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甲基磺酸乙酯对草莓愈伤组织的生理效应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用不同浓度甲基磺酸乙酯对草莓愈伤组织进行诱变处理,测定了愈伤组织中的保护酶和氧化酶活性、总酚含量、MDA含量的变化以及愈伤组织的死亡率。结果表明,随着EMS处理浓度的增加和时间的延长,愈伤组织死亡率呈上升趋势;随着EMS处理浓度的增加,保护酶SOD,CAT和氧化酶PPO,POD活性升高,而后快速下降;随着处理时间的延长,SOD活性逐渐下降,CAT,PPO活性先上升后下降,POD活性则表现为先降后升再降;随着处理浓度的增加和时间的延长,总酚含量变化为先升后降,但上升和下降都比较缓慢,而MDA含量则逐渐上升;处理后的愈伤组织在培养过程中,PPO,POD活性迅速下降并维持在相对稳定的水平,总酚和MDA含量逐渐下降,而总酚含量与PPO,POD活性呈显著正相关。由此认为,在用EMS对草莓愈伤组织进行诱变时,较适宜的剂量为0.1%~0.2%浓度处理1.0~1.5 h,在处理完成后的前12 h培养中,应采取措施以减轻褐变。  相似文献   
BackgroundASF was first reported in Kenya in 1910 in 1921. In China, ASF spread to 31 provinces including Henan and Jiangsu within six months after it was first reported on August 3, 2018. The epidemic almost affected the whole China, causing direct economic losses of tens of billions of yuan. Cause great loss to our pig industry. As ELISA is cheap and easy to operate, OIE regards it as the preferred serological method for ASF detection. P54 protein has good antigenicity and is an ideal antigen for detection.ObjectiveTo identify a conservative site in the African swine fever virus (ASFV) p54 protein and perform a Cloth-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for detecting the ASFV antibody in order to reduce risks posed by using the live virus in diagnostic assays.MethodWe used bioinformatics methods to predict the antigen epitope of the ASFV p54 protein in combination with the antigenic index and artificially synthesized the predicted antigen epitope peptides. Using ASFV-positive serum and specific monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), we performed indirect ELISA and blocking ELISA to verify the immunological properties of the predicted epitope polypeptide.ResultsThe results of our prediction revealed that the possible antigen epitope regions were A23–29, A36–45, A72–94, A114–120, A124–130, and A137–150. The indirect ELISA showed that the peptides A23–29, A36–45, A72–94, A114–120, and A137–150 have good antigenicity. Moreover, the A36–45 polypeptide can react specifically with the mAb secreted by hybridoma cells, and its binding site contains a minimum number of essential amino acids in the sequence 37DIQFINPY44.ConclusionsOur study confirmed a conservative antigenic site in the ASFV p54 protein and its amino acid sequence. A competitive ELISA method for detecting ASFV antibodies was established based on recombinant p54 and matching mAb. Moreover, testing the protein sequence alignment verified that the method can theoretically detect antibodies produced by pigs affected by nearly all ASFVs worldwide.  相似文献   
