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对以碧香早为杂交亲本的62个F1代优株进行主要生化成分鉴定评价和遗传多样性分析.结果表明:62个F1代优株生化成分存在丰富的遗传变异,平均变异系数为17.12%,平均遗传多样性指数为2.05.根据UPGMA聚类分析将优株分为3大类,第Ⅰ类群30个优株,第Ⅱ和第Ⅲ类群各16个优株;第Ⅱ类群与第Ⅰ和第Ⅲ类群水浸出物含量存在极显著差异,第Ⅲ类群与第Ⅰ和第Ⅱ类群咖啡碱含量存在极显著差异,各类群间茶多酚、氨基酸和酚氨比两两存在极显著差异.第Ⅰ类群为红绿茶兼制,多以碧香早、保靖黄金茶1号和金萱为亲本,第Ⅱ类群多数适制红茶;第Ⅲ类群适制绿茶,多以碧香早、铁观音和龙井长叶为亲本.筛选出高氨基酸特异优株20个、高茶多酚特异优株16个、高水浸出物特异优株2个.  相似文献   
Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden Ergebnisse aus einem langjährigen N‐Düngungsversuch auf Niedermoor‐grünland dargestellt. Extensivierte Bewirtschaftung hat reduzierte Erträge, eine Veränderung der pflanz‐lichen Inhaltsstoffe und der Pflanzenbestandszusammensetzung an Gräsern und Kräutern zur Folge. Im 3 Jahr nach Aussetzen der N‐Düngung sind Erträge und Inhaltsstoffe der langjährigen Null‐Variante angeglichen. Die Pflanzenbestandszusammensetzung weist dagegen nach 4 Jahren noch Unterschiede auf.  相似文献   
基于三维光谱特征空间的干旱区土壤盐渍化遥感定量研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
丁建丽  姚远  王飞 《土壤学报》2013,50(5):853-861
土壤盐渍化是干旱半干旱区农业发展的重要制约因素,同时也是干旱区所面临的最主要的生态环境问题之一,因而准确获取土壤的盐渍化信息对于实时掌握其分布范围以及合理地开展盐渍化治理工作具有重要意义。选取渭干河--库车河流域绿洲典型盐渍地作为研究区,以Landsat-TM多光谱遥感影像为基础数据源,首先对影像进行最小噪声分离处理(MNF变换)并计算其像元纯度指数(Pixel Purity Index, PPI),选取能表征区域特征信息的前三个波段构建MNF三维光谱特征空间,然后在向量空间和单行体理论的指导下,结合实地调查,提出“植被亮点区”概念,并定义“盐渍化距离指数(Soil Salinization Distance Index, SDI)”为多维向量空间中包含于单行体中的盐渍化像元到“植被亮点区”的归一化距离。最后利用不同盐分环境下的实测数据对SDI进行精度验证。结果显示:在低植被覆盖区,即中度、重度盐渍化区,SDI与0~10cm内土壤盐分含量相关性要高于0~20cm,R2>0.83。在相对高覆盖区,即农田和轻度盐渍化区,SDI与0~20cm内平均盐分含量相关性要高于0~10cm,R2>0.81。0~10cm层二者总体精度R2=0.81,0~20cm层二者相关性总体精度R2=0.72。研究表明,SDI指数模型简单、易于构建,精度较高,具有一定的应用价值,有利于干旱区区域大尺度盐渍化的定量分析和监测工作。*  相似文献   
There is increasing evidence that microorganisms participate in soil C sequestration and stabilization in the form of resistant microbial residues. The type of fertilizers influences microbial activity and community composition; however, little is known about its effect on the microbial residues and their relative contribution to soil C storage. The aim of this study was to investigate the long-term impact (21 years) of different fertilizer treatments (chemical fertilizer, crop straw, and organic manure) on microbial residues in a silty clay loam soil (Udolls, USDA Soil Taxonomy). Amino sugars were used to indicate the presence and origin of microbial residues. The five treatments were: CK, unfertilized control; NPK, chemical fertilizer NPK; NPKS1, NPK plus crop straw; NPKS2, NPK plus double amounts of straw; and NPKM, NPK plus pig manure. Long-term application of inorganic fertilizers and organic amendments increased the total amino sugar concentrations (4.4–8.4 %) as compared with the control; and this effect was more evident in the plots that continuously received pig manure (P?<?0.05). The increase in total amino sugar stock was less pronounced in the straw-treated plots than the NPKM. These results indicate that the accumulation of soil amino sugars is largely influenced by the type of organic fertilizers entering the soil. Individual amino sugar enrichment in soil organic carbon was differentially influenced by the various fertilizer treatments, with a preferential accumulation of bacterial-derived amino sugars compared with fungal-derived glucosamine in manured soil.  相似文献   
黑龙江省大豆新品系抗灰斑病鉴定结果   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
试验是从1987-2000年14年间对黑龙江省各大豆育种单位育成的新品系在进入区试或生试阶段统一进行抗灰斑病鉴定。对供试的638份大豆品系鉴定结果表明,高抗品系55份,抗病品系80份,中抗品系210份,感病和高感品系303份。对鉴定结果进一步分析看出,1994年以前的大豆新品系抗病性明显好于1994年以后的,1994年以前高抗、抗病、中抗、感病和高感材料的百分率分别为22.7%、11.2%、29%、37%;1994年以后高抗、抗病、中抗、感病和高感材料分别为0.2%、11.5%、38.7%、49.6%,其中高抗材料所占比例明显下降,中抗和感病材料所占比例明显上升。  相似文献   
