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BACKGROUND: The objectives of this work were to determine if the control of potato virus Y (PVY, genus Potyvirus, family Potyviridae) in seed potato could be improved by combining border crops and mineral oil sprays, and if the border crop acts as a barrier or a virus sink. RESULTS: Field tests over 3 years confirmed that mineral oils alone are an effective barrier to PVY, and showed that borders alone act as a PVY sink. Combining the familiar mineral oil and the more recent crop border methods was almost twice as effective in reducing PVY incidence as either one used alone. The combination provided consistently high PVY control compared with the variable and often lower level of control by either method alone. The contribution of the oil to PVY reduction was similar whether it was applied to the border, the center seed plot, or both. Oil application to the border alone should not affect efficacy and would help keep control costs down. CONCLUSION: Combining border and oil provided the best reduction in PVY incidence 3 years out of 3, providing producers with a tool to reduce year‐to‐year variation in the effectiveness of crop borders or oil sprays used separately. © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Agriculture and Agri‐Food Canada. Published by John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
  • ? A discriminant study based on samples taken from high and low yielding oleoresin trees of two Greek populations, Chalkidiki and Euboia, was carried out. Oleoresin of Pinus halepensis Mill. was characterised by GC/MS analysis.
  • ? The objectives of this study were: (i) to identify in detail the composition of the oleoresin of P. halepensis and in particular of high yielding trees (plus trees) (ii) to investigate a potential relationship between the oleoresin compounds and the oleoresin yield and (iii) to investigate any correlations among the compounds.
  • ? About forty monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes and diterpenes were identified as main compounds representing 97.40% of the analyzed oleoresin. α-Pinene, methyl abietate, abietic acid, palustric acid, isopimaric acid and neoabietic acid were the major compounds. Efficient discrimination was achieved between the two populations and between the two groups of trees (high and low yielding). In both cases, the differentiation was due to the quantitative variability of certain compounds. High positive correlations were found among certain compounds.
  • ? The results suggest that the oleoresin profile is a useful tool for the discrimination of trees according to their provenance or their oleoresin yield.
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    Landscape Ecology - In the original publication of the article, the sixth author name has been misspelt. The correct name is given in this Correction. The original article has been corrected.  相似文献   
    The objective of this study was to determine the susceptibility of Mycoplasma bovis against six antibiotics using the E test methodology. Fifty-eight isolates of M. bovis originating from 55 affected cattle were evaluated. Specimen originated from: lung tissue, synovial fluid, tracheo-bronchial wash, milk, and external or inner ear discharge. Antimicrobial agents tested were azythromycin, clindamycin, erythromycin, enrofloxacin, spectinomycin and tetracycline. The E test strips were placed on the surface of Hayflick plates on which organism suspension was spread. Plates were incubated at 35 degrees C in a candle jar for 72 h. MICs were then read by determining where the growth inhibition zone intersected with the MIC scale on the strip. M. bovis Donetta isolate was used as a control. All MICs were >256 microg/ml for erythromycin. MIC50 and MIC90 obtained for azythromycin were 3 and >256 microg/ml, respectively. MIC50 and MIC90 obtained for tetracycline were 4 and 8 microg/ml, respectively. MIC50 and MIC90 obtained for spectinomycin were 2 and >1021 microg/ml, respectively. MIC50 and MIC90 obtained for clindamycin were 0.19 and >256 microg/ml, respectively. MIC50 and MIC90 obtained for enrofloxacin were 0.19 and 0.25 microg/ml, respectively. Resistance was not associated with the specimen source except for azythromycin. M. bovis susceptibilities were easily determined by the E test which demonstrated the efficacy of enrofloxacin and the acquired resistance to tetracycline, spectinomycin, azythromycin and clindamycin.  相似文献   


    Parasites can induce strong effects on their host’s growth, not only as a result of host resource exploitation (growth loss) but also with a potential adaptive value for host (tolerance response) and themselves (increased transmission).


    We assessed these three types of phenotypic changes in oak seedlings infected by powdery mildew.


    A manipulative field experiment with three levels of parasite inoculum was designed in order to tease apart infection from genetic effects on oak growth. Seedlings were monitored during 3 years for height growth, phenology and infection.


    Powdery mildew infection induced both significant growth loss and qualitative changes in plant architecture. The most striking and unexpected change was increased growth polycyclism in infected seedlings. This benefitted both the host as a form of compensation for infection-caused height loss, and the pathogen, by increasing sporulation.


