0–10 cm soil layer but resulted in a decrease in the 10–20 cm soil layer. However, the presence of deciduous broadleaf species in the pine plantation improved the stability of soil aggregates. The total soil C stock was increased by afforestation, especially in the pine-oak forest, where it reached a significant level. The mineral soil C stock in the shrub stand was higher than that in pine and lower than that in pine-oak forests, but the C fractions had a different change. Afforestation increased the C fraction of macroaggregates in the 0–10 cm soil layer but decreased it in the 10–20 cm soil layer. This result suggested that afforestation could improve soil C stabilization in deeper soil. However, the pine-oak forest had a higher C fraction of macroaggregates than the pine forest in the 10–20 cm soil layer, indicating that soil C stabilization of the P. tabulaeformis plantation decreased when deciduous broadleaf species were present and thus formed the coniferous broadleaf mixed forest.  相似文献   
Low-input farming is an alternative production system that provides a great opportunity to disentangle the natural mechanisms regulating crop pests, since neither pests nor their natural enemies are disrupted by pesticides. Here, we use a key apple pest in Europe, the apple blossom weevil (Anthonomus pomorum), as a model case to unravel the factors driving pest infestation and its biological control in a low-input context, namely the cider apple orchards of NW Spain. We applied a holistic approach based on the complete life cycle of the pest and combined large-scale observation (23 orchards) with small-scale experimental assessment. Weevil attack (0.4–37.4% of flowers) increased with the proportion on apple trees in the immediate orchard neighbourhood and with semi-natural woody habitat in the surrounding landscape and decreased with tree distance to orchard edge and apple bloom level. Thus, the prevalence of the pest depended on the availability of the various resources required for foraging, egg-lying and overwintering. Three types of natural enemies supplied complementary pest control by preying on weevils at different stages in their life cycle: seven parasitoid species attacked immature weevils (6.4–81.5%), while the additive effects of birds and crawling arthropods were evident in terms of the removal of adult weevils (31–44%). We conclude that the effective biological control of A. pomorum can be achieved in low-input systems to maintain the pest at non-harmful levels, through combined management of the pest, its habitat and its natural enemies.  相似文献   
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