我国白菜型油菜北方小油菜冬、春不同生态型3个品种的染色体核型研究结果表明,它们的染色体数皆为2n=20,相对长度最短为6.74%(门源油菜),最长为15.77%(关中油菜)。染色体核型公式为代2n=20=12m+6sm+25t(2SAT)。3个品种冬、春生态型间的染色体臂比总数、着丝粒指数、最长与最短染色体比值及染色体组长度存在一些差异。  相似文献   
Every physiological function in the human body exhibits some form of circadian rhythmicity. Under pathological conditions, however, circadian rhythmicity may be dusrupted. Patients infected with HIV or addicted to drugs of abuse often suffer from sleep disorders and altered circadian rhythms. Early studies in Drosophila suggested that drug seeking behavior might be related to the expression of certain circadian clock genes. Our previous research showed that conditioned place preference with morphine treatment was altered in mice lacking the Period-1 (mPer1) circadian clock gene. Thus, we sought to investigate whether morphine treatment could alter the expression of mPer1, especially in brain regions outside the SCN and in peripheral tissues. Our results using Western blot analysis showed that the mPER1 immunoreactivity exhibited a strong circadian rhythm in the brains of the control (Con), morphine-dependent (MD), and morphine-withdrawal (MW) mice. However, the phase of the circadian rhythm of mPER1 expression in the brains of MD mice significantly differed from that of the Con mice (p < 0.05). In contrast to mPER1 expression in the brain, the circadian rhythm of mPER1 immunoreactivity in the kidneys was abolished after morphine administration, whereas the Con mice maintained robust circadian rhythmicity of mPER1 in the kidney. Therefore, the effect of morphine on the circadian clock gene mPer1 may vary among different organs, resulting in desynchronization of circadian function between the SCN and peripheral organs.  相似文献   
Enzymatic oxidation of tyrosine side-chains in proteins could produce reactive o-quinones that might subsequently react with the primary amino groups of functional compounds, which provided a worthwhile reference for functionalization of fibrion materials. In the present work the potential for using tyrosinase to graft the bovine lactoferrin onto Bombyx mori silk fibroin was examined. Lactoferrin could adsorb onto silk fibers and covalently bind to the previous enzymatically oxidized fibroin surface. The enzyme-generated quinones in silk fibers also might cause self-crosslinking of fibroin peptides, which led to beneficial changes of silk properties. For the fabric treated with tyrosinase and lactoferrin slight improvements of dyeability and strength were obtained in comparison to the control. The combinedly treated fabric showed encouraging resistance to S. aureus and E. coli, the antibacterial activities reached to 87.0 % and 76.4 %, respectively. The durability of the antibacterial silk was noticeably higher than that of the sample treated with lactoferrin alone.  相似文献   
阐述了AB型增粒剂在杂交稻制种田应用后,对于改善不育系异交性能、提高异交结实率及制种产量有各种特殊功效,并提出了该剂正确应用方法和配套应用技术。  相似文献   
气候变暖和人类活动导致青藏高原高寒草地生态系统面临空前挑战,为增强青藏牧区应对气候变化的能力,合理利用高寒草地资源,减少天然畜牧业温室气体排放,增加牧民收入和生计韧性。本研究团队承担实施了农业农村部(MARA)-世界银行(WB)-全球环境基金(GEF)气候智慧型草地管理技术研究,在青海省祁连县默勒镇实施牧民参与式的春季休牧和免耕补播等天然草地管理技术,监测草地植被多样性和生产力,通过卫星影像计算了研究区植被的归一化植被指数(NDVI),并对气候智慧型草地管理产生的社会影响、满意度和牧民经济情况进行调查的任务。气候智慧型草地管理技术试点和调查在默勒镇取得了丰富成果,草地生产力在春季休牧和免耕补播下分别提高了34.1%和50.0%,2种恢复措施均在一定程度上增加了草地植被多样性,NDVI显示恢复措施下的植被长势要好于对照地,此外,牧民对气候智慧型草地管理技术的满意程度达88.6%,实施管理技术直接或间接的增加了项目户牧民的收入,当地约80.0%的牧民的科学素养都有所提高。气候智慧型草地管理技术可以提高草地植被多样性、生产力和绿度覆盖,并且可以增加牧民收入,改善牧民生活环境,提高牧民科学素质,增强牧民应对气候变化的能力,从而助力牧区振兴。  相似文献   
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