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Engagement for transformation: Value webs for local food system development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Engagement happens when academics and non-academics form partnerships to create mutual understanding, and then take action together. An example is the “value web” work associated with W. K. Kellogg Foundation’s Food Systems Higher Education–Community Partnership. Partners nationally work on local food systems development by building value webs. “Value chains,” a concept with considerable currency in the private sector, involves creating non-hierarchical relationships among otherwise disparate actors and entities to achieve collective common goals. The value web concept is extended herein by separating the values of the web itself, such as the value of collaboration, from values “in” the web, such as credence values associated with a product or service. By sharing and discussing case examples of work underway around the United States, the authors make a case for employing the value webs concept to represent a strategy for local food systems development, specifically, and for higher education–community partnerships, generally.
Daniel R. BlockEmail:

Daniel R. Block   is an associate professor of geography and coordinator of the Frederick Blum Neighborhood Assistance Center at Chicago State University. His current research focuses on food access issues in urban environments, particularly in Chicago. Michael Thompson   is an assistant professor at Oregon State University, and a Seafood and Fisheries specialist for Oregon Sea Grant Extension. Primary areas of research include fisheries management, seafood quality/handling, and seafood product development. Jill Euken   is an industrial specialist for biobased products for Iowa State University Extension/CIRAS, and deputy director, ISU Bioeconomy Institute. She was part of the steering team for the Iowa Value Chain Partnership for Sustainable Agriculture and led the Bioeconomy Working Group. Toni Liquori   is a nutritionist, teacher and food activist with a long time interest in the design, implementation, and evaluation of school-based intervention programs and coalition building for activism around food related issues, as well as teaching and training in public health. Frank Fear   is senior associate dean, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources; and professor, in the Department of Community, Agriculture, Recreation and Resources Studies; and Senior Outreach Fellow at Michigan State University. He is lead author of Coming to Critical Engagement (University Press of America, 2006), an analysis of the engagement movement in higher education; and recently completed two terms as president of the Greater Lansing Food Bank. Sherill Baldwin   is ecology director at Mercy Center at Madison, Connecticut, a spiritual retreat and conference center. She previously provided consulting services to CitySeed, Inc. in New Haven (CT) and to Frank Fear and the W. K. Kellogg Foundation for a community learning project related to sustainable food systems. She has an MS in Resource Development from Michigan State University and a BA in Solid Waste Management from the University of Massachusetts.  相似文献   
Ethanol can contribute to energy and environmental goals   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
To study the potential effects of increased biofuel use, we evaluated six representative analyses of fuel ethanol. Studies that reported negative net energy incorrectly ignored coproducts and used some obsolete data. All studies indicated that current corn ethanol technologies are much less petroleum-intensive than gasoline but have greenhouse gas emissions similar to those of gasoline. However, many important environmental effects of biofuel production are poorly understood. New metrics that measure specific resource inputs are developed, but further research into environmental metrics is needed. Nonetheless, it is already clear that large-scale use of ethanol for fuel will almost certainly require cellulosic technology.  相似文献   
Several members of the bacterial genus Brenneria are pathogenic on different tree species. Cell-free extracts from the bacterial phytopathogens Brenneria rubrifaciens, B. salicis, and B. nigrifluens induced production of the red pigment rubrifacine in the B. rubrifaciens bruI insertional mutant Br-212. Analysis of the bruI locus identified an adjacent open reading frame, designated bruR, with homology to luxR. High-performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry analysis of ethyl acetate extracts from wild-type B. rubrifaciens and Escherichia coli expressing the bruI gene identified two acyl homoserine lactone (AHL) peaks, N-(3-oxohexanoyl)-homoserine lactone (3OC6HSL) and N-hexanoyl-homoserine lactone (C6HSL). Addition of synthetic 3OC6HSL and C6HSL at 10 μM to the bruI mutant, strain Br-212, induced rubrifacine production and the ability to elicit a hypersensitive reaction (HR) in tobacco leaves. Synthetic C6HSL was less effective at inducing pigment production than 3OC6HSL at 10 μM. The bruI mutant Br-212 did not produce detectable AHLs, indicating that C6HSL and 3OC6HSL are the major AHLs produced by this species. The AHLs N-heptanoyl-DL-homoserine lactone (C7HSL), N-octanoyl-DL-homoserine lactone (C8HSL), and N-(3-oxooctanoyl)-DL-homoserine lactone (3OC8HSL) also induced pigment production in Br-212 and restored its ability to elicit an HR in tobacco, suggesting that cross-talk with other bacterial species may be possible.  相似文献   
In barley no studies have attempted to pinpoint the critical period for grain number determination, and it is frequently stated that the critical period is similar to that of wheat. However, there are important differences between the species and among barley genotypes (i.e. two- and six-rowed types) suggesting that this assumption requires testing. The objectives of this paper were (i) to determine the critical period for grain number determination in two- and six-rowed barleys, and (ii) to identify which yield components were more sensitive to changes in incident radiation during that period.

