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AIM: To monitor pregnancy in a group of rising 2-year-old dairy heifers on a farm on which abortion due to Neospora caninum was known to occur in previous years.

METHODS: A prospective cohort study group of 164 rising 2-year-old heifers was pregnancy-tested and blood-sampled at 4–5-week intervals throughout gestation. Sera were tested for antibodies to N. caninum at 3–4-month intervals, using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). When loss of pregnancy was detected, an N. caninum indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) was conducted retrospectively on stored sera collected the month before abortion, the month abortion was detected, and for the following 2 months, from heifers that aborted. All fetal and placental material detected following abortion was subjected to gross post-mortem and histopathological examination.

RESULTS: Eleven of 18 (61%) heifers that were seropositive and 4/146 (3%) heifers that were seronegative to N. caninum by ELISA, aborted. The relative risk for abortion among ELISApositive heifers was 23.6. Abortion occurred predominantly between Days 120 and 152 gestation among the ELISA-positive heifers and throughout gestation among the ELISA-negative heifers. IFAT titres rose around the time of abortion in most of the heifers that were previously seropositive by ELISA, but dropped rapidly again in post-abortion samples. IFAT titres among 4/6 ELISA-positive heifers that did not abort increased, but later in gestation than the time other heifers aborted. IFAT titres remained negative in heifers that aborted that were ELISAnegative.

CONCLUSIONS: Heifers that were seropositive to N. caninum by ELISA had a much greater risk of abortion than seronegative heifers. Most seropositive heifers showed evidence of a reactivation of infection during pregnancy. High (≥1:2,000) N. caninum IFAT titres also occurred in non-aborting heifers.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Culling of replacement heifers seropositive to N. caninum may be a cost-effective strategy for minimising risk of abortion. Pregnancy testing heifers before 5 months gestation may overestimate the number that calve in N. caninum-infected herds, but would assist in documenting the occurrence of abortion. Reliance on a high (>1:2,000) IFAT titre to rule-in N. caninum as a cause of abortion is likely to produce false-positive results.  相似文献   
In several mammalian species, the configuration of germinal vesicle (GV) chromatin correlates with the developmental competence of oocytes. Yet, no study has been published on the configuration of GV chromatin in ferret, nor is it known whether a specific configuration predicts meiotic competence in this species, in spite of the potential importance of ferret cloning to the study of human disease and to species conservation efforts. Here, we report on an analysis of the chromatin configuration in ferret GV oocytes and on how they correlate with meiotic development. Three distinct configurations were identified based on the degree of chromatin condensation: (1) fibrillar chromatin (FC), featuring strands of intertwined chromatin occupying most of the visible GV region; (2) intermediate condensed chromatin (ICC), characterized by dense, irregular chromatin masses throughout the GV; and (3) condensed chromatin (CC), which is highly compact and centered around the nucleolus. We also found that chromatin configuration was related to the extent of association with cumulus cells in cumulus–oocyte complexes; CC-configured oocytes were most often surrounded by a compact cumulus layer and also a compact corona but FC-configured oocytes were associated with neither. In addition, increasing chromatin condensation corresponded to an increase in oocyte diameter. Finally, following in vitro culture, significantly more CC-configured oocytes underwent maturation to meiotic metaphase II than did FC- or ICC-configured oocytes. We conclude that, in ferret, chromatin condensation is related to the sequential achievement of meiotic competencies during oocyte growth and differentiation, and thus can be used as a predictor of competence.  相似文献   

Consumers perceive pasture-based systems of milk production as natural and therefore better for cow welfare than confinement systems. However both systems are heterogeneous and continually evolving, varying from total confinement to total pasture with many hybrid intermediaries. To compare the welfare of dairy cows in these various systems, we use the three spheres framework, comprising biological functioning, natural behaviour and affective states. Considering biological functioning, pasture-based cows are less at risk of subclinical and clinical mastitis, claw lesions, lameness, metritis, early embryonic mortality, culling and mortality, but at more risk of internal parasitism, malnutrition and delayed onset of oestrous activity postpartum than confined cows. Regarding natural behaviours, pasture-based cows exhibit less agonistic behaviour, better lying behaviour, more normal oestrous behaviours and better synchronicity of behaviours than confined cows. They also have the opportunity to graze, which is one of the main features of the behavioural repertoire of dairy cows, but, they may also experience long periods away from pasture in larger herds, and severe climatic stresses which will become increasingly important as the climate changes. Our current ability to assess the affective state of dairy cows is poor. For example, hunger is an important subjective state that cannot be measured directly. The growing focus on ensuring that animals have lives worth living, means that dairy cows should garner some positive emotions from their lives, and it seems clear that pasture access is essential for this. Clearly measurement of affective state is an important challenge for future dairy cow welfare research. At the extremes of management systems, there can be major differences in animal welfare but in hybrid systems, dairy cows experience elements of both confinement and pasture which may ameliorate the negative effects of each on cow welfare. Ultimately, the optimal system gives cows an element of choice between both environments. Moreover management of the system, whether it is confinement or pastured-based, may be as important as the system of management in ensuring good dairy cow welfare and addressing societal concerns.

