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Tony Hadibarata Abdull Rahim Mohd Yusoff Risky Ayu Kristanti 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2012,223(8):4669-4677
The decolorization of the recalcitrant dye Remazol Brilliant Blue R (RBBR) by the culture filtrate of Polyporus sp. S133 and the effect of various environmental factors were investigated. Both biodegradation and biosorption were playing an important role in bioremoval mechanisms. The highest biosorption of RBBR in Polyporus sp. S133 was shown by all carbon sources such as sucrose, glucose, fructose, and starch. No biosorption was shown by the addition of aromatic compounds and metal ions; 97.1?% RBBR decolorization was achieved in 120-rpm culture for 96?h, as compared to 49.5?% decolorization in stationary culture. Increasing the shaking rotation of the culture to more than 120?rpm was proven to give a negative effect on decolorization. The highest production of laccase was shown at pH 4 and constantly decreases when the pH level increases. The addition of glucose, ammonium tartrate, Cu2+, and protocatechuic acid was the suitable environmental condition for RBBR decolorization. There was a positive relationship between all environmental conditions and laccase production in the decolorization of RBBR. 相似文献
Shadi Eftekharmanavi Rahim Peyghan Mehdi Soltani Masoud Ghorbanpoor najafabadi 《Aquaculture Research》2020,51(9):3479-3487
The outer membrane protein of Aeromonas hydrophila is a potential candidate for vaccine development. In this study, after cloning and expression of ompTS, 270 common carp, weighing 44 ± 5.7 g divided into five groups, were injected intraperitoneally twice with 3‐week intervals. Groups included the following: PBS, PBS plus Freund's adjuvant, recombinant protein, recombinant protein plus Freund's adjuvant and 20 fish as negative control. Two weeks after the second injection, 30 fish of each group were challenged with a dose of 2 × LD50 of Aeromonas hydrophila and RPS was measured. The antibody level was measured using ELISA test. The protection of recombinant protein in the immunized fish with and without adjuvant, respectively, was about 82.61% and 78.26% (the protection of recombinant protein electroeluted from an SDS–PAGE with and without adjuvant, respectively, was about 78.62% and 69.57%). The average of antibody level in recombinant protein with and without adjuvant was significantly higher than the PBS group (p < .05). The ability of recombinant ompTS to increase the antibody level and to protect the fish from challenge by A. hydrophila demonstrated that recombinant ompTS protein injection can be used to immunize common carp against A. hydrophila infection. 相似文献
Roya Rahnama Rahim Peyghan Masoud Reza Seyfi Abad Shapouri Anahita Rezaie Nastaran Shahbazian 《Aquaculture Research》2019,50(2):474-482
Viral haemorrhagic septicaemia (VHS) is one of the most important viral diseases in rainbow trout that has caused great losses to Iranian rainbow trout aquaculture industry in the last 3 years. Therefore, rapid and reliable diagnosis of VHS virus infections is of great importance. An enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method was performed to study serum antibodies against viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV) using recombinant fragments of their N protein. For this purpose, the virus was first isolated from an infected farm. A part of the nucleocapsid (1–505 bp) gene was amplified by RT‐PCR using specific primers. The amplified fragment was ligated to pMALc2x vector and transferred to DH5α strain of Escherichia coli. Then, recombinant plasmids were tested for protein expression in E. coli Rosetta strain. SDS‐PAGE analysis indicated the production of a recombinant protein with an expected molecular weight of 61 KDa. Analysis of trout serum samples from seven previously infected farms and two VHS free farms showed that the designed ELISA method was effective in diagnosing the infected fish. The results revealed that the developed serological assay using designed ELISA based on recombinant protein (N) has the potential to be used in monitoring studies and to determine the prevalence of VHS in rainbow trout farms. The present data allow evaluating the levels of nonneutralizing antibodies without crude virus preparations. 相似文献
Al-Mashreki MH Akhir JB Abd Rahim S Desa KM Rahman ZA 《Pakistan journal of biological sciences: PJBS》2010,13(23):1116-1128
In the present study, an assessment of land suitability potential for agriculture in the study area of IBB governorate, Republic of Yemen has been conducted through close examination of the indicators of land characteristics and qualities. The objective of this study is to evaluate the available land resource and produce the potential map of the study area. Remote sensing data help in mapping land resources, especially in mountainous areas where accessibility is limited. Satellite imagery data used for this study includes data from multi-temporal Landsat TM which dated June 2001. The parameters taken into consideration were 16 thematic maps i.e., slope, DEM, rainfall, soil, land use, land degradation as well as land characteristics maps. Satellite image of the study area has been classified for land use, land degradation and soil maps preparation, while topo sheet and ancillary data have been used for slope and DEM maps and soil properties determination. The land potential of the study area was categorized as very high, high, moderate, low and very low by adopting the logical criteria. These categories were arrived at by integrating the various layers with corresponding weights in a Geographical Information System (GIS). The study demonstrates that the study area can be categorized into spatially distributed agriculture potential zones based on the soil properties, terrain characteristics and analyzing present land use. This approach has the potential as a useful tool for guiding policy decision on sustainable land resource management. 相似文献
