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Adipose tissue in various stages of fish oil-induced yellow fat disease in the rat had the same acid phosphatase and 5-nucleotidase activity pattern as similar stages of the disorder in mink and pig. A weak acid phosphatase and 5-nucleotidase activity was seen in interstitial lipofuscin-laden macrophages in "stage M" yellow fat disease without fat cell degeneration. Activity of these macrophagic enzymes increased when there was fat cell degeneration ("stage S" and "stage E" yellow fat disease). This different phosphatase activity in the same cell type may result from phagocytosis of substrates with variable digestibility. Macrophages directly surrounding affected fat cells in steatitis areas ("stage S" and "stage E") had strong acid phosphatase and 5-nucleotidase activity. As in the pig, increased 5-nucleotidase activity was found in affected fat cells, which probably indicates plasma membrane damage. Increased nonspecific esterase activity occurred around affected fat cells. Only a small part of this esterase activity originated from inflammatory cells. This indicates that an increase of esterase activity in degenerating adipose tissue may be an endogeneous process in this tissue.  相似文献   
Pathogenicity and symptom expression of seventeen described isolates of bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) and five previously unreported isolates were compared on many bean cultivars (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). From these cultivars, a standard set of differentials were assigned to nine groups with different disease reactions. The twenty-two virus isolates comprised seven strain (pathotype) groups, three of which were divided into two subgroups each. To promote international standardization in BCMV research, recommendations are given for test conditions and procedures, criteria for strain differentiation, and maintenance of differential cultivars and virus strains.Samenvatting Zeventien beschreven stammen van het bonerolmozaïekvirus en vijf niet geïdentificeerde isolaten (Tabel 1) werden bestudeerd op een uitgebreide reeks van toetsrassen. De meeste van deze toetsrassen waren in de literatuur als zodanig vermeld, maar door de desbetreffende onderzoekers waren vaak verschillende series toetsrassen gebruikt, hetgeen de onderlinge vergelijking van de stammen bemoeilijkte.De bedoeling van dit onderzoek was: vergelijking en indeling van de virusstammen, samenstelling van een standaard-toetsrassenserie en het ontwerpen en beschrijven van werden zowel in Wageningen als in Prosser, Washington, USA, uitgevoerd met dezelfde virusisolaten en dezelfde zaadmonsters van de toetsrassen.De toetsrassen konden op grond van hun differentiële reacties na inoculatie met de virusstammen worden ingedeeld in negen groepen. De rassen binnen een groep hebben hetzelfde resistentiespectrum t.o.v. een standaardserie virusstammen. Uit elke groep werden op grond van hun geschiktheid (duidelijkheid en reproduceerbaarheid van de symptomen) één of meer vertegenwoordigers gekozen, waaruit een standaardserie van toetsrassen werd samengesteld (Tabel 2).De 22 stammen en isolaten werden op grond van hun pathogeniteitsspectrum t.o.v. de standaardserie van toetsrassen ingedeeld in tien groepen en subgroepen (Tabel 1). De stammen en isolaten binnen een groep of subgroep hebben eenzelfde pathogeniteitsspectrum (Tabellen 4 en 6) en worden op grond daarvan als identiek beschouwd. De differentiële reacties tussen de rassen van de standaardserie en de virusstammen en-isolaten zijn vermeld in de Tabellen 3 en 5. Voorgesteld wordt om de naam van de eerstbeschreven stam van iedere groep te handhaven en de andere stammen in een groep of subgroep op te vatten als isolaten daarvan.De toetsmethodiek wordt uitvoerig beschreven om standaardisatie van de stammenidentificatie te bevorderen. Ter verklaring van de in de literatuur gevonden tegenstrijdigheden in de differentiële reactie van de toetsrassen wordt een negental mogelijke oorzaken genoemd, o.a. het gebruik van planten van toetsrassen die reeds vanuit zaad met een onbekende stam waren besmet en het gebruik van onzuivere virusstammen (mengisolaten).De auteurs stellen zich verantwoordelijk voor het distribueren (op aanvraag) van kleine zaadhoeveelheden van de toetsrassen en, op beperkte schaal, van in zaad aanwezige zuivere virusstammen aan onderzoekers die betrokken zijn bij de identificatie van de stammen van dit virus. Bovendien zal zaad van de standaardserie van toetsrassen worden gedeponeerd in het National Seed Storage Laboratory te Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, terwijl de virusstammen (in zaad) in bewaring worden gegeven bij de American Type Culture Collection te Rockville, Maryland, USA, waar ze beschikbaar zullen blijven voor verder onderzoek.  相似文献   
1. Several economically important traits in two Leghorn populations (over 9000 birds) were examined for additive and non‐additive components of genetic variance and sex‐linked effects. Data were analysed by two different statistical models based on least‐squares procedures.

