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Effective lateral resistance of multiple anchorbolt joints was estimated by considering sill thickness or length/diameter ratios of anchor bolts. Load-slip relationships of single anchor bolt joints were analyzed by the stepwise linear approximation based on the generalized theory of a beam on an elastic foundation and the criterion of “fracture bearing displacement” for several sill thicknesses or length/diameter ratios of anchor bolts. Monte Carlo simulations of the effective lateral resistance of multiple anchor-bolt joints were conducted using the analyzed load-slip curves of single anchor-bolt joints. Effective resistance ratios of multiple anchor-bolt joints were simulated for some combinations of length/diameter ratios of anchor bolts, lead-hole clearances, and number of anchor bolts. The simulated results are: (1) the influence of lead-hole clearance becomes more apparent as length/diameter ratios of single anchor-bolt joints decrease; (2) there is no obvious effect of number of anchor-bolts over the range of 5 to 15; (3) average effective resistance ratios can be adopted for allowable stress design; and (4) reduction of effective resistance ratios should be considered particularly for small length/diameter ratios of anchor-bolt joints.  相似文献   
The relationship between the taxa of airborne fungi and the decay risk was investigated. Airborne fungi in 1,000 l of air were trapped on Japanese cedar disks, and incubated in a damp container kept at 26oC. After 16-week incubation, filamentous fungi grown on the disks were isolated and DNA extracted from each isolate was amplified with the primers ITS4/ITS5. The DNA sequences of the amplified products were determined and compared to the sequence data of GenBank to determine the species or genus according to a BLAST search. This search revealed that the isolate consisted of 5 major taxa, namely Bjerkandera sp., Phanerochaete sp. (A), Phanerochaete sp. (B), Polyporales sp. Polyporus arcularius, and 6 minor ones. Statistical analysis revealed that the major taxa were trapped on the disks in similar weather conditions except for Bjerkandera sp., which was trapped at a cooler temperature. The analysis also proved the disks to which Phanerochaete spp. or Polyporales sp. were attached showed higher mass loss. It is concluded that, under these experimental conditions, related species of Phanerochaete sordida play an important role in increasing the decay risk caused by airborne wood-decay fungi.  相似文献   
The objective of the present study was to characterize Erysipelothrix sp. strains from recent erysipelas outbreaks in Japan. Eighty-three (100%) strains were identified as E. rhusiopathiae, based on serotyping and spaA PCR. Fifty (60.3%), 5 (6.0%), and 28 (33.7%) strains were isolated from animals with acute, subacute and chronic outbreaks, respectively, of which 79 (95.2%), 1 (1.2%), and 3 (3.6%) belonged to serotypes 1a, 2a, and untypeable, respectively. Fifteen strains (including 3, 2, and 10 from acute, subacute, and chronic cases, respectively) were sensitive to acriflavine, and showed high levels of virulence in mice; of which strains from acute cases, and from subacute and chronic cases killed 100%, and 80 to 100% mice, respectively at challenge doses of 10(2) CFU per mouse. Based on sequence analysis of a 432-bp hypervariable region in spaA gene, 83 strains could be divided into 3 groups: (i) group 1 (3 strains of serotype 1a) had Ala-195 and Ile-203; (ii) group 2 (76 strains of serotype 1a and 3 of untypeable) had Asp-195 and Met-203; and (iii) group 3 (one strain of serotype 2a) had Asn-195 and Ile-203. The results of the present study suggest that the serotype 1a strains belonging to the group 2 might be widespread in pig populations in Japan.  相似文献   
