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Balenine is one of the endogenous imidazole dipeptides. It is composed of beta-alanine and 3-methyl-l-histidine, which exist mainly in the muscles and the brain. The exact biological properties of balenine are still not well known, although the antioxidant activity of carnosine, another imidazole dipeptide, is known. In this study we investigated whether balenine exhibits antioxidant activity. It was found to decrease the superoxide anion (O2) and increased hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) generation. We found that SOD activity increased in balenine-treated C2C12 myotubes, although balenine did not increase expression of SOD mRNA. On the other hand, there were no changes in other antioxidant enzymes, CAT and GPX activity, and mRNA levels. In an in vitro assay, the direct activation of SOD treated by balenine was significantly higher than with carnosine treatment. Moreover, balenine constituent amino acids did not have the ability to activate SOD. Our results suggest that balenine contributes to antioxidant effects through activation of SOD.

A reovirus, designated mud crab reovirus (MCRV), associated with large economic losses was recently isolated from marine cultured mud crab, Scylla serrata, in southern China. The complete viral particle is 70 nm in diameter, icosahedral and non-enveloped. The virus infects connective tissue cells of the hepatopancreas, gills and intestine in mud crab and develops in the cytoplasm. Hundred per cent mortality was observed in mud crab experimentally infected by intramuscular injection, bath inoculation and oral inoculation, while cohabitation infection caused 80% mortality. The viral genome consists of 13 linear dsRNA segments, with an electrophoretic pattern 1/5/7. The results of this study suggest that the virus is highly pathogenic and can be transmitted enterically as well as via the body surface of mud crab. Although the genomic organization of this virus is different from that of the other crab reoviruses, CcRV-W2 and DpPV, all three of these reoviruses have similar electrophoresis patterns. Therefore, MCRV may be a new member of the DpPV and CcRV-W2 group.  相似文献   
The earthworm is one of the typical saprophagous organisms that has been successfully used to convert organic waste into biomass. Indeed, vermicomposting occurs throughout the world. More recently, research on pharmaceuticals derived from earthworms, known as green biomedicine, has been increasing. As a result, earthworms have become an international medicine, even though their original utilization in traditional medicine has been known for thousands of years. With the development of biomedicine, scientists have rediscovered the medicinal value of earthworms related to many chemical components, including (1) earthworm proteases (lumbrokinase, collagenase, superoxide dismutase, cholinesterase, catalases, glycosidases); (2) metal-binding protein (metallothionein, calmodulin-binding protein); (3) other active proteins including those with proliferative improving activity like lysenin, eiseniapore, antitumor proteins, and glycoprotein; (4) active peptides (gut mobility regulation peptide, antibacterial peptide); (5) earthworm metabolites (carbamidine, lumbrinin, lumbrofobrin, terrestrolumbrolysin); (6) special organic acids (succinic acid, lauric acid, and unsaturated fatty acid) and (7) other components such as purin, vitamin B, tyrosine and Se. In this paper, we mainly describe earthworm fibrinolytic enzymes and antibacterial peptides in particular.  相似文献   
Cellulase activities of Anoplophora glabripennis (Motsch.) adults from two host plants (Populus simonii × P.pyramidliscr cv.Opera Hsu.and Salix matsudana Koidz) fed on three different host tree species (Acer negundo Linn.,S.matsudana Koidz and P.simonii × P.pyramidliscr cv.Opera Hsu.) were investigated.Enzyme activities of endoglucanase and β-glucosidase in the intestines of the insects were measured.The results show that there are no statistically significant differences in the enzyme activities of endoglu...  相似文献   
大豆室内耐冷筛选及其在田间的应用研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本试验把生长箱大豆耐低温萌发筛选与田间早春播研究相结合,验证耐低温发芽的可靠性。在实验室,萌发期表现抗冷的大豆,田间出昔期仍表现抗冷或较抗冷。实验表明,大豆出苗的生物学最低温度平均为7.1℃,所需有效积温136℃。地温的高低直接影响大豆早春出苗的多寡,两者呈密切的正相关。黄、青、黑豆中,以黑豆抵抗早春不良气候条件的能力最强。  相似文献   
孙珍凉 《福建稻麦科技》2006,24(1):18-18,28
为解决水稻旱育秧生产工序复杂,苗期病虫害重,死苗多等难题;试验应用由江苏里下河地区农业科学研究所研制的以药肥缓释高吸水种衣剂“旱育保姆”实施种子包衣,以常规旱育秧为对照,比较观察了该技术在促进种子出苗、防治苗期病虫害、提高秧苗素质以及大田生长发育与产量形成的优  相似文献   
密度是表达林分结构的重要指标,立地条件、树种及林龄不同时,其林分最佳密度也不相同。笔者以湘西桤木人工林为研究对象,采用数量化方法I和非线性回归分析方法,对2009年和2010年调查的78块标准地数据进行数据分析处理与建模。结果表明:(1)平均高、公顷株数、土层厚度、龄组、坡向、坡位、自然灾害、海拔、树种组成8种因子中,平均高、公顷株数、土层厚度和龄组对湘西桤木人工林平均木材积和单位面积蓄积量均有显著性影响,而海拔和树种组成对湘西桤木人工林平均木材积和单位面积蓄积量均无显著性影响。这对建立桤木人工林蓄积量与密度、平均高收集数据时提供理论指导,同时既能节省外业调查费用,又能保证建模数据的科学性。(2)建立了湘西8~10年桤木人工林蓄积量与密度、平均高相关关系模型: ,建模精度为96.8458%,平均相对误差为1.1334%。模型适应性检验表明,残差值呈对称均匀分布,其平均相对误差为-1.2156%。(3)该地区8~10年桤木人林的最佳经营密度为800~1000株/hm2。这对于合理地经营和管理湘西桤木人工林具有重要的理论和实际指导意义。  相似文献   
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