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This study investigated the effects of myo‐inositol (MI) on the growth and antioxidant capacity of carp enterocytes. The enterocytes were incubated in media containing 0, 15, 30, 45, 60 and 75 mg MI L?1 for 96 h. The results indicated that MI could increase cell viability. In addition, the activities of cellular alkaline phosphatase (AKP), gamma‐glutamyl transpeptidase (γ‐GT), Na+, K+‐adenosine trisphosphatase (Na+, K+‐ATPase) and creatinkinase (CK) increased with MI supplementation at levels ranging from 15 to 60 mg MI L?1 medium, indicating an improvement in cell differentiation and function. Further, enzymatic antioxidant ability, as measured by total superoxide dismutase (T‐SOD), Cu/Zn‐SOD, Mn‐SOD, catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and glutathione‐S‐transferase (GST) activities, improved with MI supplementation. Finally, cell damage, as indicated by lactic acid dehydrogenase (LDH) activity, malondialdehyde (MDA) content of the medium and cellular protein carbonyls (PC), was all depressed by MI. Correlation analyses showed that cell viability (MTT) was positively related to the antioxidant enzyme activities, but negatively related to cell damage (LDH, MDA and PC). In summary, the data showed that MI could improve the growth of fish enterocytes. This result may be partly due to the enhanced antioxidant status and depressed oxidative damage.  相似文献   
依据我国主要畜产品产量和消费情况,确定对奶牛、肉牛、猪、蛋禽和肉禽5大家畜种类展开生产机械化水平评价研究,并在江苏、山东、河北、四川、黑龙江和内蒙古5大畜牧省份实施调研.通过调查数据分析,根据饲养各环节实际用工量大小筛选重点、关键环节并分配权重,进而提出畜牧业机械化水平评价标准.实证表明,我国畜牧业机械化水平有待于进一步提升.  相似文献   
纤维素酶水解技术在大型秸秆沼气工程中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘乃刚 《农业工程》2013,3(5):64-67
随着经济的迅速发展,环境和资源面临着前所未有的严峻形势,而农作物秸秆发酵制沼气为解决环境污染和开辟新的能源提供了重要途径。在分析国内秸秆沼气利用现状的基础之上,通过利用纤维素酶水解技术对农作物秸秆沼气发酵技术与国内现有秸秆发酵技术进行比较,得出利用纤维素酶水解技术不仅发挥秸秆的产沼潜能,同时缩短水力停留时间,减小建设规模,缩减工程总体投资。纤维素酶水解技术在农作物秸秆沼气发酵上的应用,是一种解决秸秆发酵的简便途径。同时,对中国秸秆沼气发展的潜力及其前景进行了探讨。   相似文献   
湖南省衡东县杂交晚稻最佳施肥量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过测土配方施肥对丰源优272的试验数据分析得出,N、P、K对其经济性状都有不同程度的影响,以P增产效应较大,N相对略低,K次之。最佳施肥量为46%尿素298.5 kghm2、12%过磷酸钙312.0 kghm2、60%氯化钾82.5 kghm2,其产量为7 707.0 kghm2,为衡东县水稻生产提供了测土配方施肥的技术依据。   相似文献   
Ustilaginoidea virens (Uv), the causative agent of rice false smut disease, infects developing rice spikelets at the booting stage, and transforms individual grains of the panicle into smut balls. Epidemics of the disease occur when the rice booting and heading stages coincide with rainy days. Using a green fluorescent protein (GFP)‐labelled Uv isolate that can form false smut balls on rice panicles, it was found that under high humidity and free water conditions the Uv isolate could colonize leaves of plants belonging to various families including the Poaceae (Oryza sativa, Echinochloa crusgalli, Digitaria sanguinalis and Leptochloa chinensis), the Brassicaceae (Arabidopsis thaliana) and the Solanaceae (Nicotiana benthamiana) without symptoms. Over several days, some conidia could germinate on the leaves of these plants and in water on the surface of Parafilm and cellophane, form hyphae and differentiate conidiophores to generate a large number of secondary conidia, while other conidia were able to directly produce secondary conidia. Conversely, in the absence of water some conidia could either bud to form new conidia or were converted into chlamydospores. These data indicate that Uv is one of a few fungal pathogens reported to have epiphytic characteristics. The rapid generation of a large number of spores on biotic and abiotic surfaces greatly increases the inoculum that can infect rice spikelets, resulting in the occurrence of rice false smut disease epidemics. These findings are important in the development of disease control strategies.  相似文献   
Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV) is one of the latent viruses that occur in apple orchards worldwide but usually without visible symptoms. In 2010–2012, a total of 550 apple leaf samples from 12 different major apple-producing areas in Shaanxi, China, were tested by serological assay for ACLSV; the results revealed an infection level of 51.5 %. Because of the known variability in the putative amino acid sequences of the coat protein (CP), and thus the potential for non-detection by serological assay, the molecular variability of isolates of ACLSV collected in Shaanxi was analyzed using PCR and compared with isolates from the rest of the world. Sequences of 504 nt corresponding to 87 % of the CP gene of 12 isolates were acquired by RT-PCR and deposited in GenBank with the accession numbers KF134387–KF134298. Comparisons of the partial CP gene sequences of these 12 isolates as well as isolates previously reported in the world revealed the pairwise identities ranging from 68.9–99.8 % and 73.8–100 % at the nucleotide and amino acid level, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis based on these nucleotide sequences showed that the 72 isolates deposited in GenBank fell into three groups (P205, B6 and Ta Tao 5 Group). Our 12 ACLSV isolates were separated into the P205 and B6 groups, respectively. Multiple alignment analysis of the amino acid sequences of CP revealed that there was a combination of six amino acids at positions 40, 59, 75, 86, 130 and 184 in isolates from each group that could be used to distinguish among the three groups. Two recombination events were identified from all isolates by recombination analysis, and three ACLSV isolates collected in this study participated in these two events. Our results show that molecular variation was present in isolates of ACLSV collected in Shaanxi province and this may reflect introductions of the virus associated with different sources of germplasm.  相似文献   
Five keratin-associated protein 6 genes (KRTAP6) have been identified in sheep and variation in some KRTAP6 has been associated with wool fiber diameter-related traits, but none of these homologues have been identified in goats. In this study, we reported the identification of the sheep KRTAP6-5 homologue on goat chromosome 1 and polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-single strand conformation polymorphism analysis in 300 Longdong cashmere goats revealed the existence of 12 variant sequences. Both coding region and 3′UTR of the putative caprine KRTAP6-5 displayed a biggest sequence similarity to ovine KRTAP6-5 gene. This suggested that the gene represents caprine KRTAP6-5 sequences, and these sequences composed 23 genotypes, which was the most polymorphism gene in KRTAPs that have been studied. Among these sequences, 15 nucleotide substitutions and a 24-bp insertion/detection were identified. Variation in goat KRTAP6-5 was associated with variation in mean-fiber diameter, suggesting that KRTAP6-5 is worthy of further study in the context of variation in cashmere traits.  相似文献   
分析了通过利用结构形体布置天然采光、自然通风、布置设备设施等非空间性功能要求;并阐述了影响结构形式或结构几何形体的确定条件。  相似文献   
优质香稻松粳香1号选育及关键栽培技术   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
刘会 《中国稻米》2010,16(5):66-67
松粳香1号是黑龙江省农科院五常水稻所育成的香稻品种,适合在黑龙江省第一积温区种植,具有优质、高产、抗病、抗倒伏等特点。全生育期145 d,需活动积温2 750℃。两年区域试验平均产量7 949.0 kg/hm2,生产试验平均产量8 258.0 kg/hm2。  相似文献   
花生地喜旱莲子草防除方法比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摘 要:喜旱莲子草 (Alternan Thera philoxeroides Griseb)是一种生物入侵恶性杂草,已成为我国特别是南方省份花生生产中急待解决的草害问题。本试验通过比较熏蒸除草(FWCN)、化学防治(CW)、人工除草(MW)和不除草(NW)4种防治方法的效果,试图找出控制喜旱莲子草的生态安全有效方法。结果表明,1)熏蒸除草在苗期前30d内防效最高,且碳酸氢氨作为氮肥能有效促进花生苗期生长,增高叶绿素含量(SPAD值),相对安全、环保,后期防效略有下降;2)化学防治和人工除草对喜旱莲子草防治效果较稳定,然而化学药剂残留可能对环境有影响,且操作不慎易伤害花生,人工除草则人力资源消耗大,只适合人多地少的地区。  相似文献   
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