The concentration of progesterone in the milk of the female camel was determined by using the Ovucheck Bovine Milk Progesterone kit. The results indicate that progesterone crosses the mammary gland and reaches the milk. Its concentration was more than 5 ng/ml in pregnant animals, whereas in the nonpregnant animals concentrations fell to below 1 ng/ml. Progesterone level in milk was also used to monitor ovarian activity during the service period. Here, the results indicate that some of the practices adopted by camel owners could cause severe infertility problems when compared to those inflicted by the male without interference. 相似文献
Solène Croci Alain Butet Anita Georges Rahim Aguejdad Philippe Clergeau 《Landscape Ecology》2008,23(10):1171-1186
To evaluate the importance of urban woodlands to serve as potential sites for biodiversity conservation, we analysed bird,
carabid beetle and small mammal community responses to urbanisation at different spatial scales. We analysed the relationships
between the variations of the structure (species richness S, diversity H′ and dominance D) of animal communities of woodlands
distributed along a rural–urban gradient, and the variations along this same gradient of (1) the vegetation within woodlands,
(2) the landscape at 100 m and (3) 600 m around the woodlands. We identified the spatial scales whose variations along the
gradient most affected each animal community structure, and characterised community responses to these variations. Our results
showed that urbanisation affected taxa differently according to their dispersal ability. Carabid beetles, less mobile, seem
to be sensitive to increasing fragmentation and built surfaces from periurban to town centre which could make their movement
within the urban landscape difficult. Birds, mobile species, seem to be more sensitive to variations of the vegetation structure
within woodlands from periurban to town centre that could affect their capacity to maintain in habitat patches. Although our
study did not allow relating the small mammal community structure to urbanisation, it suggests that this taxa is sensitive
to urban local disturbances. A relevant management scale of woodlands can be specified for each taxa conservation. Urban woodlands
accommodate over 50% of the species present in periurban woodlands, and effective management could enhance this number. Woodlands
seem to be a good choice for promoting biodiversity conservation in towns. 相似文献
An outbreak of bluetongue and the first isolation of the virus in the Sudan are reported. The disease occurred in sheep stressed by walking for five days when biting arthropods were prevalent. Estimates of the morbidity and mortality rates ranged from about 30 per cent and 2 per cent respectively in adult sheep to around 80 per cent and 100 per cent respectively in lambs. The virus was isolated by the inoculation of suckling mice and embryonated eggs with whole blood from febrile sheep. In a gel precipitation test it reacted with specific antiserum to type 10 BT8 strain. No other agent was isolated. Given the relatively mild nature of bluetongue in indigenous sheep, it is believed that the long walking stress coupled with exposure to sunlight might have aggravated the severity of the disease in this particular outbreak. 相似文献
To develop a male sterile line of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) utilizing the cytoplasm of S. virginianum, an interspecific F1 hybrid between S. virginianum and S. melongena ‘Senryo Nigou’ was continuously backcrossed to S. melongena ‘Uttara’ using ‘Uttara’ as a recurrent pollen parent and four backcross generations, BC1, BC2, BC3 and BC4 were produced. All the plants in backcross generations were anther indehiscent although the F1 hybrid, S. virginianum and S. melongena were dehiscent. Pollen stainability with acetic carmine and in vitro germination ability of pollen in all the backcross progenies were quite lower than those of the parental species. Fruit set percentage, number of seeds per fruit and seed germination rate were high in all the backcross progenies. The present results indicate that anther indehiscent type of functional male sterile line of eggplant could be developed by utilizing the cytoplasm of S. virginianum. PCR-RFLP analysis of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) were performed to identify the organelle inheritance. The F1 hybrid and all the backcross progenies displayed maternal inheritance of mtDNA. The cpDNA of the examined single BC1 plant exhibited the recombinant cpDNA pattern of the parental F1 hybrid and ‘Uttara’, indicating occurrence of the biparental inheritance of cpDNA. As all the BC2, BC3 and BC4 progenies showed the same recombinant cpDNA patterns of the BC1 plant, the recombinant cpDNA might be stable and harmonize with the nuclear genome of S. melongena. The present male sterile line can contribute to expand the male sterility source of eggplant. 相似文献
Inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) analysis was performed in eight cultivars of eggplant (Solanum melongena) and 12 accessions in eight related Solanum species to evaluate the applicability of this analysis for assessing the phylogenetic relationships and identifying cultivars. A total of 552 polymorphic amplified bands were obtained from 34 of the 100 primers tested, and the percentage of polymorphisms was 99.1%. Cluster analysis based on the ISSR markers classified the Solanum species into seven groups: (i) S. melongena; (ii) S. aethiopicum and S. anguivi; (iii) S. incanum; (iv) S. violaceum and S. kurzii; (v) S. macrocarpon; (vi) S. virginianum and (vii) S. torvum. Combining the ISSR markers obtained by a few of the 34 primers was enough for distinguishing of the eight cultivars of eggplant. This ISSR analysis was demonstrated to be available for the phylogenetic study and the cultivar identification. 相似文献