Abbreviations: BCS: Body condition score; TMR: Total mixed ration  相似文献   
Although Thiobacillus ferrooxidans and Leptospirillum ferrooxidans are widely considered to be the microorganisms that control the rate of generation of acid mine drainage, little is known about their natural distribution and abundance. Fluorescence in situ hybridization studies showed that at Iron Mountain, California, T. ferrooxidans occurs in peripheral slime-based communities (at pH over 1.3 and temperature under 30 degreesC) but not in important subsurface acid-forming environments (pH 0.3 to 0.7, temperature 30 degrees to 50 degreesC). Leptospirillum ferrooxidans is abundant in slimes and as a planktonic organism in environments with lower pH. Thiobacillus ferrooxidans affects the precipitation of ferric iron solids but plays a limited role in acid generation, and neither species controls direct catalysis at low pH at this site.  相似文献   
Coupled radiocarbon and thorium-230 dates from benthic coral species reveal that the ventilation rate of the North Atlantic upper deep water varied greatly during the last deglaciation. Radiocarbon ages in several corals of the same age, 15.41 +/- 0.17 thousand years, and nearly the same depth, 1800 meters, in the western North Atlantic Ocean increased by as much as 670 years during the 30- to 160-year life spans of the samples. Cadmium/calcium ratios in one coral imply that the nutrient content of these deep waters also increased. Our data show that the deep ocean changed on decadal-centennial time scales during rapid changes in the surface ocean and the atmosphere.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to evaluate the straw size effect used for freezing on the in vitro fertilizing capacity. Twenty-one ejaculates from seven fertile boars were frozen under controlled conditions in 0.5 and 5 ml straws. Thawed semen was compared to fresh semen. For fresh and thawed semen in 0.5 and 5 ml straws, the results were: 92.18, 77.38 and 79.04% sperm penetration; 80.68, 66.89 and 69.33% monospermy; 11.51, 10.49 and 9.74% polyspermy; 86.19, 47.14 and 47.02% motility and 75.52, 48.19 and 46.81% normal apical ridge (NAR), respectively. Analysis of variance and test of multiple comparisons showed that under the conditions employed, penetration, monospermy, motility and NAR were significantly reduced by freezing–thawing, but polyspermy was much less affected. The results obtained suggest that frozen boar semen is adequate for in vitro fertilization. In addition freezing in 5 ml straws did not have any detrimental effect on either penetration, monospermy, polyspermy, motility and NAR, in comparison with freezing in 0.5 ml straws.  相似文献   
Lactating dairy cows with a mature corpus luteum (CL) (diameter of ≥17 mm determined by ultrasonography) and having a follicle with a diameter of 10 mm (n = 49) were randomly assigned to three groups. The first group was treated with a single dose of exogenous prostaglandin (25 mg), while the second group was treated with 35 mg on day 0, and the third group served as control in order to evaluate the effect of rectal manipulation on the CL during ultrasonographic examination. Blood samples were collected daily for analysing progesterone (P4) concentrations. In group 1 the incidence of oestrus and artificial insemination (AI) in 10 days after treatment was 95% (19 of 20). The conception rate was 31.6%, and the average time to oestrus after treatment was 3.7 day. In group 2 the incidence of oestrus and A.I. was 84.2% (16/19). The conception rate was 31.2%, and the average time to oestrus after treatment was 2.8 day. In the untreated group only two cows (2/10) exhibited oestrus during the examined period and none of them became pregnant. There were no significant differences between the two treated groups in terms of reduction in the area of CL and P4 concentrations and of an increase in the area of the dominant follicles. At the same time, the decrease in the percentage changes relative to the area of CL and to the concentrations of P4 were statistically significant in both treated groups.  相似文献   
Pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) concentrations were measured in buffalo cows starting from day 28 after breeding. Oestrus was synchronized in 10 buffaloes using two injections of 25 mg prostraglandin (PG)F2 α (Lutalyse®) at a 11-day interval. Blood sampling was conducted nearly twice weekly. Results indicated that plasma PAG concentrations in non-pregnant buffaloes were low (<0.20 ng/ml) during the whole experimental period (day 28 to 103), while in pregnant animals plasma PAG levels increased from day 28 (4.48 ± 0.92 ng/ml) until day 41 (27.27 ± 6.74 ng/ml), remaining high (20.71 ± 9.20 ng/ml) until day 103. Progesterone levels were significantly (p < 0.0001) higher in pregnant (3.51–4.80 ng/ml) than in non-pregnant buffaloes (0.28–1.52 ng/ml). A significant difference (p < 0.0001) in plasma PAG concentrations between pregnant and non-pregnant animals starting at day 28 after breeding suggests that PAG-radioimmunoassay could be suitable for pregnancy diagnosis in buffaloes during this period. In conclusion, PAG test offers the advantages that it requires a single plasma sample for early pregnancy diagnosis as well as the accuracy of the test for the detection of pregnancy as early as day 28.  相似文献   
Two interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) assays, the IFN-gamma enzyme immunoassay (EIA) and the IFN-gamma bioassay and an absorbed ELISA were used to screen 6 cattle herds for Johne's disease. Each herd had a history of Johne's disease but the majority of infected animals did not show clinical signs. The disease status of the cattle, which were removed from the herds, was confirmed by bacteriological culture of faeces or histopathological examination and culture of tissues collected at necropsy. The sensitivities of the IFN-gamma assays and the absorbed ELISA were determined using test results from infected animals. The sensitivity of the IFN-gamma EIA in detecting subclinical (71.8 to 93.3%) and clinical animals (100%) was not significantly different. However, the IFN-gamma bioassay and the absorbed ELISA were more sensitive in detecting cattle with advanced infections (80%) than those that were subclinically affected (16.7 to 33.3%).  相似文献   
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