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Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurdenC. carnea-Eier mit und ohne Stielchen verglichen, die entweder aus einer mit semisynthetischer Diät oder aus einer mit Blattläusen ernährten Zucht stammten. Als wichtigste Parameter dienten dabei die Ermittlung der Schlupfrate der Larven sowie deren weitere Larval- und Pupalentwicklung. Die Versuche erfolgten in Klimaschränken unter definierten Bedingungen bei Einzelhaltung der Eier und der weiteren Entwicklungsstadien vonC. carnea in kleinen Petrischalen.Die Ergebnisse zeigten, daß die Schlupfrate der Larven aus beiden Varianten der Zucht Bionova, bei deren Eiern das Stielchen abgetrennt worden war, mit 60 bzw. 62% deutlich niedriger lag als bei denen der anderen Varianten mit 78, 84 und 86%. Die Larven, deren Eier aus der Institutszucht stammten und die mit Stiel belassen wurden, wiesen mit 19,9 Tagen eine signifikant längere Entwicklungsdauer auf als die der anderen Varianten. Die Larven derselben Zucht aus der Variante ohne Stiel benötigten 16,9 Tage zum Erreichen des Puppenstadiums, während die Larven der Varianten aus der Zucht Bionova sich nach 16,6, 16,1 und 15,8 Tagen verpuppten. Die höchste Mortalitätsrate von 50% konnte bei den Larven aus der Zucht Bionova festgestellt werden, deren Eier stiellos waren. Dagegen schwankte die Mortalität in den anderen Varianten zwischen 25,6 und 35,5%.Die Dauer der Puppenruhe war bei den Individuen aus der Zucht des Instituts mit 16,2 und 16,5 Tagen ungeachtet der verschiedenen Varianten signifikant länger als bei denen aus der Zucht Bionova. Die Puppen der Varianten aus der Zucht Bionova verblieben zwischen 13,5 und 13,8 Tage im Puppenstadium.
A comparative study onChrysoperla carnea (Steph.)-eggs with and without stalk of a with semisynthetic diest and of a with aphids fed culture with regard to a field application
In the present studyChrysoperla carnea (Steph.) (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae)-eggs with and without stalk were compared. The eggs stem from stock breeds either fed with a semisynthetic diet (Bionova breed) or with aphids (Institute breed). The comparison is done with the use of the parameter hatching rate of the larvae and with parameters of the following larval and pupal development. The experiments were conducted in a climatic chamber under defined conditions. The individuums of the egg and the following development stages were each kept in little petri dishes.The results of the experiments exhibit that the hatching rate of those larvae which originate from both variants of the Bionova breed, where the eggs were seperated from the stalk, was clearly lower (60% and 62%) than that one of the other variants (78, 84 and 86%). The larvae, which stem from eggs with stalk maintained at the institute developed within 19.9 days which is significantly longer than the development time of the other variants. The larvae of the same breed but destalked required 16.9 days to reach the pupal stage. The development times of the 3 variants of the Bionova breed were 16.6, 16.1 and 15.8 days respectively.The mortality rate was highest (50%) for those larvae of the Bionova breed, which stem from eggs without stalk. In contrast to this the mortality of the other variants varied between 25.6 and 35.5%.The duration of the pupal stage for individuals that originate from the Institute breed was significantly longer (16.2 and 16.5 days) than that one for individuals of the Bionova breed 13.5 and 13.8 days). The other variants had no influence on the duration of the pupal stage.

