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Sequential application of solvent extraction, gel permeation chromatography, and RP-HPLC in combination with taste dilution analyses, followed by LC-MS and 1D/2D-NMR experiments and thiolytic degradation, revealed that, besides theobromine and caffeine, the flavan-3-ols epicatechin, catechin, procyanidin B-2, procyanidin B-5, procyanidin C-1, [epicatechin-(4beta-->8)](3)-epicatechin, and [epicatechin-(4beta-->8)](4)-epicatechin were among the key compounds contributing to the bitter taste as well as the astringent mouthfeel imparted upon consumption of roasted cocoa. In addition, a series of quercetin, naringenin, luteolin, and apigenin glycopyranosides as well as a family of not previously identified amino acid amides, namely, (+)-N-[4'-hydroxy-(E)-cinnamoyl]-L-aspartic acid, (+)-N-[3',4'-dihydroxy-(E)-cinnamoyl]-L-aspartic acid, (-)-N-[3',4'-dihydroxy-(E)-cinnamoyl]-L-glutamic acid, (-)-N-[4'-hydroxy-(E)-cinnamoyl]-L-glutamic acid, (-)-N-[4'-hydroxy-(E)-cinnamoyl]-3-hydroxy-L-tyrosine, (+)-N-[4'-hydroxy-3'-methoxy-(E)-cinnamoyl]-L-aspartic acid, and (+)-N-(E)-cinnamoyl-L-aspartic acid, have been identified as key astringent compounds of roasted cocoa. Furthermore, (-)-N-[3',4'-dihydroxy-(E)-cinnamoyl]-3-hydroxy-l-tyrosine (clovamide), (-)-N-[4'-hydroxy-(E)-cinnamoyl]-L-tyrosine (deoxyclovamide), and (-)-N-[3',4'-dihydroxy-(E)-cinnamoyl]-L-tyrosine, reported previously as antioxidants, have been found as contributors of cocoa's astringent taste. By means of the half-tongue test, the taste thresholds of flavan-3-ols and glycosides have been determined.  相似文献   
The study developed models for predicting the post-fire tree survival in Catalonia. The models are appropriate for forest planning purposes. Two types of models were developed: a stand-level model to predict the degree of damage caused by a forest fire, and tree-level models to predict the probability of a tree to survive a forest fire. The models were based on forest inventory and fire data. The inventory data on forest stands were obtained from the second (1989–1990) and third (2000–2001) Spanish national forest inventories, and the fire data consisted of the perimeters of forest fires larger than 20 ha that occurred in Catalonia between the 2nd and 3rd measurement of the inventory plots. The models were based on easily measurable forest characteristics, and they permit the forest manager to predict the effect of stand structure and species composition on the expected damage. According to the stand level fire damage model, the relative damage decreases when the stand basal area or mean tree diameter increases. Conversely, the relative stand damage increases when there is a large variation in tree size, when the stand is located on a steep slope, and when it is dominated by pine. According to the tree level survival models, trees in stands with a high basal area, a large mean tree size and a small variability in tree diameters have a high survival probability. Large trees in dominant positions have the highest probability of surviving a fire. Another result of the study is the exceptionally good post-fire survival ability of Pinus pinea and Quercus suber.  相似文献   
An optimization model is specified to analyze forest management without any restrictions on the forest management system. The data on forest growth comes from unique field experiments and is used to estimate a nonlinear transition matrix or size-structured model for Norway spruce. The objective function includes detailed harvesting cost specifications and the optimization problem is solved in its most general dynamic form. In optimal uneven-aged management, stand density is shown to be dominated by limitations in natural regeneration. If the goal is volume maximization, even-aged management with artificial regeneration (and thinnings from above) is superior to uneven-aged management. After including regeneration and harvesting costs, the interest rate, and the price differential between saw timber and pulpwood, uneven-aged management becomes superior to even-aged management. However, in the short term the superiority is conditional on the initial stand state.  相似文献   
