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新媒体在挑战传统“形势与政策”课教学效果的同时,也为其教学改革提供了丰富的手段和机遇。微信公众号作为新媒体的强势代表,为改进“形势与政策”课教学互动,构建高效互动平台提供了可能性与优越性,能够有效改进“形势与政策”课形式大于内容的现状,其内生的互动活力、活泼多样的互动形式、符合学生话语特点的交流方式,在一定程度上可以破除学生参与课程互动的惰性和抵触心理,保护瞬间即逝的学习积极性,其三大功能还有助于实现课程教学中一对多、一对一和多对多的教育和引导。而优秀推送内容的编排和高效互动平台的构建,都应当以专业性更强的教研室为中心。  相似文献   
我国社会救助体系不断完善的过程中涉及主体更多元、方式更多样。当前社会救助面临相关部门和组织多、信息复杂、经办分散、分类精准施救难度大等问题。基于我国社会救助模式的合理价值选择,提出管理服务体系建设的重要意义。进而分析社会救助在管理服务上面临的挑战和难题,从组织协调管理、信息网络系统、基层经办机构、社会参与机制四个方面提出构建多层次管理服务体系的思路。力求提高管理服务的效率和效能,促进互助共济社会救助共同体的形成,提升公众满意度,夯实我国民生保障基础。  相似文献   
Carbon storage in the soils on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau plays a very important role in the global carbon budget. In the 1990s, a policy of contracting collective grasslands to smaller units was implemented, resulting in a change from the traditional collective grassland management to two new management patterns: a multi‐household management pattern (MMP: grassland shared by several households without enclosures) and a single‐household management pattern (SMP: grassland enclosed and used by only one household). In 2016, 50 MMP and 54 SMP winter pastures on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau were sampled to assess the differences in soil organic carbon (SOC) between the two management patterns. Results showed that average SOC was significantly greater under MMP than under SMP, with an estimated 0.41 Mg C/ha/yr lost due to SMP following the new grassland contract. Based on the government's grassland policy, four grassland utilization scenarios were developed for both summer and winter pastures. We found that if the grassland were managed under SMP, likely C losses ranged between 0.31 × 107 and 6.15 × 107 Mg C/yr across the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau relative to MMP, which more closely resembles pre‐1990s grassland management. Previous estimates of C losses have only considered land use change (with cover change) and ignored the impacts driven by land management pattern changes (without cover change). The new data suggest that C losses from the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau are greater than previously estimated, and therefore that the grassland contract policy should be reviewed and SMP households should be encouraged to reunite into the MMP. These findings have potential implications for land management strategies not only on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau but also other grazing regions globally where such practices may exist.  相似文献   
黑龙江省的农产品加工体系已经初步形成,但农业发展主要依赖于“原”字号产品。阐述了黑龙省农产品深加工产业建设存在的问题,通过分析制约农产品深加工产业发展的主要原因,从优化种植结构、整合现有资源、拓宽农产品销路以及提高农产品附加值4个方面提出解决对策。旨在做强食品加工业,上调农产品利润空间,通过“大龙头、大链条、大产业、大品牌的高效农业全产业链”促进粗放农产品向高附加值产品的转变,努力实现从产粮大省到农业强省的新跨越。   相似文献   
为探究毛乌素沙地大规模现代化高标准农田地下水开采对地下水位的影响,以榆林市榆阳区昌汗敖包村土地开发项目地下水监测网覆盖区作为研究区,选取分布于研究区的8眼机井进行了为期1年的地下水位埋深动态特征监测。结果表明:在灌溉期间,地下水位埋深呈先减小后增大的趋势;灌溉结束至进入下个灌溉周期之前,地下水位埋深逐渐增大至正常值。因此群井开采并未对项目区地下水位造成实质影响。   相似文献   
聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法鉴定禽呼肠孤病毒   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从感染禽呼肠孤病毒的细胞中,以SDS和酚提取病毒核酸,通过聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(PAGE)法将分节段的核酸分开,经银染色显示,呈3-3-1-3分布,此法可用于禽呼肠孤病毒的快速检测、鉴定。同样方法未能使传染性法氏囊病毒核酸显示。  相似文献   
A disease causing the decline of papaya (Carica papaya) plants was noticed in the Jordan Valley in 1982. The disease caused severe yellowing of the upper leaves and dieback of the apex. The disease was not transmissible mechanically and continued efforts to associate viruses and viroids have so far been unsuccessful. Epidemiological observations suggested that the disease is airborne and probably caused by a mollicute. In order to test this hypothesis, plots were covered by an insect-proof net and with white nets providing 15, 30 and 50% shade. The 30%, 50% and insect-proof nettings provided complete protection, and the 15% netting reduced disease incidence to <2%, compared with>37% in the uncovered control plot. Spraying plants at weekly intervals with a commercial whitewash solution was also found to be effective in reducing disease incidence. The advantages of using a range of netting field treatments as a simple means for obtaining information on the epidemiological nature of a new disease are described.  相似文献   
季节会影响到大鲵肌肉的脂肪及钙的含量,肝脏的脂肪、钙及游离氨基酸的含量,饥饿对肌肉的酸化成分不产生影响,但饥饿程度的增加,会对肝脏脂肪无氮浸出物及游离氨基酸产生影响;繁殖前雌性大鲵的肌肉肝脏的肪肪含量均高于雄性的。  相似文献   
SUMMARY: Aoshio is hypoxic milky blue-green seawater observed in some eutrophic bays. Previous studies have shown that colloidal sulfur causes the coloration and that the source of aoshio water is attributed to coastal anoxic bottom water. Occurrences of aoshio have been reported in limited areas of coastal seawater, although hypoxic transparent water seems rather universal. Promotion in auto-oxidation of sulfide by metal ions in seawater was investigated to explain the occurrences of aoshio. Artificial seawater containing 10 μM metal ion was assayed for the sulfide oxidation rate. The velocity constant which represents the oxidation rate within the initial 30 min and the amount of reacted sulfide in 2 h were determined by oxygen monitoring and sulfide quantification, respectively. Fe2+ and Cu2+ enhanced the initial 30 min reaction. Fe2+, Fe3+ and Ni2+ increased the amount of reacted sulfide in 2 h, forming whitish turbid water. Seawater from a suspected source of aoshio water was also assayed for the auto-oxidation rate of sulfide. The oxidation rate in water from 12 m depth was 13–19 times higher than the artificial seawater without an addition of heavy metal ions. More than 15% of the oxidation rate in 12 m deep seawater was explained by dissolved iron in the seawater.  相似文献   
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