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海洋牧场与海上风电融合发展是现代渔业和清洁能源产业融合发展的典型代表,能够构建“海上粮仓+清洁能源”的新产业模式。本文基于福建漳浦六鳌海上风电场风机导管架构建养殖网箱与海上风机融合系统,运用Aqua-FE?有限元工具探究极端波流条件下不同网箱布设深度、波流入射角、生物附着程度对网箱系泊绳张力的影响;采用海洋工程专用设计软件SACS,计算分析风机导管架结构在波流及网箱系泊绳张力作用下的应力分布,评估养殖网箱系泊绳张力对风机导管架基础结构安全性的影响。结果表明,网箱布设深度的增加能够减少网箱系泊绳最大张力,显著改善网箱风机整体结构受力状态;波流入射角的改变对于网箱风机整体结构安全性影响不大;网衣生物附着程度的增加会显著增加网箱系泊绳最大张力,从而造成风机导管架基础杆件大量失效。综上所述,养殖网箱可布设于适当水深以减少受力,同时应及时清理附着生物,适当增加网箱系泊点附近的导管架杆件和导管架底部桩土点杆件的壁厚,以确保养殖网箱与海上风机融合系统结构安全。该结果可为深入研究网箱与风机融合系统的受力,评估该系统的安全性,优化设计养殖网箱与风机融合系统提供数据支撑。  相似文献   
黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus fulvidraco)是较为典型的淡水刺毒鱼类,本研究结合宏观毒棘骨骼标本制作和微观组织切片等方法,深入探究黄颡鱼的毒棘结构。研究结果表明,黄颡鱼的胸鳍和背鳍均具有尖锐的倒刺棘骨,棘骨外包围着皮膜,皮膜拥有能分泌毒液的毒腺细胞,它们共同组成了黄颡鱼毒棘装置。毒棘骨骼宏观结构表明,黄颡鱼的背鳍和胸鳍毒棘均具有贯穿全棘骨的中央管和包围棘骨的皮膜;背鳍棘骨细长、锥形,且轻微拱起,顶部骤尖,后缘为弱锯齿;胸鳍棘骨前后缘均有锯齿,但后缘为强锯齿。背鳍和胸鳍毒棘基部结构的髁突形状、大小、位置全然不同。微观结构显示,皮膜中的毒腺细胞聚集成层,位于鳞状上皮与色素层之间,未见导管与之相连,背鳍和胸鳍毒棘的分支性骨管中均未发现毒腺细胞。胸鳍和背鳍锁紧装置可让毒棘保持倒伏或者直立的锁定状态,降低猎物挣脱几率。本研究可深入了解黄颡鱼的毒棘结构和特征,增强人们对刺毒鱼类的认知,同时为淡水刺毒鱼类深入研究奠定基础。  相似文献   
以动物福利和人类福利的关联性为出发点,探讨我国水产养殖产业的潜在升级驱动力,目标是探索从终端品质倒推我国水产养殖产业从量到质升级的切实可行性。本文以养殖鱼类为焦点,从动物福利视角探索我国水产品形象与品质的提升空间,从以下几个方面进行了系统回顾。第一,基于对陆生脊椎动物福利的五项自由原则和三大范畴的系统回顾,对比动物福利在家畜家禽业的研究发展历程,对鱼类福利的发展历程与现状进行了脉络梳理;第二,针对鱼类福利的量化评估问题,从生理应激、行为应激以及心理应激三大应激响应机制,对与鱼类福利评价体系相关的研究进展进行了回顾,重点针对评价指标及评价方法进行了归纳总结;第三,针对养殖鱼类产业,重点对养殖过程、离水捕捞以及致死处置三个主要环节的鱼类福利特点及研究利用现状进行了分析讨论。最后,分析指出我国渔后动物福利存在盲区,提出了品质易逝期动物福利方案的思路。提出基于品质易逝期动物福利原则以实现锁鲜调控的展望:①为最大限度保持原料天然属性,突破“活而不鲜”的困局;②为改变初级水产品销售现状,减少渔后损失实行渔后的产业化;③为降低水产品供应链碳排放;④为实现水产动物福利等,提供一揽子解决方案的研究与实践范式。总之,科学解读渔后动物福利对于终端品质升级提供具有靶向性指导,同时通过优质产品形象为我国渔业产业赋予人文内涵。  相似文献   
牛体外受精卵的二步法培养体系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以CR1aa为基础培养液,采用二步法对牛体外受精卵进行体外培养,完善牛体外受精卵的培养体系.实验一:对照组连续7 d均为CR1aa 50 mL/L FBS培养,处理组前3 d为CR1aa 3 mg/mLBSA培养,后4 d换为CR1aa 50 mL/L FBS.处理组的囊胚率显著高于对照组,但卵裂率和囊胚孵化率无显著差异.实验二:对照组连续7 d均为CR1aa 50 mL/L FBS培养,处理组前3 d为CR1aa培养,后4 d换为CR1aa 50 mL/L FBS.处理组的卵裂率显著高于对照组,但囊胚率和囊胚孵化率差异不显著.实验三:对照组连续7 d均为CR1aa 50 mL/L FBS 0.1mmol/L GSH培养,处理组前3 d为CR1aa 0.1 mmol/L GSH培养,后4 d换为CR1aa 50 mL/L FBS 0.1 mmol/L GSH.处理组的卵裂率显著高于对照组,囊胚率极显著高于对照组,但囊胚孵化率差异不显著.结果表明,GSH与二步法培养系统结合相对于传统的一步法培养系统更适于牛体外受精卵的体外培养.  相似文献   
养猪废水成分复杂,所含悬浮性固体对其生物发酵过程影响显著;利用经过粉碎压实后的玉米秸秆对养猪废水进行负压抽滤,吸附截留废水中的悬浮性固体。再利用上流式厌氧污泥床(UASB,up-flow anaerobic sludge bed/blanket)反应器对过滤后的养猪废水进厌氧发酵,探究发酵过程中随着有机负荷的增加,化学需氧量(COD,chemical oxygen demand)去除率、pH值、产气量的变化规律,并采用高通量测序技术分析最优负荷时厌氧消化污泥中的细菌与古菌群落组成。过滤试验表明,在过滤压差为40kPa、滤层厚度为15cm、滤料压实度为1.6倍密度(148.8kg/m3)时有较好的过滤效果,此时总固体(TS,total solid)、挥发性固体(VS,volatile solid)、COD的去除率分别为33.08%、28.05%、23.01%。厌氧发酵试验结果表明,在温度为(35±1)℃时反应器稳定运行的最高负荷为11 kg/(m3·d);反应器处理效果最优的负荷为10 kg/(m3·d),此时进水COD浓度为5 000 mg/L、COD去除率为76.46%、容积产气率为1.51m3/(m3·d)。高通量测序结果表明,厌氧发酵过程由多种微生物菌群协同作用,主要的细菌群类是Firmicutes、Bacteroidota,主要古菌群类为Halobacterota,且高效产甲烷菌分布丰富。试验结果为利用作物秸秆过滤养猪废水进行以废治废的技术应用提供了依据。  相似文献   
