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Despite its high nitrogen absorption capacity, oilseed rape (OSR) has a low apparent nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), which makes its production highly dependent on nitrogen fertilization. Improving NUE in OSR is therefore a main target in breeding. The objectives of the present work were to determine the genomic regions (QTLs) associated with yield and to assess their stability under contrasted nitrogen nutrition regimes. One mapping population, AM, was tested in a French location for three growing seasons (2011, 2012 and 2013), under two nitrogen conditions (optimal and low). Eight yield-related traits were scored and nitrogen-responsive traits were calculated. A total of 104 QTLs were detected of which 28 controlled flowering time and 76 were related to yield and yield components. Very few genotype × nitrogen interactions were detected and the QTLs were highly stable between the nitrogen conditions. In contrast, only a few QTLs were stable across the years of the trial, suggesting a strong QTL × year interaction. Finally, eleven critical genomic regions that were stable across nitrogen conditions and/or trial years were identified. One particular region located on the A5 linkage group appears to be a promising candidate for marker assisted selection programs. The different strategies for OSR breeding using the QTLs found in the present study are discussed.  相似文献   


Uneven-aged management systems based on selection silviculture have become popular in European mountain forests and progressively replace other silvicultural practices. In time, this trend could lead to a homogenisation of the forest mosaic with consequences on structural indices recognised as beneficial to forest biodiversity.


This study was conducted to investigate the potential effects of a generalisation of the selection silvicultural system on structural diversity in the forest landscape with consequences for forest biodiversity conservation.


We compared four structural indices (tree species richness, diameter heterogeneity, deadwood volume and basal area of mature trees) in five different stand types typical of the northern French Alps, using forest plot data in the Vercors mountain range. Through virtual landscape simulations, we then calculated predicted mean proportions of stand types under two different conservation strategies: (i) maximising mean index values at the landscape level and (ii) maximising the number of plots in the landscape with index values above given thresholds.


Multi-staged forests did not maximise all indices, the best solution being to combine the five stand types in uneven proportions to improve biodiversity conservation.


