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INTRODUCTION The Yellow River Delta is formed by the silts from the Yellow River and is rich in natural resources, of which crude oil, natural gas, chemical industry, crude salt, mechanics, food processing, pulp industry, electricity and biology are of primary importance. From 1960s to 1980s, the emphasis was gradually transferred from mere oil exploitation to the sustainable use of natural resources. After a long brewing, at the beginning of new century, Shandong provincial government …  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION After his study in the change of liver cell in human body, Kerr (1972) discovered Programmed Cell Death (PCD), a cell death model totally different from cell necrotic death, in which the cell necrosis usually appears typically as break of the protoplasm membrane and inflammatory leak of cell inclusions, which is a kind of abnormal process. PCD is a kind of active, physiologic death process. This kind of cell death process can helpthe body to eliminate decrepit, excrescent …  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION Fall webworm Hyphantria cunea (Drury) (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae) was an important forest insect pest around the world and also a typical invasive forest pest in China. It attacked a variety of host plants, including many kinds of trees and crops, especially those broad-leaf trees mainly growing on the roadside or on the verge of forest- land, causing serious economic and ecological damage to its new habitat, so it has been listed as a quarantine agent by many countries includi…  相似文献   
Depressed fruit sales in recent years have leftunused many pear refrigeration warehouses(PRWs)located in traditional pear-producingareas of Hebei Province such as Zhao County,Ningjin and Jingzhou.As a consequence,severalproducers have commenced cultivatingFlammulina velutipesin PRWs in order to providethis mushroom during the off-season.However,the environment insidethe PRWs resultedinloweryields and poor quality mushrooms.Amongvarious environmental factors such as temperature,illuminati…  相似文献   
一、低量喷雾技术 指单位面积上施药量不变,将农药原液稍微稀释,用水量相当于常规喷雾技术的1/10~1/5。此技术提高了作业效率,不仅在温室中得到广泛应用,日本还开发出适合大田使用的低量喷杆喷雾机。 二、静电喷雾技术 通过高压静电发生装置使雾滴带电喷施的方法。此法可使药液雾滴在叶片表面的沉积量显著增加,将农药有效利用率提高到90%,缺点是带电雾滴对植株冠层的穿透能力较弱。此技术在非洲已广泛用于棉铃虫的防治。  相似文献   
在第 3届国际猪白细胞分化抗原 (CD)会议 (The Third International Workshop on Swine L eukocyte Differentiation Anti-gens)上 ,在上届会议 (1995年 )已经确立的 2 6种猪 CD分子的基础上 ,又有 11种新的猪 CD分子 (被 2 1种单抗鉴定 )被确认 ,他们是 :CD11R1,CD11R2 ,CD11R3,w CD40 ,w CD46 ,w CD47,w CD49d,CD6 1,w CD92 ,w CD93和 CD16 3又有11种猪的白细胞分化抗原被确认@郭志儒…  相似文献   
Presently cotton breeders are confronting seriouschallenges due to the extensive use of narrowgenetic base in Upland cotton,Gossypiumhirsutum.Unique germplasm that incorporatesnew alleles must be developed to provideimproved genetic potential for yield,pest anddisease resistance.Tetraploid species such as G.barbadense,G.tomentosum,and G.mustelinum  相似文献   
▲本基地是四川省内最大的皇竹草专业繁殖基地,由农业部批设的达州市草业技术服务中心负责生产与服务。该草是生态与养畜结合的优良草种,欢迎广大同仁参观,订购,量大价优,免费赠送技术资料。 地址:四川省达州市朝阳中路25号(市畜牧局内),联系人:熊建平 张国权,邮编:635000电话:(0818)2520100-1/513508249241。 ▲河南省新乡市专利中心牧草基地集世界牧草之精华于一处,是国内规模较大,品种较全的国营牧草基地之一,所有品种禽畜鱼都爱吃,欢迎参观。免费邮寄,附栽培资料。来函即赠试栽种子。(见下表) 地址:人民西路步步高大楼,邮编:453000,联系人:黄光明,电话:0373-2629220 传真:2683623 手机:13937342445 中种集团草业有限公司 ▲多年生黑麦草 多福(TOVE)中熟四倍体牧草品种,与其它黑麦草相比,抗旱性有显著提高,能在-10℃安全 越冬。出苗和建植速度快。既可刈割青贮,也可放牧利用,其高糖含量和很好的适口性,能大幅度增加家畜的采食量和出栏率。适于云南、贵州、四川等省及冬季不太寒冷或有积雪覆盖的北方地区种植。 ▲一年生黑麦草 劲能(ENERGA)昌熟型四倍体宽叶牧草。劲能以其建植速度快,鲜草产量高,抗病虫害能力强和极佳适口性和消化率,得到广大用户的青睐。适于南方及冬季 不太寒冷或有积雪覆盖的北方地区种植。 牧杰(MAJOR)是熟型四倍体宽叶牧草,疏丛型,株高150cm,叶片繁茂,深绿色,是所有栽培牧草中营养价值、适口性和消化率最好的品种之一。适于南方及冬季温暖潮湿的地区种植。 ▲无芒雀麦(BROME)是最抗寒的牧草品种之一。疏丛型,茎直立,根系发达,可利用30年以上。叶量丰富,营养价值高,适口性佳,消化率高。干草产量可达1000公斤/亩以上。广泛用作干草、青贮、青饲和水土保持。北方绝大多数地区均可种植。 ▲扁穗冰草 (CRESTEDWHEATGRASS)是刈割和放牧兼用的优质牧草。抗旱、抗寒能力极强,3℃时好可返青。有短的地下根茎,根系具沙套,且入土较深,是一种良好的水土保持植物和固沙植物。适于北方地区种植。 如有疑问或欲索取详细技术资料,请按本期封底广告地址与我公司联系。  相似文献   
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