It is reasonable to assume that there is a relationship between the spatial distribution of forest fuels and fire hazards. Therefore, if fire risk is to be included into numerical forest planning, the spatial distribution of risky and non-risky forest stands should be taken into account. The present study combines a stand-level fire risk model and landscape level optimization to solve forest planning problems in which the fire risk plays an important role. The key point of the method was to calculate forest level fire resistance metrics from stand level indices and use these metrics as objective variables in numerical optimization. This study shows that maximizing different landscape metrics produces very different landscape configurations with respect to the spatial arrangement of resistant and risky stands. The landscapes obtained by maximizing different metrics were tested with a fire spread simulator. These tests suggested that the mean fire resistance of the landscape, which is a non-spatial metric, is the most important factor affecting the burned area. However, spatial landscape metrics that decrease the continuity of fire resistance in the landscape can significantly improve the fire resistance of the landscape when used as additional objective variables.  相似文献   
Application of comparative taste dilution analyses on nonalkalized and alkalized cocoa powder revealed the detection of a velvety, smoothly astringent tasting fraction, which was predominantly present in the alkalized sample. LC-MS/MS analysis, 1D- and 2D-NMR, and CD spectroscopy as well as model alkalization reactions led to the unequivocal identification of the velvety, smoothly astringent molecules as a series of catechin- and epicatechin-C-glycopyranosides. Besides the previously reported (-)-epicatechin-8-C-beta-D-galactopyranoside, additional flavan-3-ol-C-glycosides, namely, (-)-epicatechin-8-C-beta-D-glucopyranoside, (-)-catechin-8-C-beta-D-glucopyranoside, (-)-catechin-6-C-beta-D-glucopyranoside, (-)-epicatechin-6-C-beta-D-glucopyranoside, (-)-catechin-8-C-beta-D-galactopyranoside, (-)-catechin-6-C-beta-D-galactopyranoside, (-)-catechin-6-C,8-C-beta-D-diglucopyranoside, (-)-epicatechin-6-C,8-C-beta-D-digalactopyranoside, (-)-catechin-6-C,8-C-beta-D-digalactopyranoside, and epicatechin-6-C,8-C-beta-D-diglucopyranoside, were identified for the first time in cocoa. Most surprisingly, these phenol glycoconjugates were demonstrated by model experiments to be formed via a novel nonenzymatic C-glycosylation of flavan-3-ols. Using the recently developed half-tongue test, human recognition thresholds for the astringent and mouth-drying oral sensation were determined to be between 1.1 and 99.5 micro mol/L (water) depending on the sugar and the intramolecular binding position as well as the aglycone.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate inhibitory effects of synthetic matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) inhibitors in vitro on gelatinolytic and collagenolytic activities in tracheal epithelial lining fluid (TELF) of horses with recurrent airway obstruction (RAO). ANIMALS: 10 horses with RAO and 5 healthy control horses. PROCEDURES: Substrate-based functional assays, collagen I and gelatin degradation, were used to measure endogenous collagenolytic and gelatinolytic activities in TELF. In vitro inhibition of MMP activity in TELF with 2 chemically modified tetracyclines (CMTs; CMT-3 and CMT-8) and 2 bisphosphonates (BPs; zoledronate and pamidronate) was evaluated. RESULTS: CMT-3, CMT-8, zoledronate, and pamidronate in a dose-dependent manner inhibited TELF type I collagenolytic and gelatinolytic activities, although no complete inhibition of TELF type I collagenolytic and gelatinolytic activities was achieved with the inhibitor concentrations of 25 to 500 microM tested. The CMTs inhibited pathologically induced collagen I degradation more effectively than BPs. Of the tested CMTs, CMT-3 was the most effective inhibitor of gelatinolytic activity, and the efficiency of CMT-3 corresponded with that of the BPs. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: An increase in MMP activity in the equine respiratory tract may potentially be inhibited by administration of CMTs or BPs. Distinct synthetic MMP inhibitors may eventually provide an additional means for pharmacologic treatment by decreasing ongoing active tissue destructive inflammation associated with chronic lung disease. The MMP inhibitors such as CMTs and BPs that are targeted to solely inhibit a pathologic increase in MMP activities provide the advantage of minimal adverse effects that are characteristics of other excessively potent MMP inhibitors.  相似文献   