茶叶抖筛机是茶叶精加工的关键装备,传统抖筛装备主要通过经验设计,筛分性能较差,主要表现在筛净率较低、误筛率较高。该研究结合抖筛机的筛分原理,运用solidworks构建虚拟样机,利用EDEM软件建立茶叶颗粒离散元仿真模型,通过单因素仿真试验对茶叶颗粒进行动力学分析,结果表明,连杆长度、曲柄半径和筛面倾角是茶叶抖筛机筛分性能的主要影响因素。以筛净率、误筛率为评价指标,设计三因素三水平二次旋转正交试验,并运用Design-Expert软件对试验数据进行回归分析,当连杆长度为1 977 mm、曲柄半径为25 mm、筛面倾角为2.8 °时,茶叶筛净率为94.5%、误筛率为4.61%,筛分性能最优。以最优结构参数进行验证试验,筛净率为93.8%,误筛率为4.73%,生产效率为319kg/h,较优化前筛净率提高3.42%,误筛率降低7.62%,生产效率提高8.87%。该研究结果可为茶叶筛分装备的优化提供理论依据。  相似文献   
文章概述了梅县的苦笋竹资源情况,同时介绍了苦竹笋的栽培管理技术、开发利用现状,并在此基础上提出相应的开发利用措施。  相似文献   
Hematopoietic damage is a serious side effect of cytotoxic drugs, and agents promoting hematopoiesis are quite important for decreasing the death rate in cancer patients. In our previous work, we prepared the simulated digestive product of fucoidan from Sargassum fusiforme, DSFF, and found that DSFF could activate macrophages. However, more investigations are needed to further evaluate whether DSFF could promote hematopoiesis in the chemotherapy process. In this study, the protective effect of DSFF (1.8–7.2 mg/kg, i.p.) on cyclophosphamide-induced hematopoietic damage in mice and the underlying mechanisms were investigated. Our results show that DSFF could restore the numbers of white blood cells, neutrophils, and platelets in the peripheral blood, and could also retard bone marrow cell decrease in mice with cyclophosphamide-induced hematopoietic damage. UPLC/Q-Extraction Orbitrap/MS/MS-based lipidomics results reveal 16 potential lipid biomarkers in a serum that responded to hematopoietic damage in mice. Among them, PC (20:1/14:0) and SM (18:0/22:0) were the key lipid molecules through which DSFF exerted protective actions. In a validation experiment, DSFF (6.25–100 μg/mL) could also promote K562 cell proliferation and differentiation in vitro. The current findings indicated that DSFF could affect the blood cells and bone marrow cells in vivo and thus showed good potential and application value in alleviating the hematopoietic damage caused by cyclophosphamide.  相似文献   
Soil functional microbial taxa and extracellular enzymes are involved in a variety of biogeochemical cycling processes. Although many studies have revealed the vertical change patterns of microbial communities along soil profile, the general understanding of the coupling changes in the functional gene abundances (FGAs) and extracellular enzyme activities (EEAs) in soil profiles is still limited, which hinders us from revealing soil ecosystem processes. Herein, we comparatively investigated the FGAs and EEAs in the diagnostic A, B, and C horizons of soil profiles obtained from two suborders of Isohumosols (Mollisols), Ustic and Udic Isohumosols, in Northeast China based on quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and standard fluorometric techniques, respectively. The distribution patterns of both FGAs and EEAs significantly