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功能性杂粮膨化食品的研制 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
许光映 《农产品加工.学刊》2005,(4):72-73
选用苦荞、燕麦、杂豆等山西特色杂粮为主要原料,有针对性地强化苦荞的黄酮、燕麦膳食纤维等功能性营养因子,研制出可降低血脂、调节血压和润肠通便等专用系列杂粮膨化保健食品。 相似文献
Fusarium head blight (FHB) is a destructive disease of wheat worldwide. Sources of resistance to FHB are limited in wheat. Search for novel sources of effective resistance to this disease has been an urgent need in wheat breeding. Fusarium head blight resistance has been identified in relatives of wheat. Alien chromatin carrying FHB resistance genes has been incorporated into wheat through chromosome addition, substitution, and translocation. Relatives of wheat demonstrate a great potential to enhance resistance of wheat to FHB. 相似文献
浙南菜区番茄曲叶病毒病发生规律 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
通过两年调查,明确了浙南菜区越冬番茄曲叶病毒病的主要侵染期在9月下旬至10月上旬,即番茄苗龄20~30 d。温州近郊常年蔬菜生产基地,番茄曲叶病毒病的侵染循环主要通过携毒烟粉虱在越冬番茄和早春番茄间传播完成。苍南、瑞安等季节性番茄生产基地,该病的侵染循环主要通过携毒烟粉虱在越冬番茄、大田番茄苗和夏季南瓜等中间寄主传播完成。随着播种期推迟,番茄曲叶病毒病发生轻,目前浙南菜区生产上‘托马雷斯’、‘好韦斯特’、‘合作903’等主栽番茄品种均表现感病。田间调查还表明,通过50目防虫网覆盖育苗栽培可以有效控制番茄曲叶病毒病发生,防控效果达到90%以上。 相似文献
杨背麦蛾(鳞翅目:麦蛾科)触角感器的超微结构 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
[目的]了解杨背麦蛾成虫触角感器的类型、数量、分布和超微形态。[方法]利用扫描电镜技术观察杨背麦蛾雌、雄蛾的触角感器。[结果]杨背麦蛾触角感器绝大部分位于触角鞭节的腹面和侧面,少部分位于柄节和梗节。基于感器外部形态可分为8种类型:BÖhm氏鬃毛(BBⅠ型和BBⅡ2种亚型)、毛形感器、锥形感器(SBⅠ和SBⅡ 2种亚型)、刺形感器、腔锥形感器、耳形感器、鳞形感器和栓锥形感器。其中毛形、锥形和耳形感器表皮具多孔,属于嗅觉感器。雌、雄蛾触角感器形态和分布无明显差异。但雄蛾触角与雌蛾相比,亚鞭节多1~4节;毛形和锥形SBⅡ感器明显长于雌蛾;刺形和腔锥形感器基部直径雄蛾明显长于雌蛾;毛形、锥形、刺形、腔锥形和鳞形感器总数均明显多于雌蛾。[结论]杨背麦蛾触角感器种类丰富,多数具有嗅觉功能,雌、雄蛾触角感器在数量和特征上有明显的性二型现象。 相似文献
Pingyang Zhu Xusong Zheng Facheng Zhang Hongxing Xu Yajun Yang Guihua Chen Zhongxian Lu Anne C. Johnson Geoff M. Gurr 《Journal of pest science》2018,91(2):575-584
Conservation biological control avoids the need for mass releases of costly agents and the risks associated with introducing exotic agents by promoting existing natural enemies. This is done by alleviating insecticide-induced mortality and by manipulating the habitat to provide resources such as nectar, but there is a dearth of information on the relative and interactive effects of these two approaches. Here we used a large-scale factorial experiment with plots comprised of entire fields to test the effects of, and interactions between, withholding insecticides and planting borders of sesame (Sesamum indicum) on natural enemies and pests over 2 years. We used yellow sticky traps, sweeping netting and sentinel bait plants to monitor natural enemies and pests in the canopy and basal zones of the rice crop. Numbers of rice planthopper egg parasitoids and lepidopterous egg parasitoids in the rice canopy, as well as planthopper parasitism rates, were significantly greater in plots that were unsprayed and bordered by sesame, and scarcest in sprayed crops without sesame. Spraying of sesame-bordered crops gave parasitoid numbers similar to sprayed crops without sesame. Spiders in the canopy were significantly reduced in numbers by spraying, but there was no main effect of sesame borders. This study demonstrates that withholding insecticides and sowing nectar plant borders each have measurable as well as additive benefits on in-crop densities of ecosystem service providers responsible for predating and parasitising pests but the identity of the natural enemy determines the impact of these management practices. 相似文献
Exploring the response differences of leaf physiology parameters to enhanced nitrogen deposition between saplings and trees is vital for predicting the variations of terrestrial ecosystem structure and function under future global climate change. In this study, the ecophysiological parameters of saplings and trees of Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr. were measured at different levels of nitrogen addition in a temperate forest. The results show that ecophysiological parameters maximum net photosynthetic rate(P_(max)), apparent quantum efficiency(a), dark respiration(R_d), light saturation point(L_(sp)), photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency(PNUE),specific leaf area(SLA)and stomatal conductance under saturated light intensity(G_(smax)) were higher in saplings than in trees. These physiological parameters and not N_(leaf)(leaf nitrogen content)led to relatively lower P_(max) and R_d in trees. For both saplings and trees, low and median nitrogen addition(23 and 46 kg ha~(-1)a~(-1)) resulted in significant increases in Pmax, Rd, Lsp, Chl, PNUE, SLA and Gsmax. These parameters tended to decline under high additions of nitrogen(69 kg ha~(-1)a~(-1)),whereas Nleaf was always enhanced with increasing nitrogen. Variations in Pmax and Rd with increasing nitrogen were attributed to variations in the strongly related parameters of, Lsp, Chl, PNUE, SLA and Gsmax. Overall, the response sensitivity of physiological parameters to enhanced nitrogen levels was lower in trees compared with saplings. 相似文献
为了探讨丝栗栲(Castanopsis fargesii)种子的变异规律,对采自贵州省荔波县、都匀市和三都县3个地理种源13个家系的丝栗栲种子的长、宽、长宽比和百粒重进行对比分析。结果表明:3个不同地理种源的丝栗栲种子的种子长、种子宽、长宽比和种子百粒重的性状差异达到极显著水平;种源间各性状指标的变异幅度较大,分别为种子长0.176%~4.034%、种子宽1.443%~6.389%、长宽比1.392%~4.808%、百粒重2.773%~13.470%。荔波种源的各项指标变异系数均为最大,都匀种源各项指标的变异系数均为最小;各指标间均具有极显著相关性,种子长与种子宽、百粒重呈极显著正相关,与种子长宽比呈极显著负相关;种子宽与种子长宽比呈极显著负相关,与百粒重呈极显著正相关;种子长宽比与百粒重呈极显著负相关。3个种源中,都匀种源的综合指标最优,可作为优良种源进行良种培育。 相似文献