Mit einer Abbildung und 2 Tabellen  相似文献   
The white grouper is a desirable aquaculture species that adapts to captivity, grows well and commands a high market price. However, little is known about reproductive biology or control of sex reversal of this protogynous hermaphrodite. In this study, female white groupers were implanted with one dose of 17α‐methyltestosterone (10 mg/kg body weight [BW], MT) and two doses of aromatase inhibitor, fadrozole (1 and 3 mg/kg BW, FD1 and FD3) once a month for 4 months (April–July). At the start of the study, the fish had gonads full of oocytes compared to the end of the experiment when the control group mature oocytes compared to the experimental groups MT, FD1 and FD3 that exhibited different stages of testicular tissue. Plasma levels of testosterone were significantly highest in the FD3 group and the highest 11‐Ketotestosterone levels were observed in the MT group. Plasma levels of oestradiol (E2) were significantly lower in the FD implanted groups, compared to initial individuals and control groups. The use of aromatase inhibitor, FD for sex reversal both gives further insight into the mechanisms controlling sex differentiation and provides an alternative to steroid treatment.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of five isonitrogenous (35% crude protein) diets having different energy contents; 10.85, 11.82, 12.73, 13.69, and 15.06 MJ DE/kg, respectively, on the gonad development and weight gain of Sharptooth catfish fingerlings. Energy contents of the experimental diets were increased with the increasing amount of soy-acid oil (0, 4, 8.5, 13, 18%) and each group of fish was fed on their respective diets (group I was fed diet I) during 180 days. The gonad maturation was significantly affected by dietary energy. In both sexes, the histological inspections of the gonads did reveal differences among the fish fed different energetic diets. Fish fed diets I, II, and III had significantly heavier and more developed gonads compared to those on diets IV and V. Fish fed the higher energetic diets (IV and V) had partially low numbers of yolky oocytes compared to other groups. The mean GSI values of female and male fish fed with diet III was significantly greater than those fed diets with higher dietary energy; however, higher HSI values were recorded for fish fed with the higher energetic diets (IV and V). Also, the best weight gain for both males and females were recorded from the fish fed diet III (12.73 MJ DE/kg). Therefore, on the basis of the present results, among energy levels tested, 12.73 MJ DE/kg was found to be optimal for healthy gonad development and weight gain.  相似文献   
Eating macroalgae (seaweeds) is considered an unusual activity in Turkey, although macroalgae have been known and prized for their nutritional purposes for many years in the Orient. The present study examines the addition of macroalgae to Turkish daily diets. Most Turkish meals begin with mezze, which is literally “a pleasant taste” and is probably derived from the Arabic word mezaq, which means “the taste, the savor of a thing.” The green macroalga Ulva rigida Agardh 1824 (Chlorophyta) was used to develop alternative protein-rich Turkish mezzes, using otherwise traditional recipes.

U. rigida was reared in tanks. The yield of U. rigida in an onshore tank system demonstrated the potential of U. rigida to produce marine biomass. The U. rigidas were used in macroalga-based mezzes. The macroalga substituted grape leaves, spinach, lamb’s lettuce, salicornia, or lettuce and resulted in higher protein content than those vegetables.