distinguished by the two soil suborders and were also separated from A to C horizon. Additionally, the variations of EEAs and FGAs were greater in Udic Isohumosols compared to Ustic Isohumosols along soil profiles, and greater changes were observed in C horizon than in A horizon. Both FGAs and EEAs correspondently decreased along the soil profiles. However, when normalized by soil organic carbon, the specific EEAs significantly increased in deep soil horizons, suggesting that microorganisms will input more resources to the production of enzymes to ensure microbial nutrient requirements under resource scarcity. More importantly, we revealed that soil microbial nutrient demands were limited by carbon (C) and phosphorus (P), and the C and P limitations significantly increased along soil profiles with a greater C limitation observed in Ustic Isohumosols than in Udic Isohumosols. Overall, our findings provided solid evidence showing the links between FGAs, EEAs, and microbial nutrient limitations, which would be helpful for a better understanding of the ecosystem processes in soil profiles.  相似文献   
Soil ecosystem is experiencing stresses due to climate change, and soil inhabitants try to demonstrate their inherent resistance and resilience against those stresses. Application of nanomaterials as agricultural inputs could bring shifts in resistance and resilience patterns of soil microbes and associated enzymes, especially under short-term heat stress. With this background, the impacts of multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) on the resistance and resilience of soil biological indicators were evaluated. An incubation experiment was conducted with varied MWCNT concentrations (0, 50, 100, 250, and 500 mg kg-1 soil) for 90 d after 24-h heat stress at 48 ±2 ℃ to assess the impacts of MWCNT on soil enzyme activities and microbial populations vis-à-vis their resistance and resilience indices under short-term exposure to heat stress. Enzyme activities were reduced after exposure to heat stress. Resistance indices of enzyme activities were enhanced by MWCNT application on day 1 after heat stress, whereas there was no recovery of enzyme activities after 90-d incubation. Like soil enzyme activities, resistance index values of soil microbial populations followed the similar trend and were improved by MWCNT application. Multi-walled carbon nanotube has the potential to improve resistance indices of soil enzyme activities and microbial populations under heat stress, although they could not recover to their original state during periodical incubation after heat stress. This study helps to understand the relative changes of biological indicators under MWCNT and their ability to withstand heat stress.  相似文献   
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