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木豆胞质雄性不育系柱头活力研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在中国南部地区南宁市(位于北纬22°49′、东经107°45′)大田生产条件下对2个木豆胞质雄性不育系ICPA 2039和ICPA 2043花期柱头活力进行研究,发现柱头活力始于开花前2d并维持至开花后4d,活力峰值出现在开花当日;人工授粉成荚率ICPA 2039和ICPA 2043分别为84.0 %和82.0 %;柱头活力期可通过花冠/花萼长度比来判定,ICPA 2039和ICPA 2043分别为2.75±0.075和2.60±0.283.柱头活力周期越长,获得虫媒授粉的异交机会越多,因此柱头活力周期是杂交育种成功率的一个重要技术参数,长的活力周期也是种子生产获得高产的保证.  相似文献   
Two trials were conducted to determine the effects of dietary enrichments with the microalga Parietochloris incisa , rich in arachidonic acid (ARA), on stress resistance in guppies Poecilia reticulata . The microalga was added to commercial diets as a neutral lipid (NL) extract and its fractions or as broken cells. Experimental diets were applied for a period of 14 days. In trial 1, commercial diets were supplemented with NL (containing 25 mg ARA and 0.11 mg β-carotene g−1 feed), its triacylglycerol (TAG) fraction (containing 25 mg ARA g−1 feed and no β-carotene) and the β-carotene fraction (containing 0.11 mg carotenoid g−1 feed and minute amounts of ARA). Neutral lipid-fed fish demonstrated the highest resistance ( P <0.05) to osmotic stress (32-ppt NaCl), followed by fish fed with diets supplemented with TAG and β-carotene alone, which were more resistant than control ( P <0.05). In trial 2, fish fed diets supplemented with higher levels of broken alga (26.1 mg ARA g−1 feed) were more resistant ( P <0.05) to stress as compared with fish fed lower ARA (16.3 mg g g−1) or an unsupplemented control diet. We suggest a dietary supplementation with broken P. incisa cells to enhance stress resistance in guppies before a stressful event.  相似文献   
Maize gluten (a byproduct from the starch industry) was used at four different levels (5, 10, 15 and 20% w/w) replacing the fish meal, a component of supplementary diet, under a semi-intensive culture system. The impact of different diets on the physico-chemical parameters of water, growth and flesh quality of catla, Catla catla; rohu, Labeo rohita; and mrigal, Cirrhina mrigala was studied. Growth in terms of body weight gain was highest when fed a diet having 5% maize gluten (replacing fish meal at 25% level) for all the fish species. However, incorporation of maize gluten at higher levels led to decline in growth, since maize gluten is deficient in essential amino acids like methionine, lysine and threonine, etc. The flesh quality in terms of total protein, total lipid, total sugar, moisture and total ash was also determined at the termination of the experiment to see whether there was any significant variation with the incorporation of maize gluten or not.  相似文献   
Effects of feeding different levels of vegetable fibre to normal and non-insulin dependent diabetics were studied. Influences of a control diet (diet with no vegetable fibre) and a purified fibre diet (Isapgol) were compared to results achieved with different levels of several vegetables. A negative correlation between the level of fibre and blood glucose levels in terms of mean percent peak rise, AUC, and per cent glycemic response was shown. Bitter gourd was more effective than the leafy vegetables. Even though the trend in post prandial glucose levels was same for both normal and diabetic subjects, the metabolic response varied significantly between the two groups.  相似文献   
Open Government Data (OGD) initiatives are picking up across the globe with their emphasis upon the tenets of transparency, collaboration, and participation. While much of the research has remained confined at unraveling the theoretical and conceptual dimensions of OGD, empirical investigations are visibly lacking, especially in the African context. Using a qualitative research methodology, we analyze the responses received from relevant stakeholders—representatives from public and private sector—regarding their views about the OGD initiative in Tanzania. Our findings show that the OGD initiative in Tanzania is in an emerging stage and there are barriers (organizational, social, legal, and technical) toward instituting a robust OGD initiative in the country. Further, we find that there is inertia among the government departments in terms of publishing data sets. Our findings provide a sounding board for further research on the sustainability of OGD initiatives in Tanzania and the other African countries, by and large.  相似文献   
The effect of dichlone (2,3-dichloro-1,4-naphthoquinone) on photoautotrophic, photoheterotrophic and heterotrophic growth, and respiration of Rhodospirillum rubrum (a nonsulfur purple bacterium) was studied to elucidate the mechanism of action of this toxicant on photosynthetic bacteria. The photosynthetic growth with malate or with hydrogen and CO2 was inhibited by dichlone. Light respiration of photoheterotrophically grown cells, unlike their dark respiration, was found to be insensitive to dichlone. Although dichlone caused an inhibition of the respiration of dark-grown cells, such cells were able to grow in the presence of dichlone after a lag. Light-dependent 14C-substrate incorporation by photoheterotrophic or photoautotrophic cells was found to be relatively more sensitive to dichlone than oxidative substrate incorporation by heterotrophic cells. Short-term exposure of the light-grown cells to dichlone resulted in an irreparable loss of their ability to grow photosynthetically and photoassimilate 14C-substrates. Menadione (2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone), a synthetic vitamin K, failed to affect these reactions to a significant extent at comparable concentrations. The findings suggest that dichlone causes an irreversible damage to some primary photosynthetic reaction in chromatophores, whereas the damage caused to the dark heterotrophic metabolism of the cell is less severe and repairable. The inhibitory action of dichlone does not appear to be via the formation of semiquinone free radicals.  相似文献   
1. The primary antibody response to sheep erythrocytes was determined by haemagglutination test in guinea fowl. The effects of various genetic and non‐genetic factors on immune response to sheep RBCs in guinea fowl were also estimated.

