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In response to the ongoing multidimensional change occurring in the external environment, forest sector companies must adapt or create new business models. Our primary objectives are to illustrate the use of an expanded Business Model Canvas for business model design as well as highlight additional evaluation tools that we have developed. We do this via an example from a medium-sized US manufacturer of value-added wood products that desired to design a business model for export market entry. We introduce a method for identifying business models, supported by an evaluation tool and core value calculations. The lessons learned are discussed.  相似文献   
A new market-based voluntary programme aimed at preserving forest habitats on private land has been implemented in Finland. This scheme is based on conservation by fixed-term agreements between forest owners and a governmental authority. In this study we examine the characteristics of forest owners and their properties that indicate the owners' willingness to participate in the programme. In addition, we analyse factors affecting the real compensation claims. The study uses a dual set of data from the pilot project, i.e. one data set supplied by the authority and another collected from the owners involved in the project. The results suggest that to increase the participation rate, information on the conservation project should be targeted in particular to the forest owners who either emphasize financial investment as a motive for forest ownership, have positive attitudes toward nature protection, or own large amounts of forest property. Additionally, owners' positive environmental preferences would decrease and high harvesting value and high ecological quality of a preserved forest stand would increase compensation claims. The voluntary programme could not, however, circumvent owners' strategic behaviour with respect to the claims.  相似文献   
Species diversity of polypores (Basidiomycetes) was compared between woodland key habitats (WKHs) and old-growth forest controls in boreal forests in eastern Finland. WKHs, which were set aside for their rich vascular plant flora, turned out not to be hot spots for the species richness of polypores, nor did their species composition represent the overall species richness of the area. Differences in the total volume of CWD, tree species composition and several CWD qualities were reflected as differences in the species assemblages between the groups. The results indicated that only a fraction of the overall polypore diversity was represented in the small-size WKHs (<0.5 ha), and the protection of red-listed and indicator polypores in WKHs was random. However, rare old-growth forest indicators were found even in small-size WKHs, if the CWD quality was appropriate for them. Nevertheless, our study does not answer the question whether the occurrences of rare and red-listed species will survive in small-size WKHs surrounded by altered environments such as clear-cuts, because our study sites were located in undisturbed areas. The results stress the importance to protect typical old-growth forest patches with high CWD volume and quality in boreal forests.  相似文献   
Old (>100 years, situated below 15 cm depth) sediment layers, of two humic forest lakes contained 400 to 600 mg of solvent soluble organic halogen (EOX) (kg C)-1. This was two to three fold more than in the most recent layers at the depth of 0 to 10 cm. Sediment accumulation of EOX in humic forest lakes correlated positively with the sediment accumulation of organic matter. Lake water concentration of adsorbable organic halogen (AOX) correlated positively with water concentration of total organic carbon (TOC) and with the water colour in the different strata, seasons and lakes. These facts suggest that organic halogen in boreal humic lakes originated from the drainage area. Paleolimnological study of diatom remains showed that sediment concentration of organic halogen correlated negatively with the historical pH of the lake water column. This fact supports a view that the presence of organic halogen was promoted by haloperoxidase type of enzyme, which is most active at low pH (3.5 to 4). The dates of forest management events (clear cutting, prescribed burning) matched with the observed changes in lake water column historical pH and decrease in sediment content organic halogen in dated sediment layers. Clear cutting and prescribed burning are known to increase soil pH. This may decrease the intrinsic formation of organic halogens in soil, thereby decreasing the flow of organic halogens from the runoff area to the forest lake. Our results support a conclusion that changes in natural organically bound halogen in the sediment were promoted by acidification, forest fires and forest management in the drainage area. The organic halogen content in the most polluted layer of the pulp mill recipient sediment was 10 to 100 fold as compared to forest lake sediments.  相似文献   
Knowledge of ingredients assimilation and biomass contribution to recipient fish is important in feed formulation. The stable isotopes of 13C and 15N were used to investigate the assimilation and biomass contribution of bambaranut, Voandzeia subterranea, meal (BNM), corn, Zea mays, meal (CM) and fish meal (FM), in FM substituted diets of first feeding African catfish, Clarias gariepinus, during a 30‐d experiment. The catfish larvae were stocked at 40 fish/15 L three replicate glass aquaria. Larvae were fed with experimental diets varying FM, BNM, and CM. Proportions of FM : BNM : CM in the experimental diets were: feed 1 (F1) 60:20:20; feed 2 (F2) 40:40:20; feed 3 (F3) 20:60:20; and feed 4 (F4) 20:20:60. Feeds and larval stable isotopes of δ13C and δ15N were analyzed. Larval specific growth rates (SGRs) were high, enhancing incorporation of dietary δ13C and δ15N. The SGR was highest for catfish fed F1 and F2 but significantly lower for those on F3 and F4. Results of δ13C and δ15N analyses showed that the biomass contribution from FM was similar to BNM, which were better than CM at equal inclusion levels. The nitrogen contribution per ingredient to larval somatic crude protein was increasing with increases in ingredient inclusion and assimilation. Stable isotope analysis is useful for analyzing assimilation and utilization of nutrients.  相似文献   