    The study highlights the effect of parasites in the expression of plant phenotypic traits, such as phenology and ultimately tree architecture. Both host tolerance and parasitic manipulation may be involved in the observed changes in growth patterns. These results suggest a complex interplay between development and defence in trees and emphasize the need to better assess tolerance mechanisms when considering the defence strategies of trees against pathogens.  相似文献   
    Holocene floodplain sedimentation in the Rhine catchment is controlled by human and climate impacts. Intricate river behaviour modifies the fluvial response to the external impacts making cause–effect analysis difficult, especially on large spatial scales. To better understand the relative importance and interdependencies of external and internal controls, temporally resolved floodplain sedimentation rates are established using three different methods: i) floodplain storage studies on the trunk stream, ii) depth/age-analysis of overbank deposits from different parts of the catchment and iii) cumulative frequency distributions of 14C-ages from floodplain deposits from various parts of the catchment. The applied methodology strongly differs with the available temporal resolution and the size of the corresponding catchment. All three methods show a strong increase in sedimentation rate for more recent periods that can be linked to increasing human impact. Evidences for climate impacts and intricate river behaviour are less clear and hindered by insufficient temporal resolution of the currently available data.  相似文献   
    Qualitative and quantitative analyses of N-heterocycle compounds were conducted by using a liquid-liquid extraction followed by additional chemical silica gel purification and injection into a gas chromatographic (GC) column coupled to a nitrogen-phosphorus detector (NPD). The purified extract fraction was investigated by GC-NPD and by GC-mass spectrometry. The compounds identified and quantified in wines were 2,4,5-trimethyloxazole, 2,4-dimethylthiazole, and 4-methylthiazole by GC-NPD and both 2-acetylthiazole and 2-acetyl-2-thiazoline by GC-MS. The procedure was used to analyze different wines and gave reliable and reproducible results.  相似文献   
    The benthic settlement success of American lobster (Homarus americanus) postlarvae is a key factor in population dynamics, with the temperature being a key factor. Given the spatial distribution of the species, its pelagic larvae probably encounter various thermal zones during development. Little information is available on the ability of lobster larvae to acclimate to temperature or if this ability varies among geographic areas. The main objectives of this study were to characterize (i) the settlement behavior of the postlarvae in relation to (a) temperature during larval development and (b) the geographic origin of the maternal parent and (ii) the behavioral response of postlarvae with different thermal histories in the presence/absence of a thermocline. Results did not support the hypothesis of thermal adaptation among local populations, as settlement behavior of postlarvae did not differ among females from different geographic regions. In contrast, larval survival and settlement behavior and postlarval energetic conditions varied with development temperature. Behavioral plasticity in the benthic settlement was observed in relation to temperature structure of the experimental water column. This study suggests that there may be links between development temperature and the natural variability in survival and settlement of American lobsters. Findings emphasize the need for an integrated approach in lobster recruitment studies with the inclusion of behavior in dispersion models.  相似文献   
      【目的】  比较长期不施磷与施磷黑土对外源磷的吸附–解吸特征,为黑土区磷素管理提供理论基础。  【方法】  供试黑土长期定位试验位于吉林省公主岭市,始于1990年。2018年选择其中不施肥(CK),施氮钾肥(NK),施氮磷钾肥(NPK)和氮磷钾+有机肥(NPK+M) 4个处理小区,采集0—20、20—40和40—60 cm土层的土壤样品,分析了土壤理化性质,采用恒温平衡法测定了土壤磷的吸附–解吸特征,并由此计算得到磷最大吸附量(Qm)、吸附亲和力常数(KQ)、最大缓冲容量(MBC)、磷吸附饱和度(DPS)、最大解吸量(Dm)和解吸率(Dr)。  【结果】  随着平衡溶液中磷浓度的增加,磷的吸附量与解吸量均呈先快速增加后逐渐趋于平衡的过程。与不施磷处理(CK和NK)土壤相比,施磷处理(NPK、NPK+M)减少了磷的吸附量,增加了磷的解吸量。与不施磷处理相比,施磷处理在0—60 cm剖面上的Qm和MBC值分别降低了4.94%~63.46%和15.90%~75.18%,Dr值增加了8.52%~474.0%,以NPK+M处理变化量最大。施磷处理比不施磷处理在0—60 cm土壤剖面上全磷和有机质含量分别增加了34.40%~145.5%和12.77%~50.07%,游离态铁铝氧化物(Fed+Ald)含量降低了5.14%~11.35%。冗余分析表明,不施磷处理土壤的有机质、Fed+Ald和全磷,以及施磷处理中的Fed+Ald、络合态铁铝氧化物(Fep+Alp)、pH和有机质是影响磷吸附解吸特征参数的主要土壤因子,分别解释了不施磷和施磷处理全部变异的77.59%和90.62%。土壤有效磷(Olsen-P)与磷吸附饱和度(DPS)相关关系表明,所研究的黑土DPS环境界限值为8%左右,NPK+M处理中3个土层的DPSM-P值(由Mehlich-3 浸提的磷、铁和铝计算)为7.77%~25.96%,DPSO-P值(由Olsen-P和Qm计算)为17.24%~24.75%,均高于此环境界限值,具有磷素流失的风险。  【结论】  长期施磷降低了黑土对外源磷的吸附量,增加了磷解吸量。长期不施磷肥,土壤对磷的吸附和解吸主要受有机质、游离态铁铝氧化物的影响。而长期施肥,特别是有机肥与化肥配合处理,土壤中游离态和络合态铁铝氧化物、有机质及pH是影响磷吸附解吸特征的主要因素。  相似文献   
    Cultivated pearls frequently exhibit morphological irregularities making obvious that mineral deposition was irregularly distributed onto nucleus surface. Taking advantage of experimental cultivations with short durations (from 10 days to few months), these irregular deposits predating occurrence of the nacre were investigated in Polynesian pearls by biochemical characterizations and a series of physical methods. Diversity in the resulting data suggests that various in‐depth alterations of the biomineralization mechanism may have occurred during the grafting process, leading to diversity in the biochemical pathways to nacreous deposition. This allows a precise discussion of current views about pearl formation. The “reversed shell theory” is formally disproved through point to point comparison with development of the shell growing edge. Similarity of pearl formation with “regeneration” or “shell repair” is also discussed, emphasizing the differences between these concepts.  相似文献   
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