The prepared Ulva mezzes were tested in regard to taste, smell, color, texture, and general appearance and scored “pretty good” and “perfect.” The results suggest that Ulva can be produced and utilized for protein rich mezzes in Turkey.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to determine the passage ratio of amoxicillin into milk and its pharmacokinetics in milk and plasma after intramuscular administration. Five healthy dairy cows (Holstein, weighing 450–500 kg, aged 2–4 years) were used in this study. They received single intramuscular amoxicillin at a dose of 14 mg/kg body weight. Blood and milk samples were collected prior to drug administration (0); after 15, 30, 45, 60, and 90 min; and 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 hr after administration. The plasma and milk concentrations of amoxicillin were determined using high‐performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection. The passage ratio of amoxicillin into milk and plasma was determined using both AUC‐based calculation and milk and plasma concentrations at sampling times; it was calculated 0.46 and 0.52, respectively. The terminal half‐life and mean residence time of amoxicillin were 6.05 and 8.60 hr in plasma and 2.62 and 5.35 hr in milk, respectively. The Cmax2 levels of amoxicillin in plasma and milk were measured as 1,096 and 457 ng/ml, respectively. It was observed that amoxicillin exhibited a secondary peak in plasma and milk. This study was the first to report on the passage ratio of amoxicillin into milk in lactating cows.  相似文献   
Heterobasidion species are the most important pathogens causing root and stem rot on conifers in northern hemisphere forests. The host list of this complex is very wide and includes over 200 species of trees and shrubs. Among the members of this complex, Heterobasidion annosum s. s. has the largest host range. In this study, young plants of Pinus sylvestris, Picea orientalis, Abies nordmanniana, Cedrus libani and Pinus brutia (three different origins) were inoculated on the lower stem with known genets of Heterobasidion annosum s.s. collected from Pinus brutia stands in south-western Türkiye. Infection frequency, assessed as presence of the conidial stage in stem discs following incubation, in the inoculated seedlings was 100%. The Heterobasidion annosum s. s. isolates were re-isolated from all inoculated host species. Control seedlings showed no symptoms of disease. Mortality in inoculated plants was 11.5% of the 735 inoculated plants, which died over an 8-weeks incubation period. The isolates showed greater growth on Cedrus libani, Pinus sylvestris and Picea orientalis seedlings compared to other species tested. On the other hand, it was found that the least affected seedlings were Pinus brutia TB12 and Abies nordmanniana. This study proved that differences occur in aggressiveness of Heterobasidion annosum s. s. to host species. A striking point in the results is that, despite being the host species from which the isolates were obtained, Pinus brutia seedlings showed lower sensitivity to Heterobasidion annosum s. s. than the other conifer species tested. Inoculations of three different Pinus brutia provenances suggested there was no significant difference in mean lesion lengths and fungal growth values in Pinus brutia plants, except in Pinus brutia TB14, which was more susceptible to extension growth of the pathogen.  相似文献   
In the presented paper the development of horse chestnut scale insect,Pulvinaria regalis Canard, was studied a on red horse chestnut (Aesculus x carnea) in the urban area of Bonn. Secondly, the scale insect growth was determined on sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) and horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) at different temperatures in the laboratory.The field population displayed an insignificant linear increase in body length between July and beginning of December. No growth was observed between December and March but between mid of March and beginning of May the body size increased exponentially. By setting up a frequency distribution of the anal plate length and by simultaneous measurement of new and old anal plate during molting it was possible to separate different developmental stages. The length of the anal plates of first instar crawlers/settlers ranged between 0.030 and 0.054 mm, that of the second and third instar nymphs between 0.066 and 0.090 mm and 0.102 to 0.150 mm, respectively. The anal plate length of fourth instar adult females differed between 0.162 and 0.246 mm, whereas those of male puparians ranged between 0.075 and 0.098 mm. Since the cuticula ofP. regalis is very extensible, the separation of different developmental stages was only reliable by using the measure of the strongly sclerosed anal plate. Until 12. August first instar crawlers/settlers and till 29. September second instar nymphs were observed on red horse chestnut in the field. Female third instar nymphs were noticed between 9. September and 28. April and fourth instar adult females from 31. March on.In the laboratoryP. regalis individuals on horse chestnut and sycamore maple did only growth at 18°C and fluctuating temperature of 20/14°C (16/8 h). The growth was heavily affected at warm temperatures of 26°C and scale insects lived only a few weeks. Only at the fluctuating temperature of 20/14°C (16/8 h) some females laid eggs on horse chestnut and sycamore maple from the 49. and 48. week on.
Untersuchungen über Entwicklungsstadien der Wolligen NapfschildlausPulvinaria regalis Canard (Hom., Coccidae) im Freiland und Labor
Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Entwicklungsstadien der Wolligen NapfschildlausPulvinaria regalis Canard im Freiland an einer Rotblütigen Roßkastanie (Aesculus x carnea) im Stadtgebiet von Bonn, sowie das Körperwachstum an Bergahorn (Acer pseudoplatanus) und Roßkastanie (Aesculus hippocastanum) bei unterschiedlichen Temperatubedingungen im Labor untersucht.Die Freilandpopulation zeigte von Juli bis Anfang Dezember eine geringe lineare, von Mitte Dezember bis Anfang März nahezu keine und von Mitte März bis Anfang Mai eine exponentielle Zunahme der durchschnittlichen Körperlänge. Durch das Aufstellen einer Häufigkeitsverteilung der Analplattenlänge sowie durch das gleichzeitige Messen von neuen und noch nicht abgestreiften alten Analplatten während der Häutungsphase konnte ein Maß zur Abgrenzung der Entwicklungsstadien ermittelt werden. Die Analplattenlänge von Crawlern/Settlern (=erstes Larvenstadium) lagen im Bereich von 0,030–0,054 mm, des ersten und zweiten Nymphenstadiums im Bereich von 0,066–0,900 mm und 0,102–0,150 mm. Bei adulten Weibchen lag die Analplattenlänge zwischen 0,162 und 0,246 mm und bei männlichen Präpuppen zwischen 0,075 und 0,098 mm. Da die Cuticula vonP. regalis sehr dehnbar ist, war eine sichere Stadienzuordnung nur mit Hilfe der stark sklerotisierten Analplatte möglich. Bis zum 12. August waren Crawler/Settler und bis zum 29. September Erstnymphen zu beobachten. Weibliche Zweitnymphen traten vom 9. September bis 28. April und adulte Weibchen ab dem 31. März in Erscheinung.Im Labor konnte auf den Versuchspflanzen Roßkastanie und Bergahorn ein Wachstum der Körperlänge vonP. regalis-Individuen bei Konstanttemperatur von 18°C und bei Wechseltemperatur von 20/14°C (16/8 h) gemessen werden. Bei einer Konstanttemperatur von 26°C war das Wachstum auf beiden Wirtspflanzenarten gestört und ein Überleben nur für wenige Wochen möglich. Nur in der Temperaturvariante 20/14°C (16/8 h) legten einige Weibchen ab der 49. Woche auf Roßkastanie und ab der 48. Woche auf Bergahorn Eier ab.

With 2 tables and 4 figures

Dedicated to Prof. Dr.W. Schwenke for 75th birthday 22.3.1996.  相似文献   
Plant Foods for Human Nutrition - Cocoa bean shells were subjected to green extraction technologies, based on the absence of toxic organic solvents, to recover polyphenols; the extract was then...  相似文献   
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