Cryoprotectant agents (CPAs) are added in freezing extenders to prevent intracellular ice crystal formation. However, it has been reported that high dose of CPAs confer toxicity on spermatozoa. Recently, the reduction of intracellular water by a high osmolality solution has also resulted in the suppression of ice crystal formation in spermatozoa, suggesting that the optimal combination of glycerol concentration and freezing extender osmolality could contribute to the development of effective sperm cryopreservation techniques. In this study, we investigated the motility, membrane and acrosomal integrity of frozen-thawed boar spermatozoa treated with freezing extender (NSF) of varying osmolalities (300, 400, 500 mOsm/kg) and final concentrations of glycerol (0.5, 1, 2, 3%). The spermatozoa that were treated at 400 mOsm/kg and 2% glycerol showed significantly higher rates of motility and membrane integrity compared with those in other treatment groups. In addition, the conception and implantation rates of swine artificially inseminated with spermatozoa frozen by the novel freezing extender (conception; 79%, implantation; 57.5%) were significantly higher than those of frozen-thawed spermatozoa treated in the conventional NSF (300 mOsm/kg, 3% glycerol) (conception; 29%, implantation; 33.8%). From these results, we concluded that the novel hyperosmotic (400 mOsm/kg) and low-glycerol (final concentration 2%) freezing extender is beneficial for the cryopreservation of boar spermatozoa.  相似文献   
The actual prevalence of Listeria monocytogenes from contents of swine cecum was investigated. The efficiency of Listeria enrichment broth (LEB) for isolation was examined by the recovery of artificially inoculated L. monocytogenes in contents of swine cecum. The numbers of organisms did not increase after 48 h incubation, but increased when the rapid decrease in pH of the LEB was adjusted. Between 1991 and 1993, 250 contents of swine cecum were examined for the prevalence of L. monocytogenes using LEB enrichment, either with or without pH adjustment. L. monocytogenes was isolated from 74 samples in 1993 with pH adjustment, however, no organisms were isolated in 1991 and 1992. It was suggested that the marked rise of the L. monocytogenes isolation was due to the spread of the organism among swine. Furthermore, 67 out of the 74 isolates were identified as 1/2c by serotyping. The serovar 1/2c strains showed genetic diversity by random amplified polymorphic DNA.  相似文献   
Rice brown spot (BS), caused by Bipolaris oryzae, causes yield loss and deterioration of grain quality. Using single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers, we conducted quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis of BS resistance in backcross inbred lines (BILs) from a cross between an American rice cultivar, ‘Dawn’ (resistant), and ‘Koshihikari’ (susceptible). Four QTLs for BS resistance were detected in a three-year field evaluation, and ‘Dawn’ contributed the resistance alleles at all QTLs. The QTL with the greatest effect, qBSR6-kd, explained 15.1% to 20.3% of the total phenotypic variation. Although disease score and days to heading (DTH) were negatively correlated in all three years, qBSR6-kd was located near a QTL for DTH at which the ‘Dawn’ allele promoted heading. Another BS resistance QTL (qBSR3.1-kd) was unlinked to the QTLs for DTH. Therefore, these two QTLs are likely to be useful for breeding BS-resistant varieties without delaying heading. The other two BS resistance QTLs (qBSR3.2-kd and qBSR7-kd) were located near DTH QTLs at which the ‘Dawn’ alleles delayed heading. The QTLs reported here will be good candidates for developing BS-resistant cultivars.  相似文献   
Brown spot (BS) caused by Bipolaris oryzae is a serious disease of rice and decreases grain yield. Breeding for BS resistance is an economical solution but has not hitherto been achieved. To develop a practical BS-resistant variety, we introduced a chromosomal segment including a quantitative trait locus (QTL) for BS resistance, qBSfR11, derived from the BS-resistant local resource ‘Tadukan’, into the genetic background of the high-yielding but susceptible ‘Mienoyume’. Resistance is controlled by a single recessive gene in a 1.3-Mbp region. We named this gene bsr1 (brown spot resistance 1). The near-isogenic line bsr1-NIL had a greater yield with larger grain width than Mienoyume but similar other agronomic traits in fields where BS was mild; it had a significantly lower BS disease score and a 28.8% higher yield in fields where BS was more severe, and it showed resistance to multiple isolates of BS fungus. It showed stable resistance to BS and had excellent agricultural traits in the presence of BS. We developed the bsr1-NIL with resistance to BS and applied it for variety registration to Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in Japan as ‘Mienoyume BSL’. This is the first report for the BS resistant rice variety bred using marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   
