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Since the International Society of Veterinary Acupuncture (IVAS) was founded in 1974, acupuncture (AP) has received greater acceptance by veterinary professionals throughout the world. This article introduces some important animal diseases that respond well to AP therapy. These include resuscitation of small animals, treatment of anoestrous gilts and sows, bovine reproductive disease, canine vertebral problems and equine backpain, etc. Conventional medicine considers these to be difficult cases to treat. Veterinarians have become more aware of the benefits of AP especially for those diseases, thanks to the efforts of experienced practitioners and scientists, and the many published reports on veterinary AP that have introduced some good indications for AP therapy in veterinary practice. Possible mechanisms behind the effectiveness of AP are discussed. This article aims to introduce veterinarians to good indications for AP to initiate their interest in the practice of AP. Although this is a rapidly expanding field, a long march must begin with one step. We wish this article to be the shoes for such a march. For more information on veterinary AP, contact IVAS , P.O. Box 1478, Longmont, CO.. 80502, USA (http://www.ivas.org), or your national veterinary acupuncture society (http://www.komvet.at/ ivadkom/vapsocs.htm).  相似文献   
A persistent study on soft coral Sarcophyton tortuosum resulted in the characterization of two new cembranolides, tortuolides A and B (1 and 2), and a new related diterpene, epi-sarcophytonolide Q. Their structures were determined not only by extensive spectroscopic analysis but also by DFT calculations of ECD and NMR data, the latter of which was combined with statistical analysis methods, e.g., DP4+ and J-DP4 approaches. Anti-inflammatory and cytotoxicity activities were evaluated in this study.  相似文献   
1,6-Hexamethylenediamine (HMDA) is utilized to synthesize copolyimides based on bisphenol-A dianhydride and 4,4-oxydianiline or 1,4-bis(4-aminophenoxy) benzene. The purpose of this study is to modify the processability of aromatic polyimides for textile processing and melt property requirements. Polyimides containing an aliphatic HMDA are synthesized via random and block copolymerizations. Variations in the aliphatic content produce a series of polyimides that have different thermal stability, mechanical properties, and processing characteristics. Based on the results, polyimides synthesized with 25 % HMDA have better mechanical properties compared to other contents of HMDA, and block copolyimides have better processability with higher melt index than random copolymers.  相似文献   
A colony of cats affected with hypertrophic feline muscular dystrophy was used to study the occurrence of cardiomyopathy associated with dystrophin deficiency. Affected male and female cats, obligate carrier females, and unaffected healthy littermates were followed from 12 weeks of age into adulthood. Thoracic radiography, 2-D echocardiography, and 2-D-derived M-mode echocardiography were performed at 3-month intervals until 12 months of age and regularly thereafter. From 9 months of age, all affected cats had larger hearts than normal and carrier animals. Left ventricular wall thickness in systole and in diastole and interventricular septal thickness in systole were greater in affected cats 12 months and older when compared with normal or heterozygous animals (P < .05). The myocardium of affected cats was diffusely hypoechoic and thickened. Multiple hyperechoic foci were in the myocardium and papillary musculature. Shortening fraction was normal in all cats. Changes seen in carrier females included enlargement and hyperechogenicity of the papillary musculature after the age of 2 years. Gross and light microscopic examination revealed left ventricular wall thickening with multiple foci of mineralization in 2 of 5 hearts from dystrophin-deficient cats. Although approximately 10% of the normal dystrophin amount was present in the skeletal muscle, dystrophin could not be detected in the myocardium. Early onset concentric myocardial hypertrophy was present in all adult cats. Lesions were mainly localized in the myocardium of the left ventricular free wall and interventricular septum, papillary musculature, and the endocardium. Clinical signs of heart failure developed only infrequently in cats with hypertrophic feline muscular dystrophy.  相似文献   
耿岗 《中国畜牧兽医》2012,39(10):203-205
猪流行性腹泻是对养猪业危害较大的一种疾病,导致腹泻的原因多种多样,给临床诊断带来了困难。本研究将套式PCR技术成功应用于猪流行性腹泻临床病例的快速诊断中,旨在为猪流行性腹泻临床病例的快速鉴别诊断提供一种新的思路。  相似文献   
乳腺肿瘤是母犬最为常见的一类疾病,老龄母犬多见,公犬少见。美国的一项调查发现,乳腺肿瘤占犬类所有肿瘤的13.4%,而这些肿瘤有41.7名发生于未节育的母犬。据统计,纯种犬发病率高于杂种犬。肿瘤中恶性肿瘤约占40%。  相似文献   
实践已证明,在犬群中只有约二十分之一的犬适宜作为缉毒犬,因为本身的自然素质及心理素质存在着一定的差异,犬的潜能也是有区别的.好的受训犬能节省训犬员训练时间,提高训练成功率及训犬员的信心,更好地为人民服务.  相似文献   
达乌尔黄鼠肛腺组织解剖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
达乌尔黄鼠Citellus dauricus具有三个肛腺,位于肛门与直肠之间的粘膜下层,肛腺深约6-7mm,三个肛腺的圆形开口呈倒三角形排列于肛周内侧,平时不现,在受外界剌激时。肛门外翻露出三个肛腺的开口。腺体由两种腺泡群组成:一种由大量的皮脂聚合而成,排列在肛囊底产;一种由大量的顶浆分泌型汗腺聚合而成,分布于皮脂腺群的外围。  相似文献   
为了研究茬次和一天内不同收获时间对紫花苜蓿青贮饲料品质的影响,并进一步评价其饲用价值,本试验采用双因素设计,两茬紫花苜蓿于现蕾期同一天08:00(AM),13:00(M)和18:00(PM)刈割并调制青贮饲料,室温下保存45 d后,取样分析并采用体外发酵法评价其饲用价值。结果表明,第1茬紫花苜蓿青贮饲料的相对饲喂价值(relative feed value,RFV),干物质体外消化率(in vitro dry matter digestibility,IVDMD)及体外发酵挥发性脂肪酸(volatile fatty acids,VFA)、产气量均显著高于第2茬(P<0.05)。下午收获的紫花苜蓿青贮饲料有更高的干物质(dry matter,DM)含量及IVDMD (P<0.05)。因此,在实践生产中,要抓好第1茬的苜蓿生产,推迟刈割时间至中午或下午,可获得更高品质的紫花苜蓿青贮饲料。  相似文献   
澳大利亚的动物健康维护体系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
澳大利亚是畜牧业大国,也是世界上牲畜保健工作做得最好的国家之一,迄今尚未发生疯牛病等牲畜传染病.虽然地理条件有利于澳大利亚免受动物传染病的影响,但更重要的是,澳大利亚有一套完整的动物健康维护体系,这一体系是该国动物健康状况良好的根本保障,也是兽疫防控最根本的机制.……  相似文献   
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