Two field experiments were conducted using two pairs of near isogenic lines differing only in the spike type. Shading was imposed at different periods throughout the crop cycle (from 60 days before heading to 15 days after) to reduce incident solar radiation approximately 70%.

The critical period for grain number determination tended to be slightly earlier in two- (ca. between 40 and 10 days before heading) than in six-rowed barleys (ca. between 30 days before heading until that stage). In terms of the external phenology, the beginning of the critical period for setting grains was 10 days after the beginning of stem elongation, and 10 days before flag leaf appearance in two- and six-rowed lines, respectively. Changes in the number of grains per unit area were correlated with crop growth rate during the critical period for yield determination.  相似文献   

The use of multivariate analysis (MVA) methods in the processing of time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) data has become increasingly more common. MVA presents a powerful set of tools to aid the user in processing data from complex, multicomponent surfaces such as biological materials and biosensors. When properly used, MVA can help the user identify the major sources of differences within a sample or between samples, determine where certain compounds exist on a sample, or verify the presence of compounds that have been engineered into the surface. Of all the MVA methods, principal component analysis (PCA) is the most commonly used and forms an excellent starting point for the application of many of the other methods employed to process ToF-SIMS data. Herein we discuss the application of PCA and other MVA methods to multicomponent ToF-SIMS data and provide guidelines on their application and use.  相似文献   
Cancer and infectious diseases continue to be a major public health problem, and new drugs are necessary. As marine organisms are well known to provide a wide range of original compounds, the aim of this study was to investigate the bioactivity of the main constituents of the cosmopolitan red alga, Sphaerococcus coronopifolius. The structure of several bromoditerpenes was determined by extensive spectroscopic analysis and comparison with literature data. Five molecules were isolated and characterized which include a new brominated diterpene belonging to the rare dactylomelane family and named sphaerodactylomelol (1), along with four already known sphaerane bromoditerpenes (2–5). Antitumor activity was assessed by cytotoxicity and anti-proliferative assays on an in vitro model of human hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG-2 cells). Antimicrobial activity was evaluated against four pathogenic microorganisms: Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans. Compound 4 exhibited the highest antimicrobial activity against S. aureus (IC50 6.35 µM) and compound 5 the highest anti-proliferative activity on HepG-2 cells (IC50 42.9 µM). The new diterpene, sphaerodactylomelol (1), induced inhibition of cell proliferation (IC50 280 µM) and cytotoxicity (IC50 720 µM) on HepG-2 cells and showed antimicrobial activity against S. aureus (IC50 96.3 µM).  相似文献   
The Nilwala Ganga Basin of Sri Lanka includes important natural wetlands that are habitat for vulnerable animal and plant species. Flood protection and intensive rice production in the Basin have resulted in degraded acid soils and declining rice yields. However, traditional ‘maavee’ rice production outside the flood protection scheme has continued to generate a high-value rice product. This study reports on interviews conducted with farmers and other stakeholders to document the production practices and the potential environmental and economic benefits associated with maavee rice paddies. The maavee production system has prevailed for at least several decades. Farmers apply no chemicals to their paddies, relying instead on alluvial deposits as a source of nutrients, and on the natural pest and disease resistance of their traditional varieties. The maavee rice product can attain three times the selling price of rice from conventional farms making it more economically viable than conventional rice production. However, much of maavee production is for home consumption and the system is threatened by increasing labour costs, an ageing farming population and pressures to increase rice yields. Non-invasive production practices and the proximity of maavee paddies to regenerating wetlands in the Kirala Kele Sanctuary suggest that traditional paddies may constitute an important habitat for vulnerable wildlife; however, maavee farmers also perceive wetland birds as potentially damaging to rice. Based on a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis, we make recommendations for future research needs and potential management actions to safeguard the environmental and economic sustainability of the maavee system.  相似文献   
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