2. Six different covariances were first calculated between relatives; i.e., full‐sibs, 3/4‐sisters, half‐sisters, dam‐daughters, grandam‐granddaughters and aunt‐nieces.

3. From the covariances, weighted least‐squares equations were used to obtain estimates of variance components for additive genetic, dominance, maternal and sex‐linkage effects.

4. The estimates of non‐additive components were highly variable but generally small compared with the additive genetic estimates.

5. In general this study suggests that for most traits, with the possible exception of rate of egg production, there is relatively little non‐additive genetic variation.

6. The consequences of possible negative correlations between additive effects and maternal effects are considered as they might apply to egg production in poultry.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic and histological studies were carried out on an intersex horse which was diagnosed clinically as a cryptorchid. Surgery confirmed the horse to be a bilateral abdominal cryptorchid and histological examination revealed ovarian tissue associated with the left epididymis. Chromosome analysis of cultured cells from testicular tissue, ovarian tissue and skin revealed 64-XX and 64-XY make-up, the left gonad containing a greater preponderance of XX cells over XY cells. The external characteristics and behaviour of the horse were indistinguishable from that of a "routine" cryptorchid. Other cases of equine intersexes are reviewed and theories for the discrepancies between genetic, gonadal and phenotypic sex are discussed.  相似文献   
A new syndrome, characterised by acute respiratory distress and by abnormalities of the skin, hair and thyroid, was the apparent cause of neonatal death in 35 (24 per cent) of 146 piglets sired by a large white boar in four small commercial pig units. The syndrome appears to be of genetic origin, inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. Its similarities with the respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) of the newborn infant and the "barker" syndrome of the newborn foal are discussed.  相似文献   
J.W. Deacon 《EPPO Bulletin》1976,6(4):297-308
Biological control of take-all by Phialophora radicicola Cain and similar fungi is reviewed, and new evidence is presented on the possible role of hyper-parasites, like Pythium oligandrum Drechsler, to augment this. Phialophora radicicola var. graminicola Deacon is abundant in British grasslands. Its role in biological control of take-all has been demonstrated in the glasshouse with natural soils and natural population levels of this control agent. Also there is much circumstantial evidence for its beneficial role in agriculture, especially in cereal monoculture following grass crops, and in natural and amenity grasslands. Some other similar fungi control take-all in the glasshouse, but their roles in current agricultural practice are not known. The take-all fungus, itself, can reduce infection of roots by P. radicicola, so there is a dynamic interaction between these fungi. This is affected by host type, relative inoculum potentials of the fungi, and possibly by environmental conditions. By careful manipulation, therefore, it might be possible to control take-all under a wide range of field conditions. The chief role of P. radicicola and similar fungi is to delay establishment of severe take-all early in cereal monoculture, rather than to combat an existing high disease level. It may therefore be desirable to combine different biocontrols, and hyperparasites like Pythium oligandrum may be important in this respect. This fungus was tested against varieties of Gaeumannomyces graminis Arx & Olivier and Phialophora radicicola in the laboratory; the host responses differed greatly, from marked susceptibility (P. radicicola var. radicicola) to almost complete resistance (G. graminis var. graminis). Hence, P. oligandrum might be used to alter relative population levels of these fungi in the field, but first its behaviour in natural soils must be studied.  相似文献   
J.W. Deacon 《EPPO Bulletin》1976,6(5):349-363
Biological characteristics of the varieties of Gaeumannomyces graminis Arx & Olivier and Phialophora radicicola Cain are reviewed. They include: 1) pathogenicity to roots of cereals; 2) growth on living stem tissues; 3) type of fungal growth-cessation structure formed on or in the host. Together, these provide a simple means of characterizing isolates and standard methods for assessing them are presented.
The role of pigmented cells and tissues (growth-cessation structures) in host penetration is questioned, since they are seldom associated with a progressive infection by G. graminis or P. radicicola . However, they are a taxonomic aid, especially as they are now known to form on cellophane overlying agar.
New evidence is presented on factors affecting conidiation by these fungi. Flooding colonies with distilled water induced formation of conidia by G. graminis var. tritici Walker, P. radicicola var. radicicola (British isolates but not the type) and P. radicicola var. graminicola Deacon, whereas none formed on corresponding unflooded agar plates. Conidia were usually much larger and germinated readily when they formed in response to flooding; many of these fungi therefore have 2 conidial types, distinct in both morphology and behaviour. Preliminary results suggest that biotin and the form of nitrogen also affect the type of conidium formed by P. radicicola var. radicicola .  相似文献   
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