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Abstract. Fingerlings of the three major types of Indian carp, i.e. Catla catla (Hamilton), Labeo rohita (Hamilton) and Cirrhunas mrigala (Hamilton), were immunized using a haemolysin-negative mutant of Aeromonas hydrophila . Very high titres of antibodies were induced in C. catla , followed by C. mrigala and L. rohita . Immunized fish showed good protection against homologous challenge. Moderate protection against heterologous challenge was observed in C. mrigala and L. rohita .  相似文献   
The culture of Litopenaeus vannamei in inland low salinity waters is currently being practiced in various countries around the world. These environments are often deficient in key ions essential for normal physiological function, including potassium (K+) and magnesium (Mg2+). Farmers have sometimes been able to counteract ionic deficiencies in the water profile by adding mineral salts containing sources of K+ and Mg2+. The purpose of this study was to explore the possibility of correcting deficiencies of K+ and Mg2+ in the water profile with dietary supplementation of these minerals. Two separate 7‐week experiments were conducted in 4.0 g−1 artificial low salinity water to evaluate the effects of mineral supplements (K+, Mg2+ and NaCl) to diets of L. vannamei reared in low salinity waters. In trial 1 seven diets were formulated (10 g NaCl kg−1, 20 g NaCl kg−1, 150 mg kg−1 Mg2+, 300 mg kg−1 Mg2+, 5 g K+ kg−1, 10 g K+ kg−1, and a basal diet to serve as a control). Minerals were added in the form of purified potassium chloride (KCl), magnesium chloride (MgCl2·6H2O) and NaCl. Trial 2 evaluated the use of a coating agent for the Mg2+ and NaCl treatments, while a K+ amino acid complex was utilized in the K+ treatments to reduce mineral leaching. Trial 2 was performed using similar treatment levels as trial 1. Shrimp survival and growth were assessed in both experiments. Results from trial 1 indicated no significant differences in survival, growth or percent weight gain. Results from trial 2 revealed no significant differences in survival and growth in the NaCl and Mg2+ treatments. However, significant differences in growth (P < 0.05) were observed when using the 10 g K+ kg−1 treatment, suggesting that dietary supplementation of a K+ amino acid complex may help improve growth of the species in low salinity waters.  相似文献   
Heritabilities of size traits and growth rate traits, as well as genetic, phenotypic and environmental correlations were estimated at three ages for a captive population of Pacific white shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) grown indoors. A covariate, mean size or mean growth rate during early growth in individual tanks before tagging and mixing, was introduced in the analyses to reduce the error caused by unique previous growth conditions on variance components. Heritabilities of size traits increased with age, with the h2 for TL, AL, TWt and Wi1AS being 0.15, 0.20, 0.20 and 0.22, respectively, at 17 weeks, increasing to 0.28, 0.33, 0.34 and 0.35 at 29 weeks of age. Heritabilities of growth rate traits estimated between consecutive growth periods decreased from the first (h2 for ΔTL 0.65, ΔAL 0.71, ΔTWt 0.63 and ΔWi1AS 0.84) to the second period (h2 for ΔTL 0.34, ΔAL 0.50, ΔTWt 0.54 and ΔWi1AS 0.52). Phenotypic correlations were always larger than genetic correlations for both, size and growth rate traits. Genetic correlations between size traits within age were high (rG >0.95), but those between the same size trait at different ages decreased as the age difference increased in spite of a consistently high environmental correlation (rE 0.80–0.85) between the same trait at different ages. Phenotypic and genetic correlation's between the same growth rate trait at the two different growth periods evaluated were negative or zero (rG TL –0.26, AL –0.24, Wi1AS 0.00) with the exception of total weight (rG TW 0.35) and the environmental correlations between growth periods were also low (rE 0.13–0.32).  相似文献   
Larvae and post-larvae of Penaeus vannamei (Boone) were submitted to primary challenge with infectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis virus (IHHNV) or formalin-inactivated white spot syndrome virus (WSSV). Survival rate and viral load were evaluated after secondary per os challenge with WSSV at post-larval stage 45 (PL45). Only shrimp treated with inactivated WSSV at PL35 or with IHHNV infection at nauplius 5, zoea 1 and PL22 were alive (4.7% and 4%, respectively) at 10 days post-infection (p.i.). Moreover, at 9 days p.i. there was 100% mortality in all remaining treatments, while there was 94% mortality in shrimp treated with inactivated WSSV at PL35 and 95% mortality in shrimp previously treated with IHHNV at N5, Z1 and PL22. Based on viral genome copy quantification by real-time PCR, surviving shrimp previously challenged with IHHNV at PL22 contained the lowest load of WSSV (0-1x10(3) copies microg-1 of DNA). In addition, surviving shrimp previously exposed to inactivated WSSV at PL35 also contained few WSSV (0-2x10(3) copies microg-1 of DNA). Consequently, pre-exposure to either IHHNV or inactivated WSSV resulted in slower WSSV replication and delayed mortality. This evidence suggests a protective role of IHHNV as an interfering virus, while protection obtained by inactivated WSSV might result from non-specific antiviral immune response.  相似文献   
Seeds of Johnsongrass [Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.] germinated to higher percentages (20–30% higher) when incubated at 28 and 35° C than at 10 or 22° C. After-ripening was accelerated by dry storage of these seeds at 50°C. Seeds pre-chilled at 6°C for 2–4 weeks followed by incubation at 28°C germinated 40–60%. Light effects on germination were related to incubation temperatures; inhibitory at 22°C; no response at 28°C; and stimulatory at 35°C. Effects of gibberellin A3 (GA3) also varied depending on incubation temperature, sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) immersion and light conditions. Immersion of dry seeds in either 700 mM NaOCl, 900 mM H2O2 or concentrated H2SO4 before incubation in water was effective in breaking dormancy. This result suggests the modes of action of H2SO4 in the termination of dormancy may be similar to those of NaOCl and H2SO4 as previously suggested by Hsiao & Quick (1984), that is by modification or scarification of the hull or seed coat membranes, and also by the supply of additional oxygen to the seed.  相似文献   