不同喷施浓度及喷施次数对蕹菜产量及茎叶锌含量的影响结果表明:喷施0.05%及0.1%的硫酸锌液均能提高蕹菜的产量,但以0.05%的处理对产量的提高作用最明显,浓度超过0.1%时,对蕹菜生长有抑制作用提高喷锌浓度,蕹菜锌含量的增加为叶片大于茎;喷施1~2次,有明显的增产效果,喷施超过2次反而减产;随着喷施次数的增加,蕹菜锌含量也增加。  相似文献   
大多数蔬菜根系分布较浅,对土壤含水量反应极为敏感,南方地区雨水较多,地下水位高,土壤上层积水,渍害严重,造成土壤水肥气热失调,经常引起蔬菜秧苗沤根和烂根,导致蔬菜显著减产甚至绝收。为探索蔬菜基地防渍新思路,近年来,我们在蔬菜基地采用埋设地下暗管的方法调节土壤含水量,当土壤含水量高于蔬菜根系活动要求时,打开地下暗管排水阀,排除土壤中的积水,当土壤含水量低于蔬菜根系活动需要时关闭排水阀,有效地解决了蔬菜排渍和用水矛盾,大幅度提高蔬菜产量和品质,获得了比较理想的效果,现将有关埋设方法和应用效果介绍如下。  相似文献   
IAA、GA和ABA对葡萄果实~(14)C蔗糖输入与代谢的调控   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
将 14 C蔗糖与激素IAA、GA和ABA同时通过果柄引入离体葡萄果实 ,研究了蔗糖积累代谢与激素的关系。结果表明 :①GA在幼果膨大期 ,IAA在果实始熟期以前 ,ABA从缓慢生长期到果实成熟 ,对蔗糖的吸收有明显促进效果。②GA与IAA在果实发育前期 (第Ⅰ、Ⅱ期 )可促进 14 C蔗糖转化为非醇溶性结构物 ;ABA则在成熟期表现出类似的作用。③IAA、GA与ABA在幼果膨大期可促进糖分转化为有机酸 ,但在缓慢生长期都抑制这一过程 ,抑制效果以ABA最显著 ,IAA其次 ,GA最小。成熟期糖分占醇溶物的 85 %~ 91% ,不同激素处理的差异不明显。ABA可促进各个时期果实中氨基酸的合成。④IAA可加快蔗糖分解为还原糖 ;GA增加果糖积累 ;ABA处理的果实蔗糖含量最高 ,推测ABA直接刺激了果肉维管束的蔗糖卸载。  相似文献   
There are two type of cardiac calcium channel current, both are inward current: (1) L-type Ca2+channel current (Ica-L), plays a major role in determining myocyte action potential plateau characteristics as well as initiating the myocyte excitation-contraction coupling; (2) T-type Ca2+ channel current (Ica-T), probably plays an important role in pacemaker activity. The alterations of L-type calcium channel abundance and function in cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure are determined by the the species difference, especially by the stage of the disease process and the degree of the disease. Both abundance and function of L-type calcium channel decrease in severe hypertrophy and heart failure.  相似文献   
总结了我国桃树设施栽培的现状,包括设施栽培的目的、主要形式、品种选择、环境要求、调控技术和主要栽培技术等,指出了生产上存在的问题并提出了相应的对策  相似文献   
原木灵芝孢子研究:(Ⅳ)未破壁孢子与破壁孢子的比较   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:19  
扫描电镜观察表明,破壁前灵芝孢子形态完整,破壁后孢壁结构被破坏,通过透射电镜发现破壁孢子的孢内物质易被释放。观察结果表明,复合力场超微粉碎法的破壁率高,超声波—冻融破壁法的破壁效果也较好,而超声速超微气流粉碎法仅使大部分孢子变形,未破坏其孢壁结构。分析结果表明,破壁孢子粉(破壁率≥95%)的粗蛋白、总糖含量变化不大,但粗脂肪(6.35%)及水溶性多糖(2.18%)含量分别较未破壁的提高了38.95%和20.83%;锌、铜、铬、硒等微量元素的含量变化不大,但锰(20μg/g)和镍(5.2κg/g)的含量明显高于未破壁孢子。此外,包括牛磺酸在内的19种游离氨基酸含量也没有明显变化。  相似文献   
大白菜甲、乙型核不育系的转育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根 据复等 位基因遗 传假说, 利用已知 基因型 的甲、乙型 雄性 不育“两 用系”,经 过4 个世代的 杂交选 育,获得了 新甲型“两用系”,临时保持 系和稳 定遗传的 雄性不 育系。  相似文献   
松口蘑的半人工及人工驯化栽培   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
论述了松口磨的适应性和驯化潜能, 介绍了松口蘑半人工栽培的基本方法并进行评估, 分析了应用纯培养菌种人工栽培松口蘑的难点和关键问题, 提出了松口蘑人工驯化栽培的技术路线。  相似文献   
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