The maximum light use efficiency (LUE?=?gross primary production (GPP)/absorbed photosynthetic photon flux density (aPPFD)) of plant canopies has been reported to vary spatially and some of this variation has previously been attributed to plant species differences. The canopy nitrogen concentration [N] can potentially explain some of this spatial variation. However, the current paradigm of the N-effect on photosynthesis is largely based on the relationship between photosynthetic capacity (A(max)) and [N], i.e., the effects of [N] on photosynthesis rates appear under high PPFD. A maximum LUE-[N] relationship, if it existed, would influence photosynthesis in the whole range of PPFD. We estimated maximum LUE for 14 eddy-covariance forest sites, examined its [N] dependency and investigated how the [N]-maximum LUE dependency could be incorporated into a GPP model. In the model, maximum LUE corresponds to LUE under optimal environmental conditions before light saturation takes place (the slope of GPP vs. PPFD under low PPFD). Maximum LUE was higher in deciduous/mixed than in coniferous sites, and correlated significantly with canopy mean [N]. Correlations between maximum LUE and canopy [N] existed regardless of daily PPFD, although we expected the correlation to disappear under low PPFD when LUE was also highest. Despite these correlations, including [N] in the model of GPP only marginally decreased the root mean squared error. Our results suggest that maximum LUE correlates linearly with canopy [N], but that a larger body of data is required before we can include this relationship into a GPP model. Gross primary production will therefore positively correlate with [N] already at low PPFD, and not only at high PPFD as is suggested by the prevailing paradigm of leaf-level A(max)-[N] relationships. This finding has consequences for modelling GPP driven by temporal changes or spatial variation in canopy [N].  相似文献   
This meta‐analysis based on 19 studies from Finland comprising 43 grass silages was undertaken to evaluate the effect of silage quality on liquid yield, liquid composition and retained compounds in liquid using four different liquid–solid separation methods. Silages were classified according to species (grass, clover or a mixture of them), additive treatment (no, biological or formic acid‐based additive) and harvest (primary growth or regrowth). A mixed model regression analysis with random study effect was used to evaluate the impact of silage characteristics on biorefinery efficiency. There was a large variation in silage quality in the data set. Silage dry‐matter concentration was the characteristic most highly correlated with liquid yield for all separation methods, and when used as an independent variable in the model, it resulted in the best predictions. The liquid–solid separation methods presented a great variation in the liquid yield, ranging from 0.26 to 0.56 when silage dry‐matter concentration was standardized to 250 g/kg. There was no effect of additive treatment and harvest in the estimation of the biorefinery potential, but species was a significant variable in predicting liquid yield for the laboratory‐scale presses with higher liquid yield for mixed grass and legume. The high correlation between silage quality and liquid yield and liquid composition provides potential to predict the biorefinery potential based on equations developed for each separation method. This information can be used to modify the silage production systems so that they best meet the requirements of a green biorefinery process.  相似文献   
The percentage distribution of acid phosphatase between lysosomes and cytoplasm in bovine liver during autolysis at 37°C was investigated. The share of the cytoplasmic acid phosphatase activity of the total acid phosphatase activity in liver tissue increased during autolysis being before incubation 28–42 % and after 24 hrs.'' incubation at 37°C 63–94 %. Microbiological contamination increased the proportion of cytoplasmic acid phosphatase.When bovine liver was incubated at 37°C for 24 hrs., the activity of the total acid phosphatase decreased to about 50 % of the initial activity. During a 16 days'' incubation at 4°C the total acid phosphatase activity of bovine liver, however, remained unchanged.  相似文献   
We estimated the proportions of anadromous and freshwater‐resident brown trout (Salmo trutta) in different parts of the subarctic River Näätämöjoki/Neidenelva system (Finland and Norway) using carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen stable isotope analyses of archived scales as identifiers of migration strategy. Our results showed that carbon stable isotope values were the best predictor of migration strategy. Most individuals fell into two clearly distinct groups representing anadromous (47%) or freshwater‐resident (42%) individuals, but some fish had intermediate carbon values suggesting repeated movement between freshwater and the sea. The proportion of anadromous individuals decreased steadily with distance from the sea forming a spatial continuum in migration strategies which is probably maintained by the combination of several factors such as divergent availability of food resources, variable migration costs and genetic differences. These within‐catchment differences in migration strategies should be taken into account in fisheries management practices.  相似文献   
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