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In this study, triacylglycerol, cholesterol and glucose were measured in nauplii of Penaeus vannamei (Boone) to explain high and low survival rates from nauplii to zoea in a commercial hatchery. Triacylglycerol and glucose levels were significantly higher in nauplii that had increased survival rates to zoea. No significant differences were found in nauplii size or cholesterol levels. The influence of the long-term effect of ablation of broodstock on the biochemical composition of egg and nauplii was also determined. As the days after ablation increased, the glucose and triacylgyceride level in eggs, and the glucose levels in nauplii decreased. The broodstock had higher fecundity and body length 96 days after ablation, but the more recently ablated broodstock (18 days) produced the largest nauplii, which could indicate a higher development rate. A nauplii condition index was calculated from nauplii triacylglycerol levels, percentage of viable nauplii and nauplii length. A decline in this condition index was observed with increased days after ablation. The biochemical composition of egg and nauplii can be associated with the physiological status of the broodstock. In turn, the hatching success and survival to zoea are affected by the fuel levels. The differences in egg and nauplii fuels from broodstock with different time after ablation suggest that reproductive exhaustion of the broodstock is also related to insufficient metabolic fuel which, in turn, has an effect on larval viability.  相似文献   
This study was undertaken to detect pregnancy in Iraqi riverine buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) using three different methods (rectal palpation, plasma progesterone concentration and detection of the presence of pregnancy‐specific protein B (PSPB) with the BioPRYN® enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test. The aim of the study was to identify the most sensitive, early and accurate method for detecting pregnancy. Twenty‐two female riverine buffalo that were 6.0 ± 0.93 years old were used. Four blood samples per buffalo were taken via jugular venipuncture at days 22–24, 32–34, 42–44 and 58–61 post‐mating (PM) to measure the progesterone concentration (ng/ml) and to detect the presence of plasma PSPB. The rectal palpation method was employed to evaluate all buffalo on days 42–44 and 58–61 PM. The BioPRYN® test differed (p < 0.01) from the other tests with earlier accuracy for detecting pregnant and non‐pregnant buffalo. Eighty‐eight percent of pregnant and 76.9% of non‐pregnant buffalo were distinguished early (days 22–24 PM) using BioPRYN® and plasma PSPB‐ELISA level (2.09 ± 0.12 ng/ml) in relation to 66.7% and 53.9% detected using the progesterone assay at similar days (4.30 ± 0.40 ng/ml). In conclusion, these results described, for the first time, the early and accurate pregnancy detection of water riverine buffalo using BioPRYN® technology and provided the plasma levels of PSPB using an ELISA test. These findings will improve the reproductive and productive efficiency of Iraqi riverine buffalo by adapting the recent management and reproductive strategies in Iraq and in the world.  相似文献   
The effect of including 5% marine by‐product meals in feeds of laying hens on egg production, composition and sensory characteristics was tested. Marine by‐product meals were prepared using two methods: (i) cooking (100°C/10 min) followed by drying (60°C/24 hr) or (ii) grinding followed by drying. The raw materials used for meal production were scallop or squid viscera, shrimp heads or whole mackerel. A total of 108 laying hens were allocated to nine diet treatments; one control diet (corn and soya bean based) and eight experimental diets, containing 95% of the control feed and 5% of the experimental meal for three weeks. Daily intake was higher in hens fed the dried mackerel and cooked shrimp meals. All the experimental treatments showed significantly higher concentration of n‐3 HUFA in yolk reserves and phospholipids compared to the control (0.12–0.13 g per 100 g), especially those with scallop or squid prepared by both methods (0.53–0.95 g per 100 g). Scallop, squid and shrimp meal inclusion in the feed produced eggs with more astaxanthin (0.22 mg per 100 g) while this carotenoid was absent in the control and mackerel treatments. Visual evaluation of raw yolk colour increased with the inclusion of marine by‐product meals with higher values in hens fed shrimp heads (13), followed by scallop viscera (11), squid viscera (9), and with similar values for mackerel and control (4). The taste, aroma, texture and colour of cooked eggs from different treatments were not statically different when evaluated by a panel of 60 untrained people. These results suggest that meals from marine by‐products are a better alternative for improving egg yolk composition by increasing n‐3 HUFA when compared to fishmeal as they also increase astaxanthin and yolk pigmentation without affecting egg sensory characteristics.  相似文献   
In this study, lipid classes and fatty acid composition were determinedin eggs of P. vannamei as a function of survival to zoeaIII stage. Spawns were reared individually to zoea III and grouped, accordingtotheir final survival to this larval stage, into spawns of high and lowsurvival.Eggs of individual spawns were analyzed for lipid and fatty acid composition ofneutral and polar lipids and the results were then grouped according tosurvivalto zoea III. The lipids within each group (high and low survival to zoea III)were pooled for the separation of phospholipids and the analysis of their fattyacid composition.Higher levels of triglycerides, carotenoids, and linoleic (18:2n-6) acid ineggs were associated with improved survival to zoea III. Linoleic acid washigher in spawns from the high survival group in both neutral and polarfractions and in most of the phospholipid classes analyzed. Docosahexanoic acid(DHA) was not related to survival to zoea, probably because its content washighenough (> 15% of total fatty acids) to satisfy embryo and early larvaldevelopment needs. A high content of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) was found inphosphatidylethanolamine, lysophosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylserine, andphosphatidylinositol compared to other phospholipid classes, suggesting aspecific role of EPA in these lipids. These results describe the specificphospholipid composition of penaeid eggs and could (potentially) be used aspredictive indicators of larval quality for research and production purposes.  相似文献   