2. The immune response to sheep RBCs was normally distributed in guinea fowl with mean titre at 1.534 ± 0.014.

3. In guinea fowl, effects on titre values of sire and variety (feather colour) were significant whereas sex and sex × variety interaction effects were non‐significant.

4. The estimate of heritability for immune response to sheep RBCs in guinea fowl was 0.35 ±0.17.  相似文献   

  1. A comparative analysis of caecum and crop microbiota of chick, grower and adult stages of Indian indigenous chickens was conducted to investigate the role of the microbiota of the gastrointestinal tract, which play an important role in host performance, health and immunity.

  2. High-throughput Illumina sequencing was performed for V3, V4 and V4-V6 hypervariable regions of the 16S rRNA gene. M5RNA and M5NR databases under MG-RAST were used for metagenomic datasets annotation.

  3. In the crop, Firmicutes (~78%) and Proteobacteria (~16%) were the predominant phyla whereas in the caecum, Firmicutes (~50%), Bacteroidetes (~29%) and Actinobacteria (~10%) were predominant. The Shannon-Wiener diversity index suggested that sample richness and diversity increased as the chicken aged.

  4. For the first time, the presence of Lactobacillus species such as L. frumenti, L. antri, L. mucosae in the chicken crop along with Kineococcus radiotolerans, Desulfohalobium retbaense and L. jensenii in the caecum are reported. Many of these bacterial species have been found to be involved in immune response modulation and disease prevention in pigs and humans. The gut microbiome of the indigenous chicken was enriched with microbes having probiotic potential which might be essential for their adaptability.

The study aimed to investigate the effect of feed supplements, viz Lactobacillus plantarum LGFCP4 (laboratory isolate from GIT of Guinea fowl), Lactobacillus acidophilus (NCDC, Karnal) and in‐feed antibiotic bacitracin methylene disalicylate (BMD) on growth performance, FCR, carcass traits and immune organs weight, intestinal histomorphometry and gastrointestinal microflora population in broiler chickens. In a completely randomized design, CARIBRO‐Dhanraja broiler chicks (n = 160) were used with four treatment groups. During the entire experimental duration of 35 days, treatment groups were provided with different dietary treatments (T1 – basal diet (negative control), T2 – antibiotic growth promoter BMD 20 g/100 kg feed (positive control), T3 – 1 × 10cfu of L. acidophilus/gm‐fermented feed +MOS 1 g/kg feed and T4 – 1 × 10cfu of laboratory‐isolated L. plantarum LGFCP4/gm‐fermented feed+ MOS 1 g/kg feed. After 35 days of experimental period, no significant results have been observed in different growth performance traits among treatment groups. Cut‐up parts and edible organs' weight remained unaffected by dietary supplementation, whereas weight of immune organs were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in L. plantarum LGFCP4‐supplemented group. At the end of feeding trial, significantly (p < 0.05) lower E. coli count was observed in crop of T4 birds, while in ileum, T2 and T3 showed lower count. In caeca, T2 group showed lowest E. coli count. Salmonella count in crop and ileum was significantly (p < 0.05) low in T3 and T4, while in caeca, T2 group showed lowest count. In terms of histomorphometry, duodenal villous height (VH), crypt depth (CD) and VH:CD ratio were higher for T3 and T4 and lowest values were obtained for T2 group. The results of the study showed that L. plantarum LGFCP4 isolated from GIT of guinea fowl can effectively replace in‐feed antibiotic growth promoters in broiler diets by altering intestinal villi morphology and improving the gut health by reducing the pathogenic microbial load.  相似文献   
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