This work aimed to evaluate serum vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in 25 dogs with soft tissue sarcoma, and in 30 healthy dogs. Blood was collected once time from the control animals and three times, in the same way, from animals with sarcoma. Blood count was performed in the blood collected, and serum VEGF was measured by enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay quantitative method. Serum VEGF in control animals was similar to patients with soft tissue sarcoma. There was a reduction in serum VEGF after the sarcoma resection. There was positive correlation between serum VEGF and neutrophil counts, and negative between VEGF and hemoglobin content in animals with sarcoma. Animals with hemangiopericytoma showed higher serum VEGF levels compared to the patients with malignant peripheral nerve sheath. Circulating blood cells can contribute to elevate VEGF serum concentrations in dogs with soft tissue sarcomas and a possible role of VEGF in the angiogenesis of these tumors. 相似文献
The objective of this study was to study the morphological pattern of bone maturation of the hindlimb bones of Rhea americana and find out how it can affect bone morphology after a taphonomic process. Juvenile specimens (n = 10) ranging from one month old to eight months old were studied. For comparison, bones from adults and juveniles from museum specimens (n = 4 and n = 6, respectively) were studied. In fresh bones, ossification centres were identified in the proximal and distal epiphyses of the tibiotarsi and in the proximal epiphysis of the tarsometatarsi, whereas the distal region of the femora and tarsometatarsi showed abundance of cartilage. The development and extension of the ossification centres of the tibiotarsi were different. In the proximal epiphysis, the centre presented less development with respect to the distal epiphysis. In the dry tibiotarsi, the proximal centre was absent and the distal one was well preserved. Both the fresh and dry juvenile tarsometatarsi presented unfused metatarsals and bulkier and wider aspect than the adult ones. The dry femora presented a noticeable excavation between condyles, whereas the dry tarsometatarsi showed the absence of the proximal epiphysis. The femora, tibiotarsi and tarsometatarsi possessed different traits of immaturity, which differentially affect the morphology of the preserved bones during a taphonomic process. 相似文献
The objective of this study was to evaluate the production, consumption, and energy balance parameters of primiparous 3/4 and 7/8 Holstein × Gir (HG) dairy cows fed two diets of differing energy levels during the postpartum period. At the beginning of the study, 28 days prepartum, the average weight of both genetic groups was 498?±?12 kg and body condition score (BCS) was 3.5?±?0.05. At the end of the study, 61 days postpartum, the 3/4 HG cows had higher weight and body condition scores than the 7/8 HG (456?±?8 and 429?±?8 kg and 3.13?±?0.03 and 2.94?±?0.03 BCS for 3/4 HG and 7/8 HG, respectively). Milk from cows fed the high-energy diet had higher percentages of fat, protein, lactose, and total dry extract than cows fed the low-energy diet. Cows fed the high-energy diet had higher net energy intake (95.3?±?1.9 vs. 88.1?±?2.1 MJ/day) and higher energy balance (3.64?±?2.13 vs ??6.02?±?2.30 MJ/day). The 3/4 HG cows displayed higher energy for maintenance (33.1?±?0.4 MJ/day) than the 7/8 HG (31.5?±?0.5 MJ /day). In conclusion, although the primiparous 3/4 HG were heavier than the 7/8 HG and had a higher body condition score, no differences in milk produced up to 60 days postpartum were observed. The higher energy diet during the postpartum period increased energy balance, resulting in higher production of milk fat, protein, and lactose.
Two different wild duck species common in Chile and neighboring countries, Chiloe wigeon (Anas sibilatrix) and cinnamon teal (Anas cyanoptera), were intranasally inoculated with 10(6) mean embryo infective dose (EID50) of the H7N3 low pathogenicity (LP) avian influenza virus (AIV) (A/chicken/Chile/176822/02) or high pathogenicity (HP) AIV (A/chicken/Chile/ 184240-1/02), in order to study the infectivity and pathobiology of these viruses. None of the virus-inoculated ducks had clinical signs or died, but most seroconverted by 14 days postinoculation (DPI), indicating a productive virus infection. Both LPAIV and HPAIV were isolated from oral swabs from two of six Chiloe wigeons and from oral and/or cloacal swabs from all five of the cinnamon teal at 2 DPI. Both LPAIV and HPAIV were efficiently transmitted to cinnamon teal contacts but not to Chiloe wigeon contacts. This study demonstrates that the cinnamon teal and Chiloe wigeons were susceptible to infection with both Chilean H7N3 LPAIV and HPAIV, but only the cinnamon teal showed contact transmission of the virus between birds, suggesting that the cinnamon teal has the potential to be a reservoir for these viruses, especially the LPAIV, as was demonstrated in 2001 with isolation of a genetically related H7N3 LPAIV strain in a cinnamon teal in Bolivia. However, the definitive source of the H7N3 Chilean LPAIV still remains unknown. 相似文献