Second generation Penaeus vannamei broodstack, pond-reared and wild populations, were compared for spawning frequency and several variables associated with reproductive performance. For this purpose, 470 pond-reared and 237 wild-caught individually tagged females were stocked with males of the same origin in ten maturation tanks in a commercial hatchery, and several productivity variables were recorded over time. Results of the analysis indicate that wild shrimp had higher mating and spawning frequencies compared to pond-reared broodstock. The number of nauplii per spawn was higher for wild shrimp, but fertilization and hatching rates were higher for pond-reared spawners. A larger proportion of nonmating females were found in pond-reared shrimp; whereas, wild females had a higher potential for multiple matings. The spawn quality (fertilization and hatching rates, percentage of viable spawns, and number of nauplii) in consecutive matings did not decline substantially. The present study indicates that selection of females with multiple spawning capabilities can be an important commercial strategy to improve nauplii production over the short term. Pond-reared broodstock can be an adequate source for applying this strategy because of their year-round availability and an overall acceptable reproductive performance.  相似文献   
Abstract— The effects of serotonin (5-HT) and the stress of repeated sampling on Penaeus vannamei hemolymph levels of glucose, lactate, triacylglycerol, cholesterol, and total protein were examined. For this purpose, a baseline hemolymph sample was taken and then shrimp were injected with 5-HT (50 μg/shrimp) or saline after which repeated individual samples were taken at 30, 60, and 120 min. Glucose levels tripled in both saline- and serotonin-treated shrimp when compared to baseline values, without any difference between both groups. In contrast, lactate level rose significantly only in the 5-HT group. The levels of this metabolite were significantly higher than in the salineinjection group for all time points. Triacylglycerol decreased in both groups and no substantial differences were observed in cholesterol and protein levels. The results indicate that repeated sampling stress produces strong hyperglycemia and that 5-HT does not produce an additional increase in glucose levels. However. this monoamine strongly increased lactate levels, a response that can be distinguished from stress and probably attributed to glycolysis.  相似文献   
Region of provenance is defined as an area with uniform ecological conditions where stands with similar phenotypic or genetic features are found. This study assesses the effect of differing climate conditions of eight Spanish regions of provenance of Pinus nigra Arn. subsp. salzmannii on earlywood anatomical traits measured in samples from basal discs from mature trees. Results showed that variation in wood biometry between provenances was high and more pronounced than intrapopulation variation. When comparing P. nigra with other Mediterranean pines, high intertracheid wall strength values are associated with better adaptation of pines to arid conditions. However, the intraspecific variations of this parameter in P. nigra did not follow the same pattern, due to the influence of mechanical support requirements. Trees subject to greater aridity were characterised by short tracheids, apparently resulting from their poorer growth, and high frequency of rays and ray parenchyma cells, which would allow trees to store greater amounts of starch, which is the source of metabolites invested in minimising the limitations imposed by water stress. Severe winter cold spells were strongly associated with high axial resin canal frequency and large radial resin canals, creating a powerful, preformed defence system. Increased tracheid lumen involved an increase in the size of bordered pits, favouring sap flow between tracheids, in addition to an increase in the maximum diameter of cross-field pits, favouring the flow of water and metabolites between the axial and radial systems. The high influence of region of provenance on structural variation in P. nigra shows the importance of provenance in the selection of seed origin for reforestation.  相似文献   
Objective To develop a simple and effective surgical technique for third‐compartment cannulation in alpacas. Design Prospective study using six adult male alpacas. Methods General anaesthesia was induced and a polyurethane gastrostomy tube was surgically implanted into the distal portion of the third compartment. Results Three of the alpacas retained their cannulas for a 100‐day period; however, three cannulas were dislodged during the study. Two of the three dislodged cannulas were replaced during a second surgical procedure. Cannulas were well tolerated by the alpacas and all animals remained clinically healthy during the study period. Third compartment contents did not leak from the cannulation site. The tubes were manually removed following the completion of the study and the small defect in the body wall quickly healed over in all animals. Conclusion Surgical placement of polyurethane tubes designed for percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy is a useful method of cannulating the third compartment in camelids. This technique can be used for experimental studies and possibly could be used for nutritional support and fluid therapy in sick camelids that might need long‐term care.  相似文献   
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