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A 4‐year‐old Welsh pony crossbred gelding was examined for acute onset of blepharospasm, epiphora and corneal oedema. Ophthalmic examination identified 2 conjunctival plaques located near the superior limbus of the left eye. The plaques did not resolve following treatment with topical triple antibiotic ointment, topical atropine ointment and oral flunixin meglumine and therefore a conjunctival biopsy was performed. Histology of the biopsy resulted in a diagnosis of eosinophilic conjunctivitis, which was treated with a topical corticosteroid ointment. Plaques resolved after 73 days of therapy but lesions did not improve with concurrent treatment with anthelmintics early in the course of therapy. Failure to identify an aetiological agent led to a diagnosis of idiopathic eosinophilic conjunctivitis. The conjunctival plaques have not recurred in the 10 months following discontinuation of therapy.  相似文献   
It is important to predict how many individuals of a predator species can survive in a given area on the basis of prey sufficiency and to compare predictive estimates with actual numbers to understand whether or not key threats are related to prey availability. Rugged terrain and low detection probabilities do not allow for the use of traditional prey count techniques in mountain areas. We used presence–absence occupancy modeling and camera‐trapping to estimate the abundance and densities of prey species and regression analysis to predict leopard (Panthera pardus) densities from estimated prey biomass in the mountains of the Nuvadi area, Meghri Ridge, southern Armenia. The prey densities were 12.94 ± 2.18 individuals km?2 for the bezoar goat (Capra aegagrus), 6.88 ± 1.56 for the wild boar (Sus scrofa) and 0.44 ± 0.20 for the roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). The detection probability of the prey was a strong function of the activity patterns, and was highest in diurnal bezoar goats (0.59 ± 0.09). Based on robust regression, the estimated total ungulate prey biomass (720.37 ± 142.72 kg km?2) can support a leopard density of 7. 18 ± 3.06 individuals 100 km?2. The actual leopard density is only 0.34 individuals 100 km?2 (i.e. one subadult male recorded over the 296.9 km2), estimated from tracking and camera‐trapping. The most plausible explanation for this discrepancy between predicted and actual leopard density is that poaching and disturbance caused by livestock breeding, plant gathering, deforestation and human‐induced wild fires are affecting the leopard population in Armenia.  相似文献   
Only limited and contrasting information is available about the metabolic fate in cattle of fumonisin B1, a mycotoxin produced by moulds of Fusarium. This study was carried out to evaluate the hepatic metabolism of fumonisin B1 by bovine liver microsomes. No biodegradation or metabolization of the mycotoxin by liver microsomes was detectable after incubating fumonisin B1 with bovine microsomes in the presence of a regenerating system for 1 h. No aminopolyol 1, aminopolyol 2 or aminopentol, metabolites of fumonisin B1, were detected in any of the incubated samples. The tolerance of ruminants to fumonisin B1 is apparently not dependent on its detoxification in the rumen.  相似文献   
Holstein bull calves, 8 to 12 wk of age, were anesthetized with halothane gas. An approximate 20-cm section of small intestine, 60 to 90 cm proximal to the ileocecal junction was clamped to isolate blood circulation to a single set of arcuate vessels and to form an intestinal segment fitted for infusion and drainage. The vein was catheterized to allow total venous collection. Donor blood was transfused via jugular vein to replace venous drainage. This technique was evaluated in four calves by exposing the lumen to eight replications (12 or 20 min incubation, 30-min wash with 39 C saline) of 16 mM L-Met (14C-labeled). Time course appearance of Met in venous blood indicated similar rates and patterns of absorption for individual calves. There were no clinically significant alterations in jugular blood chemistry profiles across replications. Four calves were used to evaluate the effect of three isotonic perfusion media (saline, Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate and M-199 tissue culture media) on Lys and Met absorption. Venous flow rates and absorption of Lys were faster with Krebs buffer than with other media. Perfusate medium did not influence venous flow rates or absorption of Met. Effect of restricting venous flow on absorption of Lys and Met was evaluated in two calves. Flow was alternately controlled (6.5 ml/min) or allowed to flow freely (mean = 12.2 ml/min). Restricting flow decreased steady-state absorption. Light and scanning microscopy indicated maintenance of mucosal tissue integrity throughout 8 h of anesthesia. Results demonstrate validity of the in situ technique to study nutrient absorption in the young bovine.  相似文献   
We hypothesized that feed resources could be deferred to a later time in the production cycle without a decrease in fertility or weight of calf produced in heifers and young cows. One-hundred and thirty-one MARC III (four breed composite: (1/4) Hereford, (1/4) Angus, (1/4) Red Poll, and (1/4) Pinzgauer) heifers were divided into three treatments: M-M-M-M (n = 46), L-H-M-M (n = 41), and L-L-L-H (n = 44). The experiment consisted of four feeding periods. Period 1 was 94 to 186 d of gestation, and heifers were fed a moderate (M) or low (L) level of feed. Period 2 was 187 d of gestation to parturition, and heifers were fed moderate, high (H), or low levels of feed. Period 3 was from parturition through 27 d of lactation, and heifers were fed moderate or low levels of feed. Period 4 was from 28 d to approximately 63 d of lactation, and heifers were fed moderate or high levels of feed. Females remained within treatments through their first parity (heifers) and second parity (cows). Feed intake of L-H-M-M and M-M-M-M treatments did not differ from each other either as heifers (P = 0.23) or as second-parity cows (P > 0.59). The L-L-L-H heifers ate less feed than L-H-M-M and M-M-M-M heifers (P < 0.001), and second-parity L-L-L-H cows ate less feed than second-parity L-H-M-M and M-M-M-M cows (P < 0.002). In the first parity, treatments did not differ in the percentage of calves weaned (P = 0.11), weight of calf weaned (P = 0.50), or percentage of cows diagnosed pregnant (P = 0.29) with a second calf. In the second parity, treatments did not differ in the percentage of calves weaned (P = 0.77), weight of calf weaned (P = 0.63), or percentage of cows expressing a corpus luteum at the start of breeding for their third calf (P = 0.21). Our findings suggest that timing nutrient availability to heifers and primiparous cows can be used to change the time that feed resources are used.  相似文献   
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