Delamination is the most common failure mode in laminated composites due to the reduced strength in the through-the-thickness direction. Air-jet texturing was used to provide more surface contact between the fibres and the resin by producing bulk and loops in the yarn. The development and characterization of core-and-effect textured glass yarns and the effect of texturing on the mechanical properties of laminated composites were presented in the previous papers. This paper describes the effect of texturing on the inter-laminar fracture toughness (Mode I) of glass laminated composites. The composites of twill weave fabrics were developed from both the textured and non-textured yarn and fracture toughness is tested in warp and weft directions. Significant improvement was observed in the Mode I fracture toughness of the composites after texturing. The bulkier, loopy structure of the textured yarn provided more surface contact between the fibre and the resin and significantly improved the bonding strength.  相似文献   
In Sweden, forest research has been emphasised on mainly two species of wood, i.e. pine and spruce. However, we have also a number of hardwoods which could be utilised for furniture manufacturing, cabinets etc. Nowadays, these hardwoods are a slumbering resource in our country. Most of our broad leafed species are found as small stands inside our soft wood forests and hence not utilised in the most profitable way. For example, much of our birch wood is ground to paper fibres even if it would be perfect for high valued veneer. Instead, most of our birch. veneer is imported from Finland. In order to increase the interest for Swedish hardwoods we therefore have started research in this field and have now designed a chair made of ash wood,Fraxinus excelsior. Most chairs are made up of structural elements called indetermined frames which makes it a rather tedious task to analyse the internal forces in the frame. However, by using the Finite Element Method, FEM, it has been possible to reduce this drawback. This paper shows how a chair could be analysed, and designed, by use of methods common in other disciplines than furniture manufacturing. We also present results, in the form of stress-strain diagrams, from tests made on Swedish ash.The author wants to thank NUTEK, the Swedish National Board for Industrial and Technical Development for financial support and professor Larsgunnar Nilsson who provided the FEM-program PCFEMP, which was used for all the calculations. Acknowledgement is also made to Bo Skoog who elaborated all testings of the wood specimens  相似文献   
Summary A central composition design was developed to study the influence of process variables (temperature, pulping time, sulphite concentration, anthraquinone concentration and liquid/solid relation) on the properties of pulps (yield, holocellulose, α-cellulose and lignin contents, and brightness) and the paper sheets (stretch, burst index and tear index) obtained from them, in the sulphite pulping of olive tree wood. Equations that reproduce the properties of pulps prepared by sulphite pulping and of paper sheets obtained from it are reported. The proposed equations fit the experimental yield and the holocellulose and α-cellulose contents of the pulps with errors less than 5%, as well as brightness with errors less than 10%. Also, they reproduce the lignin content of the pulps, and the stretch, burst index and tear index of the paper sheets with errors less than 15%. Obtaining pulps with acceptably high yield, holocellulose and α-cellulose contents, and also a high brightness, in addition to low lignin contents, entails operating at a temperature of 193 °C for 143 min, using a sulphite concentration of 19.85%, an anthraquinone concentration of 0.1% and a liquid/solid relation of 6.24. These are also the most suitable conditions for obtaining paper sheets with a high stretch, burst index and tear index. Received 23 April 1998  相似文献   
Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam. ssp. italicum Volkart ex Schinz et Keller) thrives well in permanent grassland in mild and moist regions of Switzerland. Ecotypes of Italian ryegrass from Swiss permanent meadows have often been used successfully as the base material of breeding programmes. However, their agronomic performance per se has never been studied in detail. Therefore, field trials were conducted to assess the potential of this semi-natural genetic resource for use in breeding. Twenty ecotype populations were collected in different geographical regions in 2003 and seed was increased. Plot trials with 20 ecotype populations were conducted 2005–2007 at three locations, supplemented by row trials at two additional locations, and including four currently recommended cultivars as controls. Average performance in terms of yield, vigour and resistance to snow mould of ecotypes was superior to the cultivars. Depending on the characteristic, between three and 16 of the 20 ecotypes performed significantly better than the cultivars mean. However, resistance against crown rust of all ecotypes was significantly poorer than that of the cultivars. Correlation and regression analysis showed that more eastern and more northern collecting sites harboured better performing ecotypes. However, the most consistent site related factor favouring performance of the ecotypes in terms of yield, vigour, snow mould and Xanthomonas resistance was a low abundance of species which are typical of Arrhenatheretum type meadows. Data from the plot trials were related to results obtained with spaced plants at a single site, either in a seedling nursery or in the greenhouse. Resistance against crown rust was extremely well predicted by spaced plant observations. Xanthomonas resistance observed after artificial inoculation in the greenhouse was also significantly, but less closely correlated with field observations. An early date of ear emergence as observed on spaced plants was associated with high annual yield in the plot trials. It is concluded that in intensively managed habitats, natural selection has resulted in ecotype populations of Italian ryegrass which are highly promising for use in breeding. Individual plant selection for resistance can be expected to efficiently reduce their high susceptibility to crown rust.  相似文献   
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