The expansion of selection silviculture in European heterogeneous forest landscapes could enhance biodiversity conservation if other stand types with complementary structural characteristics are maintained.  相似文献   
Polygalacturonic acid (PGA) is considered as a model substance for mucilage to study mucilage–soil interactions, assuming that the gel formation mechanism of mucilage is comparable to the one of PGA. However, some studies question the accepted hypothesis, which states that, like for PGA, this mechanism relies on cross‐links between uronic acid and calcium for mucilage. The aim of this study was therefore to understand the influence of the abundance and degree of esterification of uronic acids and the influence of calcium on the gel formation mechanism in mucilage as compared to model substances. The mucilage used was from chia seeds, as it is easily available in great quantity and has gel properties shared by root mucilage. Results reported here demonstrate that, while the gel formation mechanism of PGA relied on specific cross‐links with calcium and led to heterogeneous gels, low‐methoxy pectin (LMP) formed homogeneous calcium gels also characterized by nonspecific ionic interactions with calcium. On the contrary, despite similar uronic acid content to LMP, chia seed mucilage was mostly governed by weak electrostatic interactions between entangled polymer chains, which conferred the gel poor water retention. Addition of calcium reduced repulsion and molecular expansion, resulting in a reduction of the water content in chia seed mucilage. Finally, the discrepancies between PGA, LMP and chia seed mucilage discredit the use of PGA as model for chia seed mucilage. Comparison with root mucilage is still needed. This study offers the keys for further mechanistic understanding on the influence of mucilage on soil properties.  相似文献   
Objective— To evaluate use of pre‐tied ligating loop to perform thoracoscopic, large lung biopsy in normal and heaves‐affected horses. Study Design— Prospective clinical study. Animals— Normal (n=5) and heaves‐affected (n=6) horses. Methods— Lung biopsies, 1 from each hemithorax, were collected thoracoscopically using a pre‐tied ligating loop. Horses were either normal (C) or heaves‐affected with the latter being in remission (Ha) for the initial biopsy and in exacerbation (Hs) for the 2nd biopsy. Clinical variables, PaO2, and PaCO2 were used to determine the effect of surgical biopsy. Postoperative pneumothorax was monitored by serial thoracic radiographic examinations. Results— Thoracoscopic lung biopsy (n=29, 22 procedures) was well tolerated by all horses. Complication rate was 31%, including 8 ligature slippage and 1 pulmonary hemorrhage. Intranasal oxygen was administered intraoperatively to 6 horses (2 C, 1 Ha, 3 Hs) with severe hypoxemia or labored breathing. There was a significant decrease in PaO2 during surgery in horses not supplemented with oxygen. Postoperative pneumothorax (21/22 procedures) detected radiographically resolved within 3 weeks. Conclusion— Thoracoscopic lung biopsy using pre‐tied ligating loops was minimally invasive, relatively inexpensive, and fairly efficient. Heaves‐affected horses tolerated the surgery well, even when in exacerbation; however, the technique was associated with non life‐threatening complications in 31% of the biopsies, most of which required correction with additional ligating loops or more sophisticated instrumentation. Clinical Relevance— Using laparoscopic pre‐tied ligating loop for thoracoscopically‐assisted lung biopsy can be considered in horses with normal and impaired lung function but alternative instrumentation and access to intranasal oxygen must be available to the surgeon in case of complications.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to elaborate on the advantages and limits of computed tomography (CT) in the differentiation of thoracic lesions, in particular neoplasias. In the course of the investigation CT-scans of the thorax of 31 dogs with lesions in the area of the lungs or mediastinum were evaluated. The lesions were rated by morphology, distribution pattern, attenuation values and contrast-enhancement. Biopsies or the whole body underwent a pathohistological examination. Of the 31 dogs 17 had neoplastic and 14 had inflammatory lesions in the thoracic region. With help of the CT, the exact localisations of the different lesions was possible in most cases. Due to their characteristic morphologies, distribution patterns and attenuation values the differentiation between inflammatory and neoplastic lesions was possible in most cases (n=25/31) on the basis of the CT-scans. Mean non-enhanced CT attenuation values of the neoplastic lesions ranged between 31 and 50 HU, of the inflammatory lesions between -251 and 9 HU. Both neoplastic and inflammatory lesions showed contrast enhancement (between 14 and 38 HU and between 2 and 95 HU respectively). The mediastinal abcesses enhanced mainly on the periphery of the lesion. A differentiation of the various types of neoplastic lesions based on the non-enhanced attenuation values was not successful. Only metastasis could be differentiated because of their distribution pattern.  相似文献   
Agriculture intensification, marked by the generalization of crop monoculture, by the increase in plot size and by the reduction of plant diversity, has led to huge decline in wildlife in European farmlands. In such habitat, research has long been biased towards birds and invertebrates, while very few studies have investigated the effect on small mammals. Considering the European hamster, Cricetus cricetus, we therefore review the different techniques that can be used to investigate the impact of environmental changes and conservation measures in small and endangered wild mammals. We suggest that only a multidisciplinary approach will allow exploration of these effects, combining experimental laboratory work on captive‐bred animals with the monitoring of wild individuals. In particular, individual energy balance has to be investigated and measured as accurately as possible, through either biochemical or bio‐logging techniques. It is, indeed, the most affected physiological trait in a changing environment, as it determines both the reproductive output and the survival of the individual. We also discuss the inconvenience of capture–release approaches for such an endangered species and emphasize the disturbance that experimental protocols could impose on the hamster.  相似文献   
Marek’s disease virus (MDV) is a highly contagious herpesvirus which induces T-cell lymphoma in the chicken. This virus is still spreading in flocks despite forty years of vaccination, with important economical losses worldwide. The feather follicles, which anchor feathers into the skin and allow their morphogenesis, are considered as the unique source of MDV excretion, causing environmental contamination and disease transmission. Epithelial cells from the feather follicles are the only known cells in which high levels of infectious mature virions have been observed by transmission electron microscopy and from which cell-free infectious virions have been purified. Finally, feathers harvested on animals and dust are today considered excellent materials to monitor vaccination, spread of pathogenic viruses, and environmental contamination. This article reviews the current knowledge on MDV-skin interactions and discusses new approaches that could solve important issues in the future.  相似文献   
Background: Thrombelastography (TEG) is used to evaluate the viscoelastic properties of blood during clotting and provides a global assessment of hemostasis and clot lysis. TEG analysis initiated with recombinant human tissue factor (TF) has not been evaluated in clinically healthy horses. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine whether TEG results are affected by the time elapsed between sampling and analysis (storage time) of equine blood samples and to establish a preliminary equine reference interval for a modified TEG assay, using recombinant human TF to initiate coagulation. Methods: Citrated blood samples were obtained from 20 clinically healthy adult horses. Thirteen samples were stored for 30, 60, and 120 minutes at room temperature before TEG analysis. Coagulation was initiated by adding 20 μL of CaCl2 to 330 μL of blood and 10 μL of diluted recombinant TF for a final dilution of 1:3600. Reaction (R) and clotting (K) times, angle (α), and maximum amplitude (MA) were compared between time points. A preliminary reference interval (minimum–maximum values) was determined using data from all 20 horses after 30 minutes of sample storage. Results: There was a significant effect of storage time on R, K, and α but not MA. Reference intervals were: R, 3.65–6.4 minutes; K, 1.8–5.45 minutes; α, 33.4–66.2°; MA, 41.2–64.1 mm; lysis at 30 minutes post‐MA (LY30), <2.75%; and lysis at 60 minutes post‐MA (LY60), 1.55–9.5%. Conclusions: TEG can be performed on equine citrated blood samples using recombinant human TF to activate clot formation. TEG parameters were significantly affected by storage time, suggesting an incomplete inhibition of coagulation in citrated blood.  相似文献   
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