CTX‐M‐type extended‐spectrum β‐lactamase (ESBL)‐producing Enterobacteriaceae have become identified in marine ecosystem constituting a serious ecological issue. In this respect, although contamination of coastal waters and seafood, and even colonization of seabirds and fishes have been increasingly reported, molecular data are lacking to elucidate the clinical impact of ESBL producers in infected marine animals. In this study, using a genomic approach, we have analysed the genetic background of CTX‐M‐15‐producing Enterobacter hormaechei (belonging to the international human clone ST114) and Citrobacter freundii (ST265) co‐infecting a free‐living green turtle (Chelonia mydas) suffering from septic arthritis, which progressed to generalized coelomitis and death. Wide resistome of these pathogens contributed to treatment failure and death of the animal. 相似文献
The effect of exogenous amylase on the in vitro rumen digestion kinetics of whole-crop maize silage made from dent (RB9004) or flint grain type (RB9308) was evaluated at different phenological stages: soft dough (SOD), early dent (EAD), ½ milkline (½M) and ¾ milkline (¾M). Forage was harvested from 70 to 110 days after sowing. Two rumen-cannulated cows receiving or not exogenous amylase (0.7 g/kg dry matter—DM, provided to achieve 396 kilo Novo units of amylase activity/kg of TMR DM) were used as donor of ruminal fluid. The in vitro gas production kinetics was evaluated according to a dual-pool logistic model. The chemical composition and gas production kinetics were affected by the hybrid and phenological stages. The flint hybrid had lower range for chemical analysis among physiological stages. Harvesting at ½M and ¾M improved DM content, bromatological composition and silage quality parameters compared to dent or flint types. Amylase (i) increased methane (CH4) production and in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) in ½M stage, (ii) improved digestion kinetics by reducing lag time and increasing total gas production and fermentation rates of non-fibrous carbohydrates (NFC) and fibrous carbohydrates (FC), and (iii) increased extent and fermentation rate of NFC and increased fermentation rate of FC fraction in whole-crop maize silages produced from dent or flint types in all phenological stages. Harvesting between ½M and ¾M is the best phenological stage to improve chemical composition and silage quality parameters. Exogenous amylase showed improvements on fibre digestion of silages at ½M and ¾M phenological stages in both grain types of corn. 相似文献
Meloidogyne incognita is one of the most polyphagous species of root-knot nematodes occurring in Brazil and worldwide. Eight M. incognita isolates were studied, representing two enzymatic phenotypes (esterase and malate desydrogenase: I1/N1, I2/N1) and four cryptic Meloidogyne sp.1 (S2/N1) isolates, representing one cytological type (3n?=?40–46). Three M. hispanica isolates (Hi3/N1, 2n?=?32–36) and two of an atypical Meloidogyne sp.2 (S2a/N3, 3n?=?40–44) were included in this study for comparison. All isolates were tested with three M. incognita-specific molecular markers. The primer pairs B06F/R, miF/R and incK14F/R amplified three species-specific fragments of 1,200?bp, 955?bp and 399?bp, respectively for M. incognita and Meloidogyne sp.1 isolates. No amplification occurred in the M. hispanica and Meloidogyne sp.2 isolates, except with primers miF/R (1,650?bp). The genetic variability of the Meloidogyne spp. isolates was evaluated, using RAPD and ISSR markers. The phylogenetic analyses revealed two strongly supported monophyletic clades: clade I, consisting of M. hispanica and the atypical Meloidogyne sp.2 isolates, and clade II, clustering together all M. incognita and the Meloidogyne sp.1 isolates. Considering the biometrical, cytological and molecular approaches, it was possible to conclude that the isolates with three enzymatic phenotypes (I1/N1, I2/N1 and S2/N1) presented the characteristics described for M. incognita. Some correlations were detected between the isozymatic phenotypes and the tree topology (S2a/N3, Hi3/N1, I1/N1, S2/N1), but no strict correlation could be observed for the phenotype I2/N1 and one isolate of S2/N1. Morphologically, the Msp.2 isolates differ from M. incognita and M. hispanica by the female stylet features presenting straight cone tip and round pear shaped knobs, posteriorly sloping. The results of this study suggested that the Msp.2 isolates with phenotypes S2aN3 belong to a new or an unidentified species closely related to M. hispanica. 相似文献
Moniliophthora perniciosa is a fungus that causes witches?? broom disease (WBD) in the cacao tree (Theobroma cacao). The M. perniciosa genome contains different transposable elements; this prompted an evaluation of the use of its retrotransposons as molecular markers for population studies. The inter-retrotransposon amplified polymorphism (IRAP) and retrotransposon-microsatellite amplified polymorphism (REMAP) techniques were used to study the variability of 70?M. perniciosa isolates from different geographic origins and biotypes. A total of 43 loci was amplified. Cluster analysis of different geographical regions of C biotype revealed two large groups in the state of Bahia, Brazil. Techniques using retrotransposon-based molecular markers showed advantages over previously used molecular techniques for the study of genetic variability in M. perniciosa. 相似文献