Turnout to pasture involves considerable changes in the feed intake and metabolism of dairy cows. The aim of this study was to investigate how these changes affect milk production and milk fat composition, in cows selected for high (HFI) or low (LFI) milk fat content producing the same yield of 4% fat-corrected milk. Furthermore, two different concentrates, with high or low inclusion of soya oil, were studied. The experiment was conducted with 44 multiparous mid-lactating cows over a 4 week period. Samples of milk and blood were obtained before turnout to pasture, during transition to pasture and when cows were adapted to pasture. Milk yield decreased with 3.6 kg energy-corrected milk (ECM) on average during the first 5 days after turnout to pasture. This decrease, together with a drop in plasma insulin and increased plasma non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), indicated nutritional insufficiency at turnout to pasture. Milk fat composition changed towards more long-chain fatty acids (LCFA) and fewer de novo synthesized fatty acids. This was probably caused by an increased supply of LCFA of feed and body origin to the udder. LFI cows showed higher levels of conjugated linoleic acid at pasture than HFI cows.  相似文献   
The objective of the study was to examine the success of regeneration in gaps of variable size in pine-dominated stands in terms of seedling density. It was based on an experiment in central Lapland containing circular clear-cut gaps of 20, 40 and 80 m in diameter on typical sub-xeric and xeric pine sites with site preparation (patch scarification). The observation period covered the first five years after cutting. The average number of seedlings that had emerged after gap cutting was about 22 000?ha?1 for pine and 7 000?ha?1 for birch. The proportion of regeneration sample plots without any pine seedlings was less than 10%. The seedling density diminished constantly with greater distance from the edge stand but indicating sufficient density up to the largest gap size in the study (diameter 80 m, area ca. 0.5?ha). Site preparation promoted regeneration remarkably, and we conclude that successful regeneration would be achieved in most cases with soil scarification exposing just 10–20% of the soil surface.  相似文献   
Background: The occurrence of aspen trees increases the conservation value of mature conifer dominated forests.Aspens typically occur as scattered individuals among major tree species, and therefore the inventory of aspens is challenging.Methods: We characterized aspen populations in a boreal nature reserve using diameter distribution, spatial pattern, and forest attributes: volume, number of aspens, number of large aspen stems and basal area median diameter. The data were collected from three separate forest stands in Koli National Park, eastern Finland. At each site, we measured breast height diameter and coordinates of each aspen. The comparison of inventory methods of aspens within the three stands was based on simulations with mapped field data. We mimicked stand level inventory by locating varying numbers of fixed area circular plots both systematically and randomly within the stands. Additionally, we also tested if the use of airborne laser scanning(ALS) data as auxiliary information would improve the accuracy of the stand level inventory by applying the probability proportional to size sampling to assist the selection of field plot locations.Results: The results showed that aspens were always clustered, and the diameter distributions indicated different stand structures in the three investigated forest stands. The reliability of the volume and number of large aspen trees varied from relative root mean square error figures above 50% with fewer sample plots(5–10) to values of25%–50% with 10 or more sample plots. Stand level inventory estimates were also able to detect spatial pattern and the shape of the diameter distribution. In addition, ALS-based auxiliary information could be useful in guiding the inventories, but caution should be used when applying the ALS-supported inventory technique.Conclusions: This study characterized European aspen populations for the purposes of monitoring and management of boreal conservation areas. Our results suggest that if the number of sample plots is adequate,i.e. 10 or more stand level inventory will provide accurate enough forest attributes estimates in conservation areas(minimum accuracy requirement of RMSE% is 20%–50%). Even for the more ecologically valuable attributes, such as diameter distribution, spatial pattern and large aspens, the estimates are acceptable for conservation purposes.  相似文献   
Voluntary biodiversity protection tools have been adopted for practical use in many countries where non-industrial private forest ownership includes invaluable biodiversity resources. This has created a new kind of decision problem for individual forest owners: they should be able to define their conditions for entering into a biodiversity protection contract including sometimes a predetermined subsidy. This study presents a holding-level method for examining this decision problem. The method is based on utilization of interactive optimization where the possible subsidy has been included in the protection (no treatment) alternative of the examined stand. Generally, interactive optimization means that the landowner pinpoints the best plan by interactively studying and learning the production possibilities of his/her forest holding. Following changes made to the objective function by the forest owner, new solutions are presented for forest owners’ evaluation. If the “No treatments” option is selected in optimization for these areas, the forest owner would benefit more—in the current location of the production frontier and with the current subsidy—from entering into the protection contract than from cutting the specific forest area. In the case study, we demonstrate that the values of the holding-level goals, production possibilities of the planning area and the levels of the subsidy have a significant effect on the optimal decisions relating to biodiversity protection on the stand level.  相似文献   
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