Age, growth and hatching season were estimated for the diamond squid (Thysanoteuthis rhombus) migrating into the Sea of Japan based on analyses of statolith growth increments and length–frequency data of the catch in 1999–2004. Growth rates did not differ significantly between the sexes. The oldest squid was 306 days old, which provides further evidence that T. rhombus has a 1-year life span. The hatching season extended from January to September, with a peak in February–March, and the spawning grounds were suggested to extend from the far southwestern Pacific to the East China Sea. Using aging results from statolith analysis, growth was well described by a logistic formula, which also closely corresponded with the sequential progress of the mean mantle length in size–frequency distribution of the catch. Growth rates varied depending on the time of hatching; earlier-hatched squid grew faster than later-hatched ones, suggesting that the former hatched in warmer upper-stream areas of the Tsushima Current or the Kuroshio region and the latter hatched in colder mid- or downstream areas of the Tsushima Current.  相似文献   
The effect of soil exchangeable (plant-available) potassium (ExK) content on cesium (Cs) absorption and translocation in buckwheat was evaluated in a field contaminated with radioactive Cs (134Cs and 137Cs, RCs) in 2013. The RCs concentration in buckwheat was significantly positively correlated with the naturally occurring stable Cs (133Cs, SCs) concentration, and was lower at higher soil ExK content. The RCs and SCs were actively absorbed by buckwheat until the flowering stage. The soil ExK content was significantly negatively correlated with soil exchangeable RCs and SCs (ExRCs and ExSCs) concentrations. Greater RCs and SCs absorption by buckwheat in soils with low ExK contents was mainly due to higher soil ExRCs and ExSCs concentrations. Reproductive organs showed the largest differences in SCs concentration between low-ExK and high-ExK plots. The root–shoot and shoot–reproductive organs translocations of SCs markedly decreased with increasing soil ExK content. In the root–shoot and shoot–reproductive organs translocations, the discrimination of SCs and K decreased with decreasing soil ExK content. Our main findings were as follows: (1) because RCs are mainly taken up at the earlier growth stage, potassium should be applied as a basal fertilizer to decrease the RCs concentration in buckwheat; (2) lower soil ExK content led to higher soil ExRCs concentrations, resulting in greater RCs absorption by buckwheat; (3) the high Cs absorption and translocation and weaker discrimination between Cs and K in low ExK content soil may be due to the expression of K transporter(s) with weak discrimination between Cs and K.  相似文献   
Light-based analysis is a fundamental approach to quantify the effects of factors determining crop growth in a given environment. The objectives of this study are to confirm the applicability of a digital imagery technique to extract green leaf areas for estimating light interception (LI) of maize canopy and to understand the effect of fertilizer application on the LI and radiation use efficiency (RUE) of maize under various agro-environments in Northern Mozambique. A locally recommended variety, Matuba, was grown in a single season with three different N application rates (0, 30, and 80 kgN ha?1) at one hot/dry low-elevation site, two hot/humid mid-elevation sites, and one cool/humid high-elevation site. Repeated measurements with quantum sensors revealed that the digital imagery is applicable to estimate the LI of maize except for leaf-senescing period close to maturity. The N application demonstrated profitable yield increases with agronomic nitrogen use efficiencies (kg grain yield per kg N input) of 20.6–35.3 kg kg?1 except for the low-elevation site with severe drought stress. In the mid-elevation sites, the yield increases were mostly explained by the improvement of RUE while the effect on LI was small because the vegetative growth was naturally vigorous under high temperatures irrespective of N inputs. At the high-elevation site, the N application improved its stagnant initial canopy development and increased both RUE and LI. The simple and inexpensive imagery technique should be useful to identify physiological basis of maize responses to fertilizer application and its interaction with regional environment even under poorly equipped regions in the tropics.  相似文献   
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